

He then ran back to the yard: "Dr. Banner's name is written in Banner's yard."

Hulk opened the door: "I said it! No Banner!"

He had trouble keeping his sanity under anger, and anger made him: impatient, but also tough.

I saw Hulk raised two huge fists and smashed them in the direction of Ant-Man.

Scott was startled, but his body subconsciously dodged to the side. He rolled over and avoided Hulk's fist. The hammer-like fists hit the ground, causing a flutter of fallen leaves, and finally hit the ground. leave a hole in it.

"No Banner!"

Hulk panted and shouted, "No Banner, only Hulk!"

Scott's thoughts ran fast, and he found Hulk, a green monster that was mutated by gamma ray radiation.

"Oh! Oh! It was Hulk first.

It really couldn't be better."

Scott nimbly avoided Hulk's fist, and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "To be honest, I'm here to find you."

"Oh you didn't come looking for that... Banner's?"

Hulk said, but stopped.

Scott snorted: "It was originally like this, but who would pin their hopes on a physics student? Of course, you are my best friend, Hulk."

Hulk's anger finally subsided. He panted heavily, bowed his waist and looked down at Scott: "Then do you like Hulk or Banner?"

"The Hulk of course,"

He jumped twice and walked into the house: "Banner is really annoying.

Great, I still prefer the Hulk, my mate—let's go in and talk."

Hulk walked into the house with his legs open, he was really huge, and Scott was too small, so Hulk caught up with Scott in one step, and even went further ahead.

"Watch out, watch out for my Hulk."

Scott jumped up and down nimbly: "You almost stepped on me."

"The Hulk didn't do it on purpose."

Hulk sat down on the huge sofa with wine bottles scattered on the ground.

"Yeah, I know."

Scott looked around, and finally returned to normal from his Ant-Man form.


Hulk exclaimed, "Hulk can get bigger too."

"Of course, but the Hulk became: the bigger the stronger, and I the smaller the stronger."

Scott decided not to discuss that with the Hulk any more...and no: "Listen, Hulk, I'd love to have your help, and it would be great if you would. "


Hulk handed Scott a barrel of wine: "Scott and Hulk are friends, and Hulk likes to help friends!"

"This is good!"

Scott looked a little excited.

"I've been: trying to restore Ava's health with the energy of quantum particles, but now we have a common enemy and my blocker, the Hulk"

The Hulk is still there: drinking on his own.

Scott reluctantly turned into a small form of Ant-Man, and jumped a few steps to Hulk's hand.

Now Hulk's attention finally focused on Scott, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Oh, Scott, you're getting smaller again."

"Hulk! Are you a hero?"

Scott pressed.

"of course,"

Hulk banged his chest with his free hand: "Hulk is a hero."

"Then now is the time to save everyone,"

With Hulk in the palm of his hand, Scott couldn't persuade Banner, who became the Hulk, in a rational way, but he could use aggression to make Hulk achieve his goals.

"Thanos has a plan that is not good for the whole universe. Now he wants to find six Infinity Stones, and then use the power of the gems to destroy the world."

"Destroy the World"

"Yes, everything you like, your friends will be killed by Thanos."

"Do not!"

Hulk suddenly stood up from the sofa, and Scott was even dodged by him, and quickly hugged Hulk's fingers.

When Hulk thought of the scene in Scott's mouth, he became extremely angry: "Hulk does not allow destruction!"

"None of us want that,"

Scott's heart heated up: "So Hulk, we hope you can help us defeat our common enemy."

"The Hulk will beat him."

The Hulk gently placed Scott on the ground.

The next moment, he rushed out in the direction of the door.

"The Hulk will not allow friends to be destroyed!"

"and many more...!"

Scott hurriedly ran after him and stopped the Hulk before he got into trouble.

"You can't fight alone like this. That... The Titan named Thanos leads a large group of fans."

"What to do with the Hulk"

"We're going to find someone,"

Scott smiled: "Go to the Riken team."

Chapter 202 Fighting Dormammu2100 words

Chapter 202 Battle against Dormammu 210 words The dark dimension is desolate like a dead place.

It is shrouded in long darkness, even the stars and the moon seem to be gray.

Li Yang and Xingjue set foot on this land.


Star-Lord shook his head a little uncomfortably, even someone like him who traveled between the stars and the universe for a long time could not bear the darkness and death in the dark dimension, and directly taught Quill to get goosebumps all over.

"When I go back this time, I must have a good sunbathing in the sun..."

"Me too."

Li Yang strangely agreed.

"We sneaked through here and down to the void.

If we are careful enough, we might be able to avoid a war and save a lot of time."

"Maybe will."

Li Yang nodded slightly, but looked around the surrounding environment with extreme alertness: "But we also have to be prepared to be discovered, maybe we have to go through a fierce battle and we can't say for sure."

"Bah bah bah!"

Quill complained dissatisfiedly: "Don't do this, I don't want to face Dormammu in a place like the dark maintenance."

"Don't be afraid, follow Star Lord's command, I promise we can leave here safe and sound."

Li Yang was suddenly silent, and the next moment, Quill raised his gun suddenly.

"Oh, let me see which guests are coming"

Strange voices sounded all around, Li Yang and Quill were back to back in defense.

"It's Dormammu"

Quill asked quietly.

"I'm afraid so."

Li Yang's tone also became heavy.

"damn it,"

Quill couldn't help cursing, "Dormammu in the dark dimension, isn't that an existence like a hang-up?"

The flame suddenly ignited in front of him, and Quill was taken aback, the gun clenched in his hand: aimed at the figure slowly emerging from the flame in front of him.

Dormammu's figure appeared in front of Star-Lord, and the next moment, Star-Lord subconsciously fired, but the bullet passed through Dormammu's body and shot straight into the dead tree trunk behind Dormammu.

What Quill was simply stunned.

The figure of Dormammu immediately disappeared in front of Quill, and appeared not far away the next second.

The one who stood in front of Quill just now and was hit by Quill was just an afterimage left by Dormammu's rapid movement! However, when Li Yang and Quill really faced this formidable enemy, their hearts were still tight.

"who are you"

Dormammu made a strange sound.

Quill rolled his eyes and smiled at Dormammu in a relaxed posture: "So nervous, we're just passing by, it's really disturbing, we'll leave now."


Only to hear Dormammu sneer: "Two clever little bugs."

Li Yang's expression became cold. Of course, Quill never thought that he would deceive Dormam so easily. I saw Quill swooped over and kicked Dommam in the middle. The empty hand took out a short knife and stabbed it straight at Dormammu's neck.

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