But he saw that Peter Parker's spider silk seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and wrapped around his hands in an instant. Peter Parker jumped up in the other direction, and the spider silk was manipulated to climb up the arm of Red Skull. The skeleton had to have its arms cut off.

Just when the Red Skull was under control, the war machine took the opportunity to attack, and Baron Strucker hurriedly chased after him to make up for it, but he still let the war machine succeed.

The next moment, Baron Strucker's death spore virus was released again, and Peter Parker and the war machine had to retreat.

"Peter Parker, James.


Red Skull supported his severely injured left arm, and his face with a skull mask that could not be taken off looked even more sinister under his vicious demeanor.

"Yes, I'm here,"

Peter Parker shrugged: "It's a shame that you know my name. I'm not at all honored."

Spider-Man looked at the war machine beside him: "Can I do it all over again and pretend I didn't hear them?"

War Machine laughed, and the laughter seemed dull under the armor: "Of course, or we have a better choice,"

James replaced the barrel on his right arm with a long, sharp knife whose workmanship did not even belong to any material on earth.

"Oh, so cool!"

Peter Parker.

"I want a weapon like this too, I wonder if Mr. Stark is willing to help."

"Then we will ask Stark for it after we go back,"

The weapon took an attacking posture, sharpened its knives, and aimed at the Red Skull and Strucker on the opposite side. "What we have to do now is to... destroy these two little bugs, and by the way, destroy the one behind them... Nine Heads. insect."

Baron Strucker has a very strong physique, and ordinary weapons can't even attack him at all. Even if he is injured, he can quickly recover under the treatment of death spores, but if he cuts off his hands and feet, or directly cuts off Baron Strucker. No matter how powerful the opponent's recovery ability is, it is useless.


War Machine signaled.

"Yes, Mr. James."

Peter Parker jumped up, he pressed the spider silk launcher in his hand, and the tough spider silk shot out, wrapping around the abandoned billboard, Spider-Man pulled it hard, and the billboard was driven by the spider silk and fell down.

I saw Peter Parker pick up the billboard and swept towards the Red Skull and Baron Strucker.

The Red Skull dodged as usual, but Baron Strucker directly caught it. At this time, the blade of the war machine also approached him.

The sharp blade pierced Baron Straker's skin in an instant, and a blood line splashed, Baron Straker hurriedly retreated.


Peter Parker rushed up, blocked his escape route, and joked at the war machine: "This is not good."

In the blink of an eye, the wound on Baron Strucker's body stopped bleeding and recovered into a shallow mark.

"Don't worry, next time I cut off his neck!"

Peter Parker shot the spider silk and wrapped it around Baron Strucker's right hand, and then he dodged in another direction, tying Baron Strucker a few times, and the war machine took advantage of this opportunity to slash it.

Just when Baron Strucker could not move, the Red Skull attacked.

Red Skull hid his figure and sneaked behind Peter Parker, but he forgot Spider-Man's spider sense.

Peter Parker sensed the existence of danger, and a hand under the sky shot a dense cobweb diagonally behind, instantly catching the red skull that rushed over.

And the knife in War Machine's hand kept on looking at Baron Strucker's neck in one breath! Baron Strucker shouted, and the dead spore virus was forced out again, but the war machine did not retreat, but rushed forward, facing the spore virus. , Even if he is injured, he will cut off this Baron Strucker.

Just at this critical moment, Baron Strucker broke free from the spider silk, and his body tilted, and the blade of the war machine fell on Baron Strucker's arm.

Just listening to Baron Strucker's scream, the war machine actually cut off one of Baron Strucker's arm.


Seeing that Baron Strucker was about to flee, Peter Parker quickly shot the spider silk and bound Baron Strucker.

"This is really not a small gain, let's just keep them in one go!"

The war machine swung the knife again, but at this moment, the Red Skull, who was trapped by the cobwebs, had already broken free, and he released the dust of death.

Peter Parker and the war machine dodged one after another, and saw Red Skull drop a bomb on the ground.

The explosion caused huge smoke and dust, and the smoke covered the eyes of Spider-Man and War Machine. When the smoke dissipated, Red Skull and Baron Strucker disappeared as expected.

Peter Parker, who remained in the distance, and the war machine exchanged glances, they did not let go of the enemy's regret or pity, but raised their fists and touched each other.

I saw Spider-Man pull out an extremely tiny tracker.

"This is good,"

War Machine laughed: "Soon, we will be able to find the stronghold of Hydra."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 207 Mutants

Chapter 207 The mutants, Canada's New Xavier School for the Gifted.

There was an occasional bird call or two deep in the quiet forest path, and no one would think that this was a special place, much less that it was the seat of one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

And whenever the morning begins, with the ringing of the bell, the little-known academy in the depths of the trail truly wakes up.

"Today, the mutants are able to form a cohesive whole, please don't forget, it is because of our unity.

The earliest mutants we know of so far are En.


Nur, also known as Apocalypse, was the ruler of Egypt at that time and possessed extremely powerful strength.

But because of the brutality of his rule, he was overthrown by the Egyptian people at that time, so we must also remember that he cannot be a beast with only power.

So control our power, and never be controlled by our power."

On one side of the desk, the professor is teaching a new group of students.

The wounds left by the battle with Magneto three years ago have almost healed, and he has once again become the beloved principal.

"However, if we don't have more outbreaks, how can we develop our greatest strength?"

The person who asked this question was Li Qianhuan from the Celestial Dynasty.

It seems that she is very young, only about 17 years old, but in fact her age is almost the same as Cyclops and others, and what is even more terrifying is her strength.

"Why develop more power, isn't it good to have more peace like now?"

The voice against Li Qianhuan came from Laura on the other side.

Ginny, and she is... the girl Logan saved a few years ago 2.

But her real name is rarely dated, more of her is called Little Wolverine, but on the contrary, she likes this peaceful and quiet place very much, rather than the ones she has experienced with Logan in the past.... ......

"Student Laura is right, everyone loves peace, not fighting with others."

Professor is very happy that someone can answer this question, you must know that decades ago, everyone, including Qin, who had not changed at the time, did not say this......

"But what if someone hurts us"

Angel Warren He is wearing a special suit.

Of course, this can't cover up his wings, but it can't compare to the rumor about him that he participated in the war that changed the future of mutants three years ago.

"Then we will definitely fight back against them."

This question is asked by the team vice-captain "Storm Girl"

Answered, and she came back with her captain Cyclops, Colossus, Poppy the Iceman and Anna the Rakshasa.

"Okay, classmates, let's go here first for today's class, I'll see you."

Shuo glanced at them and knew that the team that returned early had encountered some big trouble, "The situation in Egypt was caused by Apocalypse. Shuo looked at Cyclops, his brows furrowed, but his heart could not be calm, for three months. He has seldom rested since the first survey of Egypt's huge energy fluctuations.

"Yes, the sealed scriptures that Qin gave him at the beginning have gradually weakened. It is very likely that he woke up in the past few days, but I don't understand why he should continue to sleep and accumulate strength. Why did he decide to wake up so early."

Cyclops had actually guessed the result before he went, but the questions he didn't understand did not diminish with the survey.

"No matter what the reason, his appearance, it will be an extraordinary disaster."

After the professor finished speaking, he felt even more nervous. What he could never forget was... the war decades ago, and now they have the power to seal him again.

"One more thing, the government's wanted list for most of us has been lifted, and I think the gap between us and the government should have narrowed."

The Rakshasa girl said, and at the same time she also looked at the teacher expectantly.

"Our wanted should have been cancelled three years ago, and why haven't Lingdie, Qin and White Queen's wanted been cancelled now, they have already left Magneto."

Bobby said angrily, turned his head to the side again, and said to Anna: "And don't forget, 4 years ago, the words that the... Vice President said, these words are still fresh in my memory."

After listening to the ice man's words, everyone's face sank, yes, the remarks that the former vice-president of 4 preached that all mutants are guilty, and the subsequent actions of the geisha have caused great persecution of mutants.

That didn't change until the battle with Magneto in Washington three years ago, but until now many of them are still wanted.

"We should never lose sight of the goodness in everyone's heart, and it is because of it and not our innate ability that we have survived to this day."

Professor understands that many people have this idea, but he also doesn't want to have too rigid relations with humans.

"Well, there's another thing."

Colossus on the side took the opportunity to speak, and Cyclops on the side also turned his head to look at the professor.

"It's Qin who's coming back."

The professor said that in fact, he had sensed that extremely powerful force as early as half a month ago.

"Yes, but."

Storm hesitated for a moment, then said, "She's with Thanos now."

"Thinking about it, it seems that her body has been occupied by that soul."

Shu closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"No, I can feel her, still there."

Cyclops said, but his words were extremely weak.

"I just received news that the Lijian team will send Logan to discuss cooperation with me."

The professor said suddenly.

"Storm, what do you think about this."

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