Jarvis said, this made Stark choked on the side, and then asked: "What's the specific situation, what's wrong with him now."

"I didn't find anything similar to that... life form, and it looks like it's eroding that person's bodily functions, and soon he'll mutate."

Jarvis said.

"I don't think there's anything strange about him, and he doesn't have the situation of being controlled by a living body part of his body functions as you said."

He looked at the man who seemed to have gotten better and asked further, but at the same time he believed very much in this artificial intelligence program designed by him.

"That's because you can only see the surface of his body, but not the inside of his body, which you can see with a pair of glasses."

When Jarvis finished speaking, a lens popped up on his watch.

Stark turned around and installed the lens on the frame he was carrying with him. After putting it on, he looked at the one again... The pain has gradually eased.

The man standing on the ground saw a mass of black substance inside his body that was eroding every part of his organs.

When Stark looked at the man, he found that he had disappeared, and suddenly a heavy punch came from behind Stark, and Stark couldn't help spitting out a blood donation, Jarvis.



Stark stepped back immediately, turned around, and saw that the smart bracelets worn by Stark's hands and feet were constantly unfolding the armor - the seventh generation of Mark's armor."

"And when he was about to fight against the huge black human monster in front of him, a huge amount of information poured in, and Stark suddenly said in astonishment: "Are you Venom?"

The autumn rain comes, as if the clouds are weeping, the wind is weeping, and all things on earth are in mourning.

That kind of... bleak taste is self-evident.

The scenery is still the same, the wind and rain are knocking on the window, and the past is vivid, the old man has gone, how melancholy it should be.

The silent cloud layer once again spit out a dazzling to tragic fire, and the explosion of thunder sounded, echoing in the mountains for a long time.

Wait for the thunder to stop.

Another slender sawtooth-shaped electric light plunged straight down like a sword from the lower part of the head, and its front end was not hidden in the thick black cloud.

Instead, it turned into a terrifying and scorching electric spark that quickly shot directly toward the ground, and before my eyes, the thick electric light hit a viaduct in front of the bus that was about to pass through, and it contacted the concrete wall and burst into countless bursts. of Mars.

For a moment, lightning flashed, here and there, and there was a fear of people, and the thunder rumbled like an explosion.

It's like unveiling the logo and prelude of Xinshida.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 233 Going to the Middle East2061 words

Chapter 233 Go to the Middle East 206 The reactor in the quiet lake reflects the golden light of the red flames, slowly paddling to the other side of the Garden of Eden, and the calm water ripples to the surrounding, and finally dissipates on the clear lake.

Finding a person in this ghost place in the Middle East is extremely difficult.

I guess most of the time is spent on finding people.

"It's not too bad, with my help, you should be able to resolve this matter quickly."

Li Yang spoke up.

"You're also good at finding people"

Stark was a little surprised.

"Of course, the symbiote cannot exist alone for too long, so it must find a host within a certain period of time, otherwise, it will die.

To adapt to this, symbionts have learned how to quickly find living things."

Li Yang casually said nonsense.

It's just an explanation for myself to know where the grant is being held. Although Venom really has this function, it is very weak.

After all, on the planet where the Venom Symbiote lives, the Symbiote can survive on its own without attaching to other people.

"Suddenly found that you have quite a lot of ability."

Stark sighed with emotion and without delay, he stopped a car and headed to New York Airport.

As for the fare, it must be S.H.I.E.L.D.



I'm not afraid of the agent's rebellion to Hydra when I go on a mission and pay myself. Soon, Stark got off the taxi, and there were already people waiting here in front of the airport.

It was Colson, Nick's most trusted subordinate.

"Sorry, Ms. Stark disturbed your vacation, but the matter of Stark being attacked by terrorists is very important, and you must be asked to find the professor."

Coulson said with a serious look.

"Of course, I only hope that Director Fury can compensate for my vacation. During the vacation, I had two assignments, which should be included in the overtime pay."

Stark half-joked.

"Of course, I believe that Director Fury will not be stingy."

Colson smiled.

The two hurriedly walked towards the airport. A high-tech plane was parked in the airport. There were many agents sitting in the cabin. It was obvious that Nick Fury valued this matter.

And among these agents, there is an acquaintance of Stark.

Agent Hawkeye, Patton.

Nick Fury's most loyal subordinate.

"Barton, you also seem to think that Commissioner Fury attaches great importance to this task of finding a playboy."

Stark was surprised.

She thought she was the only agent of her level, but Nick Fury sent Hawkeye Patton too.

For.. Playboy Professor Stark, she didn't catch a cold, after all, a woman doesn't like this kind of playboy, of course, some women like his money.

The professor also knows these..., so, one gives money, the other.

"There's no way, you know how to teach."

Barton said helplessly.

This kind of task is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive, but who will grant Stark to the... country and to... S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The significance of the weapons he has developed makes the country ahead of the world and exists as a strategic resource, but it is impossible for the country to let professors work for others and develop weapons for others.

What's more, S.H.I.E.L.D.


One of the founders of ... is ... the father of the professor, who is in love with S.H.I.E.L.D.


....to take care of Grant Stark.

Therefore, it seems normal to send two of their experienced top agents to perform tasks together.

"When the time comes, I want to do it alone."

Stark nodded and said.

"It's dangerous to go it alone, Chief Fury told us, we just need to find the trace of the professor and let the military people solve it."

Hawkeye Barton said with a frown.

This is also why, after escaping from these terrorists, Shu fell to the ground, and the military came to pick him up not long after he walked.

"I have my plans."

Stark said lightly.

She wanted to test how strong her own strength was. The protection of the venom suit could make her not afraid of bullets at all, and she had never fully exerted the power that Li Yang brought her.

Now, these... terrorists are... a testing ground, just to vent her depression recently.

Hawkeye heard the words, and didn't say much, as a special agent for so long, he already knew what to know and what not to know.

It's not the character of an agent to get to the bottom of things.

From the US to the Middle East, even S.H.I.E.L.D.


The technology of .... is very black technology, but it also takes seven or eight hours,,, and the most important thing is that it needs to be reversed: the time difference.

However, they have been professionally trained as agents, but: the jet lag is...it's easy, basically you can reverse it after a little rest.

Li Yang was silent in Stark's body. After all, there were a lot of people here, at least more than [-] people with many eyes and eyes. If he was a little restless, it would be fun to be discovered.

The sleep time passed quickly, and at seven hours the plane began to descend.

The US military base in the Middle East has arrived.

They will also start their scouting operations soon.

Knowing the whole story: After that, Stark was also very speechless and complained: "Is the thinking of rich people different from ours? This is the Middle East, the most chaotic place with the most terrorists, how dare you stay away from the army and go alone here. I'm afraid he never died."

"Who knows anyway... Now our mission is to search for traces of the professor."

Hawkeye felt helpless in the hot weather.

The Middle East is so big, the ghost knows where the professor was taken and where are they going to find it and there are so many terrorists in the Middle East, the ghost knows which group of terrorists kidnapped the professor, but luckily they don't need to find it by themselves, they just need to It is enough to outline a given range. According to the clues provided by the military, the weapons used in the attack were manufactured by Stark Industries.

However, in the Middle East battlefield, there are many thermal weapons used by terrorists that basically belong to Stark Industries.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of their search.

In the Middle East, there are many terrorists who use the thermal weapons made by Stark Industries. The Middle East has basically become a place where many great powers compete.

Otherwise, you would think that so many wars in the world are just a display for the United Nations. If you want to start a war, all the countries in the United Nations will definitely boycott it together.

So, it's good for .. the world to limit all wars to one region.

The Middle East is always chaotic here.

"Anyway, I want to act alone."

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