The corner of Li Yang's mouth twitched, a creature like a woman is really hard to provoke, so he should use this girl as a springboard to find a silly and sweet host, this woman is too smart and has her own opinion.

However, although this girl is very smart and has her own opinions, when he gives Stark the power to grow to a certain level, Stark will definitely be inseparable from him. die.

Despite this, Li Yang feels that he is simply the weakest transmigrator. When he transmigrated to Marvel, he either punched Odin, or... kicked Thanos, and then... all kinds of beauties committed flowers. Chi likes the protagonist and agrees with the protagonist to open a harem.

And now I can only stay in Stark's body miserably, waiting for the opportunity to enhance his strength and strength, so that Stark can't be separated from himself completely, to the point of controlling Stark.

Although according to Stark's current situation, it is impossible to compete with Li Yang, and Li Yang can directly take the initiative of Stark's body, but Li Yang does not want to be defeated by S.H.I.E.L.D.



So, now the most important thing is... enjoy.

Li Yang silently focused his senses on Stark's excellent thighs, this touch, tsk tsk, legs are playing for years.

"Now to introduce my new weapon - the Jericho missile.

"To be respected, to be feared, that...better"

"The best weapon, only fired once is enough."


The cluttered voices and explosions made Tony Stark open his eyes suddenly, as if he had had a nightmare. He opened his eyes and found himself in a cave.

Just as he was about to sit up, he felt a little awkward on his chest, except...the pain that had not dissipated, there seemed to be some cold metal object embedded in his chest, and the gauze on his chest was torn open, Found something strange.

"What is this! Could it be a bomb"

Stark was a little afraid of his own changes. He wanted to sit up, but found that... On the cold metal object, two metal wires were connected to a car battery. His unique sensitivity made him glance around and found a man with glasses. is shaving.

"you're awake"

Ethan saw Stark's movement, said lightly, and looked at the newspaper in his hand without squinting, this was the only way he could spend time.

"what did you do to me"

Tony Stark touched the cold metal on his chest with a slightly cold tone.

Chapter 236 The Opening of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 236 The opening of the Marvel universe "My name is Ethan, I saved you, Mr. Stark."

Ethan pushed up his glasses and didn't have any dissatisfaction with Tony Stark, actually no matter what...

Who else, encountered such a thing, is no better than Tony Stark.

After an explanation by the man named Ethan, Stark knew what happened to him: on his way out of Baglan Air Force Base, the jeep he was riding in was hit by a bomb, and he was hit by a missile, and the fragments of his chest were hit by Iraqi. Sen took it out.

But there are remnants - what's in his chest is an electromagnet that attracts the shrapnel and doesn't flow around with the blood. Once taken out, the shrapnel will stick to the vital organs and he will die.

Stark quickly clarified his situation and calmed down. At this time, a bearded man barged in and spoke a strange language to Stark, which Ethan translated with his head in his hands.

"They asked you to make a missile, which is... this one."

Ethan took a photo, Stark's eyes were cold, Jericho missile, this is the latest missile developed by Stark Industries, with great power, the Chinese military has just obtained it, I didn't expect these... ...the terrorists got the news.

Stark immediately chose to refuse. He is an arms dealer, but he is also an arms dealer who keeps his promise. He promised the Chinese military that Jericho missiles will only be supplied to the Chinese military for a long time to come.

The terrorists pressed him into the pool. After several futile resistances, Stark saw his situation clearly and was taken outside the cave, looking at the boxes around him coldly.

Guns, ammunition, missiles, bombs, all have the Stark Industries logo on them.

But Stark knew very well that he had never sold these weapons to terrorists, and his heart sank, that is to say, there were people in Stark's company who did not hide it from him and conducted transactions behind the scenes.

As a smart person, the genius with the strongest mind in the world, Stark's emotional intelligence and IQ are extremely high, and he can understand the mastermind of selling these weapons without much guesswork.

Obadiah! Only he can sign such a large order without telling him, and Tony has a worse guess in his heart.

This time, when he went to the US military base in the Middle East, he only told a few people how did the terrorists know about it and his itinerary... did the terrorists know that Tony was a smart man, and he also valued kindness, friendship and righteousness. Although he already had a vague answer in his heart, Tony still didn't want to believe this fact.

Obadiah is his uncle, and he doesn't want to believe this fact.

"Help us make Jericho missiles, and we'll let you go when it's done."

These... The terrorists needed him temporarily, Totak chose to compromise temporarily, but he also knew very well that after the missile was made, he would be killed by these people, and they gave Expiry date, week.

In a week, how can I leave here as an ideal symbiote, I must ingest genes, what Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Little Spider, etc...

The abilities of these people are very good, but his symbiote still has to live on others before it can play its real purpose.

Therefore, the host should preferably be a silly and sweet person who can easily be fooled by him. Otherwise, who would want to let him, an alien creature, dominate his body. Natasha also longs for power, but she has her own It is impossible for Li Yang to control her, on the contrary, she wants to control Li Yang.

This woman has never been a fool.

And Li Yang thinks that he is not a guy with a brain, and can naively think that he can easily conquer this black widow.

Unless Li Yang can really bring her extraordinary power, this power alone can't break Natasha's cognition, making Natasha obsessed with this kind of power, so she willingly lets him control it.

Of course, the appearance of Iron Man represents the beginning of the great world of Marvel, and various superheroes have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

And the characteristic of the symbiotic body of venom is... the more strong people have symbiotic, the stronger the venom.

Natasha's identity can bring a lot of convenience to Li Yang, and it can also conceal his existence, which is a condition that other people can't have at all.

Now, as the venom of the infancy, it is better to honestly enjoy the beauty of the body.

Do not think too much.

Because even if you think about it, you can't get it, and you're asking for trouble.

After waiting for a while, when the superhero came out by himself, and then he quietly went to copy the gene. For five days, Natasha searched a lot of valleys in Vettel, although it was true. They met a lot of terrorists, but they weren't the one that kidnapped Tony.

Vettel is not... a place where you can travel and see the scenery, only for five days, Natasha's spirit is haggard a lot.

If it wasn't for Natasha's strong request to change into Li Yang and become a tights, it would probably be a lot rougher.

"There are still two or three valleys left. It is expected to be explored within two days. I hope to find Tony's trace."

Natasha glanced at the map, filled up the car, and set off again.

Li Yang did not bubbling, he estimated that in the current time, Tony should have built the Mark [-] armor.

On the dusty Gobi Desert, a team of 1 teams rolled up the yellow sand and whizzed past.

"Boss, are we going to catch those...Kashmiris today?"

The one who spoke was a small leader of the Ten Rings Gang, and sitting beside him was a bald Central Asian man.

The person in charge of the Ten Rings Gang in the Vettel area is also the leader of the Ten Rings Gang.

"Yes, the Kashmiris are not... our countrymen, I don't like those... ridiculous freedom fighters.

Leaders always persecute their own people."

The bald man has a distinct South Asian appearance.

Brown skin, hooked nose, deep eye sockets, and a pair of brown-yellow eyes.

Laughing always feels sinister.

It looks and feels like a vulture.

He is... one of the leaders responsible for kidnapping Tony Stark this time.

The other leader was a local terrorist from Vettel, the leader of the freedom fighters, a bearded Kashmiri.

The Ten Rings Gang is not a native gang, but an outsider.

They have only been established in Central Asia for about ten years, although they have a stronger backing in the East.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 237: The Ten Rings Gang2019 words

Chapter 237 Ten Commandments Gang 201 words But if it's not necessary, the bald man doesn't want to ask Dongfang's headquarters for help. The adult in the heaven is very busy. If he bothers him with everything, then he won't be in Vettel. value of existence.

So cooperating with local gangs and terrorists is...the smartest choice, and it can be mutually beneficial.

For example, the plan to kidnap Tony this time was... two gangs joined together to do it together. The employer gave a lot of money, and of course the risk was also very high.

After all, Tony was robbed under the nose of the rice army convoy, but for the huge sum of money, there was also the arms support of Stark Industries.

It is acceptable for both gangs to take some risks for this.

On the other side, Natasha drove a jeep on the Gobi Desert, raised a puff of yellow sand, and said: "According to the news from Barton, this time against Tony Stark, except... the so-called In addition to the freedom fighters, there is also a person called the Ten Rings Gang."

"Two gangs attacked the U.S. Army and kidnapped Tony Stark.

Moreover, the leader of the Ten Rings Gang is an oriental man, who is called Master Manchu and possesses magical magic, so he is probably the mastermind of this horrific incident, can you withstand the magic?"

Li Yang's whole person is a little confused, the Ten Rings Gang! What the hell, is this not the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What the hell is this Ten Rings Gang? Li Yang is a little bit hurt, although he doesn't have such a thing, now he is completely confused , There should be no such thing as the Ten Rings Gang in the movie universe, even the Manchurian is just a fake actor.

Li Yang is a bit square, which has proved that the plot has basically deviated from the track, plus he is a little butterfly, Li Yang feels that he is taking jujube pills.

Li Yang was silent for a long time, then said faintly: "I don't know."

Although his current ability is much stronger than the Venom itself, but! He has only lived with an ordinary person and a super agent, and his ability is only so little. If he really wants to face the full adult, Li Yang feels a little bit. hang.

"do not know"

Natasha was a little surprised.

"I haven't seen magic, and I haven't absorbed the ability of other superpowers. It's the weakest period. What can I do?"

Li Yang rolled his eyes, although his eyes were originally white.

"All right."

Natasha shrugged, and the idea of ​​hurrying to find a superpower also occurred in her heart.

However, the main task now is to rescue Tony Stark first.

Natasha directly stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the speed increased again. Because of the strong wind and yellow sand on the Gobi Desert, Natasha's jeep and a pair of teams drove far away.

In a remote cave, "Tony, we're running out of time.

How sure are you?"

In a remote cave in Vettel, a middle-aged man who looked very refined asked with a little unease.

And the person he asked was the super tycoon the whole world was looking for, Tony Stark, chairman of Stark Industries Group.

"Eason, it's almost time.

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