"Then what if you lose?"

Natasha said in disbelief.

"If I lose, then I will be your master, and you will always be my host."

Li Yang said proudly.

"You are ready to leave me at any time!"

Natasha said angrily.

"Nonsense, there is an old saying in China that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. If you can't help me, then I have to find another host who can help me."

"The symbiotic relationship is... Mutual benefit and reciprocity, you give me the genes of the superhuman, I will give you powerful strength, it's fair, isn't it a word, gamble or gamble"

Li Yang said lightly.

After a moment of silence, Natasha nodded and said, "I bet, no one is allowed to go back!"

"Mr. Stark, do you remember me?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 243: 1039 words

Chapter 243 103 words at a loss At a charity party held by Stark Enterprises, a woman came to the lost Tony and asked him unceremoniously.

Tony sat quietly in the corner, drinking, and as he expected, his decision to cancel the Stark weapons development department was met with huge obstacles.

Even he himself was suspended by the company's board.

The board removed him from all powers in the company.

In other words, he is now nothing but...the largest shareholder.

Although he looked down on all the shareholders except...Obadai, but these people also brought him a lot of trouble, and from various performances, he will be attacked is a complete surprise Premeditated case.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, there was indeed a shadow of his uncle in it.

He felt that he should give... his uncle another chance. After all, Obadi had no credit or hard work over the years, and he didn't want to slaughter the donkey. For... this uncle who gave him a lot of care, He was still very much loved.

He sat on the bar like a statue, holding a glass of wine and tasting the spicy feeling in silence, until a lady came to him and asked the above words.

Tony looked at the very familiar beauty in front of him, and he was sure that he had slept with this woman.

"You are Yi..."

After spitting out the pronunciation of a word, Tony couldn't do more.

He has had more than extremely intimate relationships with many women, which is actually not a problem.

The real problem was that he couldn't remember most of the women.

In other words, few people can be remembered by him.

"Elindis, thank God I didn't have any hope of you remembering my name when I recognized people."

The face of this woman named Elindis was full of gunpowder.

The choke made Tony almost swallow the wine down his trachea.

He admits that he is playing tricks, an improper behavior of women, but in general they are your own wishes.

So Tony rarely encounters such a woman who turns the gun and fires directly.

And in this case, he couldn't say anything more, because he was the one who justified the loss.

Like when a forced inappropriate relationship occurs, the man is always the prime suspect and the woman is often the victim.

It's a question of who takes advantage.

"Sorry, if you're here to hold you accountable, I can only express regret."

At this time, Tony also regarded this woman as a powerful woman who wanted to use sympathy to pursue superiority.

After all, even if he has been dismissed by the board of directors, he is still the largest shareholder and the top single man in the world.

This alone is enough to cause many women to have thoughts that they should not have.

But this time, it was Tony who thought too much, Elindis didn't have any thoughts in this regard, she just threw a photo in front of Tony.

"In your home, in your bed.

You told me yourself that you never sold weapons to the Middle East, what the hell.

I actually believe it! Can you tell me that right now?"

Tony picked up the stack of photos in front of him, which showed a group of post-war towns, and the whole town was in ruins.

There are homeless residents and corpses lying on the ground everywhere.

And that's not what Tony pays attention to, he pays attention to the... things that make it all happen.

Chapter 244: Adults1031 words

The weapons of Stark Enterprises, whether they are firearms used by both sides of the war, or those...large missiles and tanks, all bear the logo of Stark Enterprises, watching These ...... signs, Tony's face has been gloomy and almost dripping water.

"Seeing these......, do you have any explanation?"

What Elindis likes most about being a reporter is... chasing after her, especially when the evidence is solid.

"I've never signed an order like this!"

Tony wasn't calm at this point.

He remembered clearly and signed a contract with the U.S. military to only sell weapons manufactured by Stark Industries to the U.S. military. This proposal passed the decision of all shareholders.

"Why, this is the measure of Tony Stark, don't you dare to admit what you have done?"

Elindis sneered.

She had seen the doubt in Tony's eyes.

Reporters are never afraid to make things bigger, and she is no exception.

"Or, you don't even know if you've done it yourself."

"I can only tell you that I didn't do that.

Never before, and never will."

Tony gave her a cold look and strode away with the photo.

He did not choose to leave the venue, but chose to find someone.

This matter, he must ask him clearly.

There is still some luck in his heart, hoping that it is other shareholders, not his uncle.

Watching Obadi arguing among the guests, he looked confident as if Stark Industries was not named Stark, but Stan.

Tony stepped forward and said to Obadiah: "Opadi, I want to ask you.

Can we talk alone?"

"Oh, here comes my dearest nephew.

Of course we can talk."

Obadiah obviously drank a lot of wine, he waved to the group of guests, and walked to the side with Tony's shoulders.

"Go ahead, Tony.

What do you have, Uncle Stan?"

"What I want to ask you is, did you approve the sale of those weapons in the Middle East?"

Tony took the photo and put it in Obadi's hand.

Obadi shook the cigar in his hand, glanced at the photos, patted Tony's shoulder and said earnestly.

"Tony, you're already an adult.

Stop acting like a child.

You should know that we are just businessmen, we don't care what our goods are used for"

"So, how can you do this really when you approve it"

Tony's tone was full of surprise, looking at Obadi, these are all human lives! Obadi said nonchalantly: "Tony, you know, the company needs to survive and develop.

Is there anything wrong with me approving a sales plan for the stability of the company?"

"But those... are human lives, Obadiah, you don't know what I've been through and you can't understand what I'm thinking"

"Of course I don't understand, but I know now is not the time for you to play with your temper.

Tony, you've caused enough trouble."

Obadi's face sank, staring at Tony, and said in a rather annoyed tone: "How much... hard work I have paid for this company over the years, and how much... trouble I have solved for you."

"Do you know how much I paid for the company's performance to break through?"

"Almost every day I think, God forbid, don't let Tony make some ridiculous decisions."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 245: Monsters1045 words

Chapter 245 Monster 104 words "But you, Tony.

You will always surprise me.

Cancel the weapons department, do you know how much your words cost us?"

"Stark's stock fell a full forty points, which was the result of all my efforts to stabilize the situation.

And you, just moved your lips.

It's time for you to mature, Tony, I really don't want to wipe your ass anymore."

Tony wanted to say something, but was interrupted again by Obadiah.

"By the way, who do you think is asking the board to dismiss...you.

It's me, Tony.

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