One of them is a bulletproof camouflaged car, with bright lights in the compartment, spacious, equipped with various technological instruments and several split-screen screens.

General Ross issued an order to the walkie-talkie: "All elite soldiers, bring nerve-paralyzing firearms, and sneak in and attack the target residents!"

After receiving the order, the rest of the vehicles opened immediately, and nearly ten elite soldiers in full armor, skillfully lowered their bodies, and entered the streets and alleys with quick steps.

They are worthy of being the elite among the elites, and under the cover of the night, no one can find their figures and traces.

Bronski rushed at the forefront, the dark night and the narrow alleys did not affect his nimble skills, and quickly reached the downstairs of the destination house.

"Ow! The big black dog on a leash downstairs was startled, and as soon as it made the first bark, Bronsky responded by aiming and firing, paralyzing the bullet and accurately hitting the big black dog's neck, causing it to silently make a sound. prostrate on the ground.

Bronski waved his hand forward, and his teammates immediately followed, and together they quickly walked up the stairs to the third floor.

Peng! A small bomb was installed on the door of the target's single room. After detonation, among the flying debris of the plank, Bronsky rushed into the room with a gun, and aimed at the bed of the single room. Just a few shots! If All went well, the action should end here.

Bronski raised his eyebrows, keenly aware that something was wrong, and stepped forward to lift the quilt, only to find that there was a pillow under it.

"Target escaped!"

Bronsky reported in a low voice.


This is the command word from the other end of the walkie-talkie, General Ross.

The elite soldiers immediately followed the trail and chased downstairs, and soon found a curly-haired youth, wearing a red shirt and carrying a schoolbag, running to the end of the alley! As if knowing the consequences of their anger, the curly-haired youth's escape direction happened to be closed. An unmanned factory! Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 249 Complete the task1043 words

Chapter 249 Complete the mission 104 words "The military's actions are really fast!"

Natasha emerged from the dark corner, looked at these soldiers, and said rather unhappily.

They had all converged and were about to leave, but I didn't expect these...the people from the military ran over.


Banner asked her to get out of here first, he would follow, but he knew about Bruce.

Banner is the Hulk's Natasha, so how could he really leave "Nonsense, these people in the military are aiming at the genes of Hulk and want to copy a super soldier like Hulk, can you be unhappy?"

Li Yang's tone was also a little unhappy, the military was preparing to take food from the tiger's mouth.

"follow up"

Natasha asked.

"Of course, if necessary, teach the military a lesson, isn't it?"

Alleys and alleys near the factory.

The curly-haired youth, the capture target of the elite soldiers, that is, Dr. Bruce Banner, is running around desperately.

'Drip!' The heat from the strenuous exercise, Bruce.

Banner's brows were clenched, his face was full of horror, and the watch on his left wrist that displayed the heart rate began to emit a warning sound, and the value on it had reached two hundred from more than one hundred! "Don't come out, don't come out, just be patient!"


Banner muttered, gasping for breath, pressing his right palm firmly on his chest, his inner heart beating powerfully, like a monster roaring in anger.

Under his self-talk, the monster faintly persuaded him to go back, but at this moment, two soldiers suddenly rushed out of the front alley, blocking his path, and the guns in their hands were aimed at Bruce.

"Stop! Don't move! Bruce.

Banner's expression changed, and he turned to go back, but footsteps and figures followed, and the road behind him was blocked by more soldiers in a blink of an eye.

"Hands up! Squat down! You've got nowhere to run!"

Bronsky stepped out of the line at the rear and aimed his gun at Bruce.

Banner, said coldly.

"Don't force me, if it goes on like this, it will come out Bruce.

Banner raised his hands helplessly and said in horror.

Facing the situation where there was no way out, his heartbeat watch started beeping again, and the value on it had quietly jumped over two hundred.

"What's coming out"

Bronsky frowned, thinking about it too much, to prevent accidents, or subconsciously pull the trigger to paralyze the gun and hit Bruce, Banner's neck, Bruce.

Banner rolled his eyelids and passed out due to nerve palsy.

Straight forward, he lay down on the floor in the dark alley.

Only the heart watch was still there: it beeped and no one noticed, the value on it was approaching the critical point of [-].

"Target person, knocked down! Recycle now."

Bronsky reported to the walkie-talkie and waved his hands forward. The two teammates behind him immediately put away their firearms and rushed forward with tools such as handcuffs.

'Crack! The two soldiers cooperated to knock the unconscious Bruce on the ground.

Banner's wrists were locked back, and until this moment, almost all the soldiers felt that their mission had been completed.

With the dull sound and the screams that cut through the night sky, the two soldiers suddenly flew out in the darkness of the alley, threw more than ten meters in the air, and slammed into the pillar behind Bronsky. A wisp of cold sweat fell from his forehead, and Bronsky turned his head to look, only to see the comrades who were still on the mission. At this time, the corpses were like two patties stacked together, obviously they were dead and could not die!

Chapter 250: Hulk's Might1009 words

Chapter 250 Hulk's Might 100 words He looked into the alley again, in the dark, Bruce.

In the place where Banner was in a coma, there was a huge monster standing on... two limbs.

"Shoot me all!"

Bronsky shouted calmly, aimed at the huge figure and pulled the trigger, and the rest of his teammates followed suit.

All of a sudden, the densely packed paralysis gun bullets were intertwined and landed on the surface of the monsters in the alley.

"Roar! The monster let out a thunderous roar, the huge soles stepped down, the paralysis gun bullets on the ground were trampled to powder, and finally revealed their true colors under the illumination of the street lights.

"Bronsky gasped, and what appeared in front of him was undoubtedly! A pair of faint green eyes, a tall, bloated giant, wearing large black pants, and his rough skin was ugly. Green, full of swollen muscles and blue veins, no one will question the terrifying power it contains! It is grinning and roaring with anger, as if it was born for battle, and its breath is thick and violent far beyond any creature.

"General Ross.

What is this monster with a green head?"

Bronsky forced himself to calm down. "That's the goal tonight, Hulk.

In the combat headset, General Ross's sigh echoed.

When he learned that the Hulk appeared, he knew that the battle of the elite soldiers had failed.

"The Hulk... Bronsky didn't have time to think too much. The Hulk had already sprinted forward, the ground he stepped on was shaking, and anything that stood in front of him seemed to be destroyed by him. "Quick retreat! "

Bronsky shouted and ran back, the teammates next to him reacted a little late, and was copied by the Hulk with his bare hands.

What a war scene in Bronski, but this is the first time in his life that he has encountered such a monster. Just as he rushed out ten meters away, a roaring wind suddenly sounded behind him.

He looked back, but the Hulk was angry and smashed his teammate's body as a weapon.

Bronsky had no time to dodge, so he had to stretch out his hand to block, but the force was transmitted to his shoulders, and there was no room for relief.

In an instant, even his own body was knocked out.

Bronsky rolled on the ground several times in a row, breaking many ribs... and finally slammed into the wall with blood and flesh.

This is the Hulk, random power is... in tons, ordinary people are as weak as ants in front of it.

The vulnerable Hulk roared several times angrily, took a few steps forward, and approached Bronsky, who fell to the ground and twitched. He wanted to ...... irritate his little bugs Totally crushed.

"damn it!"

Bronsky was full of fear and began to step back, but how could Bronsky escape from the Hulk with a lot of broken bones, his huge fist went towards Bronsky's hammer.

"Stop! Hulk! Banner, do you remember what you were going to do?"

A female figure in a black tights stood in front of Hulk.

Natasha held Hulk's fist with both hands, and she was not feeling well, she now felt as if her arms were not her own, and there were countless cracks under her feet.


Hulk roared and looked very struggling. Hulk and Banner are not the same personality, but Banner's consciousness can affect Hulk.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 251: Fatal Injury1026 words

Chapter 251 Fatal Injury 102 words "Let's catch up first, a little guy of this age is immature, so he's excusable, he needs more training."

Li Yang said lightly.

Natasha nodded, although she is not a person who is full of love, but Li Yang said to catch up, then catch up anyway... It's just a matter of course, this kind of little thief doesn't need too much effort.

Peter looked at Natasha who was chasing out, and wondered if he had done something wrong.

Natasha hung far behind, she wondered why Li Yang asked her to catch up.

Soon, she saw a man fighting with him in order to stop the white man.

Natasha's eyesight was already very strong, and her physical fitness was strengthened by Li Yang, so she could see clearly even at night.

This middle-aged white man took out a gun from his arms, Natasha's pupils shrank, and it is legal in the United States to carry a gun, so basically everyone has a pistol.

Natasha instantly took out the pistol she was carrying, saw the pistol of the middle-aged white man, and fired directly.

One after the other, two gunshots rang out.


Parker slumped to the ground weakly, he was shot, and he was lucky because Natasha shot first.

Missed the gun in the middle-aged white man's hand, causing Benn.

Parker was not fatally injured, but after being shot, he was still in danger.


Natasha cursed inwardly, put away her pistol, and ran.

Parker's side, looking at Ben.

The wound on Parker's body was relieved, but fortunately it was not fatal.

Although she is not a person who is overflowing with love, Natasha is also willing to help in this situation.

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