Gwen smiled and said very understandingly.

The two looked at each other, sparks and sparks flashing in their eyes.

"It's very lively, it seems that I'm not here at the right time."

Natasha walked in wearing a pure white dress and smiled.

"Peter, who is she"

Gwen looked at Natasha, looked at Peter, and asked.

There was a dangerous gleam in her eyes at this moment.

Chapter 256: Can't Help2008 words

Chapter 256 Can't help but be overjoyed 200 words Peter is almost her prospective boyfriend now, if she finds another woman at this time, she will definitely slap him without saying a word.

But poor Peter didn't realize his situation, but was very happy to introduce Natasha to Gwen.

"Gwen, I might never have seen Uncle Ben without Ms Natasha's help last night.

She is my benefactor, so to speak. "Uncle Ben, Natasha."


Parker turned to Ben.

Parker said.

"Thank you very much, beautiful Lady Natasha."


Parker looked at Natasha and Gwen, and thanked them with a smile.

"You talk, people are old and always a little sleepy."


Parker muttered, pulled the quilt and closed his eyes.


In order not to disturb his uncle's rest, Parker took Gwen out of the ward, looked at Natasha and said, "Ms. Natasha, this is Gwen.


"Hello, Ms. Natasha, I thank you for your help on Peter's behalf."

Gwen thanked, apparently despite Peter explaining his relationship with Natasha, she had developed animosity towards this woman who was prettier and more charming than she was.

Natasha raised her brows lightly, glanced at Gwen, and then at Peter, and suddenly understood that the little girl, Emotion, regarded her as a rival in love.

However, she had no interest in children, but she didn't mind assisting Peter.

"Oh thank me for Peter So where are you thanking me for him?"

Natasha put her hands around her chest and asked with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Of course, it's him... Gwen was stunned for a moment, it's too far-fetched for her to stand on that side, my friend, will this make Peter think that I rejected him for a while... Gwen is quite entangled in her heart, but Seeing the woman in front of her who was more beautiful and more attractive than her, Gwen immediately replied: It was Peter's girlfriend's position.


Parker's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Gwen in disbelief, Gwen blushed a little, but still stared at Natasha.

Natasha smiled, reached out and patted Peter.

Parker's shoulders, smiled: "Gwen is a good girl, you should cherish it.

"I will, Ms. Natasha."


Parker adjusted his mentality and answered quickly.

"Since Mr. Parker is all right, it's time for me to go too."

Natasha smiled sweetly, turned and left the hospital.

"I suddenly remembered that there is still something in the company, I will go first."

Gwen blushed slightly, looked at Peter's eyes a little dodge, also got up and left quickly.


Parker watched Gwen leave, a little disappointed, and walked into the ward again, guarding his uncle.

"This girl is good, are you chasing her, then you have to work hard Peter, good girls are very sought after.

And I think that...Ms. Natasha is pretty good too.

"Oh! Please, Uncle Ben, please don't talk nonsense. Gwen has promised to be my girlfriend."

Peter said.

"Yes, lucky boy.


Parker said.

"How did you get any new abilities?"

Natasha asked curiously, she was really not used to being away from Li Yang for a day.

"You can swing between tall buildings later."

Li Yang said with a smile.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 257: Venom1011 words

Chapter 257 Venom 101 words "What"

Natasha's face was stunned, what was swinging in a high-rise building "Forget it, you'll know it by feeling it for yourself."

Li Yang directly wrapped Natasha's whole body and turned it into a tights.

Li Yang could clearly perceive the touch of Natasha's skin.

It's just a pity, I can only touch it, and I can't do anything.

Natasha looked at her black battle uniform and liked it very much. The whole body was black, with the pattern of the black widow spider on the chest and back, and there was a hood on the head, which was very tangible.

"Put your hand on the wall.

Then climb up."

Li Yangdao.

Although Natasha was a little strange, she still obeyed Li Yang's words. To her surprise, she was really hanging on the wall.

On "Is this his ability? Spiders can climb walls."

Natasha crawled up slowly, this peculiar ability made her very excited.

"More than that, you look at a place, and then you reach out and think about spinning."

Li Yang urged.

Natasha leaned against the wall, looked at the wall of the opposite house, looked for a place and stretched out her hand, and a white spider silk suddenly sprayed from her wrist and stuck to the opposite wall.

Wow! It's just amazing."

Natasha's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

"Not only that, but now your jumping, volume, and hearing have been greatly improved, and you can also sense danger in advance and dodge."

Li Yang said lightly.

"Cool, I can't imagine how powerful you would be if you had all the psychic or mutant genes, or your host would be so powerful."

Sarah couldn't help but sigh.

The ability of this spider gave her such a big increase. After that, the Hulk and even other mutants or superpowers, Natasha felt for the first time in her heart that an alien symbiote is really a treasure.

"By the way, you once said that your race is called venom, are other venoms as powerful as you?"

Natasha asked curiously.

"Of course not, I am special, other venoms are not as powerful as me.

Now that I know that I choose to live with you, how honored you are?"

Li Yang said proudly.

"Cut, shit!"

Natasha pouted, although she didn't want to admit it, it was true.

It is really an honor for Li Yang to choose her.

After Natasha tried some new abilities, she didn't try too much. After all, she is not a child like Peter, she just needs to know what abilities she has.

Sitting at the top of a building a few hundred meters high, Natasha's communicator suddenly rang.

"As for Daredevil, we have to slow down temporarily, and now we have an extremely important task, which is our entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


...a task that we take very seriously."


Fury said in a low voice.

"What is this mission?"

Natasha was a little shocked, what kind of mission is this, it requires the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


....all out.

"We found the trace of Captain America more than [-] years ago. We searched the trace and found signs of life. Captain America may not be dead."

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