"I want to study the principles and understand the laws."

Li Yang bluntly expressed his inner thoughts.

"It's useless, the time gem is like the existence of this world hub, even I can't get anything from it, I can only use it reasonably, when you can control time with your own ability, You don't have to be afraid of the one above you."

"All right.

Facing Gu Yi's ruthless exposure, Li Yang rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Then why don't I lend you to play for two days?"

Gu Yi said to Li Yang with a smile, "However, you have to give it back to me before you leave."

"no need."

Li Yang refused, "This thing should be handed over to the mage for safekeeping."

For him, the thought just now was just a whim. If he couldn't get it, he might be thinking about it in his heart, but when he really got it, he didn't want it so much. Instead, he felt that it was a Hot Potatoes.

"Well, then I'm going to build the channel of Y immediately, you prepare it."


After all, the entire huge roulette is like a giant mechanical clock. After a change, all the patterns begin to bloom with red and black brilliance! Straight up to the sky, it is like an incomparable giant pillar! Like ink dyeing, the entire pattern The area of ​​the law was all wrapped in rich black matter, in the center of the formation, Gu Yi with scarlet rays of light between his eyebrows stared at Li Yang who was communicating with the darkness with his eyes closed.

The dark world is no different than the rest of the space, except for the pure dark energy in it... endless evil thoughts, greed, jealousy, laziness, as long as you can think of evil, you can find the root in it.

Once you sink into it and cannot extricate yourself, you will be swallowed up by the dark power, dominated by the dark power, and become a slave of the accessory of the dark world. In the original play, the enemy of Doctor Strange was... this kind of existence.

The existence of the Time Gem is the last and strongest guarantee that Li Yang can go directly to the source of darkness and will not fall for it! At the same time, Li Yang has finally come to that... a world full of endless demons and evil! Get a hole card that really belongs to him.

Although the dark world is named for darkness, there is still a lot of light in the rest of the core area except for its core area, but it is usually dominated by dark purple and dark green.

In an unprotected state, Li Yang, in front of the source of darkness, was attacked by various negative energies and dark matter almost all the time, and wanted to assimilate him into one of them.

The dense golden magic line sputtered with golden sparks, forming a huge circle around Li Yang, sending Li Yang, who was sitting in it, back to the root at a very high speed! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

Chapter 277

Chapter 27 Carrying on the road, but still affected by the dark energy along the way, fell into a fantasy.

In the daze, Li Yang saw himself walking on a single-plank bridge alone, with fog behind him, a single-plank bridge no more than two palms wide in front of him, and a bottomless abyss below. He walked to the end of the single-plank bridge hidden behind the fog.

Along the way, various ghosts and monsters continued to appear, and the ghostly corpses that were so terrifying to the limit of human psychology appeared one after another.

Like a killing god, the number of ghosts and ghosts became more and more dense as he walked along the way. Buried, countless messy blue-gray palms went into it and struggled frantically, and the mourning sound resounded in the valley like a never-ending magic sound.

It is like a furnace of hell in which all living beings are buried, and the endless shouting seems to be saying to Li Yang, "This is your home."

But from the beginning to the end, Li Yang's face did not show a trace of intention. From the beheading at the beginning to the ignoring later, the firmness in his heart has never been shaken! Knowing how long it has passed, the indifferent face stretched on his face has become a little numb, but the end of the road is a cliff, and below it are countless ghosts with their palms outstretched, waiting to be torn to pieces.

Looking back, the fog behind him has already dissipated automatically, and it seems that at the end of the road is a bright spot of light.

With a contemptuous smile, he jumped directly towards the valley, his line of sight suddenly blurred.

When his vision regained clarity, he found himself lying on a big bed with little to say and rice.

Feeling the softness in the back of his head, when he looked up, he saw a soft white-haired girl in a veil who was using her knees as her pillow, and beside her, there were a few people who were massaging her, a patch of yingyingyanyan. All of them are hot-looking, light-dressed, and immortal-looking girls.

What pure, sexy, royal sister, loli, little wild cat, little milk cat, as long as you want, you can basically see it here, and all of them are the type that Li Yang likes.

He smiled lightly and shook his head, is it the Seven Deadly Sins of the West if you can't come to the Eastern Forest Hell once? "Li Yang, come on, eat a grape."

A girl with two furry cat ears on her head said to Li Yang obediently.

Li Yang smiled kindly at him, instead of taking the grapes that were glistening with water under the crystal lamp, he raised his hand gently, and the cat-eared girl immediately brought her little head up obediently.

The not-so-large palm suddenly covered it, feeling the graceful touch from the tactile neurons of the skin, Li Yang showed a satisfied smile, and then said, "You are really cute."


The girl screamed softly.

"Such a cute girl, I don't know..."

Having said that, the smile on Li Yang's face turned into a cold, murderous look without any warning.

"I don't know, after the head is screwed off, will it still be so cute!"

The hand placed on the girl's head suddenly exerted force! Another palm was placed on her delicate chin, twisting it hard, a bone crack sounded from her neck.

Chapter 278 Faith Shaking

Chapter 28 Faith Shaking The voice of exclamation continued from the flowers of Yingyingyanyan just now, and the killing was decisive and ruthless! After the tenth girl was dealt with in the same way, everyone except Li Yang was in a flash. Turned into withered bones, with withered muscles and skin, the horror of the Hittites, and finally all turned into thick smoke and disappeared into the invisible.

Then Li Yang fell into a pile of gold again... It goes on and on, and there is no one level that can really stop Li Yang's pace. Find the best solution.

And in the process, Li Yang's high-speed moving body is getting closer and closer to the source of darkness, and has completely entered the area of ​​the dark world without any light.

At the end of his consciousness, Li Yang, whose clothes were flying and his hands were empty, finally came to a bright door.

The appearance of a girl blocked Li Yang's way. The girl was about 6 meters, [-], [-] years old and [-] years old. She was thin and looked a little malnourished. A kind of homely feeling.

"Your name is Li Yang, right? I haven't seen such an interesting human being in a long time."

The girl looked at the expressionless Li Yangdao.

"Relax, I will not kill you, I will only make you a part of me, and even give you a powerful dark power, stay, if you are willing to stay in this world, I will help you resurrect this girl, This is the eternal regret in your heart."

Li Yang didn't take it into his eyes at all in the previous words, but the last sentence made his pupils shrink sharply.

That ray of faith in my heart finally shook a little.

In the mirror world, the center of the contract formation looked at Gu Yi, who suddenly moved Li Yang's body, and immediately.

She raised her hand and said that the green brilliance was about to pass, but it stopped again, as if she were turning back time now... Then everything she had done before was in vain, she chose to believe in Li Yang again, this miracle is a miracle named man.

"How do you promise me."

Leaning in front of Li Yang, he said, "Promise me that you will not only get the power of immortality, but also resurrect her."

Li Yang was silent.

"Promise me, promise me, promise me!"

The expression on the girl's face became more and more hideous and terrifying, which made people feel shocked.

Pfft... A dull sound rang from the girl's chest, and Li Yang, who was standing with one hand side by side, shoved his palm in through the gap between the ribs, and squeezed through the bones and flesh. Living in that one, the heart is still beating with some warmth.


The girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Yang in disbelief. She never imagined that he would do this to such an extent.

With sadness in his eyes, Li Yang said in a tone of pity and love, "You're not her, and I regret this kind of thing...Is it really made up for it by resurrection? No, it's impossible."

After speaking, the palms exerted force, and the surging heart burst directly under the huge squeezing force, throwing it aside like a real corpse, stepping out and stepping into the door of light! Look at the darkness that is surging like deep black oil in front of you. The source, still with love on his face, the miserable Li Yang slowly put his handprint on it.

In the mirror image world, all the inky rays of light on the formation were dissipated, but the vermilion between the eyebrows of the young man sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation exuded a shocking brilliance.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 279: Just a Meal 1044 words

Chapter 29 Just a meal 104 words "Congratulations, you succeeded."

Gu Yi put away the Eye of Agamotto in his hand and said to Li Yang.

Li Yang slowly opened his eyes, the red brilliance from his eyebrows gradually dissipated, and in the end, not even a trace was left, as if it had never appeared before.

"Is this the price of gaining the power of the dark world?"

Li Yang stood up and looked at Gu Yi's peaceful smile.

"You already feel it"


"Everything is equal, and obtaining power naturally has to pay a certain price. This is a process of equivalent exchange."

Gu Yi said lightly.

"The price you get for the power of the dark world is... After you die, you will fall into darkness forever and become a part of that world, but the power of darkness has given you the power of eternal life and a layer of protection that can compete with high latitudes. ."

"A very contradictory and crappy contract, just like yourself, a harmony of contradictions."

Gu Yi explained slowly.

"Then what's the price for you?"

"My price... didn't you already know?"

Gu Yi's expression remained unchanged.

"You're the first person I've ever seen to talk about white prostitutes so profoundly."

Li Yang rolled his eyes and said.

He did know the content of the contract signed between the ancient one and the dark. In order to obtain more powerful mana, the ancient one established a link with the magic eye, and obtained the power of immortality and a higher level of magic.

And this price is... the magic eye will come to the earth through the ancient one, but the magic eye is sealed in the body by the ancient one, which is also the main reason for the ancient one's suicide in the original play. Purpose.

It can be regarded as a textbook-style empty-glove white wolf.

"Do you think you'll die just because you get rid of old age?"

"I'm not sure."

Li Yangshi replied.

Gu Yi smiled and lifted the great formation above the sky, and slowly descended under the load of a huge slate.

"I thought you would answer me with: Yes."

He paused for a while, and then said, "This is not your character, it should be said."

"No matter how strong you are, you are still a mortal. There will be a day when you will be defeated. No matter how smart you are, there will be a day when you will miscalculate."

Li Yang said with an expressionless face.

"It seems that you have seen a lot in the dark world."

Li Yang didn't reply, his expression was a little erratic, and he asked Gu Yi after a long while, "You said, if she died and was resurrected by other means, would she still be her?"

"This question is up to you. I can't tell you. When you asked this sentence, you already had the answer in your heart."

The Gu Yi casual talk of the mirror world is lifted.

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