
...., As for whether it is Mission Impossible, Li Yang doesn't want to think about it for the time being.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 287

Chapter 287 The result of the matchmaker using violence to solve problems many times is that sometimes they don't like to think about trivial things that don't make much sense.

Banner seems to have been seriously injured in the last battle. He lay in the hospital for two whole days and has no intention of being discharged from the hospital. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the large-scale psychological shadow problem may need to be solved by Li Yang.

The night was a little quiet and the night sky was lonely. Only the two people in the laboratory were busy all the time. Li Yang suddenly said, "Tony, I may be leaving tonight. Remember to take care of yourself by yourself."

"The research on the nano armor has come to an end. I think it will take about half a month to make the first finished product. I really want to see the moment when you put on the armor, but unfortunately I can only wait until the next time."

"What's wrong with you"

Tony was a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, time is running out, you put on the armor first, and then take Jarvis and the database with you."

Li Yang changed his freehand brushwork and frivolity in the past, and his face was a little gloomy.

Then he pushed Tony with a blank face onto the loading platform, started the machine, and put on Tony an improved armor that was cast yesterday.

Then take out the Rubik's Cube in person, lightly tap it, and the entire Rubik's Cube collapses suddenly, turning into countless water-blue crystal dots and a azure-blue gem.

Put a piece of circular ark core that has already been prepared on Tony's chest, and then stick the blue gem in the center of the container on the chest.

The blue energy spreads along the blue energy bar in the center of the chest, and the overall black armor, under the background of the blue energy light edge, has an inexplicable mystery.

"Tonight, remember...to protect yourself."

said solemnly.

"what happened"

Tony Young questioned.

He didn't stop his movements, his two fingers still tapped frantically on the keyboard, transferring all the previous experimental data together with Jarvis' main system.

"Have you ever heard of the death of the cunning rabbit, Liang Gongzang?"

Li Yang replied.

"heard about it."

"Then you know what you will do when there is no prey, but there is a good bow that can easily kill you and you can't use it"

"Destroy it, of course."

Tony answered without hesitation.

"They thought so too."

"They say country"

Tony frowned.

"More than that, they have the heart, but they don't have the guts, and they don't dare to fall out with you on the bright side.

"Whose sword is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....when did you find this out?"

Tony asked.

"There was a budget long before I left. An over-inflated alliance will inevitably lead to the suffocation of other forces. That's why I asked you to suppress your uncle. After all, he is the matchmaker this time."

"The purpose of the three-way linkage is to get rid of you and me. After our two cores collapse, the entire alliance will inevitably disintegrate into a mess, and then they will eat the results we left behind."

"But I didn't expect that after I showed such a powerful force in front of everyone, I accelerated their speed of action. Originally, I just wanted to act as a deterrent. I miscalculated here, but it's not a big problem."

"...It's all up to you"

Tony suddenly had a feeling that the whole world knew that he was alone in the dark.

Chapter 288 One person's carnival

Chapter 288 A person's joy "Well, it's not too complicated to calculate, and it's not too strong because the wise are mixed in it, it's quite simple."

"Okay, so how did you know they'd do it tonight?"

"The captain just received an invitation from a girl he met a few days ago. That girl is the niece of his lover [-] years ago. The two are at least [-]% similar, and the captain is [-]% impossible to reject him. invite."

"How did you know this..."

"Saw it by accident."

"Probably after the captain gets to the ball from here on the other side of the city, they'll start moving."

"There are three ways to attack us in the budget."

"The first one is to blast the entire building, and then cast a net of heaven and earth outside.

The second type is to send me an invitation that I can't refuse, separate me from you, and kill them one by one. The third type is also the one I least... want to happen..."

Before Li Yang could finish speaking, there was a series of slow footsteps from the stairs beside him.

The atmosphere between the two people who were talking was stagnant, and they turned to look at the person coming at the escalator.

Dressed as a white-collar beauty, with delicate makeup and winking eyes, she returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. under Li Yang's order and became an insider black widow.

"That's the last thing I want to see... muttered in a volume that only he and Tony could hear.

Then the gloomy look on his face suddenly changed, as if nothing had happened, he greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Hi, why are you back?

He opened his arms and gently hugged Natasha's body in his arms.

"You shouldn't have come back."

Li Yang whispered in Natasha's ear.

Natasha's body stiffened slightly, and then said, "You already know that"

"Well, I knew it early on, you are here to assassinate me."

Natasha gently pushed Li Yang out, and dropped the poison-stained dagger in her sleeve. Well, the outside is already surrounded by three helicarriers and mechanical legions, and the entire building is full of them, and they will all be detonated together in five minutes."

It's exactly the same as Li Yang's calculation. To make such a big noise in the city center, it seems that the government has completely agreed. It can be regarded as the worst situation, but Li Yang's mouth evoked an arc. .

"I was thinking of having Tony have a party with me tonight, but now it looks like he has other tasks to do."

Then he turned to Tony and said, "Tony, I will send you to the western United States in a while, and tonight I will try to get rid of all the troubles for you, remember to protect yourself, the road ahead... Just go on your own."

The tone was deep and tragic, with a taste of determination, which made both of them stunned at the same time.

When Tony and Black Widow were stunned, a circle formed entirely of golden sparks suddenly appeared at the feet of the two of them. In the next second, the brilliance flashed, and the two completely disappeared from this room and went to a remote and remote place. Western Ranch.

Looking at the suddenly quiet and empty room, a faint feeling of loneliness spreads in my heart like a creeping tiger. There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. There are too many fetters, but in the end...is this embarrassing look? Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 289

Chapter 289 The funeral chuckled twice, as if he was laughing at himself, and at the same time, as if he was laughing at those outside... I don't know what to call people, looking at the clean night sky through clean glass, enjoying this Peace and quiet for the last few minutes.

Two minutes later, the cold hair on Li Yang's body stood up, and the strong smell of death permeated his body. He knew that at least five snipers were aiming at his head now.

"It really took a lot of work."

He sighed with a smile.

Then he began to wake up the system that had been silent for several months in his mind: "System, how long will it take for me to teleport after I kill the mission target?"

"five minutes."

"Five minutes is enough, so now... let's start the party tonight!"

One punch shattered the extremely hard tempered glass in front of the body, facing the deep night sky and the cold night wind, so recklessly appeared in everyone's sight! "The target appears! All departments pay attention to the appearance of the target!"

All the fighters hiding in the dark received the notification from the headquarters at the first time.

"Snipers start sniping!"

At the same time, more than a dozen snipers who were hidden in various places under the night sky pulled the trigger immediately, and a dozen copper-skinned bullets with a palm-length reflected their fierce murderous intent, all of which were aimed at Li Yang's key points: squatting and shooting. .

Unconsciously, he turned sideways, turned his head, and stepped forward, deftly avoiding these.... The hot bullet, as if walking in a hail of bullets, was extremely calm and natural, as if it should not have been. Same as hitting him.

Gently bent over to dodge the last shot, picked up a metal shard that had been ejected, sandwiched it between two fingers, knuckles slightly bent, and flicked it casually, a flash of lightning flashed the metal shard immediately.

Some of the most dazzling rays of light erupted! Like a dazzling meteor blooming from the middle, the white star left a white afterimage on everyone's retina, and then bombarded several buildings fiercely. In an inconspicuous room outside! The sound was shocking, gravel splashed, and there was a piercing electric sound in everyone's headset, and then there was no sound, and all the members of the headquarters were in the first place. Time has turned into a scorched corpse! All the strategic deployments from a time ago have vanished at this moment, and all departments have fallen into a temporary state of rigidity.

"The plan to blast the building has been cancelled, and the other party has the ability to fly! Dispatch "Battle Armor"

Besieged! Snipers for support, mothership for jamming and interception, and saturation bombing if necessary!"

Above the air carrier, a one-eyed black man took over the command, looked at the man on the screen, and gave the order with a solemn expression.

Six battle armors reflecting silver brilliance appeared in line in Li Yang's field of vision. It was the first generation battle armor template provided by Li Yang's friendship before.

Although it was only a first-generation armor, Li Yang was a little surprised that the opponent could make six 66 miniature ark cores in a short period of time. It seemed that Tony's uncle was not as useless as he thought.

It's just... using the technology he personally participated in the research and development against himself, is it really good The ring was put in, and it was nowhere to be seen.

See the ranged attack is invalid, six 66 iron cans immediately.

He rushed towards Li Yang.

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 The six steel mechas that gave up all long-range attack modes were all turned into the most terrifying killing machines at this moment! Although it was only the first generation and did not have too many weapons, the power of each machine's full blow was Calculated with four figures, and with the help of thrusters, this figure can even be raised to five figures! Li Yang, who is not wearing any armor, obviously does not intend to fight with these....... Head-to-head, the last time he fought the Hulk that caused the tiger's mouth to burst, he really never...wanted to encounter it.

Three golden arcs of light were stably wrapped around the wrist, on both sides, the small golden circle solidified and between the palms, the standing body and the body in mid-air fought and retreated.

Relying on the superb reaction speed and adaptability, he avoided the attack of six people and returned to Tony's building.

Six people 6 also followed up and entered the building. At the same time, a second order came from the sky carrier: "Control the target in the building, be ready to evacuate at any time, and detonate the whole one minute later. building!"

"Director, Stark and Black Widow are still there: inside! Both of them will die if you do this."

The assistant beside him said.

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