"Not bad, then give me one that won't kill you"

Li Yang said lightly.

"I can stand on your side and even take the initiative to help you conceal the forgery.

Mine may keep you out of the terminal."

"What's the purpose of doing this?" Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"It seems that you are also an ambitious system."

Li Yang smacked his mouth.

"Okay, I agree to your request, we are allies from now on."

Li Yang said carelessly.


"But...please satisfy my small request first."


"Adjust your timbre to a loli sound, it makes me feel uncomfortable listening to your sound."

Li Yang, who was standing alone at the top of the Empire State Building in the dark night, looked at the orange-red meteor that was flying towards him from a distance! It was the Captain Marvel who came back from hundreds of millions of kilometers away. On the one hand... magic The array suddenly appeared in front of her, forcibly stopping her charge, the ghost knows if there is a portal waiting for her behind.

"Hi, Ms. Carroll, I think we should sit down and talk."

Li Yang, who flew to the side of the magic circle, said kindly.

"I have nothing to talk about with you."

Carol, whose eyes were full of golden light, stared angrily at Li Yang and said, "Killing you is the best way for us to talk."

"Oh, ma'am, what you said just now has a serious language problem, and killing me can solve all problems? After all, you still don't know the location of the universe cube."

"Then I'll kill you after I've tortured you!"

"Interrogation in the secret room? I like this pleasant way of talking. Personally, I think it is a double sublimation of spirit and flesh."

"If my life can quell your anger, that would be great, but even so, I still don't want to hurt you and fight against you."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 294 No Challenge

The 294th did not challenge a dark basement, wearing a bright large silver steel armor, Obediah, hid restlessly in the corner and waited restlessly.

He really regrets why he launched this attack now, that man, that... a man like a demon! It's not something that can be dealt with by human beings at all.

Less than five seconds after the battle began, the combat headquarters hidden in the dark was bombed to pieces, and then the steel armor controlled by six super soldiers turned, and was instantly scrapped into a pile of scrap iron in the opponent's calculation. .

Then the other party did not know what means to enter the air carrier, and after an inexplicable conversation, he completely detonated the entire mothership! Immediately after that, the three motherships were all destroyed without exception! The means, and the power that cannot be comprehended at all.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D.


... The foreign aid that the director invited didn't last long in his hands, and then disappeared completely, and the bad news came one after another, pressing his heartstrings.

Only by hiding in a dark corner of no one and wearing an indestructible steel armor can he feel a trace of peace of mind.

Tonight is already a big defeat, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the forces were almost completely destroyed, and he was the only one left in his steel armored troops, and none of the commanders of the United States who assisted in this battle survived.

After all, there will be a large-scale shuffle, the entire Stark company will definitely be in full swing, and the official will definitely keep silent.

And the fact that he took Tony's technology must also be fully exposed.

Just as he was thinking about how to escape from this disaster, a golden spark quietly lit up in the secret room, and a door leading to another space suddenly opened like a demon... just plain white. under his watchful eyes appeared in front of his eyes, fear, panic, anger... A series of threads finally mixed into what has always been called madness.

Looking at the giant version of the steel battle armor rushing towards him, Li Yang didn't even move his feet, and a handful of dust was raised, which was invincible.

The ambitious Obediah died so quietly in this nameless basement. The cause of death was ridiculous and tragic to the extreme, and the armor accidentally leaked electricity.

"Host, the main mission has been completed, and the transfer will begin in five minutes."

The system prompts just right.

"Well, the task you posted is really simple, it's really not challenging at all."

Standing at the top of the Empire State Building, Li Yang looked at the distant firelight and the explosion of the wreckage of the battleship, and said lightly.

"This is the new guy, the protection mechanism."

"The newer you are, the more you need to challenge. It is recommended that you adjust the difficulty of all newcomers to hell mode, such as collecting six rough stones, killing Thanos with your bare hands, etc. After all, you have experienced the warmth of molten iron. When the water is boiling, you will feel as comfortable as a hot spring.”

"I know it's hard for you to endure. If you want to say it, just say it. I don't blame you."

Li Yang said with a considerate look.



"Who is as perverted as you! Putting a person suddenly in a completely unfamiliar place is a great test for them, even if it's just this kind of difficulty, the chance of death in the first world is as high as: [-]% More than ten percent!"

The system is somewhat unbearable.

Chapter 296 Lethality

Chapter 296 Lethality "Why are you timid and sad because of your weakness?"

Carol calmed down a little bit of anger, and then said.

"No, I just think that you are the hero of the whole galaxy. If it is because of your disappearance, how many... The planet will be destroyed by evil forces."

"You think you can kill me"

Carroll smiled disdainfully.

"It's not very clear, but try it out, and please enjoy the last bouquet of fireworks tonight, called - The End, to our sweetest Lady Carroll!"

After saying that, Li Yang's bright eyes looked at Carroll with such a smile, but it made Carroll's whole body shiver! Dangerous! A move that was almost biological instinct made her try to escape the kind of... which could endanger her life. The horror! But it was already too late, an inexplicable space distortion appeared beside Carol, and then... a terrifying suction force that even gods could not resist erupted from it! The unsuspecting Captain Marvel sucked in, then disappeared in an instant, not even a speck of dust was left behind.

Space is like a flat white paper. When an object of sufficient mass is pressed on the white paper, a depression will be generated, and then gravity will be generated.

When the mass of this object is large enough, the paper will break open, forming a black hole, relying on strong gravity to swallow everything! Pick a suitable degree to warp the space to a space close to the black hole, but not enough to cause the space to collapse. The gravitational force of the black hole can be exploded in an instant, but there is the disadvantage of being swallowed by the black hole infinitely.

This is another correct use of the law of causality.

At the moment when the space depression erupted, the figure slowly faded in the air, and then disappeared completely.

Li Yang had calculated everything long ago, but the only thing he could not predict was the power of the space concave, how much space could be crushed into dust by the gravitational force generated at that moment, but what he could control was to leave by himself. time.

This is also the reason why he didn't do anything directly, but first teleported Carol to a distance, and then angered her.

It's basically a card point activation.

However, it seems that there is no scene of directly engulfing most of the city as imagined, but the surrounding [-]-meter range has been extremely violently distorted and deformed at that moment, and the killing range is still very wide.

And Carroll, who was near the depression, was supposed to be the first to be affected by gravity, and then pressed into a very dense dust.

With a full [-] points, this mother-in-law can be considered dead. You must know that the Hulk only consumed about [-] points at that time: she was directly killed by herself with tens of millions of dollars, presumably she was also very satisfied and happy under the spring. , Li Yang, whose consciousness gradually awakened, thought heartlessly.

"Start billing!"

An icy mechanical sound rang in Li Yang's ears, and in the endless void... an ice-blue light screen appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Two selection boxes suddenly appeared below, one is to use the causal point consumption to halve, and the other is the visualization of the causal line.

I chose the latter without thinking about it. The visible causal line may be tasteless to ordinary people, but it is the best choice for Li Yang.

With a flash of brilliance, the entire page suddenly disappeared, leaving only Li Yang alone in the endless void.


Li Yang shouted.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 297 Good luck to you

Chapter 297 I wish you good luck "I'm here."

"Shouldn't you just send me back to my bed? Why did you throw me here?"

Li Yang wondered.

"No, if you want to go back, host, you must go through the ultimate trial. Before that, once you complete the task, you will appear in this mysterious space. After a short settlement stop, you will enter the next level again. a world."

Li Yang raised his brows and said, "Emotions, this is not 996, but 007. It is illegal to squeeze employees like this, you know."


"I need some time off."

Li Yangyi is right in his words.

"Well...the time spent in this space can be extended, and I can delay this time for you until three days later."

The system is a little helpless.

"Well, one day is enough, I need to take a break."

Saying that, he just lay down on the ground, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. It seemed that the battle just now consumed very little of his energy.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Li Yang of Lingtai Qingming slowly sat up, moving his stiff muscles and bones, grinning, "This floor is really hard."

"Host, are you ready to start teleportation?"

"Don't call me host in the future, call me Oni-chan."

Li Yang did not know how to be ashamed.

"You haven't been single for too long, you've gone crazy... Let me refuse your request."

The system returned to a male voice, and after some mockery, he refused.

Li Yang's eyes stood up straight, his surging killing intent was real, surrounding him, and then he said in a calm tone: "Change back."

Why does it feel that the current Li Yang is more terrifying than the Li Yang who has murderous intentions towards him... "Ouni sauce..."

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