"Because I'm going to prepare a feast for this.

Gather all the useless greedy, juggler, and powerful people together.

clean up."

"After all, if you want to carry out a certain degree of change on this rotten rhizome, these... cores of corruption will be the biggest source of resistance, rather than... After letting them go, yin and yang go against the grain and oppose it in every possible way."

"It's better to kill them all before this, and at the same time to shock and deter them, it is also possible to concentrate all the imperial power that has fallen by the side, so as to facilitate the implementation of relevant measures in the later period."

"And I will go on an expedition soon. Naturally, this right cannot fall into the hands of others. I need a manager and an operator, and you are the right person I selected."

Li Yang looked at Bella deeply.

"Then... lord, why are you doing this?"

Bella, who had recovered from the shock after a while, was a little puzzled.

"Do you know what you're living for, is it for your family, to be a partner in justice, or just to live?"

"I have no idea"

After thinking to no avail, Bella shook her little head.

"I don't know, the answer can only be found in time or when you meet someone one day, do one wrong thing, and see a landscape."

"The answer will naturally appear. Of course, you may not be able to find this answer in your lifetime. That is to live for the sake of living."

"Is this so esoteric, I don't understand."

"You will understand, well, answer my question now, are you willing to become the emperor of this empire, as a reward I will fulfill one of your wishes when I leave this world."

Chapter 376

Chapter 36 Chaotic ministers and thieves "As long as it is the arrangement of adults, I will obey."


He gently placed his palm on Bella's head.

After rubbing it twice, he took his hand away, turned around and continued to walk towards the emperor's palace.

..........Two days later, the news of the sudden death of Minister Ernest due to illness was like a hurricane, spreading through the upper echelons of the entire empire at a terrifying speed! All politically sensitive Officials and politicians all smelled an unusual taste in the news, and a storm of empire-centered regime was brewing at a slow pace.

All the powerful and ambitious are frantically forming gangs in an attempt to further expand their strength before the storm officially begins.

Three days later, a banquet hosted by the emperor himself was launched in the palace! This banquet was so grand and unprecedented that almost all the high-level and social elites attended the banquet. Everyone's purpose was completely different. In this banquet, find your own wishful husband.

Politicians continued their daily activities of forming gangs, trying to get a small number of neutral parties to join their camp, and many officials were looking forward to the appearance of the emperor, so as to start their own work.

But what they were waiting for was a young man with long blond hair,"

Your Majesty is in poor health, so this banquet is hosted by me.

Many people were shocked, and seemed to have noticed the problem, among them, the officials who tried to assassinate the emperor and split the entire empire in the past two days were also beating drums in their hearts.

"Isn't this the Marquis of Ross?"

A lady said in a low voice.

"The Marquis of Ross... likes to play around, the girl's pervert doesn't... He doesn't look like that."

"It's not very appropriate for a marquis to be in charge of such a scene."

"I suspect this fellow has imprisoned His Majesty.

We are going to see Your Majesty."

Some good things are said in secret.

"Yes, we ask to see His Majesty!"

........Seeing that the voices below were getting louder and louder, Li Yang on the stage had no choice but to press down with his hands and waited for everyone to calm down before saying, "Since your desire to see His Majesty is so strong, then I will send you to see His Majesty. Now, prepare for the execution."

Nearly [-] soldiers in heavy armor surrounded the entire venue. The giant axe in their hands was like a grass-cutting sickle, which cut and slashed indiscriminately! In an instant, the entire palace was in chaos, wailing, screaming, The screams were all mixed together, and the blood echoed above the palace, like the cheapest dye, was wantonly splashed on the red carpet, the pillars of the golden dragon entwined.

up, it's miserable.

Many killers and those who had noticed the problem early on immediately formed a group and rushed outside the hall, trying to find a way out.

An angry shout came from the venue, and the golden armguards of General Bude in a suit flashed with dazzling electric lights, focusing everyone's attention on him.

"Enough! Chaotic ministers and thieves!"

The shirt burst, revealing the metal stomach.

The rich electric light condensed around him, and a roaring thunder dragon rushed out from the golden armguard in his hand! Booming into the void standing on the stand, the golden magic circle appeared out of thin air, but it was instantly penetrated like thin paper! After smashing through the five defensive formations in a row, it slowly dissipated in the air.

"Oh, you are wearing your heavy armor at the banquet? You are distrusting... Your Majesty."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 377 Enthronement Ceremony.

Chapter 37 Enthronement Ceremony.

The thunder in his hand swept across, directly blasting the two heavily armored soldiers into the air. There was a scorched stench in the blue smoke, and it was obvious that those who had died could no longer die.

"Are you trying to bring the entire empire to collapse?"

The traitor's blue eyes stared at Li Yang with murderous intent, the thunder on his arms faintly communicated with the thunder cloud in the sky, and the dark clouds condensed from the sky above the hall were flashing with dazzling electric lights.

"I just want to exchange blood for the empire."

Feeling the slight chills all over his body, Li Yang said unhurriedly, "A talent like General Bude is naturally not on the list of this cleaning.

Now I'm inviting you into the center of power in the Empire, I wonder if General Bude would like it"

But the only response to him was a disdainful hum and a terrifying thunder column that swooped down from the sky like a blue dragon! "That's a pity, Li Yang, who was sipping his drink, said lightly.

An inexplicable wave took him as the source and extended to General Budd's body. On his upper body, the red and lively beating heart in his chest seemed to be squeezed by a big hand! For half a second, suddenly It stopped beating, just kept twitching.

At this moment, the thunder that bombarded down like a beam of light above the sky.

He also lost all his strength, like a weak tide that slowly spreads out in the night sky.

With a painful look on his face, Bud fell directly to the ground, clutching his chest with both hands desperately, his eyes slightly bulging, like a fish on the shore, struggling desperately.

"How about it, it feels good, this is a purified cardioplegic toxin."

It only takes one gram to make a person die extremely painfully. Now, General Bude, your internal circulation is relatively strong, and the toxin spreads to the heart so quickly.

"Oh, by the way, this treatment is not exclusive to General Bude. All the guests who participated in the banquets have a share. Probably every glass of wine contains three neurotoxins, three times the lethal dose."

With a faint smile on his face, Li Yang looks like a devil to everyone, a devil with no humanity and no principles to speak of! "Let's toast your death and the prosperous future of the empire!"

Li Yang, who held the wine glass aloft, said loudly, announcing the death of everyone.

Everyone screamed in horror and howled, the massacre continued, and the entire encirclement was gradually shrinking.

After slaughtering everyone, the entire palace has been soaked with red liquid, and the bodies of hundreds of people can be piled up into a Jingguan just by putting them together.

Winning the king and defeating the bandit is nothing more than that.

After finding a few fish that slipped through the net to clean up, and after giving the order to clean up the palace, Li Yang, who threw down the wine glass, left the dripping palace gracefully like a careless person.

This massacre almost wiped out most of the old-fashioned strength of the upper class of the empire, paving the most smooth and straight path for the subsequent reform of the empire.

All the voices of opposition were all stifled in the cradle, and all the invitees were called traitors, confiscated family wealth, and implicated the three clans! History is known as the Rose York incident.

Hundreds of years and years ago, some people still commented on the legendary man, some regarded him as a god, and some believed that he was a devil from hell, a tyrant without any humanity.

Of course this is all for later.

Three days later, above the palace hall, Bella in a yellow robe sat on the dragon chair.

Chapter 378 Fear

Chapter 38 The fearful eyes looked at the many ministers kneeling under the steps below the hall, and the man... who was walking towards her step by step with a scepter in his hand.

In seven days, no, six days, she witnessed this man's methods with her own eyes. She was resolute and decisive, but she couldn't pick out the problem.

Ruthless, bloody and brutal, he easily swept away all the old parties and established a one-word hall that belonged to him! The entire empire seemed to be just an inconspicuous plaything in his hands.

Being made into what he wanted, he smiled and handed over the power in his hands to Bella, feeling the power in his hands, this symbol of the cold touch on the supreme authority of the empire, Bella's expression was still a little dazed.

Even if she dared not imagine something in her dream, it became a reality at this moment, and she was about to say something to Li Yang.

However, Li Yang quietly stopped her with her movements, and put the crown made of crystals and diamonds on Bella's head, which was carried by the maid, and then whispered: "You are the Queen now.

But don't talk nonsense."

Pretty face blushed a little, and then humbly hummed.

"The new emperor's enthronement ceremony officially begins!"

A loud bang after a loud bang, from the golden palace hall to the outside of the golden palace hall to the entire huge palace, countless people crawled on the ground and shouted loudly.

...........Northern Xinjiang! Esdes, in a white military uniform, grabbed Sen Han's servant in iron shackles with one hand and licked her boots, almost admiring the servant look on face.

But all he saw was submission and even enjoyment, and Esdes, who felt bored, gently retracted himself, his legs, and the sharp toes of his shoes kicked on the servant's temple.

With a thud, the servant who suddenly lost his voice fell to the ground like a mass of dead flesh, and a ray of bright red flowed wanton on the ground.

Holding a letter, a soldier trotted all the way to Esdes' military tent, endured the fear in his heart, and said loudly: "Report, General Esders, Imperial Confidentiality."

He didn't speak, his cold-colored eyes showed indifference, a kind of indifference that originated from blood and race, slender fingers clamped this letter, and I don't know how much... financial and material resources were sent here. letter inch.

Gently tore it open, the first piece of information that came into view was the news of the death of Minister Ornest, followed by the robbery of the entire imperial capital and the fall of the imperial power one after another that could be regarded as earth-shattering events.

In each piece will appear a seemingly ordinary and indefinite name-Ross.

York, but almost everything he does can shock others.

Assassinate ministers, slaughter nobles, and pretend to be close relatives of the royal family to forcibly gain the throne! The whole letter is full of grief and resentment.

Everything Li Yang has done has become an unforgivable sin in his writings.

The chaotic ministers and thieves who have lost their conscience, even through the paper, the anger and... fear of the writer can be seen.

"Rose York"

The letter paper in his hand quickly spread a layer of frost, and then burst.

A smile appeared on the cold face in the drifting ice chips: "Interesting."

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