"Go, go home and cook for Liu, and make fun of me, I don't have a boyfriend yet!"

Zheng Qiuer smiled at the policewoman and said.

"Ha, I saw you with the vice president of Longyan Media a few days ago. In fact, Li Yang is very good. He is handsome and his kung fu is good. Don't you like it?"

Zheng Qiuer blushed and pretended to be angry: "What nonsense we are... the relationship between the police and the people!"

The others in the office laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became: much more active.

"Okay, I'll go to Binhai University for a patrol first."

Zheng Qiuer put on the police uniform, took out the pistol from the hanger, and put it on his waist.

Just then, the glass door of the Ministry of Security was pushed open.

Two men who looked like iron towers walked in.

These two people seem to be talking about cross talk, one is wearing a jacket, the other is wearing a suit, one of them is wearing sunglasses, the other is wearing a mask, they are nondescript.

"Hello, are you a security guard?"

A female security guard walked over and asked.

That big man... as strong as an iron tower suddenly stretched out his right hand and raised his five fingers, directly penetrating the abdomen of that... female security guard! "Wow!"

The female security guard vomited blood and wailed bitterly. The security guards in the office were at a loss. They had never seen such a scene. He threw the dagger over, and the nearest security guard was stabbed in the chest by the dagger just as he was about to draw his gun, and fell down on the spot.

The man in the suit hid behind the table, holding a dagger in each hand! The strong man used the female security guard as a shield, and swung an 81-type automatic rifle with an old-fashioned bayonet from behind him, but this gun: he used a chain For ammunition, loaded with thousands of rounds!

Chapter 401: Save Me

Chapter 401: Save Me "Damn, they have automatic weapons!"

Zheng Qiuer moved the safe and blocked the safe in front of him to resist sharp rifle bullets.

The strong man waved the assault rifle in his hand to shoot, and the pistols and shotguns of the security guards couldn't match the firepower of the automatic rifles, and they were knocked down one after another.

Those... security guards were swept away by the big man, and there were not many left.

The man in the suit sneaked in from behind, cut his throat methodically in the chaotic environment, and assassinated many security officers.


Zheng Qiuer raised her head and fired two shots at the big man. At this moment, she felt the coolness from behind, and the dagger flew over her neck! Zheng Qiuer was busy dodging, but the dagger still cut her ears. Hardly nailed into the inside of the wall! "Stay still.

What we want is you."

The... dagger man picked up a Type [-] pistol from the ground, and he opened fire at the surrounding security personnel.

Then Zheng Qiuer was taken to the opposite house, the two were in tandem, and the masked man with the rifle cut him off, and the two cooperated very well.

The two took Zheng Qiuer hostage into the hotel opposite, and they drove away the people from the hotel, seemingly preparing to confront the police for a long time.

Li Yang was driving through the intersection when his cell phone suddenly rang. He looked over and saw that it was a message sent by Zheng Qiuer's Apple Watch. The content contained two words: Help me! "What's the situation?"

Li Yang, he parked his car on the side of the road, then quickly put on his battle armor and flew in the direction of the security personnel bureau.

At this moment, the... small hotel has been surrounded by senior security personnel. Since these two people are professional killers, the senior security personnel are rescuing the force at this moment.

They all felt overwhelmed by this, because they were facing two extreme killers, not to mention that the other party also had an automatic rifle.

The Bayi automatic rifle, a military weapon, can penetrate the bulletproof vests of security personnel, but the other party turned it into a machine gun, which made the battle even more difficult.

The security guards could not observe from the windows and thermal imaging, because the other party obviously turned on the air conditioner to the maximum, and the whole hotel was icy cold.

"Damn, this is really..."

Senior security guard Zhong Zhentian was holding a submachine gun. He looked at the white flowers on the computer monitor and suddenly felt that the situation was not optimistic.

"Report to the captain, the other party destroyed the monitoring equipment inside the hotel, they cut off all external communications, these people seem to be on defense for a long time!"

a senior security officer said.

Zhong Zhentian said angrily: "Damn, these gangsters are really out of line. They openly go to the security department to rob people. Is this a life-threatening situation?"

"Captain, should we launch an attack first?"

asked the senior security officer.

"No, they have rifles, and these two are elite killers, we have to be careful to move!"

That... the senior security guard also gritted his teeth and held back.

In the banquet hall of the hotel, two killers surrounded Zheng Qiuer. They were very well behaved and didn't do anything to her like the gangsters in the movie.

Zheng Qiuer looked at the two, gritted her teeth and asked, "What is your purpose? I'm not a senior executive, what are you going to do?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 402: Hard Qigong

Chapter 402: The strong qigong man said: "You are really a noble person who forgets things, have you forgotten? I am a death row in prison No. 2 and [-], and my nickname is Dragon King!"

"Oh it's you!"

Zheng Qiuer participated in the activities of arresting the Dragon King at that time, and the Dragon King is a strong Sanda master."

"He was wanted for killing his father. He has been engaged in violent activities since he grew up. He is good at using heavy weapons.

This person even said that he could live for a month in the jungle, and he was considered a quasi-jungle commando, and the man wearing the sunglasses turned his head and said, "Don't tell her who I am."

"Haha, brother, if you don't say it, don't say it. I know that people like you are principled."

The Dragon King smiled and said.

Zheng Qiuer looked at that person, and she couldn't guess what the two were going to do.

She doesn't dare to speak now, because she is afraid that the two of them will do something terrifying.

After all, these two are fighting against each other's backs, and they are also very terrifying! "I'm waiting for someone."

The man said, "If he doesn't come for a minute, I'll cut off your hand.

I'll slice you up bit by bit until he comes."

Zheng Qiuer was so frightened that she was in a cold sweat. In this way, she learned from the five unsolved cases in the past few years that there was a cruel killer who was good at slicing living people. , because he used to be a master of the martial arts team.

Because his wife disliked him for not being able to earn money and ran away with others, he was angry and killed and sliced ​​him alive. After being arrested, he was found to be mentally ill, so he was sent to a mental hospital.

Unexpectedly, this person killed an entire hospital doctor and escaped from the mental hospital! Both the saury and the dragon king are very terrifying. What I want to know most is, who are these two people waiting for!" , I heard the sound of advanced security protection attack."

The saury turned his head and said slowly.

"Oh, these kids come, I'll send them to hell!"

The Dragon King walked over with heavy steps, holding the automatic rifle in his hand, blocking the stairs, and there were some very small sounds from downstairs, which ordinary people did not hear at all.

The Dragon King found a table, put it down, and waited for the senior security guards to come up.

"Report to the headquarters, we will be on the roof soon!"

The senior security protection personnel approached slowly from the stairs, they used the explosion-proof shield, and then the senior security protection personnel approached upstairs with the help of the explosion-proof shield.

The Dragon King stared at the entrance of the stairs and saw that as soon as the senior security guard showed up, his rifle opened fire brazenly, and the bullets hit the explosion-proof shield.

Senior security guards in the front resisted the bombardment, while those in the back prepared to throw shock bombs.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and that... Shock bomb was bounced back and fell among the senior security guards and exploded. Immediately, the people in the back row were blinded by the strong light, and they hid in the corner of the stairs and did not dare to move.

"You can't do it without me."

The saury held two sawn-off pistol-like 1 carbines, firing one after another, in order to block the attacks of these... Security guards.

"The firepower is too strong, retreat!"

Fortunately, there were no casualties among the senior security personnel. They quickly retreated, and the corridor returned to silence.

The Dragon King and the saury looked at each other and smiled, and the Dragon King sneered: "It's really rubbish, it didn't make me happy."

Chapter 403: Ominous Premonition

Chapter 403: Ominous feeling "I don't feel anything."

Saury said, "Go back and look at her."

Li Yang had already arrived at the scene,,, he was wearing a steel suit and flew directly towards the hotel from another... building! "Look! What is that?"

Everyone on the street looked up and saw a red steel-like aircraft hitting the wall of the hotel! "What is this"

Those... senior security personnel are also incredible, they have never seen such a strange aircraft, and this technology does not seem to be used by security personnel! "Is this Sun Monkey's colorful 7 auspicious clouds? "

A girl said.

"How come there are colorful 7 auspicious clouds, you have read more about Journey to the West!"

Another girl smiled and said.

Boom! The wall collapsed in front of everyone's eyes. Li Yang took off his armor and shot the ground with the Punisher rifle in his hand. A hole was punched in the ground. He smashed the ceiling with one foot and fell towards the third floor of the banquet hall!" Zheng Qiu'er!"

It's a raid! "Crouch!"

Li Yang shouted loudly, seeing that the Dragon King beside Zheng Qiuer took the lead in attacking, he picked up his rifle and was about to fire.

But Li Yang was even more violent. He directly pulled the trigger of the grenade launcher, and while squatting down, a grenade was fired, directly blowing the Dragon King's body! "Boom!"

A puddle of minced meat and blood spurted out, and the surrounding walls slammed.

Li Yang faced the saury. One of the saury went out of the wall and shot the wall with two carbines. The two shot across the wall. Li Yang summoned a steel battle suit to protect his chest! "Da da da da!"

The two shot at each other, using up all the bullets at the same time.

There was a rumbling sound from outside the wall, and Li Yang looked out from the door and saw that the saury was bloodied by his bullet, and was still vomiting blood.

"Zheng Qiu'er!"

Li Yang ran over, he untied the rope for Zheng Qiuer, Zheng Qiuer suddenly burst into tears and threw himself beside Li Yang! "Don't cry, it's alright.

I am here."

Li Yang hugged her and patted her back gently, comforting Zheng Qiuer.

She is also a girl, not a superman, Li Yang understands this, she has taken too much pressure, this time she wants to release it all! Zheng Qiuer lay in Li Yang's arms, only feeling that his chest is so warm.

If time can stop, she is willing to let time stop at this moment forever.

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