Chapter 436: Network Paralysis

Chapter 436: The network is paralyzed and in the laboratory on the other side, the situation is not ordinary.

Lan Feixu was in the process of neutralization, because the material leaked just now, which directly caused the lives of two staff members.

So he is carrying out a high degree of decontamination of 1 laboratory vessel.

Fortunately, the two were wearing chemical protective suits and did not suffer too much damage.

"Damn it, the sealing degree of the utensils has reached the international advanced standard, why is there still gas leaking out?"

Lan Feixu looked at the researchers in front of him and asked.

Those scientific researchers were also curious as to why the poisonous gas leaked out here. This kind of situation happened in such a high-level laboratory, it was like a ghost.

"Report, the results are out.

The decontamination channel of the petri dish was opened, but it was quickly closed. At this moment, the decontamination solution did not have time to infuse, so a part of the gas would leak out, and the space purification device in the laboratory was closed!"

"Who closed what"

Lan Feixu was shocked and said angrily.

"I have been: responsible for the security of the main gate, where the local network was paralyzed some time ago!"

An administrator came over and was busy reporting.

Lan Feixu was shocked. He said to a guard behind him: "Report to the military that our scientific research institute may have been damaged by hackers. Let a senior hacker be dispatched to cooperate with the security of our civil and military LAN."


At this moment, Tang Long ran in and said, "How can you notify me of what happened?"

"Why should I tell you"

Lan turned around and asked.

"I am also the person involved in the experiment, why shouldn't you tell me"

Tang Long looked at him and asked back.

Lan Feixu said with a smile: "It is because of the participation of people that the secret was leaked. A hacker invaded our system and leaked the poison gas!"

"What kind of hackers, the hackers who can enter our place, we are a national laboratory, how can we let hackers in?"

Lan Feixu said angrily, "Just ask yourself!"

After speaking, he turned to leave, Tang Long stood there alone, his face full of embarrassment.

He invested [-] million to build this laboratory, but now he has ended up being looked down upon by many people.

At this time, his cell phone rang, he picked it up, and there was a text message on it.

The content of the message is: We tried to attack this system today, obviously their system is not easy to break, so I want you to cooperate internally.

Sender: Tong Yuxuan.

When Li Yang returned home, when he opened the door, he saw Zhong Yueqing sitting on the sofa, like a coquettish beauty snake, the TV was on, showing popular Korean TV dramas.

There were fried chicken and beer on the table, she saw Li Yang and said hello.

"Wow, you scared me to death, what came in suddenly."

Li Yang walked to the table, tossed his shoes, sat down, and picked up a piece of fried chicken to eat.

Zhong Yueqing looked at him and said with a smile: "You really have a big heart, I received a text message from Cheng Tianlun at night, Brother Lung asked us to prepare for the evening and go to the two-party talks with them at that time.

This meeting is in cooperation with the Emperor's Society, so none of us can bring weapons."

"Oh my god, they don't have weapons if they don't have weapons? If the Emperor doesn't agree and they attack first, wouldn't we be wiped out by them?"

Li Yang asked.

Chapter 437: Imperial Hotel

Chapter 437: Imperial Wine "They seem to be very sincere this time, and the initiator of our cooperation this time is a very powerful character. He is here, and no one dares to sing against him."

Zhong Yueqing looked at him and explained.

Li Yang didn't know who this person was, but he could guess that this person might be someone sent by the overseas poison king forces.

If it wasn't for this person, then the two gangsters wouldn't be so peaceful together.

"Okay, then I'll drive and take you with me."

Li Yang said.

"Anyway... Now that we have time, we can go after drinking. No problem. I have already found a chauffeur just now."

Zhong Yueqing smiled evilly at Li Yang and said.

"Okay, then I'll give my life to accompany the beauty."

... Half an hour later, a Mercedes-Benz car stopped at the entrance of the Imperial Hotel.

The owner of the Imperial Hotel is Chinese Crono.

This is the most luxurious international hotel in Xiamen, many foreign guests will choose to stay here, and this hotel is also a place for top-level people to hold business talks.

Li Yang and Zhong Yueqing got out of the car.

They looked at the entrance of the hotel. The people at the entrance of the hotel were divided into two sides. The people on the left and the people on the right were dressed differently. Obviously, the people from the Tianhai Group and the Emperor's Association were divided into guards.

"Well, it's really a collaboration between the two."

Li Yang looked at the battle at the door and smiled.

Zhong Yueqing patted his shoulder, "Okay."

Li and Yang got on the elevator and walked directly to the upper conference hall.

When they arrived at the conference hall, there were several big men in black outside the door, and a man wearing a mask.

"Please take out your weapons"

The person who painted the mask said to Li and Yang.

Li Yang smiled and said, "I have no weapons."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

He painted his face and looked at Zhong Yueqing, and said, "Your weapon."

"I only have a knife."

Zhong Yueqing put the dagger on the belt in his hand.

The two entered the gate under the guidance of their face masks, and they saw that it was a huge conference hall, and the conference hall was filled with some very respectable people, including such figures as Zhou Lang and Xie Xiaohua.

Li Yang sat down behind Zhong Yueqing: they sat there.

Several leaders came one after another, and they were sitting on both sides. Xu Yan, the CEO of Tianhai Group, and Qin Long, the president of the Emperor Guild, were sitting there, and in front of them was a man wearing a mask.

"Hello everyone, I am a subordinate of the Poison King, Rubik's Cube."

When Li Yang heard the name, he immediately.

Whispered: "Stark, help me use the battle suit to find out what this shitty Rubik's Cube is."

The Rubik's Cube is standing in front, his mask is made of white steel, without any decoration on it, it's just... a simple mask.

He stood there, wearing black gloves on his hands, looking very mysterious.

Li Yang sat in the back, he could feel many people looking at him.

"Who is this kid"

Zhou Lang asked a leader beside him.

"How the hell do I know this might be new here."

That... the leader said.

Li Yang continued to stare at the Rubik's Cube, and suddenly Jarvis heard a voice: "The Rubik's Cube, joined the Black God Society in 19 and became a small leader."

What is the Black God Society? Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 438: The Black God Society

Chapter 438: Li Yang of the Black God Society is now feeling more and more complicated and confusing, which makes him unbearable.

If the current situation is complicated, then adding the Black God Society would be fatal! "I am a subordinate of the Poison King's forces. Of course, what I say is the will of the Poison King's forces. If anyone has a different opinion, Then let the forces of the Poison King explain to you."

Rubik's Cube explained.

Explain to the Poison King that the Poison King has an army in the Triangle State! Explain to him, I'm afraid he will die in the end! The bosses looked at the Rubik's Cube and didn't know what was going on.

They could only listen to him continue to speak, and did not dare to question too much.

Li Yang sat below and listened to the Rubik's Cube and said: "We want to unite, and for the newly built laboratory, we will give him the code name 'Snail'.

There are enough things in the snail's shell to shock the world, the poison king forces need it, and we need our collective cooperation.

In order to make our cooperation more tacit, the poison king forces invested 10 billion yuan, and if our bosses can cooperate very well, then the billion yuan can be used for [-] million yuan per gang!"

[-] million "Don't worry, money is not a problem here, the poison king force has sent us new nutritional products, after eating these... stimulant drugs, people will become Extremely excited.

And we imported a batch of adrenaline from New Delhi, India, so that people can fight for three days without getting sleepy."

It's a frustrating rhythm.

Li Yang thought to himself.

In the end, it's all the younger brothers who die, and these... Bosses can take advantage of it, which is really embarrassing.

Li Yang said: "Sister Qing, you say the worst... it's all chess pieces Xu Yan and Cheng Tianlun, they make a lot of money, and we will die if we die. They import adrenaline, just to give people a shot and make them not afraid of death. of super warriors.

But it's all of us who are dead... This is using us as city guns: use."

Zhong Yueqing frowned and asked, "Did you watch too many movies?"

"When we fought against the Vietnamese guerrillas on the border in [-], their local guerrillas... used this method to transport bombs through the waterway to destroy our checkpoints.

We get a lot of adrenaline from dead fighters and they use it as a stimulant for athletes, overloading them."

Zhong Yueqing looked at him in surprise, and said, "You still know the military, you have been a soldier, I don't even know that you have fought in wars, neither does Brother Lun!"

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