"It's a girl"

"Little Loli."

Li Yang smiled.

"You man!"

Ma Xue picked up the ballpoint pen on the table and threw it, Li Yang stretched out his finger to catch the pen and put it back on the table.

Ji Xiaoying walked in with two cups of coffee.

The moment she saw Li Yang, she was also stunned, and then hesitantly said: "Benefactor..."

"Can you change your name next time?"

Li Yang felt like he was pretending to be a drama, "This name is really too old in the current 21st century.

Ji Xiaoying blushed, and she said, "But if you don't save me, I don't think I will have the current development."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Ma Xue, a secretary seems very honest."

Ma Xue smiled and said: "Ji Xiaoying is really unusual, she has applied all kinds of techniques very well, and she is also a top student.

I really like her."


Ma Xue suddenly took out a document, "Look at this, we want to develop a co-production of a costume movie with the Triangle Kingdom's film and television group. The investment in this film does not need to be dealt with, and now we need to seek the consent of the Triangle Kingdom. "

Li Yang said: "Triangle country, yes.

The labor force in the Triangle Country is also very cheap, which is convenient for us to shoot.

And in that place, the ground rent is also very cheap.”

Ma Xue said with a smile: "I think you'll agree, anyway... we're just going to talk, and we don't have any other plans, so let's settle it for the time being.

We're leaving tomorrow, how about we have a big dinner tonight!"


...Meanwhile, on the border of the Triangle, Hassandeby.

Deep in the jungle in the small town of Hasandeby, a small car is passing through it.

Because this jungle provides convenience for the lumberjacks, a path is specially cut for small car pickups.

The dark brown van jolted forward, and the occupants were miserable.

They were all locals, wearing shabby overalls, and there was a man behind the car who was tied up and covered his head. Although he couldn't make out his face, he could be sure that it was a woman.

The car came to Hassandeby, bypassed those...town security guards and stopped in front of a log cabin.

Those few people stopped the car, and slowly transported the woman behind... who was tied down, and several people took her to the log cabin.

Chapter 457: Profit

Chapter 457: There are four or five, 45 men in the profit cabin. Those people are playing poker and eating chestnuts. There are several machetes with Southeast Asian characteristics and pistols from World War II on the table.

The few people threw the person on the bed and sat down on the chair.

One person stood out from the crowd, and that person said: "It's hard work, this is money."

He took out a box from under the bed behind him, opened the box, it was full of banknotes, and those people went to get the money, and everyone took a lot.

He looked at the woman on the bed, took out his saber, cut the rope on her body, and took off the headgear.

Wang Bing'er's face appeared in front of everyone.

Those men were eager to move, and a few even stepped forward.

"This man can't move, the wolf boss wants him."

said the man.

Hearing the words "Boss Wolf", the rest of the people shuddered, and they naturally did not dare to offend this brother.

They all sat down obediently.

The man who took the lead said to Wang Bing'er, "I heard that you are good at painting portraits. Now we want to ask you to do something."

Wang Bing'er looked at these men, she heard them speaking the Triangle language, so she asked in English: "Why arrest me, I'm not famous, I'm not a famous painter."

"Because your portrait sketching skills are already very good, we can't kidnap famous people.

So you can only choose to start.

Now you are in the interior of the triangle, and when your family finds you, the security personnel will not cross the minefield of nearly [-] meters to rescue you!"

Wang Bing'er nodded and said calmly: I can do whatever I want."

"You want to draw us a picture of the triangular currency Kyat, this needs your help, we have to make fake money, impact the internal economy of the triangular country, and use this batch to make profits!"

Wang Bing'er knew that she was involved in an affair between underground forces.

She can't help, and she can't help, which requires a kind of wisdom.

And she's not one of those girls who... chasing stars and drinking milk tea all day long, so she came up with a plan to delay! She said in English: "I also want money, otherwise I won't be kidnapped by you for nothing.

At any rate, if I cooperate with you, I will also be a part of it. If you don’t promise to give me money to make up for it, I will not paint. Anyway… if you can’t solve these things, even your boss will not be happy.”

Those... Triangle people looked at her, and they all felt that there was a tough stubble in front of her.

So that person from the Triangle State said: "This is fine, the money can be given to you, but you must draw well, or we will chop you into seventy or eighty pieces and throw them on the street!"

"I'm all in your hands, can I still make any tricks?"

That... Triangle people nodded, very satisfied, this result is good for everyone, so he asked everyone around him to go out and gave this room to Wang Bing'er.

"Damn, I don't have a cell phone!"

Wang Bing'er looked at her body. Basically, everything she brought was searched, so she had absolutely no way to ask for help from the outside world! ... The next day, morning.

Li Yang, dressed in a capable business suit, combed his hair into an image of a successful business life, and walked to the airport terminal together with Ma Xue, Ji Xiaoying, Tong Yuxuan and the three of them.

Tong Yuxuan successfully joined Ma Xue's company and became the chief hacker, and demonstrated her powerful cyber attack ability on the spot.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 458: Itinerary

Chapter 458: The schedule even directly hacked the competitor's business network, destroyed their data, and made the company more than [-] million in debt overnight! It is precisely because of her powerful hacking ability that Ma Xue is happy Let her join her own company and become the chief network consultant! In the first lounge of the airport, four people sit around the coffee table and sip Starbucks iced coffee, which is very comfortable.

"Mr. Ma, our itinerary has been arranged, would you like to take a look?"

Ji Xiaoying took out the one in her hand.

Hand it to Ma Xue to ask.

Ma Xue looked at it and expressed satisfaction, and said: "This trip is very good. In the afternoon, we will have a meeting with Burma's Bobila Film and Television Group, so we must prepare all the materials before lunch."

Li Yang said with a smile: "We have the materials ready, it's alright.

Don't worry."

"Your materials are ready, and so are ours."

Ma Xue shook the plate in his hand, "We are also very full this time, we can't fall behind you."

Ji Xiaoying smiled and said, "I didn't expect Li Yang to come with us, I really didn't expect it.

I've been wondering for a while whether Li Yang won't come."

Tong Yuxuan did not speak, and watched the conversation between the two women. Although their identities were different, it could be seen that Ji Xiaoying was also very jealous, and the two always discussed Li Yang.

In the face of this situation, she often chooses not to speak, because she is not willing to participate in the situation of three women in one play.

At this time, a new news was broadcast on the TV. The news said that the famous young painter Wang Bing'er suddenly fell ill during the art exhibition, and was sent to the ambulance unexpectedly and disappeared.

Wang Binger and Li Yang thought of when they met her on the plane.

At that time, in order to save her, he used the Deadpool ability in the Marvel bloodline system and obtained the power of regeneration, so his impression of Wang Bing'er was still very deep.

"What the hell is going on with her being kidnapped?"

Although Li Yang also wanted to save her very much, but now he has nothing to do.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know where she has been bound, and the situation of looking for a needle in a haystack makes him not know where to start.

The flight has arrived, and the three of them boarded the plane and flew towards the capital of the Triangle Country located in the jungle area of ​​Southeast Asia... The Triangle Country, located in Southeast Asia, is also a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

It is bordered by the Andaman Sea to the southwest, India and Bangladesh to the northwest, Yan Kingdom to the northeast, Chiola Kingdom to the southeast, and the capital Nabidu.

The triangular country has developed agriculture and strong military power, but its productivity is backward, advanced technology is relatively lacking, the population quality is low, and some areas are still in an independent state.

This also provides opportunities for many criminals.

Li Yang went to Triangle Country this time because of Ma Xue's safety, so he went there happily.

The plane landed at Naibidu Airport, with the whereabouts of the gangway, Li Yang protected Ma Xue and others from the plane and entered the factory entrance along the passage:.

When the group walked out of the airport, they saw a tropical scenery outside the airport, and many locals in Nabidu were preparing to pick up their friends or family members.

A black Maybach was parked at the exit of the airport. Li Yang recognized that the car was... a special car sent by their partner, Bobilla Film and Television, so he took Ma Xue and the others directly to the car.

Chapter 459: The Jackal Gang

Chapter 459: Jackal Gang "Hello, are you President Ma?"

A handsome-looking local youth from Nabidu walked out and asked.


Ma Xue nodded, "Excuse me, are you from the Bobilla Company?"

The young man said: "My name is Kang Yu, and I am the external consultant of the Bobilla Company. Please follow us on the bus. We have already arranged a rich lunch and are waiting for your arrival."


A group of people sat on the extended Maybach, and the windows rolled up immediately, and the comfortable air conditioner blew over.

Tong Yuxuan said with a smile: "It's really comfortable. It's really comfortable to enjoy the air conditioning in the Triangle Country and look at the tropical scenery."

"It is our pleasure to make you feel comfortable."

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