make money for you."

Li Yang looked at her and said.

Liuhua pushed him in surprise and asked, "Where did you get the money?"

"I have money, and I am a money maker."

Li Yang blinked at her, then dialed a phone number.

"I'm Li, you give me [-] million US dollars to an account, ask for US dollars, remember, be careful, I'll treat you to a drink when I go back!"

Chapter 471: Advanced Equipment

Chapter 41: Go ahead and set up Li Yang to hang up the phone, look at Ouyang Yuhua with a surprised expression, and say, "Hey...!!!, the money has been transferred to you."

After five minutes, the money was transferred to Ouyang Yuhua's account. Looking at the money, she had mixed feelings about how an irrelevant soldier would do this to help her! She looked at Li Yang and smiled. Said: "In the future, my life is yours, you can use me at will, explore the way, assassinate, or even commit suicide attacks."

Li Yang smiled and said, "I'm not the kind of person who uses your life to do anything... Murderers and terrorists, I really can't afford to use your life."

"It's better than this. Let's solve the case together, and then I will rescue the hostage. How about you take money to treat your mother?"

"Okay, it's a deal."

Ouyang Yuhua stretched out his hand, "Deal."

In this way, Li Yang and Liuhua successfully attracted a person with the same purpose as them, and all this has just begun.

Li Yang and Liu Hua sat in the car, Ouyang Yuhua handed over the phone from behind and said, "I know that the Jackal Gang has a factory, handsome guy, their factory has a lot of printing equipment, these... ....printing equipment is the most advanced in the west.

But I don't know what they're going to do."

"Wang Bing'er can draw, and her drawing skills are very good, so they definitely didn't let her paint Chinese paintings, so I guess they may have caught Wang Bing'er to print counterfeit coins in the past."

"Fake Coins"

Ouyang Yuhua couldn't believe it, "Why is it fake?"

"You want a painter to serve an unidentified organization, and there is a printing press. You can easily think of the word counterfeit money."

Li Yang smiled and took a cigarette.

Liuhua said: "Yes, your guess is correct, but we.

There's still a wound on her hand."

Li Yang said: "No matter what, I want to make sure that the people around me are in good condition.

I don't want her to be hurt, so I'm going to treat her now."

Ouyang Yuhua was stunned. She did not expect that this seemingly ruthless soldier would give her a chance to heal her wounds. These female killers spread across half the world and had never met such a kind employer.

But is he really kind? Li Yang looked at her and said, "You are with me, I am a soldier, and you are also a soldier.

We're going to save the hostages and kill the gangsters, so this kind of smooth movie-like mission needs to be in perfect condition, and your wounds will delay things."

"Well, I see."

Ouyang Yuhua blushed and lowered his head.

"You'll be shy too"

Liu Hua squinted at her and joked.

"I do not have."

Ouyang Yuhua turned his head and looked at the paddy fields outside the window. Birds flew over the crops and flew across the village to a farther place.

...Jackal gang territory, Banner Ham processing factory.

A black Mercedes-Benz car passed through the greasy processing plant passage and drove directly into a factory building.

There are all kinds of printing machines in the workshop, and some local men in white shirts are operating these... advanced machines.

"Tell Brother Tang, Ha guess is here."

A strong man who got out of the car said to the gunman at the door.

After a while, a man in a black suit got out of the car. The man was [-] meters tall, with muscles all over his body and dark skin. He was obviously a veteran who had been weathered by the wind and the sun.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 472: There is a story

Chapter 42: There is one thing this person is... what they said about Hachai, Hachai was an excellent special warfare officer at the heart of the Triangle Army, because Aung San's troops came in and took over the regime.

That's why he was forced to resign and started the Jackal Gang business. A younger brother said, "Brother Hachai, Brother Tang called you!"

"it is good."

Hachai walked up to the second floor. In an office on the second floor, a man was sitting at a table smoking a cigarette. He had a long scar on his face and looked more like an islander.

And behind him, is a downright triangular man.

This triangular countryman is... Sang Tang, the largest underground smuggler in the triangular country.

Hachai said, "Brother Tang, how are you?"

"I knew, you have come here, there must be good news for us, tell me, what happened to the template thing?"

Hachai took out a suitcase from behind and said with a smile, "See for yourself, Brother Tang."

Sang Tang looked at the box, and when he opened the box, there were two neat templates, both of which were kyat templates, with a face value of several thousand.

Hassan said: "As expected of Hachai from a military background, he's amazing!"

"I've got all these things, and where's my money?"

Hachai laughed.

"Of course the money will not be short. According to your request, I exchanged all the money for Yan Guo currency. The total is five million, and it's all here."

Sang Tang snapped his fingers, and saw that the two little brothers who were carrying them brought a trolley case. The trolley case was opened, and there were some newspapers inside. The newspaper was torn up to reveal a coin.

Hachai smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Tang."

"Ha guess, one of our younger brothers opened a company and was taken over yesterday, and the person who went to clean up was also killed. I hope you will take a look at this matter."

Santo said.

Hachai asked: "What kind of person?" Anyway, he is a very powerful person. He can fight a dozen people by himself. Such a person should suit your appetite."

Hachai nodded and said, "Give me some weapons, and I'll help you deal with this person."

Sang Tang looked at Ha Chai and followed his men out. He looked at the person from the island country and said, "Mr. Grass Pheasant, what do you think about this matter?"

That... Islander turned his head and said: "Our island country, there is a story, this story is called the Genroku Ako Incident.

The lord of the Ako domain, Nagano Asano, was ordered to receive the emperor's envoy, but he was fooled by Kira Uenosuke and was disrespectful. Ako was angry and hurt Kira. He violated the law and was sentenced to caesarean section. After that, his forty-seven retainers avenged him. The seven retainers, except... one named Terasakaemon, all of them committed suicide by caesarean section."

Sang Tang listened to him quietly and did not dare to speak.

"I've heard this story a long time ago.

Our island country samurai family has the principle of revenge.

If a random foreign enemy can insult our group, attack our glory, and plunder our property, then what is the meaning of our existence and what is the meaning of our existence?”

Sang Tang said: "Since you said that, we will understand what's going on."

...Ouyang Yuhua was sitting on the bed, and Li Yang had just bandaged her wound. The three of them shared a room, which seemed a bit crowded, and both of them were women, making Li Yang a little embarrassed.

"By the way, should I open another room? I think it's more crowded when we live here."

Li Yang sat at the computer desk, looked at the two women and said.

Chapter 473: The Great Killing

Chapter 43: Slaughter "No, I feel very comfortable."

Liu Hua smiled at him, "There is absolutely no need for this."

Ouyang Yuhua also said: "I think it's more secure to act together, at least....... You can take care of yourself in a fight."

Hearing what they said, Li Yang shrugged, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the corridor, it seemed that many people were coming up, Li Yang listened carefully, he waved his hand, and motioned Liuhua and the others to be quiet.

"What's wrong"

Six Flowers asked.

"someone is coming!"

Li Yang conjured his own compound bow from under the table and installed an arrow that could explode.

At this moment, many people gathered outside the door.

They were men and women, and they were all heavily armed with short shotguns, submachine guns and short assault rifles.

There were even people carrying flamethrowers, and a man in the lead held a homemade large-caliber shotgun, which seemed to be a weapon specially used to break doors.

"You all listen, as soon as the door opens, we'll rush in and kill everyone in the house!"

The men and women all around nodded their heads.

They held the weapons in their hands, and without saying a word, they all waited for the door to open the door and then began to kill.

"go to hell."

The man aimed at the door lock, and at this moment, he saw something penetrate the door lock, revealing a lovely silver oval head.

Bang! The round head suddenly exploded and shot out countless steel balls.

These...the steel balls are like bullets. The gunmen blew up, and their bodies and bodies were pierced by steel balls. It's very cruel! Listen to the door. A loud bang from outside.

Yang called Liu Hua and Ouyang Yuhua out, they both took weapons, took cover slowly, and walked out of the room.

The corridor was full of corpses, and occasionally one who was not dead was killed on the spot by Li Yang, who smashed his skull with one foot.

"Has he always been this great?"

Ouyang Yuhua looked at Liuhua and asked.

"I don't know, it's my first time doing a mission with him."

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