A wealthy man wearing a Nike fleece came over. He looked at Luo Qing and asked, "Leader, how is our project?"

He Yuyao saw him and asked, "Who is this?"

"This is Mayor Zhou, Mayor Gou on Tuesday."

Luo Qing said, "Cun Chief Zhou, you are here to check"

On Tuesday, Gou smiled honestly and said, "Do you smoke?"

"No, thank you."

Luo Qing said with a smile, "We are currently exploring.

Who knows what treasures will be found here, if we dig it out: come to the ancient tomb, then you will be rich here."

With a grin on Tuesday, he said, "It's good to get rich, it's good to get rich.

We have all been poor for decades, and now we all want to make money, because the ancestors have been poor for generations, and there is no subsidy, and poverty alleviation cannot reach here, so we only want to make money."

Luo Qing smiled and said, "It's difficult not to notice you this time."

"Captain Luo! There is a large signal here!"

Lei Ting ran over. She looked at the signal and asked, "How is the situation?"

"It's good this time, the signal is trending stronger in a large range and trying to analyze our equipment!"

Lei Ting immediately.

Sitting next to the computer, he said to He Yuyao: "Switch to the signal transmitter, use the 23-bit code to transmit the signal, and take... a variety of languages, including ancient Yan Guo language and Hebrew, to experiment one by one!"

He Yuyao said: "Starting the grammar library, it is sending a signal, and parsing the source code of the signal at the same time."

"Crack the code!"

A staff member said: "The amplifier has changed. There is a strong signal source from about [-] meters deep in the cave. The range is linear. It is in single-line contact with us!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 502: Emergency call for help

Chapter 502: Urgently "Find out the source! Immediately.


"He Yuyao, start the coding code syntax analysis device, immediately.

Analyze the source of each other's language!"

He Yuyao was operating in a hurry, and Lei Ting had already cracked the triple password.

She tried to use a language similar to the oldest "sign language"

In terms of sound waves, ancient humans can also use some non-verbal ways to communicate with each other. This is the original communication! And Lei Ting has carried out a second revision of it, that is, Homo sapiens and animals The rough sound of the phone is processed into a communication sound wave that can be widely used! He Yuyao suddenly said: "The other party is trying to understand our language!"

"Super ancient civilization, this must be a super ancient civilization!"

Luo Qing's eyes were flushed with excitement. If this civilization is really a super-ancient civilization, it proves that in the ancient times, the Middle Ages and even the prehistoric civilization, a civilization with technology ahead of mankind has appeared! Lei Ting whispered: "It won't be Gendaya. Civilization"

A strange and regular sound wave suddenly appeared on her computer. She decoded the sound wave and found that the sound wave was sending - the international emergency signal of modern society! "This thing understands our language!"

"My language retrieval software is being read!"

"There's a mess on my computer!"

"My mobile translation software was opened!"

There's a weird electrical disturbance in all of their electronics and even, their software and all their language reading devices are being read by that thing! That is, there are weird devices in the cave reading them All the information! He Yuyao exclaimed: "The other party... sent me... human information!"

Everyone present except...Tuesday Gou was stunned! The remains in the cave are: take the initiative to send a message to them, and it is a message sent by the human technology used! "It... Here comes Han!"

Several Chinese characters suddenly appeared on He Yuyao's language retrieval system. Lei Ting and Luo Qing ran over and saw the Chinese characters on the screen: "Please: Release me from here."

"Players, follow the 1 track of the signal and keep going forward! Don't care about these things! Quickly get through the tomb leading to the inside!"

He Yuyao stared nervously at the computer and said, "My computer information and identity information are being read, no good! It seems to have entered the database! It is reading all of our data and identity information!"

"Me too, the phone doesn't work at all!"

A female player's 9 turned into a blue screen in an instant, with a bunch of garbled characters on the left and right: wiggling, it seems to be a naughty electronic elf.

With a grin on Tuesday, he said: "My [-] yuan Nokia has no black screen.."

Li Yang is driving near Wuya Village at this moment.

At this moment, his system suddenly turned on, which made him quickly pull over to the side of the car, his eyes were full of blue system interface, the system suddenly turned on, and he said something to him: "You fight with this world. just started."

"What's the meaning"

Li Yang asked in the world of spiritual consciousness.

"I advise you to hurry up and unlock the weapons and skills of several important human-level heroes, otherwise, with your strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to solve this matter."

Li Yang said: "What have I achieved now?"

Chapter 503: Shield

Chapter 503: Shield "The achievement of killing a thousand people, and the achievement of leading a horse, these two are achievements of accumulating the number of kills, plus those you ignored the previous few times...... Small achievements, so say We got [-] Merit Points this time!"

One hundred thousand! This merit point is enough to buy a very powerful weapon! "If so,"

Li Yang smiled and said, "I want to buy the captain's shield."

Li Yang quickly unlocked Team Mi's shield, and he spent all his justice points again to unlock the two superheroes Black Panther and Winter Soldier.

The black panther's battle suit and claws, as well as the strong ability to bounce back from attack, and the steel arm in winter are all very powerful weapons. If applied in the attack, they will exert a powerful force! Watching all the heroes you need unlock, Li Yang This is also a lot more reassuring.

After all, if he has this kind of power, then he is... the strongest existence! "At least.... Now I also have a superhero weapon, and I have unlocked the most important people. A superhero, if you unlock it later, you will unlock the superhero, and the superhero needs 500 justice points to unlock."

He glanced at his justice points, there were only less than a hundred, and all of them had just been used to unlock heroes.

So now his justice points are very scarce, and his merit points are also used up, Li Yang must fight quickly to get stronger hero power! "Wait, I hope this time I won't let me relax, I will Very boring!"

The mining work on the other side of the cave has temporarily come to an end, and Gou is taking out many fresh fruits from the mountain for Luo Qing and the others to enjoy.

Because it is close to the mountains, the ingredients can be sourced locally.

Therefore, many of their lunches are solved by eating game in the mountains. There are many hunters in this village, so hunting or anything is not a problem.

When the archaeological team was mining, these hunters occasionally acted as security guards for them. Because the village was very small, there was no police station. The hunters were to a certain extent the guards and security guards in the village.

Luo Qing looked at the report on the computer, and now he has completely determined the orientation of the thing and obtained useful information about this thing. These people are very happy.

After all, history is about to be excavated, and the discovery of super-ancient civilization information is worth celebrating.

Li Yang's car was parked outside the archaeology, and these people immediately.

They all looked at him, Li Yang took out a big bag of food from the car, and then said with a smile, "I am a friend of Teacher Lei Ting and classmate He Yuyao from Binhai University. My name is Li Yang."

A member of the archaeological team nodded, he immediately.

He ran over with Li Yang.

"You're here!"

He Yuyao naturally liked Li Yang very much, she immediately.

He jumped up and took food from his hand.

Lei Ting walked over and said, "Hello, we didn't expect to meet here again."

"Mr. Lei is also there. That's how it is. I brought some food and daily necessities. Because I heard that the conditions in this village may not be satisfactory, I brought these things specially."

Li Yang looked around and explained.


Li Yang was very curious, but at the next moment, suddenly his cell phone rang, he picked it up, it turned out to be a text message of unknown origin.

The message read: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Master."

Li Yang didn't understand what was going on. He looked at the phone and could only temporarily turn off the screen. Then he walked up to He Yuyao and said, "Is there anything in this cave?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 505: Active Attack

Chapter 505: Take the initiative to enter "Yes, I know."

Xiao Zhang was no longer arrogant, nodded hurriedly, and said.

Li Yang smiled and said, "Captain Luo, don't worry too much. I had a bad attitude just now. After all, after staying in the army for a while, I was used to seeing the mountains and the seas of fire, so I spoke out of nowhere and offended me."

"Where, don't mind, our people are all addicted to scientific research, and their emotional intelligence is not very high, please don't worry about it."

Li Yang smiled and said, "It's alright.

I've seen a lot."

At this time, Lei Ting came over and said, "I haven't thanked you for saving me last time, so I want to invite you to a glass of wine, okay?"

Li Yang pointed at the village and said, "Actually, Mr. Lei, I really want to invite you for a drink, but this place is remote and there aren't many pubs. Drinking here will ruin our Yaxing."

Lei Ting smiled and said, "I brought my own wine. If you don't mind, after we finish work in the evening, we can go to the pavilion on the mountain for a drink."

Li Yang smiled and said: "Okay, it just happens that the weather is not cold now, if you go to drink in the gazebo, it happens to be a very pleasant thing.

That's fine, Mr. Lei, then I'll let you spend the money!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Lei Ting's eyes, she nodded hurriedly, and she was very happy that Li Yang could accept her invitation.

After all, having experienced what happened last time, it is absolutely impossible to say that you don't like the man in front of you at all.

But because of He Yuyao's face, he didn't dare to have too much contact with him, and it was naturally impossible to take the initiative to attack.

...the home of the village chief, Tuesday Gou.

On Tuesday, Gou had nothing to do every day and a few scattered white cars.

He has nothing to do on weekdays. He can only drink some wine to pass the time. The signal here is not very good. ..Movie.

This afternoon, the weather was a little gloomy, and the wind was blowing all around, making people not want to go out to work.

On Tuesday, Gou was too lazy to move, leaning on the kang cabinet, a small wooden table with scattered white and half-dried roast chicken, he watched the opera channel, babbling in his mouth.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

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