Li Yang praised.

"This is Li Yang after you eliminated the Emperor Society and the Tianhai Group, and there are no leaders in Xiamen City. Under the leadership of Sister Zhong, the three of us slowly and gradually worked hard with some younger brothers."

"Xiacheng is now under our eldest sister Zhong Yueqing's control. We are... the Three Great Kings, and we have made great contributions to the plan to destroy the Emperor's Society, so the security department turns a blind eye to us."

Li Yang reassured: "Sure enough, the people I have trained can be on their own!"

Peng Hao smiled and opened the security door directly with the master key. Li Yang rushed in with a saber, but there was no one in the room.

"Empty room, I said this group of people"

Peng Hao turned around and asked.

"Should be the fuck off."

Li Yang was holding a saber, but he was not so nervous.

At this moment, Peng Hao opened the closet, and he shouted, "Come here, brother."

Li Yang walked over and saw that in the white wardrobe, the clothes were stained with blood, and there was a person lying there.

The man's limbs were cut off and set aside, his intestines were poured out, his head was chopped off, and his eyes were gouged out.

Peng Hao was disgusted, so he quickly covered his mouth and went out.

Li Yang looked around, and found an inconspicuous symbol on the wall! Feilu reminds you: Collection of three things to read

Chapter 534: Tracking

Chapter 534: Tracking "Uh, it's the killing sign of the Black God Society, don't tell me you're all goddamn virtuous?"

Li Yang said calmly.

Peng Hao said: "Russian dark forces like to dismember people the most. This is a typical method of murderers in the dark forces who are responsible for execution. The blood of the corpse is not completely cold, so it can be seen that the murderer did not run far."

"Stark, can you help me track down the murderer?"

In Li Yang's spiritual world, his soul asked Jarvis.

The scanner of the iron suit immediately.

Shown in his pupils, the light extends, and when his eyes see something, they also have light.

When he saw this, he smiled and said, "Brother Peng Hao, if we go from here, we will surely catch the murderer."

The two dug out from the drying room on the balcony: go, they ran along the light.

In fact, Peng Hao didn't know how Li Yang found the trace of the murderer at all, but he knew that this kid is not easy, just follow and run.

Li Yang and the two came to the door of an old community. The door was full of aunties and carts selling vegetables. Li Yang said, "We can just go in directly."

Peng Hao walked in with his pistols hidden. Three people were walking there. One of them was carrying the backpack of the Fowles Kendo Museum.

"Three 3 cockscomb heads don't look like good people."

Li Yang said: "I will deal with the two on the side, and you will deal with the one in the middle... Is it okay?"

Peng Hao rushed up, the three of them were really tough, each of them had two Longquan special steel machetes, and charged towards the two men fiercely.

All three seemed to have taken drugs and were very capable of beating and died.

"Long live the Black God!"

"It is an honor for those of us to be loyal to the Black God!"

The two were pressed and beaten by Li Yang, and although they were kicked down several times by Li Yang, they were still able to move forward bravely, and they even bit blood in their mouths.

"What did they say"

Li Yang asked.

"I don't know about Li Yang either. After a while... just beat them down!"

Peng Hao laughed.

At this moment, a man actually joined the two knives together, and the other threw away the two machetes and replaced them with a Tibetan mastiff shovel with a mountaineering pick.

"Damn, change weapons"

Li Yang condensed his strength, he directly grew the wings of a falcon, and spun it and flew over with his wings to knock down the two of them. After doing all this, he didn't bother at all.

Peng Hao also threw the man over his shoulder and overturned him to the ground, and then an elbow struck him to calm down.

Li Yang looked at the two people who were sent flying by him, obviously there was no way to save them.

"let's go!"

Peng Hao drove the car, stuffed the man into the trunk, and then the two of them got into the car and drove away.

...Hua Yu, machine tool workshop.

Li Yang, Peng Hao, and Zheng Feilong and Zhong Yueqing stood there. Zheng Feilong and Peng Hao were called by Zhong Yueqing, which meant "appreciate and observe your torture techniques of Li Yang."

Although these two younger brothers fought and killed in the dark forces, they were considered two ruthless characters, but they had never seen what is called a real torture technique.

When Li Yang studied torture techniques in the army, he was already pouring oil like an old master.

This time, we are dealing with two younger brothers of the Black God Society. Li Yang will naturally not be merciful to the heretics who believe in this cult.

Chapter 535: Ruthless

Chapter 535: The murderous Li Yang tied the... arrested thug to a stool, then he took a seamless steel pipe and lit a Phoenix cigarette.

Looking at Peng Hao and Zheng Feilong, Li Yang asked, "Do you want to smoke?"

"Hehe, Li Yang, I want one."

The cheeky Peng Hao walked over and asked for a cigarette.

Li Yang smiled, and he looked at the... humane: "I'll give you a few chances to refuse, but not too many."

"You can say it now, or you can wait..., because I am very patient, I will interrogate you little by little until you say it..."

"do you know"

"I have a hobby, and I don't want you to say it, because you said I want to let you go, so I can't have a good time."

His remarks are actually quite weighty. For some timid but hard-nosed people, his words are already very impressive.

And he knows these...what kind of psychology are bastards, some people want to pretend to be face, so he simply gives them a step down first.

There is also a second purpose, that is, he wants to find out whether the beliefs of this group of people are firm or not.

That... the thug didn't speak, he stared at him and grinned, just scolded him in some local dialects.

Peng Hao suddenly threw away the cigarette and said angrily: "You are his grandmother, talk well! I will scold you again, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Peng Hao said to Li Yang, "Your mother in his dialect is dead. This is what the uneducated people in their place often scold."

Li Yang smiled, and while saying "No", he held the seamless steel pipe directly on his back spine, and the sudden pain caused the man to scream out loud.

Li Yang kicked his stool, and then Zheng Feilong walked behind him and helped him up the stool again.

"This cigarette is a high-grade cigarette from the Seaside Tobacco Company. I started buying it three years ago. It was very popular back then, and the streets were full of fragrance.

I heard it's good, you can smoke it."

Picking up the little bastard, Li Yang actually used a cigarette to burn the other person's earlobe. The earlobe is the part that is most afraid of pain. Tears of that person's pain flowed out. Peng Hao also felt a little uncomfortable watching this scene.

Zhong Yueqing was also shocked, she didn't expect the young man in front of her to be so vicious, he was even more powerful than those senior gangsters! Let me go and I'll kill you!"

That... the thug gritted his teeth in pain and could only scold him.

Zhong Yueqing walked over and said, "Otherwise, I can kill him directly. I feel that this person has a firm belief, and we can't do anything about him."

"There is no mouth that can't be pryed open, only a way that can't be found."

"What do you want to do with chili water?"

Zhong Yueqing asked.

Li Yang threw away the steel pipe, took a breath, and took out a file from the side shelf.

He said, "Have you ever had a manicure?"

"The manicure file is very comfortable."

"For example, I like files because they are dull and unpleasant.

Unpleasant knives are more suitable for torturing people, especially people like you."

Zheng Feilong and Peng Hao swallowed and spit, they seemed to be able to think of which direction this matter was going to develop.

The big brother in front of him is really crueler than all the black bosses they have ever seen! "Sister Zhong, has he always been so cruel?"

Zheng Feilong asked.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 536: Nothing

Chapter 536: Nothing "You, Li Yang, are a ruthless man who can deal with hundreds of thugs alone, and it's not that you don't know it."

Zhong Yueqing smiled and said.

"Sister Zhong, it seems that you like this kind of cruel man very much."

Zheng Feilong joked.

"Haha, come on."

Zhong Yueqing's face turned slightly red, and said.

That... thug scolded: "Don't let me run away, kid, I'll kill your whole family, rape your mother, cut your eyelids off and rub them on the ground, and let you watch your father being used by me. Pole stabbed to death!"

"Oh, if you don't say that I'm not interested, I'm really curious. Will you tell us any useful information? I didn't expect you to say such vulgar words. It's really incompetent to scold people."

"I just hate it.

Those who... swear, because they're nothing but... mouthful of shit."

With a file in his hand, Li Yang cut a piece of cloth from his jeans with scissors, and then pulled his flesh with the file.


Killing with a blunt knife is a very unpleasant feeling.

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