There are innumerable amounts of data displayed through it.

"After the scan, it was initially confirmed that there are a total of 278 people in the city!"

Two hundred thousand people! When he heard that there were more than two hundred thousand people in this city, Tony's mouth was bitter, and he was speechless for a long time.


Who the hell did it! At the same time.

To deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.

..... deal with the current situation together.

Tony also shared this data screen to S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the central control room, soon.

In front of the screen, Nick Fury could clearly see that in the picture, a group of people like a sea were standing there screaming helplessly with despair in their eyes at this moment.

His heart suddenly tightened: "Damn it! There are so many people in this city!"

At the same time, he very resentfully asked: "Who the hell is behind this?"

In response to this problem, Tony, who is also very heady, has not yet found out.

Until he was investigating whether there were any... casualties.


He saw a figure suspended in the sky! The moment Tony locked the figure.

"Discover the source of the powerful magnetic field!"

Jarvis raised a red alert.

“Sure enough, it is the human factor!!”

Restraining the astonishment in his heart, Tony extended his vision and took a closer look.

only see.

It was an old man with white hair, wearing a black-tipped trench coat, hanging in the sky.

Familiar! So familiar! This old man... he seems to have seen it somewhere. "Fury, look at me carefully, have we met this old man somewhere?"

Tony, who could never remember, tried to ask Nick Fury to help him remember.

Nick Fury quickly saw the mysterious old man clearly.

"This...isn't this the most wanted man in the world, Magneto Eric!"

Immediately, Nick Fury said in a frightened voice.

It turned out to be him! Everything about the character Magneto flashed through Tony's mind.

"Magneto... is the mutant with the ability to manipulate magnetic fields!"

"International criminal who repeatedly threatens world security!"

"I know, it turns out that the reason why this city left the mainland is because he is manipulating it!"

Although the source of this major incident has been found, Tony is aware of it.

Now to stop this from happening.

It's already too late! "The city's ascent is so fast that it is still [-] kilometers away from the atmosphere! But it is rising at a constant speed of [-] meters per second! It is expected to reach the atmosphere in about seven minutes!"

"If it goes up one kilometer, then hundreds of thousands of people in this city will die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen at high altitude!"

Hill said impatiently.


Tony and Nick Fury were silent.

It happened so suddenly! They didn't have time to deal with these.......emergencies.

Especially not understand.

Why Magneto Wanted to Destroy the City "There's a reason, there must be a reason for it!"

Tony would never believe that Magneto would send a city into the atmosphere for no reason.

So, he started frantically scanning the island again to see if there was anyone else...

"Wait...! Tony, stop your footage for me!"

Just as Tony was speeding up the scan, Nick Fury suddenly shouted.

"Well, what did you find?"

Tony frowned slightly.

And the moment the camera stops.

A figure was clearly presented in front of everyone.

He, a Chinese face with sharp edges and corners like a knife, exuded a cold aristocratic temperament, his eyes were as pale as water, and he was stepping on a sand platform, heading up the wind.

When the camera instantly freezes his face.

Nick Fury and Hill both gasped fiercely.

"This...isn't this the Chinese who used to shake nuclear missiles with his bare hands and stood shoulder to shoulder with gods!"

The first update! Please order the first! Please automatically ask for automatic subscription! Next, there are nine more updates! If the results are good!

Chapter [-]: Li Yang, the elder abuser! [Second update, please customize]

Chapter [-]::::: Li Yang, who abuses the elderly! [Second update, please customize] Chinese people who stand shoulder to shoulder with gods! This is not an exaggeration! It is a widely circulated one on the streets of New York legend.

At first.

Over New York, a nuclear missile came down.

Millions of people watched helplessly as the nuclear missiles fell.

Iron Man as a superhero stepped forward.


Interception failed! Then.

Thor's strong help, but still can't stop the menacing nuclear missiles.

But at the moment when everyone fell into despair.

A stalwart figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

He rose into the air, facing the missile that was about to detonate.

With his bare hands, he stopped the nuclear missile abruptly in mid-air.

Then he gathered strength and suddenly pushed the nuclear missile to the deep seabed of the Atlantic Ocean.


The nuclear missile crisis is over...! He! He has become a hero sung by New York citizens, no, to be precise, a god! "Li Yang...why is also on that island."

The eyes of Nick Fury and Hill, who couldn't keep calm for a long time, instantly became hot, as if they saw a glimmer of hope.

And as for Tony.

When he saw Li Yang appear in the picture, he was silent.

It's him again! It's actually this Chinese man again! This Chinese man who once defeated him with one move and saved millions of New Yorkers! "Is it possible...the reason why Magneto sent the entire city into the atmosphere this time? Go, it has something to do with him"

Tony, who was watching the battle through God's Vision, couldn't help but be suspicious. this time.

The opposite of Eric.

Li Yang, who was already stepping on the sand platform, looked at him indifferently.

"Are you going to regret this city, it's about to rise into the atmosphere."

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Eric's mouth, and he said solemnly.


"My dictionary doesn't have that word."

Fall with this sound.

on the ground.

A wisp of flying sand rose up.

Then converge on his left and right sides.

in a blink.

Two sharp spears appeared in front of him.


Li Yang drank it.

The two spears shook, and instantly turned towards Eric.

"It's ridiculous that you want to use grit against my metal."

Similarly, Eric also slapped his hands down, and countless metal fragments flew up from the sky below, turning into a metal storm and rushing forward.

Pfft! In the storm of interwoven metals, the two spears of guarding cranes were smashed into countless gravels of the city.


Eric did not forget to protect his old bones, and vigilantly wrapped some metal fragments around him, protecting it in a ring like a jungle of blades.

"Empty shock!"

Li Yang glanced coldly, and threw a punch at will! The Metal Storm was instantly disintegrated by the power of a huge punch.

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