One after another fist shadows appeared in front of him, densely packed, like a torrential rain.

next moment.

All of them rushed up! Puchi puchi! The moment the boxing shadow fell on Malesky's body, his body suffered a huge blow, and was instantly blasted into atomic air on the spot.


The cracks spread violently, as if the entire space was close to collapsing.

And the ether fused in its body also completely fell to the ground.

Just the next second.

The ether seemed to smell a tinge of danger.

Immediately, a wormhole [ ] was opened, and he was about to escape.

"Want to run"

Today's third update, and next, there are four more! I hope everyone will support Feilu to remind you: three things to read

Chapter [-]: Devouring the Ether!Heavenly Father's Peak! [Fifth more, please customize]

Chapter [-]::::: Devouring the ether! Heavenly father-level peak! [The fifth update, please customize] Li Yang shrank to an inch and flashed out in an instant.

One blocked in front of the ether.

Then, he raised his fists and mercilessly blasted out.

Boom! The ether was crushed by a punch and fell to the ground, making a desolate wailing sound.

"As expected of the Infinity Stones, the most humane gem."

Li Yang's eyes stared at the ether with a touch of indifference.

in the Marvel setting.

Ether is the reality gem among the six infinity stones, which can turn a person's idea into reality without exaggeration. It is probably the most powerful one of the six infinity stones, and any laws of physics are meaningless in front of it. .

It can turn objects into dark matter, and find the host to parasitize and absorb the life force of the host.

The power of the ether at the beginning may not be strong enough compared with other infinite gems, but every time the ether devours a world in the nine realms, its power will increase exponentially, and when the ether devours the entire nine realms, its power will increase exponentially. , its power is enough to make the whole universe return to the long night.

it goes without saying.

That is to say, the ether has an extremely terrifying devouring power, and this power can be transferred to people.

Once it merges with the ether, as long as it devours a powerful enough galaxy or a universe, its strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

And just as he was stunned.


A dark red orangutan glow erupted from the ether and suddenly rushed into Li Yang's body.

at once.

An incomparable pain pierced through his body.

The ether is actually there: devour him! The moment when the host of the ether is wiped out.

It will continue to look for the next host, thus continuously absorbing the host's vitality.

Unless the host is strong enough to suppress it! "This little beast actually took the initiative to drill into my body."

Li Yang frowned slightly.

But at this time, the system prompt that had not appeared in my mind for a long time sounded.

"A warm reminder from this system, Ether is trying to occupy the host's consciousness!"

With the sound of this sentence.

Li Yang asked back in surprise: "How can the ether have consciousness if it is not an infinite gem?"

In this regard, the system gave another answer.

"The ether has existed for hundreds of millions of trillions of years, and there are countless hosts. At the beginning of the universe, the ether had no consciousness."

"But as it resides on the evil host in its heart, its essence will also be subtly influenced, resulting in an autonomous consciousness."

"The current ether is trying to change the host's consciousness, but this system is the only existence in your mind, a mere scum, and also wants to coexist with me."

Accompanied by the slightly arrogant voice of the system, it heard another voice: "Ding Dong, this system's self-consciousness has been successfully wiped out."

"The ether is currently in a state of unconsciousness, and the host is tuned to teach it consciousness."

"Ether reclaims the master! Congratulations to the host for becoming the true master of the ether, it will no longer draw any vitality from you."

Simply perfect! The system has its own anti-virus effect! Immediately.

Li Yang could vaguely feel the restless ether in his body, but it actually started to become milder.


A tremendous force began to flow continuously throughout Li Yang's body.

Dirt was continuously and automatically excreted from the hair space, and suddenly, Li Yang felt a sense of relief and a reborn feeling.

Whether it is a random wave of the fist, or the feeling of lightness under the foot, there is a qualitative leap! This.


"Strength and physique have been further improved."

"It is several times stronger than when taking the super serum."

This may be... the power of ether is stronger than the pleasure brought by super serum.


more importantly.

It can also be upgraded by devouring galaxies and worlds like a foster artifact! After devouring the ether.


Li Yang already has three Infinity Stones in his possession.

About whether to collect other Infinity Stones.

It's not a problem....

0 Now, the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones are probably clearly imprinted in Li Yang's mind.

The Time Stone is currently on Strange's body.

Soul Gems and Power Gems are in other galaxies, and these two are temporarily unavailable.

"It's time to go out and meet Dormammu."

As soon as Li Yang's thoughts moved, he activated the space gem and left this broken space. this time.

Gu Yi was standing on the side dealing with Qin Ge Lei, who was in a state of rampage, while using sealing magic, he slammed into the black.

Although Malesky is dead.

But the passage that bridges the dark world has not been closed.


Dormammu was struggling frantically inside.

0...... He is trying to break through the layers of confinement of the ancient one, as well as the magical repulsive force that still exists on the earth.

That is the powerful repulsive force produced by the joint action of the three temples! Obviously.

It's...for Dormammu.

I don't know how many minutes passed.

Om! All of a sudden.

A space was broken open, and a figure flew out.

Right in front of Qin Ge Lei.

And this person, was Li Yang who had just left for a while...


The moment when Li Yang stepped out of another dimension again.

The calm space was instantly filled with an incomparably terrifying force.

Sensing this unusually powerful wave, it was like an invisible tsunami, sweeping in all directions.

Gu Jing took a look and stared at Li Yang closely: " is it have broken through to the peak of the heavenly father level!"

: The author's original words, I made a mistake with the reality gem and the power gem. The ether is from the reality gem. I admit my pot, I was stupid, and I was a little confused when I wrote it, because I have been writing at work recently, so this It's very embarrassing. If you scold me in the comment area, feel free to scold me. Hey, it's not easy to earn a penny.

If there is anything wrong in the future, please correct me, and the author must correct it!

Chapter [-]: Awaken!Broken!Dormammu was vomiting blood! [Sixth more, please customize]

Chapter [-]::::: Awakening! Shattered Space! Dormammu was spitting up blood! [Sixth update, please customize] Heavenly Father! No one knows what it means better than Gu Yi.

Since she stepped into the practice of magic, she has gone through layers of catastrophe and experienced five hundred years of ups and downs.

It has become a leader like today's parent! This.

But there is a top-level existence! Earthlings simply cannot do this because of innate problems such as physique and bloodline.

It can be said that this is a huge watershed.

"But after going in for a few minutes, suddenly the strength is guaranteed... It's unbelievable..."

Gu Yi secretly was amazed.

But soon.

She realized the reason why Li Yang broke through to the peak of the heavenly father level in one fell swoop.

Li Yang is charged with "seven two and two seven"

A very familiar force.

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