Clark asked her back, "Isn't he always: harassing you, you didn't think about killing him"


"but what"

Clark said coldly: "Remember! You are a mutant, these ordinary people are not qualified to bully you, if they dare to bully you, you will use your own ability to retaliate and go back, swallow your voice, it is not... the style of mutants ."

The opposite Magneto had an expression of approval.

"Yeah, damn that guy."

He said.

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Chapter [-]: The Three Views of Destruction

The expression on Clarice's face changed slightly several times, and finally she sighed and said nothing.

In fact, deep down, she wanted to do it too.

It's just the moral bottom line she has developed over the years that makes her restrain her urge.

But now, it wasn't her who killed herself. Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, it wasn't that strong, and she didn't resist.

In fast food restaurants, customers and staff are running out.

"Since I joined you, should you tell me what we do?"

Clarice asked.

Joining without knowing what to do, even Clarice thought she was crazy.

The two guys in front of them, who could take their lives at every turn, knew at a glance that they were not good people.

Clarice even wondered if she was on a pirate ship.

But now, she is also riding a tiger.

There are only two paths in front of her - either run away, and then live a life of wandering, precarious.

Or just join them.

Although it doesn't look like a good person, at least they are mutants, so they shouldn't harm her.

Of course, that's what Clarice guessed.

She is also gambling.

But even if you bet wrong, you can't beat it. . .Use her ability to run directly.

It's not like she hasn't done anything like this.

Don't look at her young age, but there are not many people who have been tricked by her over the years.


"Those people should have called the police just now, so we'll just sit here and wait," Clark said.

"you're crazy"

Clarice said, "What do you think when you kill someone and wait for the detective to come?"

"My God...! I'm already starting to regret it."

Clarice covered her forehead with one hand, and said just now that these two would not harm her, but in the blink of an eye, she was going to do such a dangerous thing, really. . . . .A few minutes later, the siren sounded.

Clarice couldn't help but run away.

But seeing the calm look of the two guys in front of her, she forced herself to hold back.

After all, they are young people, and she is also curious, what kind of confidence do these two have to dare to provoke the official violent organization.

Either crazy, or have enough confidence!Clarice prefers the latter.

Hope it's the latter too.

Otherwise, she would have to run away, change to another city, and find a job with a low salary that could barely fill her stomach.

. . . . . "You come or I come"

Magneto looked at the police cars outside the window and asked.

"Come on, you haven't moved for so many years.

Shouldn't it be hand born?"

Clark said.

Magneto smiled contemptuously and said, "It's just a group of ordinary people who don't learn well."

Watching Magneto walk out of the fast food restaurant, Clarice said worriedly, "Hey! Is he really all right? Do you want to help?"

Clark glanced at her, smiled and said, "Don't worry, that guy is still the famous Magneto, just a bunch of ordinary people, just ants."

"Magnetic King!"

Clarice looked shocked, and looked at the figure outside in a stunned manner: "You mean, he is... He is the head of the... Magneto Mutant Brotherhood"

"If there is no second Magneto in this world, it should be him."

Clark said with a smile.

Omg. . . . . . !Clarice felt like she was going crazy.

That's Magneto!A mythical figure in the mutant race!The only people who are as famous as him are the professor and the Mystique.

The former is the leader of the mutant Bai Dao.

The latter is the hero of the mutant race.

And Magneto is the idol in the minds of most young mutants! ! ! "Wait... I'm now a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants"

Clarice asked.

Clark shook his head: "It's not the Brotherhood, it's the Hydra."

"What is Hydra?"

Clarice had never heard of the name.

New Mutant Organization "That's what I just started, and there aren't many members at the moment. Magneto is... one of them, of course, and now you too."

Clark explained.

"Isn't Magneto the leader?"

Clarice looked at him in surprise, she was not stupid, a man who can conquer Magneto, just think about how terrifying his strength is.

Otherwise, with the prestige of Magneto, how could it be subservient to others? But Clarice swears that she has never heard of Clark.

Maybe it's because she hasn't been in contact with the ethnic group for too long, and she has become ignorant and can't keep up with the times, Clarice thought.

At this time, Magneto had already fought against the group of people outside.

Six or seven, a police car, was directly controlled by Magneto and flew into the air, then stretched out his hand and squeezed it into a ball of metal.

Where have ordinary people seen such a scene.

One by one was stunned, and even forgot to escape.

"Still so weak."

Magneto smiled contemptuously, waved his hand, and the iron ball smashed down. In the roar, the screams came one after another, but it stopped abruptly in just a moment.

in a fast food restaurant.

Clarice felt a little nauseated.

She turned her head pale and whispered, "It's too cruel!"

Clark heard her muttering.

"Do you feel cruel?"

He said: "That's crueler than you've ever seen, think about those... mutants who were moved to the experimental bench, if that's cruel, so what?"

"living hell"

Clarice was speechless.

She's not the kind of... naive, ignorant, mutant who hasn't experienced harsh reality.

Over the years, she has been wandering outside, and she has seen many persecuted mutant compatriots.

So she knew very well that what Clark said was not an exaggeration, but the truth.

Compared with this scene outside, what their mutants are suffering is indeed more cruel.

But. . . . . .Those ones. .After all, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it was just hearsay.

for. .For a girl who has never hurt anyone with her own hands, the scene in front of her did give her a lot of impact.

It changed her worldview at one point.

turn out to be. . . . . .As a mutant, is it possible to be so unscrupulous? Clarice couldn't help thinking.

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Chapter [-]: The Secret Service Attacks

"Is it really okay to do this?"

Clarice asked hesitantly.

"This world should be more fair. Since ordinary people can study mutants as guinea pigs, why can't mutants resist going back?"

Clark called Clarice, and the two went outside the fast food restaurant.

"You see, they're even weaker than you think."

Clark pointed to a man whose legs were crushed, and said to Clarice, "Go ahead and give him a treat."

Clarice hesitated, not making a move.

She couldn't get past the hurdle in her heart.

Clark didn't push her.

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