Chapter 6: Experiment No. [-]

"Find a place to change it, it will keep you safe."

This battle suit was made by Skynet after Clark stole Nick Fury's technology. He currently only has two sets, just one for men and one for women.

This set, which is handed to Clarice now, is it. . .The one for women.

"You will conjure things out of thin air, too!"

Clarice said in surprise.

"What are you thinking! It's just storage space."

Clark explained.

Clarice nodded knowingly, took the battle suit, ran to the next building, and found a bathroom to change into.

"Isn't mine"

Magneto asked jokingly.

Clark rolled his eyes at him.

"You still need this stuff"

Magneto smiled, and his body flew up, followed by countless metals, forming a [-]-degree barrier without dead ends around him, protecting him in it.

The metal that constitutes the barrier is constantly moving, interweaving into a magnetic field.

Even short-range missile bombing, I am afraid that it will not be able to blow up this magnetic field barrier!This trick was used by Magneto in the plot of Clark's previous life apocalypse.

Unexpectedly, the Magneto of this world also mastered this trick.

"Very good use of abilities."

Clark praised without hesitation.

Hearing this, Magneto couldn't help but smile proudly.

If other people praise him, Magneto will of course not be so happy, but Clark is different, his strength is more powerful than Magneto, so his praise is tantamount to an affirmation of Magneto's ability.

clang!A crisp sound.

A bullet with a pinhole hits the magnetic field barrier.

Then fell to the ground.

In the distance, on the roof of the building.

Secret Service snipers saw the scene through high-powered scopes.

"Sir, Magneto has built a metal barrier around him, and the bullet cannot penetrate this barrier."

"And another mutant?"

"She went into a building next door."

"Attack when she comes out, and leave Magneto and the other mutant alone."

"Understood, sir."

The sniper pistol aimed at the building exit in the distance: his finger was firmly on the trigger.

After a few minutes. . . . . .A figure appeared in his lens.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom!A shot went off.

At twice the speed of half sound, the bullet was over a distance of more than [-] meters in less than two seconds.

clang!The bullet that hit the pinhole in Clarice's neck was knocked out of the way, and then fell to the ground weakly.


Clarice, who had just walked out of the building, was taken aback.

She reached out and touched her neck, and she was relieved when she realized that nothing happened.

"It scared me to death, why do you keep staring at me!"

Clarice angrily stepped on the bullet on the ground, venting her dissatisfaction.

Obviously the two bosses are outside, why are you staring at her, a nobody!Mad! ! ! . . . . .In the air, more armed helicopters came towards this side.

There are also military trucks on the road, stopping at various intersections from this area and setting up roadblocks.

At this time, more than a dozen black cars stopped at the intersection.

The door is open.

A heavily armed special tactical team disembarked from the vehicle.

"We're from the Secret Service, and we're taking over here."

A woman with short blond hair stepped forward and showed her ID.

She glanced at the weapons of these soldiers, frowned and said, "The target is mutants who can control metal. Are you using these weapons to court death?"

"I still think it's not enough trouble"

"You are no longer needed here, leave now!"

The army captain on the opposite side was scolded and his face flushed. If it wasn't for the other party's position higher than him, he would have taken a gun: facing the woman's head and asking her to take these words back.

"Close the team!"

He gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Then angrily turned around and got into a car and left.

The woman with short blond hair curled her lips in disdain, then greeted her teammates, and went straight to the next intersection.

. . . . . "Squad in place!" Squad in place! "Squad in place!". . . . . "

"Report, all teams are in place!"

"The target is a fourth-level mutant, with the ability to control metal, extremely dangerous!"

"What's up with the experimental subject?"

"Report! Experiment 6 is ready and ready to go!"

"Very good, act now!"

Follow the command from above.

More than a dozen teams immediately took action.

At the same time, at an altitude of [-] meters above the city, a military transport plane opened the rear hatch.

With the sound of metal rubbing, a metal cage more than two meters high was dropped.

Boom!With a loud bang, the ground shattered.

The metal cage smashed directly into the center of the road, cracking every inch of the surrounding road.

"Start Experiment No. 6"

At an altitude of [-] meters, a large black plane was circling the city.

In the command room inside the plane, instruments were running, and a woman with long brown hair was staring at a screen in front of her.

The screen was still pitch black for the time being.

But as she entered a string of codes on the keyboard in front of her, the dark screen immediately lit up.

A reddish light lit up.

Some data flashed across the screen one by one. . . . . .Bang!There was a loud bang from the speakers.

In the picture on the screen, a metal iron door was blasted open by a hand, and the metal door several centimeters thick flew out, directly smashing the glass outer wall of the building in front.

"Success! Entity No. 6 starts without exception!"

The assistant next to him said excitedly.

"Very good! Now enter the target information and activate the level combat mode!"

the long brown-haired woman ordered.

"The target information has been entered!"

"Battle mode has moved!"

As several surrounding technicians entered a series of codes on the keyboard, the originally static picture suddenly turned in one direction, and then moved in that direction at a high speed.

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Chapter [-]: Magneto: "Everything is on me!"

boom!boom!boom! . . . . . .Huge footsteps approaching fast!Boom!A tall figure directly jumped dozens of meters high, and then landed in the center of the intersection.

The hard concrete pavement has been stepped out of two deep pits, and there are cracks spread everywhere around.


The three of Clark looked at the figure that suddenly appeared.

Just now, the troops that were already approaching suddenly withdrew at a faster speed, even those in the air. .The armed helicopters all retreated into the distance.

Magneto and Clarice don't know what's going on.

But Clark, with the help of super hearing, heard some conversations from several kilometers high in the air, and knew that the Secret Service intervened in this matter, so he let the troops who had rushed to the battlefield evacuated.

From this point, it can also be seen that the Secret Service in this world has much more power than imagined!They appear to be directly accountable to the president.

It belongs to a special department with high authority.

Similar to S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . , but not as large as S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him is the trump card of the Secret Service, and it is also their main project at present.

Mutant synthetic experiment!It's like the original Deadpool movie.

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