"Jarvis, aim at this big guy and fire the missile."

Click!The slot on the arm of the battle suit opened, and several small missiles sprayed long tail flames, hitting the back of the head of the giant zombie in front.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !Several explosions sounded, and the flames expanded into a huge fireball and exploded.

The bombed giant zombie roared and staggered forward a few steps, then turned back and waved its huge arms to slap the flies behind the prisoner.

Boom! ! !A building was directly slapped in two by a giant zombie, and the upper half of the building collapsed and fell to the ground, causing billowing dust to fill the air.

Tony, who avoided the attack of the giant zombie, looked at the back of the head of the zombie that was hit by the missile earlier.

Except there. . . . . . . .It was a little black, but there were no wounds.

"No! This big guy's defense is very strong, and the missiles can't break the defense."

Tony said.

"He seems to be angry!"

Ow! ! !The furious giant zombie grabbed a large part of the ground and smashed it directly at Tony in the sky.

Boom!A beam of energy blasted out.

The smashed part of the building was smashed into pieces.

Tony took the opportunity to fly over, and a few palms bombarded the face of the zombie.

But still no effect.

Boom!The earth trembled.

The giant zombie sprinted with huge steps.

"Captain, he went to your side."

Tony said.

"I saw."

A huge shadow shrouded in front of Steve.

It's that... a leg of a giant zombie.

At a critical moment, Steve picked up the shield in his hand to block the front.

A muffled sound!Steve's figure immediately flew out like a cannonball. . .that is. . .Smashed into the window of a building behind him.

"Captain, are you alright?"

Tony asked quickly.

After a while, there was a humming sound over there.

"No, I'm fine."

Although it doesn't sound like it's okay, but he can answer, indicating that he shouldn't be seriously injured.

"Sol, what's going on with you, we need support here!"

Tony contacts Sol on the other side.

After a while, a response came from Sol: "There are too many of these guys to kill them, but they seem to have encountered some trouble, which feels a bit strange."

Hearing Sol's response, Tony said helplessly: "Okay, so does anyone see Hulk? We desperately need him now."

Patton: "I saw him, north of you, three streets away."

"Very well, I will lead this big guy over there."

Tony turned around. . .A palm bombarded the face of the giant zombie.

The furious giant zombies really caught up.

Tony slowed down a little bit, lest the distance be too far and the other party would stop chasing.

at the same time. . . . . .Just when the Avengers were carrying this giant zombie.

Clark made another discovery here.

Under the city, in a collapsed subway station.

one head. . .The zombie, which was several times bigger than the giant zombie outside, was lying on the broken platform, swallowing half of the corpse of the Qitarui dragon.

There were three dead Chitauri dragons before here.

and numerous Chitauri corpses.

And now, that's all that's left.

"This big guy seems to be a little different from the one outside."

Clark stood right above the collapsed subway station, looking down at the behemoth below.

This guy looks different from the giant zombie outside.

First of all he has only two arms.

And the surface of the body is also covered with a layer of black non-reflective material.

This substance covered almost his whole body, only the lower part of his face, that is, the position of his mouth, was not covered.

The rest of the parts, even the eyes, nose and ears. . . . . , are covered.

Makes him look like he's wearing heavy armor!In addition, one of the arms of this giant zombie has also been alienated and turned into a whip-like weapon. The surface is also covered with black material and has sharp barbs.

It looks very hideous!Click!Click! . . . . . .The remaining half of the Qitarui dragon's body was quickly eaten up.

At this time, the giant zombie slowly stood up.

This subway station is about [-] meters deep from the ground, and at this time, the giant zombie standing up has more than half of its body still exposed on the ground.

"Sixty-eight meters, what a big guy!"

Clark couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment. . . . . .This giant zombie also found Clark standing not far away.

His bloody mouth, which was still stained with blood, immediately opened and roared. The rolling sound directly shattered the glass of the surrounding large buildings. Slap down!Boom! ! !A large area of ​​the ground that was hit cracked open, like a missile bombardment, a terrifying shock wave swept out, with a rumbling roar, shaking all the buildings in a large area around it to pieces!Rumble rumble. . . . . .Rolling dust rose into the sky.

Covering the sky like the sun, shrouded the sky of the city!far away!Just attracted the giant zombie to the side of the Hulk, watching the Hulk jump up and face the giant zombie. . .A meal: Tony, who was beaten, was suddenly startled by this huge movement.

Steve, who had just jumped from the third floor of the building to the ground, also stretched out his hand to block his eyes, blocking the rolling dust that swept in, while reluctantly squinting his eyes in that direction.

"What kind of monster ran out again!"

Steve had a feeling in his heart: a very ominous hunch.

Bang! ! !A punch smashed the head of the giant zombie in front of him, and the Hulk standing on the giant zombie corpse turned his head and looked over there, a rare dignified look in his green eyes.


A large number of Qitarui people just came over from the space passage, and suddenly stopped one by one in mid-air, making strange noises.

Then the next moment!These. . . . .The Qitarui who had just arrived on Earth suddenly turned around and ran back to the other end of the space channel.

And those. .The Qitarui people who had already landed on the ground also picked up their weapons and shot themselves in the head!Barton, who had just drawn his bow and aimed at a Qitarui, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Why did you suddenly commit suicide!"

On the other side, Loki, who was staying with a Chetauri team, was also dumbfounded at those around him. . . . .One by one, the Chitauri shot themselves to death, question marks all over their faces.

What do you mean!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Capture the scepter of the mind, the invincible giant zombie!

"what happened"

Raise your head and look at those in the sky. .Loki felt deeply betrayed by the Qitarui who were retreating rapidly.

"Damn alien bastards! I knew these bastards couldn't believe it!!!"

The furious Loki kept swearing at those. .Chitauri.

At this moment, a wobbly figure suddenly climbed up from the ground on the road in front of him, attracting Loki's attention.

"Well that... Didn't the Chitauri die before?"

Loki looked at the figure suspiciously.

He clearly remembered that this guy fell from the sky and fell to his death. He passed by there before and watched him die.

how now. . . . . .The corpse is alive again!Loki's face changed slightly.

At this moment, the Chitarui who had just got up over there twisted his neck and looked at him suddenly.


Loki was taken aback.

The face of the other party is really scary!Half of his face was worn away, revealing the bones inside, his eyes were blood red, and one eyeball was still drooping outside. . . . .Loki considers himself to be someone who has seen the big world.

But as ugly as this one.

It was the first time in his life that he saw it! "Roar!"

The ugly-faced Chitauri zombie roared and rushed towards Loki with his legs.

boom!The Zitaray zombie that rushed over slammed directly into the wall.

He knocked a hole in the hard concrete wall.

Climb up from a pile of rubble.

The Chitauri zombie seemed to look back with some doubts. He didn't understand that he had already caught the... prey, but he fluttered into the air and escaped the Chitauri zombie attack by means of phantom magic. Loki appeared in another location.

His face turned a little suspicious.

Looking at the Qitarui zombie, his eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of something.

"Right! It's a zombie virus!"

Loki finally understood.

But soon, his face became extremely ugly.

"Damn! How can there be such a thing as a zombie virus on this planet!"

Think of those who just retreated. .The Chitauris, Loki finally knew why they did it now.

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