Little Pepper looked at the two people at the table with a strange expression.

"So, she's not your sister"

Tony nodded, took a sip of red wine and said, "Yes, although my old man is quite unreliable, at least he didn't cause me any trouble."

"And then she's still: living here"

The little pepper's face was already a little ugly.

"Sorry, I'm going to disturb you at this time."

Steve said apologetically.

Little Pepper didn't go to see her. In fact, Little Pepper didn't want to see this woman at all now.

"Tony, we need to talk!"

Little Pepper said in a serious tone.

Tony shrugged nonchalantly, as he would say.

After dinner, Pepper pulled Tony aside.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on?"

Little Pepper clasped his hands and asked questions.

It is impossible for anyone to accept their own boyfriend and suddenly stay in a strange woman in their home, not to mention that this woman is young and beautiful.

"Would you believe it if I said that the woman outside was Captain America?"

Tony said.

Little Pepper laughed.

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Tony sighed and said, "Okay, I knew you would say that, take a look, you'll understand after reading it."

A tablet was handed to Little Chili.

Above is a video of that conversation from this afternoon.

After Little Pepper read it, he raised his head to look at Tony with an even weirder expression.

"So...her Captain America went from man to woman!"

Tony nodded.

"I didn't believe it at first, but she has produced enough evidence to prove it, and her and I have compared it, and it is indeed mild with the data left by the captain of the United States during World War II, um... . ...except for the . . . gender-related data."

Pepper: . . . . . . .Several minutes passed.

She finally accepted the fact that the legendary World War II hero Captain America changed from a man to a woman.

"Then you leave her here now"


Tony said, "I checked her body and all the indicators, she is a real woman, it's amazing! And I also want to know who is doing such an interesting thing."

Speaking, Tony couldn't help laughing.

Tony couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of his... Captain America, whose dead father always talked about, changed from a man to a woman.

He was even thinking, if his father was still alive.

know this situation.

How wonderful his expression was at that time, Tony was happy when he thought of this.

Seeing the gloating look on Tony's face, Little Pepper looked helpless.

"Forget it, just stay here, but you can't let her live here forever."

Although he already knew the true identity of the woman outside, Little Pepper was still a little worried.

That's right!The other party may be a man psychologically, but you have to admit that her physiology has completely changed!That is a real woman.

just in case. . . . . . .She means in case!If something happens between Tony and this... female version of the American team, then should Pepper be angry or forgive them. So, in order to avoid this from happening.

Little Pepper felt that he still had to find a place to live for Steve as soon as possible.

Let her move out ASAP! "What are you worrying about!"

Tony looked speechless, "That guy is Captain America! You think I, Tony Stark, would be the kind of person who only looks at appearances, but that's a man!!!"

In the face of Pepper's distrust, Tony felt that his personality was insulted.

That's a man!How could he have such an idea! ! !Seeing Tony was a little angry, Little Pepper knew that she shouldn't think like that, but she was. . .Can't help it.

Anyway, Pepper still made Tony agree to wait for a while to study, and then let Steve move out.

At the same time, the conversation between the two was also overheard by Steve who was in the living room.

It's all because her hearing is too sharp now.

Just heard these. . . . .Damn content!When Tony and Pepper came out, they found that Steve was sitting in the living room with a dark face, and the two of them were also expressionless.

Tony thought about it and guessed that Steve might have heard the conversation between the two of them.

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Chapter [-]: The next transformation target, Nick?


. . . . .

. . . . , the Director's Office.

Nick Fury opened the door and came in. As soon as he closed the door, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, followed by darkness in front of him, and he didn't know anything.

Pfft!Looking at Nick Fury who fell to the ground in front of him.

Clark, who changed into Mr. Hydra, grabbed his collar with a smile, dragged him, and put him on the chair behind the desk.

"Steve has completed the transformation, and it's your turn next."

Looking at the black marinated egg that looked peacefully asleep in front of him, Clark smiled and took out a mass of flesh and blood from the system space, then pinched Nick Fury's face, let him open his mouth, and put the thing , dropped in.

After the flesh and blood dumplings were thrown into the mouth, they immediately wriggled and got into the throat.

Clark stepped back at this time, observing the changes in Nick Fury.

A minute later, the blue veins under Nick Fury's skin began to tighten one by one, which made him look a little grim.

Two minutes later, the veins began to subside, and a cold energy began to be born in Nick Fury's body.

Three minutes later this gloomy force reached a certain peak and began to converge towards Nick Fury's blind eye.

Four minutes later that gloomy aura reached its peak!After five minutes it's all over and the change is complete!At this time, Clark reached out and pulled Nick Fury's blindfold.

The eye that was originally caught and blind has completely changed at this time, the white pupil has turned blood red, and there are three 3 commas surrounding a black dot in the middle.

"This... This is not a writing wheel!"

Clark looked surprised.

The lump of stuff he fed Nick Fury before, called [Fantasy Dumplings], is something that can randomly awaken an ability that originally only existed in fantasy after eating it.

It's just that Clark didn't expect that Nick Fury would wake up with a writing wheel!Yes!There is only one.

Not a pair! "Let me see what these eyes are capable of."

Clark probed into the power of the mind, and the writing wheel eye is known as the eye of spiritual portrayal, for. .The increase of spiritual power is huge, but in the face of Clark's spiritual power, a triangular jade writing wheel eye is like a speck of dust facing the entire universe.

For a moment. . . . . .Clark knew about Nick Fury's ability to write a wheel eye.


The writing wheel eye has the ability to resist illusion, so. . . . . .Godly! "

I wondered if it was a coincidence before, but after discovering that this writing wheel actually contained the power of divine power, Clark was completely sure that this was Hatake Kakashi's kaleidoscope writing wheel!It's just the ability of the kaleidoscope, it can't be used casually, it's only the three hook jade state that is turned on under normal conditions.

Of course, Kakashi's Shaker. . . . . .It can't be closed!It's no wonder that Nick Frey was in a coma, but this eye opened automatically.

"Even Chakra was born, and it's interesting to directly convert the existing energy!"

Clark checked Nick Fury's state and found that a suspected chakra-like energy was born in his body. Although the amount of this energy is not large, according to the standard of Naruto World, it is probably the ordinary upper ninja. Degree.

But considering the continuous consumption of Shakers, Clark had to wonder, that... Fantasy Danzi not only brought Kakashi's Shakers to Nick Fury, but even gave Kakashi's Chakras to Nick Fury. carat weight.

But Kakashi's... chakra amount. . . . . . .Forget it, don't mention it!Afterwards, Clark checked Nick Fury's brain again and determined that there was no memory of ninjutsu or the like, and only then did he withdraw his spiritual power.

Looking at Nick Fury in a coma in front of him, Clark didn't know if he should feel good luck or bad luck. The ability of a kaleidoscope to write a wheel eye, in the Marvel world, at least on Earth is already a relatively powerful ability .

But what he awakened was Kakashi's writing wheel eye.

Not to mention, the ability to continue the battle is still poor!Chakra exhausted and unconscious at every turn has almost become Kakashi's characteristic.

Also, yes. . .Kaleidoscope ability.

The ability of Shenwei to involve space is strong or strong, and it can match Kakashi's chakra. . . . . .Put it on once or twice and it will stop!and!Ordinary kaleidoscope, if you use it too much, it will go blind.

That's why Clark will think, whether Nick Fury is lucky or unlucky, and he hasn't been able to inherit Kakashi's thousands of ninjutsu.

"I can only say... I beg you!"

Clark patted Nick Fury on the head, followed by a dodge and disappeared into his office.

Until this time, the various scientific instruments in the office were restored to normal operation.

previous words. . . . . . .All were stopped by Clark.

. . .ten minutes later.

Nick Fury, who was lying on the chair, woke up faintly.

He first put one hand on his forehead, then suddenly woke up, jumping up from the chair.

"who is it!"

He scanned the entire office with his one eye.

But no one was found.

"Tianyan, play back the previous surveillance video!"

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