After Nick Fury finished speaking, he directly instructed the old researcher next to him to wait for the specific test report of his body to be delivered, and then took Simmons directly out of the laboratory area.

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Chapter [-]: SHIELD internal meeting, the ability in the comics?Too much bullshit!


. . . . .

. . . . , Trident Headquarters Building.

Nick Fury's office.

At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has gathered here.

. . . . .

. . . .The current high-level core.

Including, Director Nick Fury, Deputy Director Hill, Head of Revenge Squad Hawkeye Patton, Director of Intelligence Coulson, Deputy Director of Operations Natasha, and was personally brought by Nick Fury and allowed to participate in the meeting The fifth-level special agent of the scientific research department, Zhenma.

In Simmons' brand-new office, in the lounge area, there are some tea methods and coffee tables, and there is a small bar next to it.

Nick Fury usually comes here for a drink when he's upset at work.

Sometimes a little drink can make his brain calmer.

At this time, everyone was sitting here relatively relaxed, only Simmons had a nervous expression on her face. She had never seen so many bigwigs. She kept her body upright and stared straight ahead, for fear of being caught by the officers. Pick out what's wrong.

Coulson and the others also looked at this... Agent Simon curiously.

These from the front. . . . .Those present could see that the small meeting this time was mainly an internal meeting of some people who were close to Nick Fury.

For example, Natasha, deputy director of the operations department.

Why don't you invite the director to a meeting to discuss it because the current director of the operations department is completely Nick Fury!Like S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .An organization of this size, even if it eliminated the internal Hydra forces, in fact their internal situation is still very complicated, and it is known as the S.H.I.E.L.D. with hundreds of thousands of agents.

. . . . .

. . . . , If there are not a few factions inside, I'm embarrassed to say it!After all, the internal structure is complex and there are many factions, which makes the large-scale organizational performance.

Only those. .Only in small organizations can the leader speak directly.

Not to mention, S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .There is still the World Security Council as a sponsor behind it.

Think about it, the World Security Council spends so much money, can they not send some people into S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Internally, do you have first-hand information? In fact, to a certain extent, Hill was also sent to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even the best one among them is directly the high-ranking deputy director!But that is Hill's own ability!Also, Hill is not one of those people...who is completely at the mercy of the World Security Council, she only serves the right side.

If Nick Fury makes a mistake, she will not give Nick Fury the slightest face, point it out directly, and force him to correct.

But if there is a problem with the decision of the World Security Council, then she will choose not to listen.

Nick Fury knew this, so he regarded Hill as his confidant and was willing to tell her some secret things.

Because he knew that Hill was always on the side of justice.

And her justice is for the entire human group.

Not limited to a certain country, or a certain group of people!Therefore, in some respects, even if some of Nick Fury's decisions will make people such as Tony and Captain America criticize and dissatisfied, Hill will not say anything, because she knows that Nick Fury's decisions are for the vast majority of Humans are good.

No one can do it all!Nick Fury can't do it, and Hill can't do it herself, so she won't be demanding of others with absolute requirements.

As long as the intention is good, the process does not hurt too many people, and the result will benefit the vast majority of people, Hill will not reject it.

And except. . . . . . . .Beyond Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .There are also many people sent from the World Security Council inside.

the words of these people. . . . . . .Nick Fury couldn't be trusted completely.

In contrast, their trust is not even as good as Natasha who was judged from the red house.

But this time it was Nick Fury. . . . .It's out of standard.

He thought Natasha was trustworthy enough.

But in fact. . . . . .Natasha had already betrayed him.

It's just that Natasha hides too well, and Clark never lets her make any mistakes that may reveal her identity. Therefore, over the years, Natasha has gained more and more trust from Nick Fury, and slowly Know some secrets that ordinary senior agents can't know.

Don't look at her security level is only seven, but in fact in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The internal status is only higher than that of the vast majority of eighth-level agents!Of course, there is no comparison to Coulson's.

Among these people present, who should say Nick Fury's latest.

None other than Colson!Even Nick Fury wants to be his successor.

This shows how much he trusts Coulson. . .in the office.

Nick Fury was a step late.

He walked in with a set of comic books in his hand.

It was temporarily bought by his agents.

It is the most complete Naruto manga collection currently available on the market.

Of course, this manga is still: serialization, so there will definitely be more content in the follow-up, but that is a future thing.

Snapped!Nick Fury threw these comics on the coffee table.

"Look at it all."

He said.

Hill and the others immediately picked up a comic on the coffee table.

Even Simmons has a copy in his hand.

At this moment. . . . . . .Nick Fury went to the small bar and poured a glass of wine. After drinking it, he walked over and sat down: and looked at them.

"Director, you take these... let us read the comics, is there any special purpose?"

Natasha flipped through the manga in her hand, but didn't read it carefully, just casually glanced at it, then raised her head and asked.

She is not a person who likes to read comics.

Even those in the US. .Super hot comics, like the Justice League or something.

She never went to see it.

I can watch movies. After all, it is different from comics. It only takes two or three hours to finish reading.

Don't waste too much time! "Wait until everyone else has read it."

Nick Fury said.

Natasha shrugged, then continued flipping through the comic in her hand.

After a while. . . . . . .Everyone put down their comic books.

All eyes looked at Nick Fury, the director.

"finish watching"

he asked.

Several people nodded.

They are all agents, and they see things very fast, and no one really looks carefully.

Um. . . . . .Apart from. . . . . . . .Simmons!But that's not called watching, it's called revisiting.

After all, it's been seen before.

"Now that you've read it all, let's talk about your views."

Nick Fury said.

Coulson first said at this time: "This comic is very good, but I still prefer the Captain America series."

No one paid any attention to him. They all knew that Coulson was a die-hard fan of Team America. He was the kind of die-hard fan... who would never change. one of the reasons.

"It's very hot, but it seems that there are many dark sides hidden under the blood."

Hill analyzed.

As an agent who doesn't specialize in combat, she is. .Political sense is also very keen.

Just rely on this endless comic book in hand, from the ones above. .In the sporadic content, she can see some dark sides of the world in which this comic is located.

"Fighting is cool, but it looks like blood is important in this comic."

Barton expressed his views.

"The Uchiha family is stupid and miserable. Shakers are cool, and Chakra is amazing."

Natasha said.

Seeing that several people had finished speaking their opinions, Nick Fury also nodded.

As for Simon Snick Fury, who didn't speak up, he didn't need to know her opinion. The reason why she came over was just because she knew this comic better than the people present! "Then, I tell you now, I have mastered this energy called chakra."

Nick Fury said, stretched out his hand to gather the Chakra in his body, and suddenly the blue energy burned like a flame.

"This is real!!"

Several people looked at him in shock.

Nick Fury nodded, put away the chakra in his hand, and said, "I don't know if this is the case, and there is it."

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