Whether it is the Great Sun Tathagata or Nuwa, they came here to seek a higher breakthrough, and Clark, a visitor from outside the domain, was the opportunity for them to make a breakthrough.

But it is obviously impossible for Clark to actively cooperate with them, even if it is just to practice the rules of the power of the phoenix.

Dairi Tathagata and Nuwa have nothing to do for him, why should he help them and this truth, Dairi Tathagata and Nuwa are obviously clear, so from the beginning, there is actually no harmonious coexistence between them at all. possible.

"Amitabha! The donor has come from afar, how about going to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss for a poor monk?"

The Great Sun Tathagata finally couldn't hold back his breath, and he opened his mouth to invite Clark to his Western Paradise. That place is the old lair of the Great Sun Tathagata. With his countless years of business, it has long been made into a piece of iron. .

If people with similar strength go there, they will be easily suppressed by the Great Sun Tathagata!Even if it is a powerhouse whose strength exceeds that of the Great Sun Tathagata, there may be no match for him anywhere.

"My snail palace, I also want to invite you to sit down."

Nuwa also spoke at this time, and said in a cold voice, and at the same time she looked at the Great Sun Tathagata, her eyes flickering with a soul-stirring light.

Seeing that the two seemed to be competing, Clark couldn't help but smile.

"Under normal circumstances, at this time, I should first try to provoke discord, let the two of you fight first, and then I will fish in troubled waters, but unfortunately..."

Clark shook his head regretfully.

"The strength of the two of you is indeed at the peak of this world, but you shouldn't think that the strongest people in other worlds are similar to you."

Hearing this, the expressions of Nu Wa and Da Ri Tathagata changed suddenly.

Right now!Clark waved a phoenix power, covering the entire river of time.

Imprisoned by the power of the phoenix, Nuwa and Dari Tathagata soon found that they could no longer leave the scope of the long river of time.

"Don't worry, I won't bully you. It just so happens that I haven't met an opponent of your level for a long time. Come on, let's fight first!"

After speaking, Clark's figure flashed immediately, and he rushed towards the two of them.

At this time, Nuwa and Dairi Tathagata looked at each other, but it was not clear that they kicked the iron plate this time.

Don't blame them either.

After all, I have been invincible for too long, and my mentality has changed a little bit.

He also overestimated his own strength. In addition, Clark never revealed his true strength from the very beginning. Naturally, they both thought crooked, thinking that Clark's strength was supreme, so he would follow them. Almost, maybe even weaker.

And now, it is too late to know the truth of all this.

The power of the phoenix shrouded the entire river of time, and even if they wanted to run, they couldn't escape.


The Great Sun Tathagata recited the Buddha's name in his mouth, and then slapped it with a palm, and a huge golden palm was grabbed towards Clark in the air.

"Ordinary punch!"

Clark swings his arm and throws a punch.

The fist strength set off a long river of time, slamming into the palm of the Great Sun Tathagata, directly offsetting two by two.

"As expected of the Great Sun Tathagata!"

Clark grinned.

On the other hand, the Great Sun Tathagata had a bitter expression on his face, and he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

At this time. . . . . .Nuwa on the other side also waved her hand, and in an instant, a holy streamer turned into a ribbon and slammed towards Clark.

"Consecutive normal punches!"

Clark's double fists smashed out, instantly crushing Nuwa's attack, the fist strength exploded, directly causing the river of time to tumble, Nuwa's huge human head and snake body, in Clark's punching strength Infinite holy light burst out from below, trying to resist this wave of attacks.

Boom! ! !The long river of time exploded.

A figure flew out backwards, spilling golden blood from the sky.

"That's right! God's blood should be golden."

Seeing this scene, Clark was still in a mood to murmur, and then he waved his hand and collected the spilled divine blood.

This thing himself is useless, but whether it is used to sell it to the guild, or to exchange for other treasures from the replacement device, it is useful.

"Buddha's Palm!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came.

The Buddha's light is prosperous with billions of feet. Behind the big day Tathagata, a Buddha figure far exceeding the size of the entire planet appears. With the Buddha's shadow waving a palm, that huge palm, enough to smash the stars, is moving towards the Buddha. Clark rolled over.

Regular punches in a row!Clark's arms fired tens of thousands of punches in an instant.

The fist slammed into the giant Tathagata's palm, and the Buddha's hand cracked every inch, but it didn't shatter directly!sharp!Clark's eyes lit up.

Although he has only used physical power so far, this power is already the most powerful among the single universe level.

After all, using the power of the phoenix directly would be bullying.

Instant kill, in fact, is not very interesting.

Clark wanted to have a good fight with Dainichi Tathagata and Nuwa, not to wipe them out with a wave of his hand.

He hadn't experienced such a fist-to-meat fight for a long time.

"The Great Sun Tathagata, you also try my serious punch!"

Clark's fist condensed nearly [-]% of the power, and then slammed the punch!His moves are unpretentious.

The names of the so-called moves are also shouted at random.

But the power contained in it is enough to make people despair!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,


There was a power outage at home, and I didn't have time to upload the edited chapter. I had to wait for the call at night. The exact time was not clear, and the wires outside were burnt out. . . . . .To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: End, leave the wind and cloud world

Seriously punch!The terrifying fist smashed the Buddha's hand of the Tathagata's palm.

A figure rushed towards the Buddha figure in an instant, and then suppressed it with a punch!Exterminate!Peiran exploded with great power.

The golden body of the Great Sun Tathagata was like a piece of porcelain that fell to the ground. It first cracked countless cracks, and then slammed into pieces.

Whoa!The river of time is rolling.

Nuwa's figure came, holding a bead in Su's hand and smashing it hard at Clark.

Boom! ! !The bead smashed hard on Clark's back, smashing him into the river of time, causing countless waves.

But after a while, Clark rushed out of the river, grabbed the bead that came again, and clenched it with five fingers. He heard a click, and the surface of the bead cracked countless cracks, followed by a bang.

"My orb!"

Nuwa exclaimed.

The next moment, Clark's figure instantly rushed in front of her.

Punch out.

Nu Wa raised her arm to block.

Bang!The arm exploded directly.

Obviously, Nuwa's divine body is far less powerful than Dairi Tathagata, and it can't stop Clark's ordinary punch at all.

die!Clark's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Under Nu Wa's horrified gaze, she smashed her divine body into pieces with one punch! . . . . . . . . . [President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "It's over!"

Takatsuki Izumi: "What a wonderful battle!"

Zhou Zhiruo: "The big boss has broken the sound!"

Tujianbu: "Wow! It's so easy to win with a fight!"

The old man Xiongba: "Finally dead!"

Beast Kaido: "Too strong! When will I catch up?"

Madara Uchiha: "Upstairs, I'm dreaming"

Beast Kaido: "Uchiha Madara, see you in the duel arena!"

Madara Uchiha: "Hey, I'll satisfy you."

Cosmic Emperor Boros: "It's very strong, no matter which one I'm not an opponent, I just don't know how it compares to that bald head"

The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan: "Boss Boros still misses Teacher Saitama!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang: "President, are you coming back?"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Well, the mission is completed, the good show is over, and I'm coming back."

. . . . . . .Wind and Cloud World.

The long river of time above the sky has disappeared.

Clark also appeared here in a flash.

Snapped!He clapped one hand on Xiongba's shoulder, making Xiongba tremble.

"It's cheaper for you this time."

Clark said.

Xiongba smiled and asked politely, "Boss, are Da Ri Tathagata and Nuwa dead?"

Hearing this, Clark shook his head.

"Not dead."

"No! It's not dead."

Xiongba said in surprise: "They've all been beaten to pieces by you, boss, how could they still be alive?"

Qin Xiaoxiao and the others also looked at Clark curiously.

"It's different. Both of them are great gods who have refined the past and future of this world. As long as this world still exists, they will not be able to fall in the true sense."

Clark explained: "Unless someone takes this opportunity to refine the past and future, then they can kill both of them in the true sense."

Clark glanced at Xiongba, shook his head and said, "However, your current strength is too weak to refine the past and future of this world. You can't even enter the long river of time. You can also see what happens when you smile three times before. here it is"

Xiongba nodded.

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