"You go straight here, then turn left and you'll see the nursery, but your body..."

"My body is fine!"

After Saul finished speaking, he strode directly towards the... the direction pointed by the nurse.

The two nurses behind him looked at each other, and then one of them immediately ran to the duty room to notify the doctor on duty and contact the patient's family.

Nursery outdoor.

Almost instinctively, Sol found the child who belonged to him among the children inside.

In fact, it's not difficult to find. After all, among several babies, a child who looks like one or two years old suddenly appears, which is actually quite abrupt.

But Sol did have a keen intuition, telling him that it was his child! "my child!"

Through the glass of the nursery, Thor looked at the sleeping child inside.

He didn't run in to disturb the child's rest.

It was just like that, but he thought that the child had been snatched away.

Knowing that the child is still there now, he also calmed down.

At this moment, the doctor on duty also rushed over and saw Sol standing outside the nursery room. The doctor gestured to the nurse behind him, and then walked towards him cautiously.

"Sir, are you okay, do you need any help?"

The doctor tried his best to make himself look more friendly.

At this time, Sol turned to look at him.

When he saw the two nurses behind him, his face became a little ugly.

Because these two nurses had forcibly injected him with sedatives when he first entered the hospital a few days ago, so now seeing them, Sol has a little psychological shadow.

"I'm fine, I don't need any help."

Sol said with a cold face: "Also, I will take my child tomorrow!"

"I'm afraid this is not enough!"

The doctor shook his head and said, "Sir, your situation is rather special. I think it's better for you to stay in the hospital for observation for the time being."

Saying that, the doctor secretly winked at the two nurses.

All this was seen by Sol, and he couldn't help frowning, and there was a trace of anger on his face.

"I said! I'm taking my baby tomorrow! I don't want to say it a third time!"

Saul's tone has begun to become unpleasant.

At this moment. . . . . . "Go! Hold him down!"

The doctor shouted, and the two tall nurses rushed up immediately, trying to hold Sol.

At the same time, the doctor also took out a sedative and wanted to inject Sol after the nurses held him down.

"You are courting death!!"

Sol had already been on fire for a long time, and seeing these mortals dare to deal with him like this at this time, he was so angry that he would call his Thor's Hammer and give them a hammer.

Eh, what about my hammer, Sol suddenly remembered.

After waking up, his strength recovered, but why didn't the hammer come back? Even now, he summoned Thor's Hammer in his heart, but he didn't get any response!What the hell was going on, Sol was puzzled.

At this time, two nurses had already rushed up.

Sol, who was in a very bad mood for various reasons, saw these two guys at this time, and immediately grabbed the two of them in anger.

Both are not much shorter than Thor. . . , The nurse, who was a circle bigger than him, was directly lifted by his hand, holding his neck.

"If it was before, I would have killed you all, but now..."

"You are lucky!"

With two bangs, the two tall nurses were thrown out.

He fell to the ground and clasped his arms, screaming.

Hearing this noisy movement, Sol frowned.

"Shut up! Don't disturb my baby to sleep!"

The two nurses were so frightened that they quickly covered their mouths with their other hands and looked at Sol in front of them in horror.

That doctor has long been frightened with weak legs.

At this time, Sol took a look.

He was just in a hurry. . .Turning around and running away, he slammed into another figure before he ran a few steps, and fell to the ground with a thud and passed out.


Sol looked at the person who came, a little surprised.

Loki looked at the three mortals indifferently, then walked to the window of the nursery, and looked at the sleeping child inside.

After half a sound. . . . . . "What are you going to name her?"

Loki looked back at Thor.

Sol was stunned by this question. He was fierce and brave just now. At this time, he showed a nervous and tangled expression.

After a while. . . . . . "Or else, call Sovia.

How is Odinson?"

Thor thought of a name and asked Loki.

As a result, Loki looked at him coldly.

"Not so good, the name Sovia is too common!"

Sol: . . . . . .It's normal, but I think it's pretty good!Sol thought.

But this time he did. . . . .There is no stubborn opinion, after all, it is the name of my child, it is the name that will follow her for a lifetime, it can't be too casual!Loki has been smarter than him since he was a child. Since Loki said this name is too common, it should not work.

"Then I'll think about it."

Sol said.

Loki stared coldly at the left and right sides: pacing back and forth, a brooding look of Thor, a complex gaze flashed in the depths of his eyes.

follow. . . . . . "Sol! You're awake!!"

At the other end of the corridor, Jane Foster, whose hair was still a little messy, ran over quickly.

Seeing Sol pacing back and forth in the corridor, she looked surprised, ran forward quickly, and hugged him.

This made Loki on the side frown slightly, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Saul, do you feel any discomfort?"

Release... After Saul, Jane Foster asked with concern.

Saul shook his head and asked, "Jane, what name should my child be called?"


Jane Foster was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing and said, "You were thinking about this just now"

"Yes, I want to be called Sovia, but Loki said this name is too common, what do you think is better?"

Sol said.

"Why don't you call Cathy?"

A voice suddenly came from the front.

The three people in the corridor all looked over there subconsciously.


Jane Foster looked at one of them with a shocked expression.

Clark smiled at her.

At this time, Tony who came with him couldn't help laughing and said: "I know that every time I go out with him, the first person people see is always this guy!"

"Why is our Iron Man jealous"

Clark joked with a smile.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Deified aliens?Two people who don't like each other

"Yes, I'm crazy with jealousy!"

Tony joked.

Then, his eyes fell on Thor and Loki in front of him.

"So...the two of them are...the god you said"

He turned to look at Clark and asked.

"To be precise, it's a deified alien."

Clark said.


Tony looked up and down...the two of them, and then nodded, "If you say that, it's...it's easier to accept. After all, God or something is indeed a bit foul."

Hearing this, Loki didn't say anything, but Thor did. . . . .First, get angry.

Although his temper has subsided after regaining his strength, it is still relatively hot.

At this moment, when I heard Clark and Tony say each other, and they didn't take their two Asgardian gods seriously, it was immediately. . .Make Thor furious! "Bastard! How dare you humiliate the gods!"

Thor roared and was about to rush up, but was pulled by Loki beside him.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

Loki said, looking at Clark.

"This... Mr. Superman's strength is far beyond your imagination. In comparison, he is more like a god than us!"

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