This is true. . . . .No surprise at all!If Nick Fury suddenly appears sentimental one day, then they will have to wonder if the Nick Fury in front of them is real!

Chapter [-]: Anti-Superhero Parade, The Illuminati Rise

in the laboratory.


. . . . .

. . . .The elite researchers are sampling and analyzing some of the solidified black matter.

In the corridor outside the laboratory.

Nick Fury is watching this scene.

After about an hour, a researcher came out of the laboratory with a freshly released report in his hand and reported it to Nick Fury who was standing outside the laboratory.

After a while. . . . . . "That is, you can't detect any known elements on these samples"

Nick Fury nodded slightly, this is good news.

If all are known elements on earth, then he will be disappointed.

After all, in his opinion, this weapon must have been brought by aliens, and it is normal and reasonable that things from other planets cannot be found on earth.

"Continue to analyze, I want to know if it can be replicated!"

Nick Fury ordered.

The researcher in front of him nodded, turned around, and went back to the lab to work.

Nick Fury watched for a moment. . . , which is to turn around and leave.

. . .In the next few days, the world suddenly calmed down.

There are no super criminals making waves. Those countries whose capitals were destroyed before are also recovering one after another. The officials who should be promoted have been promoted, and the prime ministers are also urgently selected.

And within the US.

These days it's an anti-superhero protest march.

It's not that the American people suddenly don't like superheroes.

In fact, they still like superheroes and still want the protection of superheroes.

What they are protesting is really just that. .A guy who occupies the name of a superhero but has no ability can use an idiom to describe it, that is. . .Corpse Vegetarian Meal!for. .These. . . . .Pseudo-superheroes, after the events of Portland, seemed to be exposed to the public all at once.

And the most frequently used example on the Internet these days is. . .The fire whirlwind team that was first extinguished in Portland.

This superhero team is also really famous.

It's just infamy.

Almost everyone is using them as negative examples.

Ask the authorities to ban those. .No ability, superheroes are forbidden to become a zero-threshold money-making profession!This kind of parade has been happening in big cities one after another in the past few days.

New York is even more affected.

, Many superhero teams on the local side have been questioned.

Of course, mainly those. .There are street shooting ads endorsement.

Like the Defenders League, or a combination of Super Killer Girl and Big Dad that doesn't even have a team name, it's not within the scope of people's protests. After all, people are purely doing good things, and they don't take advantage of it. to make huge profits.

In just a few days, nearly [-]% of the superhero teams that originally numbered more than [-] in the United States were disbanded at once.

The rest is not to say that all have real ability.

But some people are still there: die hard.

I don't want to admit that I rely on the name of a superhero to make money, rather than having the corresponding ability.

The most serious situation is the superhero teams in Los Angeles. The main business of these superhero teams is. . .Take commercials, make movies and TV shows. . . . . .

Fighting criminals or something, it's all pre-arranged scripts.

As for any emergencies, real crimes happen, you can't see them at all!However, there are professional teams behind these superheroes, guiding some online speeches, pouring dirty water on other superhero teams as much as possible, or guiding public opinion to other countries, etc. . .These. . . . . .

But in fact, they are dying.

There are already a lot of black material about these superhero teams on the Internet. Even if they want to wash it, it is difficult to wash it.

Unless there is... something like Portland, when a big event like this happens, these teams rush to the front to show it, otherwise, it will be difficult for the public to believe them.

. . .compared to these. . . . .The parallel superhero team that has been disbanded one after another by the public has a good performance in the previous Portland incident, but it is a completely different treatment.

Now in the United States, the most famous superhero team is of course the Justice League.

There is Superman, the strongest superhero in the family. Any super criminal will turn pale with fright and tremble legs when he hears Superman's name. The status of the big brother in the industry is unquestionable.

And secondly, is the Illuminati that has rapidly become popular in the past few days.

The Illuminati have no real captain in name.

The currently known members are. . .Iron Man Tony Stark, Fantastic Mister Reed Charlize, Human Torch Johnny Stone, Invisible Woman Susan Stone and The Thing Ben Grim are five 55 members.

Among them, Iron Man is the founder of the Illuminati, although not the nominal leader.

But the outside world generally regards Tony Stark as the spokesperson of the Illuminati, and for Tony, who likes to show his face, he is also happy to represent the Illuminati in the spotlight, anyway. . .His previous life was like this.

In comparison, Reed and the others are not used to these.

Johnny's okay, Reed and Ben really don't like reporters or anything.

As the only female member of the Illuminati, Susan was also paid close attention by the outside world. Sometimes she would be surrounded by a bunch of reporters when she went out to buy something, which made Susan very distressed.

However, it is different from other superhero teams that start taking commercials and make movies after they become famous.

Because the Illuminati has Stark Industries as a sponsor, they are not short of money at all, and they have no idea in this regard.

And it was basically only Tony who showed up to the outside world.

Tony also complained to Clark a few times that if his Reed was as obedient as the Justice League guys, he actually wanted to make a movie of himself or something.

He had already thought about the name, it was called "The Illuminati", and he was himself. . .Male number one.

It's a pity that Reed and the others are not willing to participate.

Helpless, Tony can only let this plan die.

. . . . . : The above three chapters are all coded and timed in advance. If I come back early today, there will be a fourth update: If I come back too late, I can only say sorry, but I am busy today, and I will compare it after a while. Empty, it won't happen again.

Chapter 1: Guild upgrade, open world and world of heavens! 【4/[-]】

Although Tony's idea for "The Illuminati" was dead, Clark told him that he was currently preparing a new movie and planned to invite him to star in the lead role.

The name of the movie has already been thought of, it is called "Iron Man".

As soon as Tony heard that Clark was going to make an "Iron Man", he agreed on the spot and agreed to the male lead in the film, and also provided various venues and materials, so that Clark must be sure to shoot enough reality!Clark naturally agreed to this.

The reason why he wants to shoot "Iron Man" is that on the one hand, it is more interesting to shoot Marvel movies in Marvel, and on the other hand, it is also because the current plot has already gone to his grandma's house.

So he filmed the original plot again. In fact, there is no problem at all. Everyone just thinks that he is doing a reasonable second creation.

Of course, even if someone really thinks Clark knows anything about future prophecies.

Then what can you do to him! !Invincible!capricious!Too lazy to explain!The shooting of the new movie "Iron Man" also requires some preparation time, and these. . . . .The prep work was never done by Clark himself, and he didn't even need to supervise anything.

Skynet can do it all!After informing Tony that he would be contacted when the film started, Clark stopped paying attention.

. . .Since the last meeting in the guild, everyone has returned to their original lives.

The salted fish goes on salted fish.

Continuation of the effort.

This day [President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "All members, let me tell you good news, our guild has been promoted to the second level! It is now the second level guild! Applause!!"

The Queen of Clouds Zhu Yuyan: "Sprinkle flowers! Play music! Celebrate with the whole world!!!"

God of Gamblers, Tsunade: "Is there any difference between the second-level guild and the previous one?"

The old man is a white bearded man: "Gu la la la la! The old man is also very curious about this question, but the old man just went to the guild mall and found a lot of new products for sale!"

Uchiha Madara: "Screenshot.

!Whitebeard, that's what you meant to say. "

, Huiyuan Ai: "What is the order of the expedition of the heavens?"

The old man has a white beard: "Gu la la la la! It's this little thing, it's very interesting!"

Clark: "The upgrade is that the activity has finally reached the target"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Well, yes.

The number of people was enough to upgrade the [-] members of the second-level guild, but the activity was not enough. . . , today finally meets the conditions! "

Clark: "Tell me about the new features after the upgrade. I just took a look. There is an additional public world"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "All members, please be quiet first, let me introduce the new features that appear after this guild upgrade.

First of all, there are three new products added to the guild mall. Everyone has already seen it. We will talk about this later. Let’s talk about the other two products. They are the lucky charm and the perfect charm. "

"Everyone knows that the previous guild enhancement function was only aimed at the abilities that you mastered, or things like knowledge.

However, after the guild was upgraded to the second-level guild this time, the strengthening function of the guild has been improved, and it can now be used to strengthen some foreign objects. "

"The so-called external objects are... those... external objects that are not closely related to you, such as a knife, a table, a house, etc. These are all categories!"

"The guild enhancement function is for... The enhancement price of foreign objects is comparative, but after the enhancement is more than 5, there will be a possibility of failure.

Once the strengthening fails, the strengthening points will be reduced, such as from 5 to 4. "

"And after strengthening to +9, once the strengthening fails, the item you are strengthening will also be damaged, and at this time, the perfect jade talisman will be used.

The item will not be damaged if it is strengthened with the perfect jade charm. "

"And the lucky charm, this is to improve the success rate of strengthening, this should be well understood."

Buried soil: "Wow! It's finally here! The guild's kryptonite function!!!"

Gao Tsuki-Izumi: "It's the pit point function!"

Megumi: "This enhanced function doesn't sound very reliable..."

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