Their families know their own affairs.

As reincarnations, their identities are very sensitive. Although the Reincarnation Tower has arranged the identity of this world for them, it has not given them the corresponding ability.

This is also the reason why Buried Soma was able to quickly discover them among such a group of people.

Others are busy and may not notice.

But burial is not.

She has been observing, and naturally she will not ignore this different situation.

What's more, their task is to find out the undercover inside the police, which is the current plot. . .The most important thing, maybe some clues will emerge during the period. If they leave now, wouldn't they miss it. . . . . .Even if they don't want to leave, Huang Zhicheng said so, can they refuse?So they could only be obedient and leave with the chief of the security bureau.

Think of this.

The five people 5 suddenly glared fiercely at this security bureau's blame this guy!Strange, although this world of Infernal Affairs is a new one, several batches of reincarnations have already experienced it. There are also some information about this world on the forum. In this episode, there will be people from the Security Bureau intervening!Could it be that those people deliberately did not say that the five 55 reincarnations were speculating in their hearts, and left the temporary headquarters with the soil.

The reason why Tujianbu wanted to take them away was that. . .Don't want to do it here.

Five people and five guns: Maybe it's still five 55 reincarnations who don't know how to play with guns. She still has the confidence to deal with them, but if it's a group of police officers who can play with guns: , She has good marksmanship, then she has to shoot the mouse.

So, she thought about it.

The best way is to deceive these people first.

Then wait until a place where no one is around, and then deal with them, it will be safer!As for how to deceive her identity as a security bureau is a joke, plus what she just said to Huang Zhicheng.

It didn't actually say anything, nothing more than that. . .Tell him that there are undercover agents installed by Han Chen among them, and the people from the security bureau suspect that there are some bigwigs behind Han Chen supporting him, and they need these. . . . .Go undercover to provide further information.

And she suspected that Han Chen's undercover agent might exist among these five people.

for. .Huang Zhicheng, who was bent on arresting Han Chen, said that he naturally did not allow Han Chen's undercover presence in his actions, which would lead to the failure of everything.

Therefore, even if he didn't trust the security bureau very much, he would still agree to take these five people away.

after all. . . . . .Just in case!What if there is an undercover agent? Huang Zhicheng doesn't want to gamble! . . .Two or three hundred meters away from the temporary headquarters, in a secluded alley outside.

Tsushima came here with the five 55 suspected reincarnators.

When they walked into the alley, the five 55 reincarnations had a bad feeling, and when they saw the security chief who was walking in front suddenly stopped in the middle of the alley, they immediately backed away alertly. one step.

"What are you afraid of"

Tsushima turned around and looked at the five of them.

These five people, three men and two women, were all relatively young, and the oldest was in his early twenties.

At this time, all five people had one hand on their waist.

That's where they carry their guns.

"Why do you want to attack the security guard"

Tsubasa said with a smile.

When the five heard this, they hesitated for a while.

After all, their current identities are police officers, not those. .How can the gangsters in the society do such a thing of attacking the chief? Whether their identities still need to be completed, the next task is still unfinished, so they hesitated!And it was precisely because of their hesitation that it completely killed them.

Just as the five of them were hesitating whether to pull out their guns, Miyako suddenly jumped up.

Her movements were extremely fast, and almost instantly crossed the distance of two or three meters between the two sides. As soon as she shot, a cold light flashed under the street lamp between her fingers.

Pfft!The sound of flesh being cut open!A reincarnator clutched his neck, blood gushing out from the gaps between his fingers, and fell down with an unwilling expression.

Swish!A touch of silver light caught up with another reincarnator.

This person seems to be a trainer. After the first reincarnation was attacked, he subconsciously shot back.

It was just a face-to-face, and an irresistible force came from the opponent's hand, which directly hit his arm with a click, and the arm was fractured.

Blood spurted out on the spot!

Chapter 3: Zhou Zhiruo and Huang Rong are in action, eight goals [4/[-]]

The sudden change made the faces of the remaining three reincarnations change suddenly, and at the same time, they quickly pulled out...the gun on their waist was aimed at the buried earth that was close at hand.

boom!A shot went off.

A female reincarnation fired a shot, and the bullet flew half a meter above the ear buried in the soil.

Bang!A shadow flew out.

It was the gun in the woman's hand that was kicked away by the earth, and the cold light that followed instantly pierced her heart.

Pfft!Pfft!Pfft!A vicious triple stab.

It's done between lightning and flint.

next second. . . . . .boom!boom!Two more shots were fired.

The bullet almost flew past the body buried in the soil.

Unexpectedly, the marksmanship of these two reincarnations is not bad, but it's a pity that the soil buried long ago has been prepared, and she has strengthened the domineering and domineering of her knowledge. With this level of marksmanship, she can't hit her!The two shots missed each other.

The two reincarnators realized that something was going to happen!Sure enough - almost. . .In the next instant, the figure buried in the soil rushed in front of the two of them.

Just a face-to-face, the melee ability is not strong, and the physical fitness is only a little bit more than ordinary people, two novice reincarnations, they were directly thrown to the ground.

Click!One of the reincarnators wanted to shoot, but was buried in the soil and smashed the bones of his hand.

Suddenly weeping in pain.

But Tujianbu didn't show any mercy.

In the last open world, I have hunted and killed many beasts, and I have seen all kinds of sinister human beings buried in the earth. I shot directly across the neck of a reincarnator, a cold light flashed, and the aorta of the reincarnation was also blocked. Cut easily.

immediately. . . . . .Click!Tu Ma buried one knee on his knees, and the knee directly crushed the neck bone of the last samsara!All this happened between the electric light and flint, and the whole process was over in less than ten seconds.

Tsushima stood up at this time, turned his head to look at the five corpses on the ground, then bent down and took the five guns from them, and quickly left the alley.

The gunshots just now, maybe someone has already called the police at this time.

So she has to get out of here as soon as possible.

At the same time, Mui Tujian also privately chatted with Zhou Rong and the others in the guild, asking them about their progress.

. . . . .On the other side, while the action was being carried out in the earth, Zhou Zhiruo and Huang Rong also found a few reincarnations hidden in Han Chen's group.

The two of them were lucky.

When I first came here, I met a group of Han Chen's men waiting downstairs.

Then before they got close, they heard the conversation of several of them.

Because both of them are walking in the martial arts side system, and they have good internal strength, they can clearly hear the content of the whispers of those people from a distance of more than ten meters.

When they heard these people mention "mission"

"The newcomer who came here,"

While waiting for these words.

It's completely certain, the guys who gathered together, that is. . .Han Chen's reincarnation! "One, two, three... a total of six 66"

, Zhou Zhiruo counted the number of people over there.

At this time, Huang Rong glanced upstairs and said, "There may be more upstairs. Let's go to the side to find a favorable position to ambush, and remember the appearance of these people."

Zhou Zhiruo nodded.

The two of them had already planned what to do.

The only problem now is. . . , I don't know how many reincarnations Han Chen has in front of these six 66s, will they be all of them?Soon. . . . . .The two of them found a good spot. From here, they could just see the main entrance of the building opposite. If Han Chen's group wanted to leave, they would definitely pass by here. That's the best time for them to do it.

But before that—"You stay here, I'll go look over there."

Zhou Zhiruo said to Huang Rong.

Huang Rong nodded.

Her martial arts are a little worse than Zhou Zhiruo, especially in the light of light.

Zhou Zhiruo had learned Fengshen legs.

In terms of Qinggong, it is much better than Huang Rong!Therefore, it is more suitable for her to do this kind of spying work than for Huang Rong to do it.

. . . . .In the dark night, a white figure disappeared in a flash.

Fortunately, no one saw it, or else they would think they saw some ghost and be scared out of their minds.

Zhou Zhiruo lifted her Fengshen legs, and her whole body was like a breeze, fluttering. . .It landed outside the room where Han Chen's group was.

Through the window, you can see the people inside.

The small Han Chen was pacing back and forth in the room.

Several of his subordinates were standing around the room, and a very fat man was eating with a box of fried rice noodles. He was smiling and talking to a man in black leather next to him.

Zhou Zhiruo's eyes swept across the room quickly, and then she hid herself in the darkness.

"Nine people, excluding Han Chen and Chen Yongren and the fat man, there are six 66."

Zhou Zhiruo recalled in her mind the contents of the memory copy about Infernal Affairs that she had seen before, and the last picture of a row of people standing in the room appeared in her mind.

"That's not it, this person already has it."

"And this square-faced man, who doesn't look like a good person at first glance, he is also there."

. . . . . .Zhou Zhiruo excluded them one by one.

In the end, there were only two people left, who should not have appeared in this room in her memory.

"So, the two of them are... reincarnations!"

Zhou Zhiruo flashed past the window and glanced at the two people in the room, remembering their appearance and clothes.

next moment. . . . . .She twisted in mid-air, and with the help of air, flew towards the opposite side of the building.

After a while——Zhou Zhiruo returned to the place where they ambush.

"How about it"

Huang Rong asked quickly.

Zhou Zhiruo nodded, nodded her head with a smile and said, "I already remember their appearance and clothes, there are two people, plus the six 66 downstairs, that is... eight people, it's really quite a lot. Woolen cloth!"

"Eight people?"

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