Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 657: the first cause of everything

 Chapter 657 The First Cause of Everything

 This is how everything was originally born.

The new past covers the old past.

And it’s not false, it’s something that actually happened in the past.

Because Su Yao didn't deliberately want to change anything, everyone including OAA who was aware of this situation had both old and new memories in their minds.

At this moment, the Life Tribunal and other entities, including OAA, were shocked.

OAA, the source of the omnipotent universe, has changed?

"He is..."

"Everything about us was actually born from Him?!"

Beings such as the Living Tribunal used their abilities to see a shocking scene in the long past.

In a daze, they saw an incredible existence that was larger than the omnipotent universe.

He is filled with original, original brilliance.

OAA and the Almighty Universe are actually just small things born under the influence of His power, an inconspicuous embellishment on His body.

They seem to see that on the tip of the iceberg of this boundless figure, there are universes, dimensions, worlds, and realities comparable to the omnipotent universe at every moment... that are being born and destroyed, and they are born and destroyed.

Just like bubbles and dreamy bubbles, they come and go in His body.

Seeing this scene, the Life Tribunal and other beings were shocked.

Similarly, they also realized that this existence cannot be defined, understood, imagined, felt, known, or...

What they can see and observe is only what this being is willing to reveal.

Even so, they can only see an insignificant point, the tip of the iceberg.


What exactly does it exist?

Actually, even greater than OAA?

At this moment, not only the Life Tribunal and other entities in the Almighty Universe were shocked, but also the so-called real and realistic universe beyond the fourth wall of Marvel.

Marvel's editor-in-chief, various editors, and countless comic and movie fans were all shocked.

Many Marvel comics, animations, and movies have vaguely revealed information about an unknown and vague existence.

In particular, this being has the most information when it comes to the origin of the Marvel Universe.

The editors of the Marvel editorial department and comic fans all stared blankly at the conversations between OAA, Life Tribunal and other entities that were automatically derived from the comics.

In their conversation, some information about this existence was revealed. This part alone is enough to make them unbelievable.

"OAA and the Almighty Universe were actually born under the influence of this existence's power?"

"He is the source of all reality?!"

The editor-in-chief of the Marvel editorial department exclaimed.

The ordinary editors surrounding him also looked confused, stunned, and unbelievable.

You know, OAA is the strongest character they designed. In a sense, OAA also exists in reality, as editors.

Equivalently, OAA has the authority to edit everything. This is why OAA is so powerful and is the supreme god.

But now, in comics and even movies, a vague existence suddenly appears, directly replacing OAA's position, or even above him?

Moreover, according to the oral accounts of beings such as the Life Tribunal in the comics, this person is more perverted, exaggerated and beyond logic than OAA?

Even OAA and the Almighty Universe are just embellishments on the tip of His iceberg? !

Do you want it to be so exaggerated and outrageous?

The editors looked at each other.

Even they dare not draw such exaggerated characters!

At this time.

The editor-in-chief said with a suspicious look on his face, "Tell me, did you draw this guy?"

The editors shook their heads one by one.


"This guy is better than OAA, how could we draw such a buggy character!"

The most important thing is that this existence has appeared in so many comics and movies. Such an inexplicable appearance is obviously not something they can do.

Although this is the truth, the editor-in-chief was unwilling to end it like this. He frowned and said, "I don't care what you do, this character must disappear for me!"

Hearing what the editor-in-chief said, many editors hesitated to speak and wanted to refute, but in the end they said nothing and could only suffer in silence.

There is no other way. Since the editor-in-chief said so, they can only find a way to try to eliminate this inexplicable BUG character.

And erasing characters is something they are familiar with.

For example, in a comic, design a character or item that defies heaven to eliminate this bug.

Or, weaken it again and again until it is weakened to the point where it is no longer a threat.

After discussing for a while, many editors knew what to do.

(End of chapter)

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