But what was monitored was only the picture, no sound. In addition, the monitor was placed in a remote location. They could see people clearly, but they could not see the faces of the two people. Therefore, even if they wanted to read the information through lip language, they would impossible!

But what happened in the surveillance still gave them an idea and direction, that is, Spider-Man and Norman met!

Thinking of this, the thoughts in the two people's minds suddenly became clear, and they continued to look back.

This surveillance copy is obviously a combination of several surveillance cameras, so the picture appears to be very jumpy.

Most of the middle part is battle information. Although the battle scene is very intense, it has no intelligence value.

Therefore, the surveillance video was quickly broadcast to the final battle site, the Buffalo Bridge!

The surveillance video here is the most ambiguous of all surveillance cameras. Due to the distance, they can only see vague shadows. Coupled with their inhuman strength, they can be sure that it is Spider-Man and the Green Goblin.

At the beginning everything was normal, Spider-Man and the Green Goblin fought vigorously, but when the battle reached the fiercest, the Claw Shadow Corps appeared, and Fury's face changed instantly!


With a shout, James subconsciously stopped the monitoring screen.

And Fury immediately pointed to the claw shadow troops that just appeared: "Zoom in, zoom in on this picture!"

Listening to this, looking at Fury's serious look, James didn't say a word, and quickly enlarged the picture of the claw shadow!

The bigger the image, the blurrier the picture, and in the end there is only a rough color and outline!

Looking at this completely unfamiliar figure, Fury's brows gradually wrinkled.

This is the first time that Fury has seen the Claw Shadow Corps, but he has seen the Black Shadow Ninja before. Although the images of the two are completely different, the blood-red light in their eyes is the same!

Even if it's just an image, and it's still a blurry image, Fury can faintly perceive the tyranny and killing intent under these blood-red eyes!

So these people are Jinbian people? Why did Kim and Spider-Man connect?

Could it be that there is a deal between them?

For a moment, various doubts and a series of conspiracy theories were directly connected in Fury's mind.

[I was dissatisfied with the writing of the chapter just now, and pushed it to rewrite it. Maybe it’s because I’m eating hot pot, I just wrote it purely for self-healing... There is another chapter, it should be quite late, everyone will see it tomorrow morning. Well, continue to ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and rewards! ].

Chapter 35 Betrayal of Society (5 more for collection)

After brainstorming for a while, Fury kept this matter in his heart for a while, turned to look at James, and said, "Go check, check all the relationships and social relationships of Norman Osborn, Spider-Man must be Someone he knows, otherwise he would not be able to show his true face!"

"In addition, Norman Osborn has a son, and find a few people to watch him."

"The people in front sent back news that they didn't find the human medicine formula, nor the Green Goblin armor, and the skateboard under his feet!"

"The private laboratory at his home was also destroyed, and it is unclear whether it was self-destruction or what."

"So Harry Osborn has to keep an eye on me, and if anyone has the best chance of finding those things, it's him!"

Fury ordered in an orderly manner, James nodded, turned around and left the office in response.

And when only Fury was left in the entire office, the calm look on Fury's face instantly dissipated, replaced by a touch of complexity!

The moment he saw the Claw Shadow Corps, he had already identified Jin and intervened in this matter, so the things he said just now were not necessarily hidden by Norman, but may have been taken away by Jin!

First, the super serum, then the human body enhancer, and the top individual soldier equipment!

Jin Bing frequently makes these big moves, what exactly is he trying to do? And his contact with Spider-Man? Did he come into contact with other transcendents elsewhere?

With such a powerful force in his hands, does he still want to overthrow the Star-striped Federation by virtue of the extraordinary?

The more he thought about it, the more deeply Fury himself was shocked by his own thoughts!

I have to say that although smart people are smart, sometimes they think too much!

Jin Bing, who was maliciously speculated by him, didn't know at this moment that he had been detained as an extremist.

Similarly, Fury has never doubted that it may not be Jin Bing who did all this, but someone else.

As for the real initiator of this matter, Richard, is now eating breakfast honestly, watching the morning news, and preparing to leave for class!

Richard watches the morning news to see how much of an impact last night's events have had.

Soon Richard had the information he needed on the morning news.

"A wanted notice is now issued, Spider-Man, unknown age, identity unknown, has extraordinary abilities, has extremely powerful power, due to his reckless use of power, causing the death of innocent citizens, so now issued a wanted, looking for those who know, quickly and Contact the police."

Seeing this reasonable but unexpected wanted order, Richard's mouth suddenly moved into a smile.

As the so-called Sheng Mien, fight Mi Chou, it is okay to help a person, but too much help is cultivating an enemy family for oneself.

And the image that Peter Parker has created for himself in the past is too brilliant, so when the black spot appears, it will cause verbal criticism!

Especially the families of the victims, who have suffered the loss of their loved ones, naturally have resentment in their hearts.

Generally speaking, the best people to hate are the Green Goblin and the Stars and Stripes!

But now the Green Goblin is dead, and the Stars and Stripes Federation has immediately transferred the public's resentment to Spider-Man by publishing the wanted notice!

They regarded Spider-Man as the protector, but accidentally killed his own relatives. Once this view was formed, how grateful they were to Spider-Man in the past, how resentful they are now!

Human beings are blind obedient creatures. When they see what most people say, they will involuntarily join their ranks and enjoy the thrill of criticism!

At that time, the Spider-Man, whom Quancheng loved, became a villain who was spurned by everyone!

Thinking of this, Richard felt so distressed for Peter, provided you ignore the playful smile on his face, of course.

This matter was not planned by Richard. He is not so capable yet to influence people's hearts.

Blame it, Peter Parker's image is too positive to allow for a blemish, which is why this situation is formed.

Of course, Richard didn't do anything either. Things like fishing reels always needed guidance, and without guidance, there would be no climate.

Therefore, after leaving the house, Richard directly instructed Daniel about this matter, and took Daniel's mobile phone at the same time.

Time passed slowly, and when it was noon, Richard ignored Monica, who had completely recovered from chattering beside him.

Opened the phone and boarded the major forums!

Looking at the content of the forum, Richard smiled knowingly. He said that the arranged fishing reel guidance had already begun to take effect.

At present, all major forums on the Internet are discussing this matter, and even many radical people directly refute Spider-Man for nothing!

The entire forum is full of hostility at the moment!

The second step of blackening is that a person who has not been betrayed by society will not become a qualified villain.

The growth environment of each person determines his character and xinxing. Unless he encounters a major blow, it is difficult to form a fundamental change!

Killing the Green Goblin is just the first step, allowing Peter to break through his own bottom line, and then the second step, which is betrayed by the entire society, is the key to Peter's growth!

In this case if Peter can persevere, there is nothing to say, Richard will immediately abandon the plan!

After all, after being criticized by everyone, he can still have a bright heart. Such a person must have a strong xinxing to a certain extent, and it cannot be easily shaken.

Naturally, Richard didn't have to waste his time.

But he didn't think Peter would have such a strong character. After all, after shedding the identity of Spider-Man, Peter was just an ordinary high school student!

And a person's emotions are very sensitive at this age, and he is very attentive to the words of the world!

Therefore, Richard is 99% sure about Peter's blackening, and the rest is left as an accident.

Because nothing can be 100% successful!

Turning off the phone and looking at Monica, who was clinging beside him, Richard reached out and squeezed his little face and said seriously: "You should lose weight, look at the flesh on your face, it's about to change. It's a hamburger."

As soon as these words came out, Monica, who was originally smiling, suddenly looked stiff, and the next second, she rushed towards Richard, "Ah! Richard, you are talking nonsense, I'm not fat, you are a big fat man. !"

As he said, the pink fist fell on Richard's chest. With Richard's physical fitness at the moment, it was naturally not something that little girl Monica could shake.

So in the end, Monica's fists turned red, and Richard was fine.

And while Richard was fighting, in a hotel apartment room somewhere, Peter Parker was browsing online forums, his expression full of frustration, anger, disbelief!

[This picture was called from a cell phone in the bed. I checked it twice, and I don’t know if there are any typos. On the new day, the bosses will vote a lot of flowers, vote a lot, and give them a reward! Good night! ].

Chapter 36 Falling into the abyss (1 more for collection)

"I always thought that Spider-Man was not a good person, and now he finally revealed his true colors!"

"Watt, Shet, he's a bunch of shit!"

"It's a shame that I worshipped him so much before, it's just that I'm blind!"

"He should be punished by the law!"


Just like the remarks here, a large number of Internet platforms of the Federation of Stars and Stripes are flooded, and some well-known blogs on the Internet have also begun to accuse Spider-Man from the commanding heights of morality.

Overnight, Spider-Man instantly went from a superhero everyone admired to a supervillain everyone shouted at.

Even as time fermented, this turmoil sweeping the Internet not only did not stop, but became more and more intense!

Even when someone became famous overnight by bashing Spider-Man, everyone on the Internet went crazy.

They swarmed up like sharks that smelled fishy, ​​and everyone wanted to tear a piece of flesh off Spider-Man's body!

Even on major video sites, some people made a spoof video of Spider-Man's previous rescue videos, and added various insulting words, which became popular overnight!

In the end, the fire burned completely and could not be extinguished!

Even the instigator of the Starstriped Federation never thought that things would eventually evolve into this point.

Spider-Man's personality has collapsed, and now it has completely become a piece of meat on everyone's lips, and it has also become a cash cow for big capital to extract benefits!

If Spider-Man had many supporters at the beginning and could stand up to the opponents, but when the opponents became more and more powerful, the original supporters of Spider-Man were shaken instantly!

Some of them ignored this matter, and some simply jumped into the opponent's camp and began to shout!

For three days in a row, Peter Parker didn't go anywhere, just stayed on the bed with his computer, swiping comment after comment!

At this moment, the three words Spider-Man have occupied the front page headlines of all print media and web media!

So no matter which platform Peter goes to, he can see the comments of those people.

In this regard, Peter has been completely numb, looking at those harsh comments, and no longer has any feeling.

But when he turned to Mary Jane's blog, the first thing he saw was a paragraph that was put at the top by Mary Jane.

"He saved me. I always thought he was a good man and a hero, but now it seems I was wrong. He is a liar, a liar who is good at disguise!"

Looking at this passage, Peter's mouth was slightly bitter, and his already numb expression suddenly showed a strange smile, like crying but not crying, like smiling but not laughing.

Everyone's endurance has a limit, and Peter has reached such a limit. As for Mary Jane's words, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Completely knocked Peter down into the abyss.

No matter how popular things are, under the great power of time, they will eventually be wiped out.

A week later, although the Internet is still full of the residual heat of Spider-Man, it is not as boiling as it was at the beginning.

Richard did not say anything about this, nor did he take the initiative to contact Peter.

Although the heat from the outside world has dissipated, Peter's inner torment has just begun, so Richard naturally won't bother at this moment.

Likewise, he does not allow others to disturb them now!

Because it would surprise his plans, and he hates surprises the most.

On the way home from school, Richard sat in the car and quietly listened to Daniel's report. He didn't see Peter now, but that didn't mean he didn't pay attention to Peter's situation.

In order to know in real time, Richard had specially asked Daniel to find someone to monitor Peter a few days ago, and it was strictly forbidden for anyone to disturb him.

The reason why Sombra Ninja is not used is because the Sombra Corps is a little less flexible after all, so Richard can only let Daniel do it.

And now Daniel is reporting on the situation these days.

"Mr. Richard, the person you asked me to monitor has stayed in the room for a while and didn't go out."

"But I found that SHIELD seems to be looking for his whereabouts recently."

"My people saw the agents of SHIELD yesterday, and they are currently watching, but people from SHIELD may start at any time, what should I do now?"

Daniel asked, and Richard closed his eyes in deep thought.

From the moment he saw the wanted notice, Richard had known that the Stars and Stripes Federation would not let it go easily.

Therefore, it is not surprising for the emergence of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for why Daniel's subordinates know the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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