So even if the normal combat power is only a few hundred thousand.

However, according to the first form set in the original work, you can obtain normal combat power. After a nearly fifty-fold increase in the super second form.


Then you can get a hundred times increase in normal combat power.

So under such magnification.

Even if the original normal combat power has increased by tens of thousands, or about one hundred thousand.

In this way, it will also be greatly expanded.

However, it seems, even so.

The combat power is still only native, growing up in the Dragon Ball world, that is, the opposite Tenankes.

The powerful combat power inspired by anger is just like the previous battle.

Even if Tenankes's combat power is indeed like this now, it is several hundred thousand points higher than Gao Gang.

But under the blessing of enough experience and combat awareness, it can't play a role. Spoon.

Chapter 479 The Gap of the Weak (For Subscription)

not to mention.

After such a short fight, Gao Gang also saw it.

The bonus of Tenankes' attack power is mainly concentrated on strength.

The power is greatly increased, while the speed increase is ignored.


At this moment, even Tenankes was stimulated to a super form state because of his anger.

But the fighting power has increased a lot

However, the speed remained at the original level.

"Three Seven Seven" even took some time off.


At this moment, Gao Gang had a huge advantage over Trunks, who stayed at the origin of speed, and completely defeated the opponent based on speed alone.

Besides, Tenenkoth was burned with rage at the moment, and the attack was haphazard.


Tenankes, who was burning with anger, attacked Gao Gang completely tirelessly.

Unfortunately, as in the previous battle performance.

Tenankes's desperate attack on Gao Gang, but still can't get a shred of Gao Gang.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Gao Gang realized something in his heart.

Thinking about it, in fact, the power of Sun Wukong in the original book is more because of his combat experience, or his superb combat IQ.

Because I have faced a variety of opponents in powerful enemies since I was a child

Therefore, it is especially under the guidance of experts like Turtle Immortals who have accumulated thousands of years of experience in martial arts inheritance.

Sun Wukong's fighting consciousness, and other races in the universe, especially the Saiyans who claim to be fighting races, only know how to use laser bombs or rampage savagely.

Have more powerful fighting skills and accurate judgment.

In the same way, the reason why Gao Gang still completely abused the opponent even when his combat power was behind Tenankes.

Also for this reason.

At this moment, in the face of a heavy punch from Tenankes, Gao Gang clenched his body to the left and ducked.

Then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he predicted the next attack of the crazy Tenankes.

Then a heavy punch attacked in advance.

A direct bombardment on Tenankes' stomach.

As soon as he succeeded, Gao Gang did not stop.

Then a series of combo punches hit the past.

The last elbow hit Tenankes in the back and kicked him far away.

However, this joint attack has not stopped.

Waiting for the ethereal figure of Tenankes to fly in the air, Gao Gang flashed another figure and flew directly to the front of Tenankes who was unable to turn over......

Like kicking a ball, he continued his attack

"The weak are the weak... Even if you gain strength because of anger, what can you do? The distance between you and me is too far."

"If you want to beat me, go back and train hard for a hundred years!"

While playing volleyball in the air and kicking a ball, Tenankes was powerless to sway.

Gao Gang did not forget to leave Chaohu Lake. Under the high-intensity continuous attack here.

Tenankes just burned out because of his anger, the powerful power.

was exhausted again

And the consequences this time are even more serious than those before 1.4.

In the face of Gao Gang's powerful attack power and fighting skills, Tenankes, who was trapped in the trap, could no longer have the heart to resist.

He didn't expect that even when he continuously increased his combat power, he still couldn't beat Gao Gang.

And most importantly,

Or even more annoyed:

His heavy attacks did not even break Gao Gang's clothes from beginning to end. .

Chapter 480 The Comatose Trunks (Subscribe)

Looking at the other party's calm appearance, Tenankes was simply furious and his teeth tickled with hatred.

He couldn't even maintain his Super Saiyan form under such exhausting circumstances.

dong dong...

Just at this time.

Gao Gang hit Tenankes in the stomach with another punch

Then a small capsule flew out of his pocket.

next second.

The capsule suddenly changed in the air, exploding a glass container with dragon balls

"Oh, it's really deep enough."

Gao Gang naturally knew that Trunks had flown out of the office of the chairman of Universal Capsule before.

I have already hidden the dragon ball on the table in advance in my carefully arranged capsule.

26 So I didn't expect

At this moment, under the repeated attacks, the capsule actually escaped by itself.

It is conceivable that the Universal Capsule Company led by Yuma has deepened its defense capability against the Universal Capsules a lot over the years.

Seeing that the capsule came out, Gao Gang stopped paying attention, and Tenankes suddenly fell in the air.

He flew straight to the glass container containing the dragon balls, shattered the glass container, and put the dragon **** back into his pocket.

"I finally got the Dragon Ball."

Then he flew back to the ground and landed in a deep pit at the moment, and he didn't know if he had passed out or was dead beside Tenankes.

Nor did he deal with Tenenkoth again.

After all, now that the Dragon Ball has been obtained, Tenankes' life and death have nothing to do with him.

There is no need to do this.

More so, for Tenankes.

The appearance of Gao Gang is indeed a catastrophe that may be encountered by the people of the earth.

So in this sense, there is no need for Gao Gang to blame Tenankes.


Just after Gao Gang finally got back the Dragon Ball from Tennkos.

The long-lost system has, it made a sound

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, you have been recognized by the origin of the Dragon Ball world.

The previous spell copying ability has become permanent"

Hear this good news from the system.

Gao Gang was overjoyed and obtained the permanent ability to transform into a Super Saiyan.

That is, after him. It is also possible to transform into a super Saiyan.

This means that he now actually has it.

In this Dragon Ball world, the blood of Saiyans, one of the major representatives of the fighting nation

But what made him even more happy was that he was finally recognized by the world.

Gao Gang also knew that after the battle with King Quan, the strength of this recognition was actually very small.

There should still be many restrictions.

More because of their own on the earth.

Always in accordance with the general fighting power of the people of the earth.

After 160 hours of fighting, defeating opponents one by one

Then, the use of qi also slowly passes through time.

Reaching a new height, will get a little relaxation of recognition.

However, some gains are better than none, and now you can tell me that I have finally become one of the Saiyan bloodlines in the Dragon Ball world.

It's not a waste to come to Dragon Ball World.

After the battle with Tenankes just now, he is super transformed.

After all, it's not like the original, just as a bystander, just watching comics.

Now that I have such face-to-face combat experience, I understand that anger is the best opportunity to transform into a Super Saiyan. .

Chapter 481 The breakthrough point of Saiyans (for subscription)

Therefore, after finding this direction, he believes that after he breaks through the third form of the super competition, even the super blue and super red have their own understanding.

However, he also understood that the transformation of the Dragon Ball Universe VII space-time is still limited, and it needs to be carefully balanced and then trained.

Just at this time.

Gao Gang was delighted with himself, the harvest of this time and the blood of the Dragon Ball Saiyans obtained.

And when he was a little complacent, suddenly, he felt another powerful qi.

Fly towards him.

"It's actually Vegeta."

Gao Gang could clearly see the face of the man on the opposite side, the arrogant look, the black explosive head that stood up, and the interstellar combat uniform that was different from the earthman martial arts uniform.

And when he came to Dragon Ball World, it was not the first time that Gao Gang saw Vegeta.

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