Hearing the words of the horse, Gao Gang came over and said to the other party:

"Ma, actually, if you want to study the time machine, I can help."

Puma was a little surprised when Gao Gang said that he could help him develop a time machine.

Then looking at it with suspicion, Gao Gang asked:

"A time machine, can you, a rude, also study it? This is a high-tech technology. Not just anyone can boast that they can participate in research and development."

Bakuma looked at Gao Gang's warlike appearance, and regarded him as a militant exactly like Sun Wukong.

After all, in the perception of the horse, these belligerents are all single-celled creatures.

What's more, a high-tech product such as a time machine, even his horse, dare not say that it can be successfully invented.

And at first glance, the old man who only knows how to practice, actually said that he can help her to study the successful time machine, how ~ maybe it is not surprising.

Seeing the surprised and unbelievable expression on the horse's face, Gao Gang had already prepared in his heart.

In fact, Puma's suspicions are not unreasonable. To be precise, it is impossible for Gao Gang to develop a time machine. Here, it refers to the relevant technology level.

Although he was once in Marvel's world, Gao Gang also helped Iron Man and others to conduct some research on cosmic particles.

But those are more because Gao Gang's understanding of the operation of the rules of the universe gave some theoretical guidance.

In the same way, after coming to the Dragon Ball World, Gao Gang also understood the rules of the origin of the Dragon Ball World, otherwise he would not have used the laws of the Time Domain before.


At this moment, in the face of this small time machine, Gao Gang still has absolute certainty and corresponding theoretical support, even if he is now suppressed by the origin of Dragon Ball and cannot use the too conspicuous time field.

But the theoretical knowledge is still there, nothing more.

How to convert it into the scientific terminology that Bama is good at is another matter.

Knowing Puma and not believing that he could develop a time machine, Gao Gang did not refute too much, but walked up to him and said to Pima:

"I know you don't believe it.


But you can take me back to your research room together. I say so much now, it is useless. When the time comes, let's go to the research room, I will give you some operation, and you will be able to know that what I said is true. fake,"

"Okay, whatever. Anyway, my Universal Capsule Company has a big business. It doesn't matter if you want to visit it. The big deal is that Sun Wukong and I will go there. If you dare to make trouble, then let the Monkey King's guys beat you up again."


Puma apparently used Gao Gang as a pretext to visit his Universal Capsule Company under the pretext of research.

Or take advantage of this opportunity to go to the Universal Capsule Company to search for some other attempts.

That's why he specially emphasized that he would call Sun Wukong to go with him to avoid these unexpected accidents.

In this way, the three people started again, a new process.

But because of the Universal Capsule Company, it was near the feet of the three of them.

So Zhong was holding the horse, and Gao Gang was alone, using the air dance technique, and soon flew to the Universal Capsule Company, another more hidden building.

That is, the Suma family as the core research laboratory. thousand.

Chapter 508 Core Theory (Subscription)

There are some sour and sour parts and some semi-finished assembly parts.

After reading the original book, Gao Gang saw the semi-finished assembly parts and guessed at a glance that it was the time machine that Trunks drove to the main time and space in the future, which appeared in the Slug game chapter.

Gao Gang was a little surprised to see these Ning pieces.

Unexpectedly, the horse, and sure enough, the "four five seven" time machine has really been developed, and it seems that it is approaching the end stage.

After coming to the laboratory, Yu Ma immediately put away the smile on his face.

As expected of a girl who is a technological genius, of course, she can no longer be called a girl now.

However, this rigorous attitude towards scientific research made Puma enter this laboratory, and he immediately seemed to be a different person.

For the parts in his hands and the operation of the computer, he is extraordinarily rigorous and serious, for fear of a little accident.

Seeing that the horse had begun to operate, Gao Gang recalled some insights when he realized the law of time and space of the origin of the Dragon Ball world.

Then watch the operation of the horse, and slowly connect the two.

Then facing the horse, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Actually, this part should be placed here. Your concept of time and space is still somewhat out of the ordinary. The so-called time and space should be a Mosby ring, not a parallel line."

"We should find an example that can resonate with this cosmic space-time, and then use this particle as energy to intervene in the cosmic different space-time state, which is the so-called time travel to the past or the future."

Hearing Gao Gang's words, the horse suddenly turned upside down, as if in a daze.

Unexpectedly, this idiot's big man really understands the operation of time and space.

He really helped himself a lot, Boma secretly sighed in his heart.

She had never thought about using examples as a medium to interfere with time and space, or she simply thought that it was possible to travel through time and space by running at super-light speed.

So this time machine has never been really developed.

But at this moment, after hearing Gao Gang's words and waiting for him, you can turn your attention back to finding the unknown particle that can resonate with this universe.

In this way, under the guidance of Gao Gang, the time machine was successfully developed in less than a week, except for some final painting and running-in tests......

In fact, it is basically completed.

And Sun Wukong, who was originally a trio, was bored. Seeing the two of them busy and busy, they couldn't get involved at all.

Therefore, I had to constantly abuse myself and practice hard in the gravity laboratory.

After about 10 days in this way, the time machine, which was researched by Yuma and guided by some concepts of Gao Gang, was finally successfully developed.

At the same time, the energy source, which was originally proposed by Gao Gang, was composed of particles that could resonate with space and time.

Looking at the time machine before 0.9, it really appeared in front of him exactly like the original, Gao Gang had a clear understanding in his heart, and then said to the horse:

"The horse said before, after the time machine is researched, I will be the first experiment, okay?"

Originally, there were no trading requirements between Gao Gang and Shima. However, after seeing Gao Gang's theoretical knowledge in Shima's experience, he was completely convinced by him. .

Chapter 509 Gao Gang's Conditions (Subscribe)

Therefore, Gao had a chance just now, and made a request like a horse.

After all, he didn't come here for nothing, and no one could help for no reason, and the other party participated in such a core secret matter.

Bakuma naturally understood this, so when he heard Gao Gang's words, he did not refute, but nodded slightly in agreement. It just so happened that he also wanted to test whether the time machine at this location could really travel through time and space.

After all, there were some theoretical frameworks before, and the final success still depends on the results of the experimental stage, and since Gao Gang, such a big man, is willing to undertake the experiment.

Then, she is not happy for Ma Ma.

Puma also understands that such an experiment must be risky.

However, under the contact during these days, through the mouth of Sun Wukong, he also learned that Gao Gang's power is beyond the imagination of people on earth.

Therefore, it is very likely that Gao Gang, who has such a powerful aura, should be able to withstand the time-space turbulence generated by the failure of the time-space machine.

So, hearing that Gao Gang took the initiative to ask Ying to undertake the experiment of the time machine, Boma naturally would not refute.

Seeing that Puma promised himself to experiment with the time machine.

Gao Gang took the initiative to walk up to the time machine that had already installed the time and space energy source in front of him.

In the corner that Sun Wukong and Bakuma couldn't see, he secretly stretched out a finger, and the fingertip poked out a strange blue breath, sticking it in front of the time machine.

Then, a phantom in the shape of a mouse suddenly appeared, and it instantly penetrated into Gao Gang's body.

And the horse behind him is actively preparing for the next experimental operation, and is looking at the large-screen supercomputer on the other side with all his attention.

As for Sun Wukong, when he first saw the time machine, he sighed from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't understand anything and put his mind on the gravity laboratory.

At this moment, he has been looking around absentmindedly for a long time, and he doesn't care what Gao Gang is doing.

Therefore, Gao Gangcai's series of actions were not discovered.

And the mouse phantom he simulated just now is the time machine in front of him that he used the mouse spell to concretize into a specific regular creature, and then absorb it into his mind.

In this way, it is more conducive to oneself to perceive the laws of time and space contained in this time machine.

"It turns out that... The power of mortals is really different from the power of gods who comprehends the law of the time and space of the origin of this dragon ball."

Gao Gang sighed in his heart after digesting the time machine operation rules simulated by the rat talisman.

Although this time machine can be regarded as a product of Gao Gang's theoretical research in a sense.

However, compared with theoretical concepts, the complete results of actual research are another matter.

To put it simply, when Gao Gang used the space-time domain of the origin of the Dragon Ball, he just knew it and didn't know why.

The real time machine developed by Suma is more applied to the physical rules that everyone can touch, and can bring Gao Gang more real insights from the small to the earth.

In this way, Gao Gang's understanding of the law of time and space of the origin of Dragon Ball was consolidated.

Just when Gao Gang was comprehending the laws of time and space contained in the time machine while everyone was not paying attention.

Suddenly, the system's voice rang in his mind again: .

Chapter 510 Hidden Tasks (Subscribe)

"Congratulations to the host, get the time machine, trigger the hidden mission: go to the lost realm of the origin of Dragon Ball, and be the origin of the different in the world of Dragon Ball."

"What is the lost world? What is the source of difference?"

When Gao Gang heard the system's voice, it wasn't a big surprise. He had a vague understanding before, and guessed that if he helped Puma to develop a time machine, the system should have a new mission.

That's why he took the initiative to help Suma's experiment. In addition to being able to truly understand the origins of the laws of time and space in the Dragon Ball world, he also wanted to see what kind of tasks the system would issue.

Sure enough, after obtaining the right to use the time machine at this moment, the system appeared, and Bambu had a new task.

It's just that I don't know what the so-called lost world and the origin of difference, these two new terms, refer to.

Hearing Gao Gang's question, the system quickly explained:

"There are two main lost worlds in the Dragon Ball world at the moment: one is the future parallel space-time that is different from the main time-space line of this source world. The boundary point of that parallel space-time is actually separated from the current time-space. The boundary point is at The future android chapter 'when Slug appeared'."

"Oh, that is the big special that appeared in the original book, the time and space where the future Trunks was originally located?"

When Gao Gang heard the system's explanation, he quickly knew what the Lost Realm mentioned by the other party was referring to.

"Yes, but this is just one of the lost worlds, and the other is also in the future time and space where the main time and space did not appear at this moment. Moreover, compared with the previous lost world, this parallel space-time and the main time and space are in the same space. It is less entangled and more suitable for the current host."

"So, what is it?" Gao Gang couldn't help asking when he heard this, and then suddenly thought of something and said abruptly:

"It won't be Dragon Ball GT, will it?"

"Well, yes, congratulations to the host for guessing right, that is another lost world. Because there, it belongs to the time-space state with the weakest Dragon Ball origin supervision here."

"I see...because in gt time and space, the existence of the supreme master of the Dragon Ball world has never appeared? So, it is more suitable for me who is not recognized by the origin of Dragon Ball now?"

When Gao Gang heard the system's words, he had a clear understanding in his heart, and understood why the system said that Dragon Ball GT is the lost world, and why it said that it was suitable for him.

Then, I remembered another doubtful term that the system just said, which is the origin of difference, so I asked again: "¨ˇ So, what is the origin of difference?"

"In the Dragon Ball gt time and space in the host's mouth, the origin of difference mainly refers to two types, one is the dark dragon ball, and the other is the fourth form of Super Saiyan."

"Sure enough, these two."

Gao Gang nodded when he heard what the system said. After hearing (Li Dezhao) the system's previous explanation, he had some guesses about what this so-called source of difference was.

Unexpectedly, it really made him guess right.

Dragon Ball, and the super transformation of Saiyans, can be said to be the two most important things in the entire Dragon Ball world.

The Dark Dragon Ball, and the Super Four Saiyans, cannot exist in the main time and space where the mainstream of the Dragon Ball plot line runs through.

Therefore, the system will be called the source of difference. .

Chapter 511 The Lost Realm (Subscribe)

"In other words, after collecting the Dark Dragon Balls and successfully transforming into the fourth form of Super Saiyan, it will help me to grasp the origin of the entire Dragon Ball world? So that I can get rid of the current state of being suppressed by the origin of Dragon Balls? Is it like this? What's the matter, system?"

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