"Grandpa Lizheng, this time our family is really thanks to you for this matter, otherwise you can come inside the house and ask my sisters to cook some dishes for you. You accompany my father, two people. Let's have a drink together."

Li Zheng was listening to Gao Gang's voice, and his heart softened involuntarily.

"Gao Gang. I won't eat at your house anymore. Let your daddy eat some of these good things. Look at your daddy raising so many of you."

"Now your family is still living well, and I really feel very strange. Isn't your family different from ours?"

"Look at your family with so many children, only the two of you can grow some fields, and there are only so many crops in the fields."

"But you look at how smart these children have raised you, especially a child like Gao Gang, it seems very happy."

After Li Zheng finished speaking. He reached out and touched Gao Gang's hair, then left the courtyard of Gao Gang's house with his hands behind his back.

Gao Gang saw that so many people had left his home, so he hurriedly said to his elder sister Gao Xia.

"Eldest sister, everyone has left, why don't you close the door quickly? Just in case they know that there are so many delicious food in our house."

"Just think about whether they will be very jealous. This grandfather has already said just now that our family seems to be really different from others."

"You must not really let them realize how different our family is from other families, although our family is not so poor."

243 "But for the whole village, our family seems to be really incompatible with them. After all, there are so many sisters in our family."

"And our parents are all for the good of us. They will never give preference to sons and daughters. To be able to escape into such a family, eldest sister, I think you and other sisters are really very lucky. You should Be filial to our parents."

After Gao Xia heard what Gao Gang said, she immediately wanted to go to the door and close it, but at this time, the third sister of the household registration had already closed the door one step earlier, and said to these people at home. .

Chapter 550: Admonish (Subscribe)

"Okay, let's not say these useless words outside, although we know what's going on in our family."

"But if it is really possible for outsiders to see something, I think it is really unlikely, and the things our family does are relatively hidden."

"If they want to know, I don't think it's possible for them to know for so long.

When Gao Gang heard what they said, he also felt that the mountains were covered with fog. Could it be that there is someone in this family who has crossed over like him?

Does he really have some personal space like that, or should he really be able to communicate with them?

Gao Dashan reached out and hugged Gao Gang, carried him into the house, and put him directly on the kang after entering the house.

"Gao Ping will speak directly about anything in the future. If you say something vaguely like this, it will definitely let other people know, as if our family has some secrets'".

"Our family just planted some land on the back mountain. The weather has been good in the past two years, so our family can have so much food, and you sisters can not starve."

"Could it be that I can tell others such things? What's more, a family like ours doesn't even think about it. If there is no such land in the back mountain, it can only rely on itself."

"You don't even think about it at that point, we've already starved to death, Gao Ping, have you heard what I said? Don't continue to talk vaguely in the future. already."

After Gao Gang heard what Gao Dashan said, his heart was relieved. At the time, Gao Gang still wondered whether there really existed someone like him.

They are also in such a parallel space, but now it seems that Gao Gang really thinks too much.

"Son, how do you feel about your body now? Have you gotten much better? Next time you go out to play, be sure to look at those children."

"You must never go out to play with those bad kids. Otherwise, you can see that you have already done a good deed, but now you have been corrupted by others."

"This is Tie Zhu. His father is quite reasonable. If he were to change to another person, don't think about it. Is our family really going to come up with money?"

"¨ˇ Although we say that we don't feel bad for the money, but you have done a good thing and people have wronged you, aren't you sad in your heart?"

Gao Gang listened to his mother ramble about his own problems, and he could also understand that his mother really wanted him to be better.

And he can also (Wang Li's) clearly know that his mother is also sincerely for his own good, and he can also know that his mother wants to use such a thing to make him think about such things well.

"Mother, don't worry when I know, I will never make such a mistake again, and when I see Tie Zhu in the future, I will stay away from him. I feel like these children in the village. They really are all. Kind of annoying.”.

Chapter 551 Thinking (Subscribe)

Gao Ping looked at Gao Gang's dejected look, he involuntarily patted Gao Gang's shoulder and said.

"Gao Gang, otherwise, you can start hanging out with my sister from tomorrow. My sister doesn't have much ability, but for me, when I go up the mountain to dig out the bird's nest and go down to the river to catch fish, my sister runs away."

"And my sister knows where it is. You third sister, I have never been idle all year. From now on, my sister will take you there, and you must not play with those bad boys."

Gao Gang knew that his third sister was a very capable person, and her character was quite pungent. The most important thing is that Gao Gang's third sister is really a boy-like character.

Gao Gang is still hesitating, whether it should tell the people in the house about the 043 space that it owns, it must be known to Gao Gang.

It believes in these sisters and parents in its own family very much, but Gao Gang is a little too afraid to say such things.

Gao Gang felt that he should take a look at the situation and talk about it. If he really told his parents, if they didn't believe him or them, they would feel that he had occupied their son's body.

Gao Gang was helpless, after all, their son had really passed away, and he was just a soul from another world.

At night, Gao Gang lived in a room with his parents. His parents put him in the position of Kangtou, after all, such a position.

Every day, as long as the kang is burned in the house, it will be warmer. In winter, this position is very good and it is also to take care of Gao Gang's body.

Gao Gang listened quietly, there was no sound in her sister's room, so she said to her father, Gao Dashan.

"Dad, I have something to tell you. After you hear it, you must not feel very unbelievable. The reason why I saved Tie Zhu this time."

"You saw that I have had a fever for several days, what do you call me? I can't get up, that's because I seem to have come to a paradise in these (cgcj) days."

"There was an old man with a white beard in that place. He said that I left because of saving people. In this world, he felt a special pity for me."

"So he taught me a lot of skills, and at the same time gave me a place to farm and let me come back again. He said this is a reward for me."

"At the same time, he also taught me a lot of knowledge, and now I have learned how to farm and how to treat people. At the same time, I have also learned a lot of ability to identify treasures, and my current martial arts are also very strong. of."

After Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng heard the news, they were already stunned there. The way they looked at Gao Gang had completely changed, and Gao Gang also stared blankly at the couple.

Gao Gang was really afraid that Gao Dashan, his husband and wife, regarded themselves as monsters and treated them the same, after all, in such an era.

so many abilities. If it is really known by other people, if it is not good, it will really be regarded as a monster. .

Chapter 552 Confession (please subscribe)

Gao Dashan put his arms around Gao Gang, then hugged him tightly in his arms and asked.

"Son, as far as this space or those inheritances you mentioned, does it have any effect on your body? If it does, we can completely ignore it."

"If it doesn't affect you, I will help you with this matter, if something really happens, or if someone else treats you as a monster."

"I'll let them arrest me. Don't worry. Although your father said I don't have much ability, I can still do a good job of protecting my child."

When Gao Gang heard these words from his father, he was also infinitely grateful. After all, his cheap father treated him with sincerity.

And it can be seen that his father also trusts him very much, so Gao Gang stretched out his hand and grabbed Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng, and the two said to them.

"Father and mother, close your eyes, and I'll take you to the place where you can farm and let you see what it's like."

Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng closed their eyes, they felt a little flickering, and their feet stepped on the ground.

"Father and mother, open your eyes and take a look."

After Gao Dashan opened his eyes, what he saw was a rolling farmland already full of rice and wheat.

There are also many fruit trees on the mountains in the distance, and the location where he is now is a small yard.

It can be seen from the tall mountains that this small yard is also very beautiful. Several fruit trees are planted in this yard. There is a small stone table and stone bench on one side of the yard.

Some tea utensils were placed on it, and a large grape trellis was built in front of the house, and many purple grapes had grown on the grape trellis.

"Daddy, this is my space. You can see that there are already so many facilities, and this space is still growing. What do you think of such a place?"

"Now there are 1,000 mu of grain fields here. I have already planted them with rice and wheat. There is a big gap between the time inside and outside."


"It takes five or six months for rice and wheat to mature outside, but it only takes a month for these rice and wheat to mature in this space."

Gao Gang pointed to a large warehouse next to him, and continued to talk to Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng.


"Dad, you can see that there is a huge warehouse over there, which is already full of a lot of grain, and since the grain is harvested, it will be automatically stored in the warehouse."

"And as long as the grain in this space is automatically ripe, it will be automatically harvested, and at the same time, it will automatically reload the grain I need again."

"It's just that you can see that there are still many medicinal materials and herbs on the mountains in the distance, as well as some fruit trees."

"But I have to manually get them back. Should I take you there and see the situation on the other side? You can also see if those things can be harvested automatically." Guang.

Chapter 553 Visit (Subscribe)

Gao Dashan felt that he completely believed what Gao Gang said. After all, such a place was a secret base for Gao Gang.

And now for those crops outside, it has not rained for several months now. As the water level is getting lower and lower, if things go wrong, there will be droughts in their place.

Moreover, in the village where Gao Gang and the others were located, there was only a small river named "August 27" where Gao Gang'er rescued Tie Zhu. Originally, the river was very majestic.

But because of the drought, it seems that such a small river has long since become a small stream. So Tie Zhu was able to pick up a life in that place and come back.

"Son, do you have water in this place? If there is water, I think this place is really a paradise, if you can get your sister and the others in."

"Our family lives here with Meimei, which is actually a very happy thing."

Gao Gang pointed his finger at the other side of the winding river, which appeared in front of Gao Dashan following Gao Gang's finger.

"I can see it in the store. There is a small river over there, and the water in it is very clear, so if you want to live in this place, I think there should be no problem at all."

"It's just that there aren't that many people in this place, let alone our family. If all of us suddenly disappeared, it would be a very scary thing if you think about it."

"I think we should still live in a real society, and for us, we have been living like this for many years, and we can't be separated from the crowd."

"I brought you in just to tell you that I now have such a cheating artifact, if we really encounter something."

"Our whole family can also use this space of mine, and then we can get very good needs. At least we will not die of thirst and starvation."

Gao Dashan also knows that what Gao Gang said is very correct, but these are just an idea in Gao Dashan's heart.

Gao Gang stretched out his hand and pulled Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng back to the small house where they lived......

Gao Dashan felt that today's Gao Gang really has the ability to be immortal.

"Son, you must never tell other people this question, otherwise I really don't know if they will ask you anything."

"Even your sisters, I think you should try your best not to tell them. I'm not afraid that your sisters have bad mouths."

"It's not that you're afraid that your sisters won't be able to work together with you, but it's better for you to let people know as little as possible about such things."

Gao Gang nodded. He also knew that his father did this for his own good. At the same time, he saw Gao Dashan and looked at Liu Caifeng next to him.

"You must take these 2.3 things as one thing. You can't go back to your mother's house and say everything, and you should be able to know it clearly."

"Our son is now a very capable, and at the same time, he is also a child favored by God. Otherwise, how could so many children be elected to our family?".

Chapter 554 Introduces the function of space (for subscription)

At this moment, Gao Gang felt that his father's love for him was really unparalleled and incomparable, not to mention these things now.

At the beginning, Gao Gang thought if he could really tell his father, and his father could still treat him as their child.

But now Gao Gang seems that these thoughts are really too much, and the reason why he can have all this is after telling his father.

From the eyes of 26's father, I didn't see so much greed in him at all, but what I saw was a heart that didn't make him worry.

"Mother and father, you have all seen these things in my space. From now on, our family will eat these grains and these fruits and vegetables in this space."

"There are also these domestic animals raised by myself, and basically I don't need to do it myself in this space, as long as the space runs for one day."

"They will be able to pick them automatically, automatically glass or grind them into flour. Now our family has no shortage of these things. From today, our family will eat these refined grains."

"Otherwise, watching so many wild vegetables or other things in the house every day makes me feel that there is such a treasure mountain."

"But the people in my family still suffer and suffer here with me. My heart is really unbearable."

Gao Dashan knows that his son is a very filial child, and he can also clearly know what his son has become now.

It's just that at this time, although Gao Dashan knew that his son had such a parallel space, he also knew that his son's space could already have so many things.

But for Gao Dashan, these things belong to his son, and there are so many daughters in the family, he will definitely live with his son in the future.

And her daughter will marry them off a little bit. This year, her eldest daughter is already engaged, and she will get married after August 15th.

At this time, Gao Dashan didn't have so much extra money in his hands, and he wanted to buy some dowry for his daughter. After all, for this family, her daughter worked from childhood to adulthood.

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