Chapter 586 Discussion (Subscribe)

Gao Lu and Gao Ping are holding these drawings that Gao Gang drew, and they are also very good. Doubt, because the house on these drawings is so beautiful.

Moreover, Gao Gang has already drawn the sketches of each room very well, and for Gao Gang, this kind of thing has already achieved such an extreme.

Gao Gang felt that at this time, if these people who built houses really didn't know what kind of operations they had to do with these things.

Then Gao Gang felt that he was really going to be mad at them, and now although these sketches have not been fully obtained in front of these people.

Of course, when Gao Gang watched his second and third sisters clean up these grass 537 pictures, the small changes in his eyes also made Gao Gang very happy.

After Gao Lu and Gao Ping packed up Gao Gang's drawings, they went back to the kitchen and helped Gao Xia bring their prepared meals to the table. At this time, Gao Lu said to Gao Xia.

"Sister, just now I saw that Gao Gang's sketches are really beautiful. If our family can really be built like that, that would be really great."

"And I think if I (cgbe) can really live in a house like this, it's really happy for us."

"That kind of place may only be available to the young ladies from big families. If we do live there, I think everyone in the village will envy us."

After hearing this, Gao Ping also nodded, because he also saw a sketch like that, and it was too beautiful for him.

I have never seen such a beautiful house, and these houses are actually in the hands of my younger brother, so for Gao Ping and Gao Lu, this is the most beautiful house they have ever seen.

Gao Xia is also very curious, but he knows that this is his brother's hard work, so Gao Gang can let them all watch it again in a while, so even if he is very curious at this time, he can still hold back.

"Okay, the two of you hurry up and bring all these meals in, Gao Gang will be hungry in a while, and you should also be able to clearly know that our brother is a very anxious person. "

"Since he has been told that he is about to eat soon, his mouth will definitely be very anxious. Let's hurry up and bring all these things over, otherwise, we should lose our temper again."

After Gao Ping and Gao Lu heard what their elder sister said, they also knew that Gao Gang was basically very amiable on weekdays.

And I will discuss everything with their sisters, but one of them is Gao Gang. If I hear that the meal is ready, I will eat it immediately.

Moreover, his temper and disposition are also like this, so he is very anxious when eating. And Gao Xia also said that her mother was really anxious about feeding Gao Gang when she first fed her. .

Chapter 587: Being Squeezed Out (For Subscription)

When Gao Ping, Gao Lu, and Gao Xia and the other three sisters brought today's lunch, Gao Gang nodded involuntarily after smelling it, while the other two little girls, Gao Feng and Gao Zhi, Individuals have also returned.

It's just that they just went out to play today, and there are relatively few things at home now, so when there is nothing to do, Gao Xia will not keep her sister at home.

And they won't let them all go up the mountain to work. After all, they are still relatively young now, so they should be allowed to play when they are playing.

If things are really busy at home, these children will also help with the work at home, but now because the family does not need them to work together.

Therefore, only Gao Xia and Gao Lu are needed, and Gao Ping or Gao Ping is rarely used to allow her to really work hard.

"Fourth sister, fifth sister, what are you doing today? You haven't been waiting for me. Sometimes I really feel bored at home alone."

"Otherwise, when the day comes, you can take me to wander around the village and play with those little children."

"Those of them don't want to play with me, and they're really speechless. Am I really that kind of person that makes others feel particularly annoying?"

Gao Fenger and Gao Zhi looked at Gao Ganger. They don't know what happened to Gao Gang, when they usually want to take him out to play.

He didn't want to go with Gao Feng and Gao Zhi at all, but today he suddenly changed his temper and wanted to hang out with them, which was really unexpected - unexpected for the two of them.

"Little brother wants to take you out on weekdays, but you never hang out with us. What's the matter today? Is this stimulated by something?"

"The elder sister is so used to you at home. The children in those villages are too wild. Otherwise, you can play with your sisters at home."

"If you really don't want to play with us girls at home, then you can play with a few children in the village, not Tie Dan and Tie Zhu."

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"As you know, the people in Tie Zhu's family are too speechless, and after what happened last time, I think these children in the village will not want to play with you."

Gao Gang also knew that his sister was telling the truth, but this kind of thing really had nothing to do with her. The last time it was Tie Zhu's own problem.


And that time, Gao Gang felt that he had really been wronged. Now these children in the whole village already know Gao Gang's temper and disposition.

So when they saw Gao Gang come out, most of them didn't want to play with Gao Gang, because they were afraid of what happened in Tie Zhu's house like the last time.

"Fourth sister, do you really blame me for such a thing? That person Tie Zhu has so many things in their family, and everyone in their family knows what kind of people they are. , why did you count this on my head?" Next.

Chapter 588 Paving The Way (Subscribe)

Gao Fenger also knew that her younger brother was more favored at home on weekdays, but this child had never been taught by a servant.

And his younger brother usually goes up the mountain with him, picks wild vegetables, and goes up the mountain to hunt hogweed, just like an ordinary child.

Moreover, the children of their Gao family are very well-behaved and obedient, and have been very capable since childhood. Even if they are like Gao Gang, "490" can help the family do a lot of things.

Moreover, Gao Ganger was considered to be nurtured and raised at home, but even such a child did not spoil him as a playboy.

Liu Caifeng quietly listened to the conversation between her daughters and her son, and she could understand that her son's reputation in the village was not very good.

The most important thing is that these children in the village are not willing to play with Gao Gang because of the influence of Tiezhu.

And Gao Gang is a more temperamental person, so he really doesn't have many good friends in the village.

And recently, Gao Gang also didn't play with them because of family affairs. Today, Gao Feng and Gao Zhi were out to play.

However, other children secretly told them such a news, and the two of them didn't know how Gao Gang knew this kind of news while staying at home.

"Old son, don't bother with those people, your father has already decided that after you come back, our family has settled on building a house, and your father wants you to go to the school in town. study there."

"At that time, you will be the object of their envy. When you come back, they will be able to really go around you, and there are not many children in our village who can really go to the school to learn."

"So in the future, you will become friends with these children, so that your road will go further and further."

Gao Gang knew that his mother was really worried about him, and Gao Gang also knew that his father, Gao Dashan and his mother were really thinking about him.

And this kind of thing is also well known to Gao Gang himself, not to mention how the Gao Dashan couple has loved Gao Gang for so many years...

For what kind of care Gao Gang is, Gao Gang sees it in his eyes, so Gao Gang also understands the decision made by these two people.

They want to pave the way for themselves in the future, although they already have some small money in their hands, they should be considered a big rich man in this rural area.

Moreover, even if their family is sitting and eating the mountains and the sky, they can make them worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, so Gao Gang doesn't think much about such a thing at all.

Since they said that Gao Dashan wants to study by themselves, then when they come back, they can go by themselves. If the 5.3 is not good, they will be able to be admitted to a scholar within a year or two.

Gao Gang also thought of relatively beautiful, so his face was involuntarily, and he already showed some smiles. Gao Xia, several sisters at home and her mother saw Gao Gang.

In this way, they are also very happy in their hearts. Gao Gang has not laughed so happily in a long time. .

Chapter 589 I miss you (please subscribe)

"Mother, I miss my grandma. How about we go back to grandma's house and live for a few days in the past two days? I really miss her very much, and I miss my uncle and aunt too. They don't know, do you think about it? I."

Liu Caifeng suddenly heard what Gao Gang said, and he couldn't help it. I feel particularly warm, it seems that this son of my own is not a white-eyed wolf.

Now that he is still able to know and think about his grandmother, this is really a very rare thing, and Gao Gang has not seen his grandmother several times since he was a child.

But when the conditions at home were not good, Gao Gang's 26-year-old grandmother would bring some food to their home. Gao Gang remembered this kind of thing clearly.

So when Gao Gang suddenly said something like this, Liu Caifeng was stunned there.

And Gao Gang looked at Liu Caifeng like this, and he really found it very funny. His mother was fine in everything, but he was a little confused.

And the most important thing is that when it comes to her family, Liu Caifeng's heart is also very happy, and the most important thing is that this kind of thing was brought up by her son, which really makes Liu Caifeng feel very proud.

"Old son, since you want to go to your grandmother's house, then tomorrow, after your father and the others have completed the work, they will get the title deed, and your father will be able to come back tomorrow."

"When the time comes, we'll go to your grandmother's house to stay for one night. You need to know. Our family is also building a house recently."

"So let's just focus on our family's affairs first, and you are going to study in the school, so you won't have much time in the future."

"At this moment, it's not easy to let you go to your grandmother's house for a day or two, so don't think about it so much, my son, I can only do it. That's it."

Gao Gang knew that, in Zhang Cuilian's heart, he also really hoped to be able to live in his home for a few more days, but there were too many things in his home.

And there are only so many girls in the family, so it is more important for her to stay in her own home and look after the children.

And after living in your own home, you will be able to keep your children safe. Staying at home is what you should do.

Gao Gang wanted to say something more, but now it has been attracted by the fragrance. Gao 097 just felt that today's meals were really delicious.

And for Gao Gang, he really likes this kind of thing, but he doesn't know what Gao Dashan has become outside now, and whether they can eat such a meal at noon.

"Mom, where do you think my father and the others have gone now? Just like me, can he really go out to eat with Grandpa Lizheng?"

"My father is really too stingy on weekdays, so I still really don't think he can have some breakfast with Lizheng.

Chapter 590

While eating, Gao Gang asked Liu Caixia what his own father could be like, but Liu Caixia was a person on weekdays.

Although he and Gao Dashan have been married for so many years, he can also clearly know that Gao Dashan is not a cheater, and now he has money.

He wouldn't treat himself like that, not to mention that this time he went out with others, so for Gao Dashan, since he had already asked others to do things.

That should also be good to entertain people, so Liu Caixia felt that at this time, Gao Dashan and Li Zhengxian would definitely eat in the town.

After breakfast, we can go to the county together. At this time, it should be said that we have just arrived in the county or have already arrived in the county.

"Gao Gang, don't think of your father like that. Your father has no money for so many years. Otherwise, your father is a very benevolent person."

"And your father is also very famous in Shili Baxiang. Back then, it was because of your father's appearance that I was able to marry him."

"What's more, you also know that your father doesn't say anything or anything else in normal times, but your father always does actual things instead of saying them."

Gao Gang did not expect that his mother would have such a high evaluation of his father, and Gao Gang really did not expect that his father would have such a lofty position in his mother's mind.

Only now did he realize that people said that poor and humble couples grieve for everything. Such a thing is really a mistake. Like his own father and mother, they gave birth to 6 brothers.

But their relationship is still very good, although the conditions at home are not particularly good, but feelings and conditions are two fundamentally different things.

And Gao Gang also knows that the relationship between Gao Dashan and Liu Caixia is also very good, and. Even because there were no sons in those years.

The two have never been angry or quarreled because of such a thing, and this person is because of his daughter-in-law.

He suffered a lot of grievances from his mother for such a thing, but he never complained about such a thing to Liu Caixia.

What's more, the relationship between the two of them has been so good over the years, so for Gao Gang, he is also very envious of the relationship between his father and mother.

And just a child raised in such a family, think about it, how could Gao Xia have so many thoughts of disliking the poor and loving the rich.

"¨Mum, I'm just joking. I also know that my father is not like this. You also know that my father's normal life may be because of tight money."

"That's why he is what he is now (Li's) when he does things. I understand that if Dad has money, he will definitely be a very good man."

"I just found out now that the relationship between the two of you turned out to be so good, and those of us who are sons and daughters seem to be just the two of you. Witness the relationship."

"We are really very happy. Our parents have such a good relationship. This really makes us all feel very happy.".

Chapter 591 childhood sweetheart (for subscription)

Liu Caifeng did not expect that Gao Gang would say such a thing, and he could hear that Gao Gang was sincere and said these words.

The relationship between him and Gao Dashan is really much better than that of ordinary couples. The two of them have known each other since childhood.

Although it is said to be in two villages, because one of Gao Dashan's sisters married Liu Caifeng's village, Gao Dashan often visits his sister.

When she was a child, Gao Dashan didn't have a good relationship with her parents, so she was brought up by her sister, who was really much more important to Gao Dashan than her parents.

And that elder sister lived next door to Liu Caifeng's house when she first started, and when Liu Caifeng was at home, she was counted as the two older brothers of a 923 Jiaojiao girl.

They are also very good to him, and the sister-in-law has never blushed with him after entering the door, although the conditions at home are not very good.

But his parents and brothers and sister-in-law treated him very much, even when he had nieces and nephews later, he put it first.

It's just that Liu Caifeng is not as arrogant and arrogant as girls from other families. She is also truly filial to her parents at home, and respects her brother and sister-in-law, so the more she looks like this, the more special her brothers and sisters are to her. it is good.

And his nephews and nieces also respected his aunt very much. The condition of the house was not very good.

So the eldest brother and the second brother often bring something to supplement them. Liu Caifeng is also very grateful to her family, and since he and Gao Dashan moved out.

After the single, their life is getting better and better. In the past, they used to live in the house in Gao Dashan, but they really lived the kind of days when they couldn't eat enough and had to look at people's faces. If you don't get it right, you will be beaten.

It's just that since they were kicked out, life has gotten better and better, and the days for the brothers and sisters to make up are getting less and less. However, Liu Caifeng also firmly remembered the friendship that was able to send charcoal in the snow. (cgee)

Today, when her son suddenly said that he wanted to visit his grandparents, Liu Caifeng felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

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