The village chief sighed heavily and said to Mr. Liu.

"You, this life is really not easy. The first half of my life was really hard for my son and daughter. Now I have finally given my son and daughter a kiss."


"But this girl has returned to our village, although everyone has heard that this girl was very unhappy in the village."

"I can see the current situation. You really want to help the girl buy a house in the village, but I don't know what price the girl wants."


"There are only a few houses in our village. They are empty. You should also be able to know the house of the old Sun's house in front and the house of your fifth brother's house."

"And the other one is the house of the old wealthy landlord. These are all empty, and the rest is only the homestead, if you want to see it better."

"You can save some money by building a house yourself, but you just don't know what the house you are thinking of looks like and what price it will cost."

Mr. Liu thought about it for a while, although he knew that the conditions in Gao Dashan's house were still good. .

Chapter 723 If You Can (Subscribe)

And it seems that he has more than 100 taels of silver on hand, but with this little money, if you really want to build a house, then buy Ximen Qing.

That can only be forced, so now the old man really wants to help his daughter negotiate the price well, so he said.

"Brother, you have also seen it. Although our village says that we can do it without picking up things on the road, you should also be able to understand that although the "Nine-Five-Three" people in the village will not bully our daughter as an outsider."

"But you have to know that on weekdays, Gao Dashan will also go out to do some small business, which can also make some living money in the family, but you also know this, Nian."

"If the child leaves, think about it, the girl will be the only one left to carry the child, and the family is full of dolls, so I want to buy him a better condition."

"In this way, you can avoid being bullied by others. Brother, are you right? In our village, I know that the landlord's house is very good."

"And you only need to clean it when you live in it. It will be well protected in your hands for so many years. Otherwise, ask what the price of the house is."

Gao Gang listened to his grandfather asking about the most important thing, so Gao Gang also kept his ears tender, wanting to hear what the house was like, not to mention that Gao Ganger also wanted to ask his grandfather to let it go. A village chief grandfather helped them go to see the house together.

"Dawang, you also know that the house was not built when you were young. It was only built when Erya was a child. That place is the best place in our village."

"And everyone knows well how much money the house is worth, but the landlord gave me a bottom line when they moved."

"As long as the bottom line can be reached, the house can be sold. Originally, the house cost hundreds of taels to repair."

"But because this landlord is these people in our village, he only asked for 200 taels of silver. If anyone wants to buy it sincerely, if it is cheaper than 10 taels or 20 taels, I can call the shots.. …”

For such a price, Gao Gang still recognized it in his heart, but although the price was recognized, he still had to look at the quality of the house, so Gao Gang said to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, or else, can you take us to see if it's alright? Can the village chief grandpa? My mother said that the quality of a house can't be judged by the amount of money."

"Should we go and see if the things in it work, and I think there seems to be no well in our village. Is there a well in the yard of the landlord's house?"

"If there is, we can just save the money for drilling the well. Grandpa, are you right? I know that you, Grandpa, sincerely feel sorry for the few of us."

4.7 "But for this kind of thing, I think it's better to help my mother take a look first, and then make plans, can you?"

Mr. Liu knew for a long time that Gao Dashan and his family were all led by Gao Gang, and although Gao Gang was just a small child, in Gao Dashan's mind, he could already become a qualified head of the family. .

Chapter 724 I want to buy a house (please subscribe)

When the village chief looked at Gao Gang like this, he couldn't help laughing. After all, this child was too young, and there were many things that the village chief felt that he had no way to be the master. When he spoke, he also involuntarily wanted to tease him, so he said with a smile.

"Do you really hope that kid? If that's the case, it will be a lot easier. I'll take you there to take a look in a while."

"If 26 your kid decides it's feasible, I'll call you and your mother over to take a look together. If it works, you can buy it, if it doesn't work."

"I'll take you to a few other houses to take a look. Anyway, your family is going to buy a house. It's good to have a look."

Gao Gang felt that although he was the master of the house, it was still a bit difficult to convince the public, but for Gao Gang, he could also treat himself as a child.

Thinking that the people in the family wanted to buy a house, he followed him out for a walk, not to mention that Mr. Liu was there to cover himself.

"If the village chief grandpa is really like this, then thank you very much. Let's go now, okay? You saw my grandpa this time, but you really want to be able to help my parents buy a house."

"In this way, we can move out and live there. After all, it is good for us children, but there are so many adults in the family."

"And my grandfather's house is really rudimentary. After our family of seven or eight lived in, it was very crowded."

"I used to have a small room when I was at home, but when I got to my grandfather's place, I could only live with a few sisters."

"It's said that the 7-year-old sisters are all grown up. It seems really inappropriate for me to live with them like this."

The village chief did not expect that Gao Gang would speak in a certain way, and the rules of those big families were of no use to them as rural people.

You must know that if the conditions in rural households are not good, it is common for the whole family to be crowded on the same kang.

Then more than half of the people in their entire village violated such a thing.

The village chief has nothing to do at this time. Originally, he wanted to go around the ground.

Now that Mr. Liu wants so enthusiastically, he can only go out with him, talking to his daughter-in-law while walking.

"My son, I go out for a walk with my eldest brother 360. If you have anything, just wait for me to come back and do it. You must not do this and that in your own way, and you will feel unwell by then. Then something bad happened."

"I'll go back when I go. As far as your broken body is concerned, I really don't have any way to do it. I've made you take so many medicines for so many years, but there's still not much improvement."

When the village chief's daughter-in-law heard these words from his old man, he couldn't help but smile a few times. After all, what his body was like.

He himself is well aware, and now that his body has become like this, he is a little helpless. .

Chapter 725 Guidance (please subscribe)

Gao Gang could feel that this old grandmother was very lost in her heart, but for the little ghost, all he could do was to comfort a little.

What's more, the grandmother is just a sick problem, so for Gao Gang, he really has no way to seriously solve such a thing.

"Grandma, don't be sad, don't be sad either. The current situation can only be regarded as a temporary one. Wouldn't it be good to wait until the village chief grandpa earns a lot of money to take you to the county to see it?"

"The medical skills of these people in our town are still limited. When the time comes, we will show you in the county we went to. How good you say."

The village chief's daughter-in-law Er listened to Gao Gang's soft voice, and she involuntarily hugged Gao Gang into her arms. After a good meal, she rubbed Gao Gang vigorously.

After Gao Gang waved to the village chief's daughter-in-law, he went out with his grandfather and the village chief.

Along the way, many people are asking the village chief where they are going. After all, for their village, although the current house is a bit dilapidated, there is no problem living in it.

It's just that in Gao Gang's mind, he valued the landlord's house even more, knowing that he could live in such a house.

Therefore, the sketches he drew before can already be sold, and now for Gao Gang, there is no shortage of silver in his home at all.

Why should he feel wronged for a little money, so for Gao Gang, the most favorite thing in his heart should be the landlord's house.

It's just that after walking for so long, I haven't seen the shadow of the house yet, and Gao Gang couldn't help but wonder what kind of place this house was built on?

When Gao Gang and the others walked to the head of the village, they saw a very large yard standing outside the village. The village chief pointed to the big yard and said to Gao Gang and Mr. Liu.

"The two of you have seen that yard. That yard is the yard of the landlord's house. Although I help the landlord to sell it here, you must know that there are many things that I can't do by myself."

"And I myself find it a little difficult to do such a thing. I just want to tell you the truth. The person from the landlord's family has already paid me a part of the care fee."

"¨ˇ So there is no way, I can only do this, although I think these people in our village buy relatively few."

"Maybe there are some people who buy houses in the outer village, but I really don't want such a good thing in our village to go out."

Gao Gang didn't make much of a stop, because for Gao Gang, he didn't care about this kind of thing anyway (Zhao's), everything has his own, and the grandfather is there with the grandfather. And his own father.

"Grandpa, can we go in and have a look? This house looks really good from the outside. Otherwise, let's go in and take a look around to see what it looks like inside."

"If we can, let's buy this house. You can see that the walls outside are made of blue bricks, and they are also very durable.

Chapter 726 Visiting the New House (Subscription)

After hearing this, Mr. Liu, Gao Gang'er's grandfather, thought it was very reasonable, not to mention what kind of person his daughter and son-in-law were.

He knew it well himself, so at such a moment, how could he dismantle his nephew's platform so easily.

It's just that Gao Gang was still relatively young at this time, so it was really unknown whether he could bring his family here with him.

"Brother, have you brought the key? If so, let's go in and take a look, okay? You know, this little kid in our family has never seen the world before."

"And at this time, I want to see what the old wealthy landlord looks like. All of us can understand it. Big brother, if you want 110, you can open the house and let us see."

After listening to what his elder brother said, the village chief could only nod his head helplessly, but the house had been here for several years.

No one can afford it at all. He has to know that this one-time cost of 200 taels, for ordinary families, this can allow them to build several houses.

But now that he heard the news that Gao Gang wanted to go in and have a look, his old face turned red involuntarily, and said to (cgac) Gao Gang.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look together. Anyway, I'll come over to clean it every year. This place, the rich landlord gave me a certain amount of money."

"Let me protect such a family well. Now if you really want to buy it, I can also make it cheaper for you. How much money can you give?"

Gao Gang didn't think that he thought 180 taels of silver was already a very cheap figure, but now after listening to these words from the village chief, it seems that he can still lower the price.

It's just that this kind of thing is not something that a child like me can make up my mind, and I just follow the fun.

When Mr. Liu looked at the village chief like this, he could understand that the village chief really wanted to sell the house.

And it seems that after the house is sold, the news that he can get a lot of money, I don't know who has leaked it out.

After the village chief took out the key, he opened the gate. Gao Gang followed Mr. Liu inside. Once inside, there was a big hidden wall.

And it can be seen that this thing was built with great care, and the flowers and birds painted on it are still lifelike.

After passing such a shadow wall, you can see that there are two outlines in the middle of the yard, and at this time, there are no water lilies in the tank.

And such a yard can also show the temper and disposition of the old master, and at the same time, such a yard has also allowed them to survive independently.

After Gao Gang checked all the rooms in the whole house, he nodded involuntarily, it seemed like such a yard.

Although it has been vacant for a few years, it should have been sold at a relatively high price, so the rest of the Liu family were more than enough. .

Chapter 727: At a glance (please subscribe)

It's just that when I saw this today, I felt that such a house was tailor-made for their family, and for Gao Gang, such a house was too satisfying for him.

So when looking at Mr. Liu's eyes now, Gao Gang nodded involuntarily. Mr. Liu actually likes such a house very much.

It's just that he should know what the conditions are in his own house, and such a house can already ask for all his savings.

It is even said that it is much more than his savings. Think about it for Mr. Liu, how could he be so selfish to keep everything to buy a house.

What's more, the grandson in the family is also growing up day by day. If he wants to let his grandson get married, he can have a place to live, Mr. Liu feels.

Families like them should also buy a piece of homestead, so it's a good thing to build a house by themselves.

"Grandpa, let's hurry home and call our father and mother back. I think such a place is really very good."

"And I also like this place, because the sisters in the family are really old, and if they always live together, there will be some friction."

"Although my elder sister doesn't care about it in my heart, as a younger brother, I feel that it is very difficult, and we must know that several elder sisters in our family grew up to be able to eat~ meal."

"And let those old Gao's people continue to tinker with them, and now I have finally been able to get rid of them, so I want to make my sister's life better, grandpa-do you think it's okay?"

After Mr. Liu heard this, how could he not know what his grandson meant? It seems that this house has really been able to make his grandson like it very much.

"Gao Gang, otherwise, let's go back now. We'll come over and take a closer look in a while. I know you like this kind of house very much."

"Since you like it, it depends on what your parents mean. If they also like it, we will discuss it with your village chief and grandpa."

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"After all, he also knows where the bottom line of this house is, and it happens that he is also here. We all let him take care of it, can we just say no? If the price is really acceptable, I will I think we can still buy it.”

After listening to what their grandfather said, the village chief also looked at Gao Gang involuntarily. He really never thought that a child like Gao Gang could still be such a master of the house.


And it seems that Gao Dashan and his wife dote on their children very much, otherwise, even buying a house in the family can involve Gao Gang.

"Don't worry, Gao Gang, a house like this won't be sold for a while, and this house is already in the village and hasn't been sold for so many years."

"Think about it because his price is too high, so you don't have to worry, go back and call your parents back in a while."

"Then let them look at this house carefully, and if they really like it, I'll give you a suitable price. Bu.

Chapter 728 Take the initiative to reduce the price (please subscribe)

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