At this time, several friends of Uncle Gao Gang, they really did not expect that Gao Gang could understand so much at such a young age.

The most important thing is that he can still understand so much perseverance, which is really not easy, and it is necessary to know that these wild ginseng can not be found by anyone.

And these people will often come here to wander around on weekdays, but they have never encountered such a thing once. and.

Chapter 768 Gao Gang's Arrangements (Subscribe)

"Boss, your little nephew is really good. You see that he has been digging for so long with his **** on his back. At that moment, the old ginseng has been gradually dug out by him."

"I think another half an hour will be enough. Otherwise, we will wait for him here for a while, and he doesn't have to worry too much, just dig it slowly."

"Let's hurry up and deal with those bloodstains "May 37", otherwise, it's really just like what you said on the wheat, we will be terrible."

Gao Gang's eldest uncle and second uncle have also thought of such a thing.

So I went with a few of my good friends to clean up all the bloodstains of these wild boars. After that, the air around Gao Gang suddenly became much fresher.

About half an hour later, Gao Gang finally dug out the ginseng in his hand. Gao Gang carefully observed the ginseng.

Although it is said that the ones in his own space are not as good, they should be similar, because these are all wild things after all.

And in his own space, although there is a lot of ginseng in it, it is only because there is an artifact of time cheating in it.

Otherwise, with such solid growth year by year, I really feel that this kind of old ginseng is really not easy.

"Okay, uncles, let's quickly carry our things and go down the mountain together. I know that you are all very capable people."

"So we can get a carriage to come over after the foot of the mountain. Didn't my second brother tell you just now? I have already said all these things very clearly."

Several adults listened to what Gao Gang said, and they all suddenly realized why Gao Gang's second brother originally came up with him.

But they haven't come over yet, they should be arranging those things outside, and these people also think that Gao Gang's arrangement is really good.

To know that it still takes a long time to go from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, but from the foot of the mountain to the home, it also takes a long distance...

So if it is really possible to do this, it can really save a lot of their effort, and the most important thing is that this kind of thing is for these men on weekdays.

It is also something that can save effort, so why not do it.

"Gao Gang, your arrangement is really good. If it can be done like this, it will save us a lot of effort, and the distance from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain is not very long."

"But the distance from the foot of the mountain to our house is really quite far, so that would be great, and I think those of us will be able to do this quickly."

"You can follow us to 2.0 now, and the boys in the family will go back together. Otherwise, if something really happens in a while, it will be really troublesome."

Gao Gang originally wanted to go down the mountain with them, so now Gao Gang can only go with them, otherwise, thinking about these few people will make his head hurt. .

Chapter 769: Father and Son Talk (Subscribe)

When Gao Gang and the others carried the two wild boars down the mountain, they saw a carriage parked there at the foot of the mountain. Gao Gang saw that it was his own carriage.

And can see next to the car, it is Gao Dashan staying there, and his second grandfather also staying beside Gao Dashan, Gao Gang quickly ran to the front of Gao Dashan, called daddy sweetly, and then said to him.

"Dad, look, I got so many good things here today, two wild boars, and a 26 old ginseng plant. I'll show you how much money this ginseng plant is worth when I get home in a while."

"And I think if such a ginseng is sold at Baohetang, it should be able to sell for thousands of taels. It happens that we are buying houses and land in our family."

"And the conditions in the grandparents' house are not very good, so they should get some good things for them, do you think?"

Gao Dashan was really surprised when he saw the wild ginseng that his son was holding in his hand, because what happened to the wild ginseng they sold last time.

He knew it well himself, but looking at this thing in Gao Gang's hand now, he also felt very unbelievable in his heart.

This kind of thing can be obtained by Gao Gang and think about it. It was born and raised in the old forest in the deep mountains. These wild ginseng are not the kind of instant in the Gao Gang space.

"My God, Gao Gang, where did you get this? It's really your luck for such a good thing, and I think it's really pretty good now."

"In a while, you rush home and put all these things with your mother, otherwise, your little child's hands are too loose."

"If we don't get it right, this wild ginseng will be damaged, and then we will lose more than the gains, and you also know that our family is really short of money now."

"It just so happens that you can take this wild ginseng to Baohetang tomorrow, in that case. After selling the silver, just after the autumn harvest season, you will also rebuild the houses of your grandparents and their grandparents. "

"It just so happens that all of your cousins ​​will be able to marry wives, and they will have their own houses by then, which is really good, otherwise, look at how your eldest cousin is doing now. Didn't have a wife."

When Gao Gang's eldest cousin listened to what his uncle said, he felt extremely unbelievable in his heart. His uncle and his little brother were discussing such a thing here.

Gao Gang is so young at his age, but why, his aunt and uncle 927 treat him like a little adult.

If there is anything, I can still discuss it with him, and I already feel like an adult in my family, but now these people in the family still treat him like a child.

Moreover, Gao Gang's eldest cousin felt that he had no face at all in front of Gao Gang, which also made him feel very annoyed. At this time, Gao Gang's eldest uncle and second uncle heard these things that the two men were talking about.

They also laughed involuntarily, and when they got up and watched Gao Dashan treat their son like this, they also felt a little helpless. .

Chapter 770 Don't Waste (Subscribe)

Gao Gang knew that his hands were relatively loose, so now that he heard these words from Dashuai Gao, he nodded, and he saw his two uncles.

And their friends are also very hard, so he said to Gao Dashan with a smile.

"Hurry up and put these wild boars on our car, and then quickly pull them back. These wild boars just died at this time."

"Let's hurry up and take all these wild boars home. We just slaughtered them all. Will our family be able to use them in two days?"

"And can the pork be stored for a few days at this time? If not, let's treat it tomorrow, otherwise the pork should be wasted."

Gao Dashan was really helpless in his heart when he listened to Gao Gang babbling about these words, his son is really too smart.

And the most important thing is his own son, which is really worry-free, and when doing things, he is all for the sake of these people in the family. Seeing such a child, Gao Dashan also feels in his heart. Special comfort.

"Okay, just say whatever you like, and go back quickly, otherwise the family will be very worried, and I also know that your mother is also very worried about you'. "

"So hurry back now so that he can get a little bit of comfort medicine, otherwise he will really feel very uncomfortable at home. You must not let your mother worry, okay? it is good?"

Gao Gang knew that his behavior this time had really angered Gao Dashang, and Liu Caifeng would not let him go, so Gao Gang's head dropped all of a sudden.

Originally, he thought that what he was doing was very good, but now he realized that he was looking for a very troublesome thing for himself.

And you must know that Liu Xiaofeng is a person who is very capable of breaking himself down, not because he is not good, but because he really shows his concern for himself.

And the most important thing is that a person like him can. It really made Gao Gang feel this way of his and love his own thoughts.

"Father, I didn't think about it so much at all. I was just thinking about how to get some things for the house. After a while, you can tell my mother if it's okay."

"¨ˇ I must never speak to me like him, otherwise I will definitely feel uncomfortable in my heart, and the most important thing is that you should be able to know clearly about the mother."

"Usually you are good to me when you are, but as long as it is related to my safety, he will never reason."

"So you must help me with today's (very good) matter, or I will die without a burial when I go home."

Hearing what Gao Gang said, Gao Dashan couldn't help laughing. After all, he also knew what kind of character his daughter-in-law was.

On weekdays, he is relatively gentle, but if there is one important thing, with these things about Gao Gang, then he can instantly become a tigress. .

Chapter 771 Threat (please subscribe)

"Do you think it's really good for me to do things like Gao Gang? And you don't want to think that your mother has always been like this."

"And a person like your mother has always put you on the top of her heart, even my husband will put you behind you."

"And if you think about it now that there are so many people in our family, where can I rank? Is it possible that I can rank as the emperor's cavalry? For you, I don't think about the fact that our family cares about you the most except your mother. outside."

"Which one of your sisters doesn't care about you the most, and you don't even think about our family's falling into gold and don't eat these food and drink. Why do you have to be like this?"

"If you let your mother know, think about how sad he will be. When I came back in 747, I could see him fidgeting in your grandmother's house. I felt very uncomfortable in my heart. Your mother, so you should also treat him well."

Gao Gang felt extremely guilty in his heart, he really didn't think about himself, he just wanted to get some of these mountain delicacies.

Furthermore, although it is true that there is no shortage of these things in my home, it is necessary to know that such a thing is for Gao Gang himself.

He can also clearly know what kind of feelings his father and mother treat him, and this time he may have really done it.

So Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng are really angry, and Gao Gang is understandable, but for Gao Gang, he doesn't think he really did anything wrong.

And he did these things in order to get more good things for the family, so he did it, and the most important thing was this kind of thing. For Gao Gang, he felt that he really did it very correctly.

"Daddy, stop talking about these useless nonsense, go home quickly, and spare me in a while, alas, it's really amazing."

"It's really sad in my heart, I really don't know how to do this (cgdc), you must try to save me in a while, otherwise I will What should I do when my mother hits me?"

Gao Dashan looked at his youngest son being so cute and playful here, he was really helpless, what kind of person his son was.

He is very clear, and his son treats these people in the family very well on weekdays.

The most important thing is such a child. In the whole family, it is also a child who can make people feel very comfortable in the heart, and he never says this or that. It really makes people feel special in their hearts. comfortable.

Gao Gang's two uncles heard what their brother-in-law and your nephew said here, and both of them were a little helpless. What kind of person is their nephew.

Of course he knew it clearly, but he really didn't expect his brother-in-law to be so naughty, and it was too unexpected for them, but looking at the two of them like this.

Gao Gang's two uncles could only helplessly shook their heads. .

Chapter 772 The mother's reprimand (please subscribe)

"You really convinced you, and now I still find that like the two of you, I'm really helpless."

"I really didn't expect the two of you to be like this, and I used to think that the two of you could be better, but now I found out that the two of you are like this, it makes me feel special. It's hard to believe."

Gao Gang looked at his uncle with some embarrassment. It's just that he can also understand that this is his own uncle, so it doesn't matter to him at all.

Gao Dashan can see the dilemma of his son, but for him, he is really helpless~.

When Gao Gang and the two were bickering. Gao Gang's eldest uncle and second uncle have already put all these things in the car, and even the prey that Gao Gang's eldest brother and the others hit have been completely put in the car.

At this time, Gao Dashan saw that all these businesses had been put in the car, so he hurriedly drove the car home.

By the time they got home, there were already many people in the house. They all heard that Gao Gang and the others had hit two wild boars of this size on the mountain, so they wanted to come over to see what was going on.

Gao Gang looked at these people at home, and he really felt helpless, and such a thing was for him.

He himself can clearly know that the current situation in his home can only be left to them, and such a thing can only make his heart feel more stable.

Of course, he can clearly know what the situation in his own family is like, so think about it now. Everyone felt that their behavior was really, really necessary.

"Gao Gang, you stinky boy, you are really tempered and bold now, do you dare not to treat your mother's words as if they were imperial edicts?~

"I just found out that you are a white-eyed wolf, how can you be like this, and you don't want to see your mother, I gave birth to you in October, and I still let you be so angry at me."


"I really feel that my own life is too difficult. If you continue like this, Gao Gang, next time if something really happens, I won't tell you again."

"And even if it is. Our family can't eat or drink from tonight, and I won't use a little bit of your stuff. I have to be a stinky child like you."


"It really makes me feel very uncomfortable. If you really continue like this, then don't blame me for being really angry with you."

Gao Gang knew what kind of person Liu Caifeng was, and Gao Gang could also clearly know that Liu Caifeng really did what he said.

And the most important thing is an act like Gao Gang, he is only really able to do it, and the most important thing is the way he is now.

Gao Gang was able to hear what Liu Caifeng said, and he already understood that Liu Caifeng was here. He gave himself a serious warning, and at the same time he was changing this matter. Can be big or small. Of.

Chapter 773 Gao Xia's Worries (Subscribe)

At this time, Gao Gang's eldest sister looked at her brother, and he was really funny in this way. He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and kept laughing there.

"Gao Gang, in normal times, only my mother can treat you like this. If you think about it, how many people can stand you with a character like yours?"

"What's more, this kind of thing is well known to these people in our family in "560", and you should also be able to understand this kind of thing, everything in the family is actually your own People strive to get it.”

"And those of us who are older sisters are only able to help you a little bit. So Gao Gang, you have to be obedient, or else my mother will definitely have a lot of thoughts in her heart. ."

"And you don't want to see what kind of person our mother is. If he really thinks that you stinky brat really annoys him too much."

"He can just ignore you, and don't you know? What kind of people are we young?"

When Gao Gang looked at his eldest sister, he could also understand that the eldest sister really had a lot of ideas for him.

Moreover, when his eldest sister is a person on weekdays, she never speaks a word. Every day, she only knows how to work with her head sullen, and Gao Gang has been brought up by the eldest sister since he was a child.

She actually understands very well what her mother's situation is like, but sometimes. Gao Gang is concerned about these things at home.

In fact, he really is not willing to take care of it, and for Gao Gang himself, he can understand what kind of status he has in this family.

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