Looking at the luxurious data of the skill, Richard was completely inflated, and silently felt the power surging in his body.

Suddenly, Richard's figure flashed, and his figure disappeared instantly, and without Richard's existence, the quilt naturally fell down slowly!

But before the quilt fell, Richard appeared on the bed again, not only that, but he was holding a breakfast at the moment!

Freshly baked fruit salad, and sandwiches with cream cake.

According to the normal speed, it takes 10-15 minutes to prepare such a breakfast!

Even for a normal person to increase the speed to the extreme, and in the case of guaranteeing no mistakes, it still takes at least seven minutes!

But now, in less than a second, Richard has already made a breakfast by himself, lying comfortably in his bed, enjoying his craft.

It didn't taste very good, but Richard ate it with relish, probably because he was in a good mood.

【Chapter 10 delivered! To tell the truth, it may be that the update was even more violent the day before yesterday, and my brain is a little hard to use. I still thank these more than 3,000 old buddies for their support, do you want me to sing a nursery rhyme for the big guys? ].

Chapter 62 Playboy Tony's Wrath (1 more for subscription)

At New York City Airport, Jin Bing and Richard, one big and one small, stood in the crowd of people at the airport and looked so eye-catching!

Jin Bing is tall and burly, with a flat face, even if he just stands there, he makes the surrounding pedestrians shy away!

And Richard, with a smile on his face, soft blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small white suit, looks like an angel!

Now standing side by side with Jin, a strange landscape is formed, a combination of angels and demons!

Many people's eyes, both overtly and secretly, focused on Richard, and their eyes were filled with the light of admiration.

If it wasn't for Jin and standing by Richard's side, Richard might have been surrounded by a group of girls at this moment.

Now that a week has passed since the last incident, all the disturbances have basically subsided.

Under the restraint of Fury, the S.H.I.E.L.D. completely died down and fell silent. In this battle, S.H.I.E.L.D. not only lost its prestige, but even became a stepping stone for Jin Bing, especially in terms of face. Throw away!

For this, Fury is also very clear, so S.H.I.E.L.D. has completely become low-key and completely disappeared from the sight of the outside world.

And in the same way, as another executor of this matter, General Ross also paid the price!

After all, for the death of 4,000 soldiers, someone naturally needs to be responsible for this, and this person can never be Jin Ning, who is the victor, so it can only be General Ross who has been hiding in the dark!

Because of this, the power in General Ross's hands has been cut by half. Although the troops can still be mobilized, it is no longer realistic to imagine that 4,000 soldiers can be mobilized at will.

And with the silence of these two opponents, Jin Bing's reputation has become more and more prosperous!

Not only did the people behind him support him even more, but also in the underground world of the entire Star Striped Federation, Jin Bing's prestige has also increased more than before!

After all, his stepping stone this time is the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. and a real power general!

Against such a strong supporting role, Jin Bing's prestige has grown tremendously, which has become a matter of course.

And in the whole thing, Richard's role was completely covered up by Kim!

This is not what Jin did voluntarily, but what Richard voluntarily requested.

As the saying goes, the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!

Besides, Richard doesn't need an outside name to prove himself now, so even though Richard has done a lot of things, he is still not famous. Except for a few people, no one in the outside world knows about him. His son, Richard Fisk, is a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Of course, the impact of this event is not only good, but also bad.

And the biggest impact was caused by the dead Colonel Rhodes in the whole incident!

Colonel Rhodes is not only an elite commander, but also the chairman of Stark Industries Group and a friend of Tony Stark!

Stark Industries is an arms company and one of the giants of the Star and Stripe Federation Arms Group, with a market value of tens of billions of dollars!

In the Star Stripe Federation where capital is king, such a powerful capital force, even the Star Stripe Federation, must be afraid!

As one of Tony's few friends, the death of Colonel Rhodes caused a great shock to Tony, the playboy, and immediately became angry!

Because of being rich, Tony is defiant, because of being rich, Tony plays life!

But also because of the wealth, the friendship that is within reach for ordinary people is precious to Tony!

So you can imagine how angry Tony was when he heard the news of his friend's death!

However, since the news of this matter has been blocked, Tony only knows that Colonel Rhodes is dead, but he does not know who died!

However, as far as he is concerned, it is only a matter of time to find out the beginning and end of this matter.

As for these things, neither Jin Bing nor Richard paid any attention to it, or even paid no attention to this matter at all. It was not that they ignored Tony.

But when an elephant steps on an ant, will it seriously check the identity of the ant?

Obviously, elephants don't, so Jin Bing and Richard naturally don't care what the surnames of the fallen soldiers are, so they ignore the impact in this regard.

Hearing the sound of the flight landing on the radio in the airport lobby, Jin and Richard's eyes fell on the entrance and exit of the airport for the first time.

Now that the matter is over, Vanessa, who was sent out by their father and son, will naturally be brought back.

Originally, Vanessa planned to stay in the flower country for two more days, because she signed up for a chef training class there, which seems to be called New Oriental!

As a result, they were unanimously opposed by Jin and father and son, urging Vanessa to come back quickly!

It wasn't for any special reason, but the two of them hadn't eaten much for several days.

One of them is the emperor of the underground world, and the other is the controller of the Shadow Corps, but do you imagine that their three meals a day are bread and salad!

Occasionally make a steak, and the result is either burnt or undercooked!

So they can be said to miss Vanessa very much.

Finally, under the eyes of the two, Vanessa's tall figure appeared in front of them.

Holding the suitcase in her hand, she was wearing a beige windbreaker and a pair of sunglasses on her face. From the corners of her slightly raised mouth, it could be seen that Vanessa was in a very good mood, especially when she saw Jin and Richard. After that, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"¨ˇ Hey! Wilson, Richard, here I am" West!"

Looking at Vanessa who was waving to say hello, Richard and Jin looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time made a relieved look, and walked towards Vanessa quickly.

At this moment, the movements of the two of them are extremely synchronized, and the walking posture is also very handsome!

For a time, it attracted many people around.

However, when they saw Jin and the two come to Vanessa, one held Vanessa in his arms, and the other held Vanessa's hand, I don't know how many people were instantly heartbroken!

You know, although Richard's attention is a lot, Jin Bing's attention is not low at all.

In this country that advocates muscles, with his burly body, I don't know how many hot girls swallow saliva!

And now, both the little angel and this burly demon are all surrounded by a woman, and I don't know how many people are envious, jealous, and hateful!

And Vanessa, who was in it, didn't notice it at all, and unknowingly he has become the public enemy of all women at the airport. At this moment, she only has the joy of seeing her husband and children. Other than that, she has no other thoughts. .

【I'm coming. Please subscribe automatically~~].

Chapter 63 No Peaceful Days (2 more for subscription)

With the return of Vanessa, Kim and Richard finally got rid of the embarrassment of daily milk and bread, and their little days returned to their previous appearance.

Richard went to class on time, Kim would go out to the Emperor Building every day to deal with things, and Vanessa also had her own work to do.

The family of three looked busy and warm, and lived a peaceful and fulfilling life.

But in this world, there has never been peace, and neither is it now.

Rambo Building, located in Queens, although it does not belong to the atmosphere of the city center, it is also called prosperous.

On the top floor of the Rambo Building, three men and one woman are slowly waking up!

One man has white temples and three-dimensional features. He can be called a handsome uncle. This man's name is Reed, Richards!

He is a genius scientist. He has been known as a child prodigy since he was a child. He has graduated from major colleges and universities and obtained many doctorates. He is an uncompromising scholar!

And the only woman among the four, named Susan Storm, is both Reed's assistant and Reed's girlfriend!

817 As for the remaining handsome white youth and a burly middle-aged man, they are Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm!

One of them is Susan's younger brother, and the other is Reed's friend!

Reed has been working on cosmic storms for a long time, and made amazing progress half a month ago!

In order to obtain further data, Reed gathered a few people and planned to take a spaceship to the universe and observe the cosmic storm in person!

But unfortunately, this plan was not supported by the Stars and Stripes Federation, and the budget given to them has been reduced again and again!

Fortunately, Reed met his college classmate and friend, Viktor von Doum, with the help of sufficient financial support, so that he was able to rush out of the earth, go to space, and observe the cosmic storm up close!

However, due to Reed's mistake, the speed of the cosmic storm was incorrectly calculated, so that cosmic rays directly enveloped the four of them together with the spacecraft.

In the end, they managed to escape from the dead and regain their lives, but because of this, they completely fell into a coma. Until now, they woke up on the top floor of the Rambo Building!

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Li De's eyes gradually changed from blurred to rational.

But when his eyes fell on himself, Reed's expression changed instantly.

"Oh! Damn, Ben, what's wrong with you!"

This remark also quickly attracted the attention of Susan and Johnny!

Immediately, the two of them turned their heads to look at Ben subconsciously, and when they saw Ben's appearance clearly, a look of extreme surprise appeared on people's faces at the same time!

"Oh my God, what the **** is going on? What the **** is going on?"

"God, I'm not dreaming, how is this possible!"

The brothers and sisters said loudly in amazement, and the reaction of everyone also made Grim's face change instantly.

He raised his palm subconsciously, wanting to take the mirror again, but when a palm made of rock appeared in front of him, Grim's expression suddenly froze.

Looking down at his body, he saw that his whole body was covered with rock-like muscles at this moment.

And the rocks here are not adjectives, but really!

As for his appearance, Grim naturally couldn't accept it, and the whole person was a little angry at the moment: "Why did I become like this!"

"Why are you all intact?"

Hearing this questioning, Reed fell silent. As the initiator and organizer of this operation, he needs to (cgbe) take full responsibility for such a thing!

Before he could figure out how to explain it to Grimm, Johnny suddenly stood up angrily and roared: "I've said this before, this is not reliable, and none of you listened to me. Yes, now it has become like this!"

Johnny shouted angrily, and his eyes fell directly on Reed, which was full of anger!

Just then, boom!

A burst of flame suddenly burned on Johnny's body, and the whole process appeared without warning. In an instant, the temperature in the room began to rise rapidly, and the eyes of Reed and Susan became even more astonished!

Even Grimm, who was immersed in his own world, was taken aback by Johnny at the moment, his eyes flickered as his eyes, showing his uneasy mood!

One Johnny, one Grimm, both of them showed their abilities beyond ordinary people. Thinking of this, Reed looked at Susan after being surprised!

And Susan also realized something when she looked at Reed's eyes, and immediately nodded slightly at Reed, the whole person held her breath, and quickly focused.

Suddenly, under everyone's attention, Susan disappeared, and disappeared without a trace in a short moment!

And this time, the emotions on everyone's faces were no longer shocked, but a faint trace of numbness!

The three people in a row have shown the ability to surpass mortals. The three of them are not fools. They know that there must be unknown changes in them. In addition to everything they have encountered in the universe, all of this is very likely to be a cosmic storm. caused.

Immediately, the three of them set their sights on Reed.

As a genius scientist who has been working on the study of cosmic storms and genetic theory, if anyone in this world knows about cosmic storms, it must be Reed!

So they all hope that Reed can come up with a solution, and Reed also said that he will do his best to help them restore their original appearance, which calmed them down temporarily.

A cosmic storm caused four ordinary people to disappear in New York City, and four extraordinary people were added, and the future of New York City suddenly became more and more exciting!

There is a heavily guarded underground conference room, which is just an abandoned warehouse on the surface, but in fact, it is an important stronghold of Hell's Kitchen!

And today is a big day for Hell's Kitchen, so everyone present looked very solemn!

[As soon as I got back from get off work, I started writing after eating. I wrote half of the chapter in the morning after working overtime last night. I was looking for an opportunity to write it in the company this morning... Office workers have no choice. If they can't find time during the day, they can only focus on updating at night. I hope everyone can understand... I will continue! ].

Chapter 64 Hydra in the Dark Corner (3 more for subscription)

Hell's Kitchen has existed in New York City for a long time. Since most of the forces were wiped out by Jin Bian, it has changed from light to dark, and is led by the four giants!

Not long ago, David Thompson, one of the four giants, died at the hands of Richard.

The news on the road was that Jin and his men were killed, and when this matter was confirmed.

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