Especially Johnny, as the youngest guy among the four, it is when he is impulsive and curious, especially when he is praised and recognized by everyone, it makes him addicted to it!

Therefore, they who were in a hurry to change back to their original state suddenly became no longer anxious, but began to walk in the city, acting as superheroes, preventing crime after scene!

Every time they will be praised and screamed by people, which greatly satisfies their vanity!

For a time, the Fantastic Four were the limelight of the entry and exit, and the daily headlines were basically related to them!

And just when they were in the limelight, the people of Hell's Kitchen began to stare at them.

Since the cooperation with Hydra, the forces of Hell's Kitchen suddenly expanded like a balloon!

Not only the equipment in hand is updated, but also equipped with a series of high-tech!

And with the help of Hydra, they naturally have to come up with a return that satisfies Hydra!

Therefore, how to make the situation in New York City chaotic has become an issue between the three of Taylor!

The struggle in the underground world is nothing more than fighting, fighting for territory, and fighting for interests!

As long as the movement is huge, it is not difficult to attract Jinbian's attention.

The most difficult thing is how to bear Jin Bing's anger after attracting Jin Bing's attention, which is the most troublesome.

And the people in Hell's Kitchen have always faced Jin and are like a mouse seeing a cat. They have always been the only ones who have been able to hide. How dare they face Jin and grin!

And now that they have received the help of Hydra and made the whole Hell's Kitchen prosperous, they are even more reluctant to provoke gold mergers, at least until they have gained enough confidence!

But the Hydra side also had to give an explanation, so after some deliberation, the three of Taylor soon came up with new ideas.

They don't dare to provoke money, and it doesn't mean that others don't dare to provoke them. Now, aren't there four jubilant guys!

Therefore, when the three of them combined, they quickly approved the plan. Hydra could push them out to disrupt the situation, and they could also push superheroes to disrupt the situation, so that they not only completed the tasks given by Hydra, but also were able to Preserving strength, no matter how you count it, you will not suffer.

Therefore, after determining the plan, the people of Hell's Kitchen quickly planned it.

Sunday, sunny.

In a certain cafe, Johnny sat in a suit at the coffee table by the window, with a smile on his face, gently stirring the coffee in the cup with a small spoon in his hand.

During this period of time, Johnny can be said to be in high spirits. He seems to have become a big star and is sought after by countless people. This feeling makes him nostalgic and intoxicated, so he is more keen to fight criminals.

But criminals in this world are limited after all, even in a sinful city like New York City, it is impossible for murders to happen all the time.

Especially with the advent of the Fantastic Four during this period, 377 did not know how many criminals it helped the police catch, which greatly shocked many people, resulting in a sharp drop in the crime rate in New York City!

And because of this, Johnny is stuck in a situation where he has nothing to do.

This suddenly made him a little panicked. He likes to enjoy people's admiration, he likes everyone to exclaim, and he likes to stand in the center of the world and become the protagonist of the world.

And once there is no crime, it means that the superhero has no utility, and he will no longer be noticed by the public.

So Johnny is more eager to get more criminal information.

After investigating the news that Johnny wanted to get information about the crime, the people in Hell's Kitchen immediately took action and made an appointment to meet at this cafe. Of course, Johnny didn't know about all of this, although he obtained super powers , but in the end he's just a 20-year-old Maotou, it's too easy to figure him out!

[Today's fifth watch is here, and I took a shower in the middle, which took a little time, but it seems to be before twelve o'clock. Continue to ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for monthly passes. I'll go ahead and write, maybe a little late. I think whether to update it directly tomorrow morning, or just update it at one time later, it depends on my status. Go to bed at two o'clock, you should be able to get two chapters! Daddy! ].

Chapter 67 Intelligence Merchant (Supplement 6 for subscription)

Chapter 67 Intelligence Merchant

A tall, tall white man wearing a black suit and a black top hat walked into the cafe slowly.

He glanced around the entire hall, and quickly locked on Johnny's position.

At that moment, the corners of the white man's mouth twitched slightly, raised his legs and walked towards Johnny, sitting directly opposite Johnny.

Sensing that someone was sitting down, Johnny raised his head, looked at him, raised his brows slightly, and said with a proud expression, "You are the guy who said he could provide me with criminal information on the Internet?"

"Where is it, take it out now."

The white man sitting across from Johnny is none other than Tyler, one of the three giants of Hell's Kitchen!

Hell's Kitchen wants to use the hands of the Fantastic Four to disrupt the underground order in New York, so how to send information is very important!

So in order to avoid accidents, Taylor directly chose to go into battle in person.

Listening to Johnny's urging words, Tyler didn't give out the information directly, but laughed.

"Why is Mr. Johnny in such a hurry? Even if we want information, should we talk about compensation first?"

Hearing this, Johnny leaned forward slightly, giving a sense of oppression, "Do you know who I am?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the air instantly became tense.

And Tyler seemed to be unaware of this, and even the smile on his face was even worse.

"Mr. Torch's name is naturally familiar to me, but I am a businessman. In business, I can't let me do business at a loss. What do you mean, Mr. Torch."

Because the Fantastic Four have been in the limelight during this time, each of them has been given their own nickname, the same as in the previous life.

After listening to Taylor's words, a smile suddenly appeared on Johnny's face, and he leaned back slightly to relax.

"It turned out to be an intelligence businessman. I said why I was just looking for information on criminals, and someone contacted me. Since you also said that you are in business, let's make an offer directly ¨〃!"

Johnny's head froze slightly, as he said.

And Taylor was relieved at this moment.

How to give information, this is a very skillful job!

If Taylor threw out the information as soon as he came up, Johnny would definitely not believe it unless he was a second fool!

And now Tyler has cast himself as an intelligence businessman, so that not only can everything be justified, but it will not arouse Johnny's suspicion.

I have to say that although Johnny is young, his mind is indeed sharp!

It's a pity that his little thought is completely playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong, and Taylor has already seen it clearly, and Taylor has to pretend to not know.

Sure enough, everyone is an acting school, it depends on how important this scene is to you!

After completing the foreshadowing and making Johnny believe in his identity, Taylor did not hesitate, and directly quoted: "100,000 federal dollars for a piece of information, which can be cash or credit card!"

After speaking, Taylor took out a pos machine from his arms!

Anyone who sees this scene will subconsciously emerge a word in their mind, professional!

In this way, the identity of Taylor's intelligence businessman has been completely shaped successfully!

At least for now Johnny believes it.

For Taylor's offer, Johnny did not counter-offer, took out the bank card directly from his wallet, and swiped 1 million in one go!

Unlike superheroes in the ordinary sense, most superheroes just fight criminals, and while fighting criminals, Johnny does not forget to take care of the sheep!

The money came from the criminals he hit, so Johnny spent it with no heartache.

And watching Johnny swipe 1 million, Taylor's face suddenly showed a clear joy, it seemed that he was surprised by money, and the nature of an intelligence businessman who regards money as his life is vivid!

But if Johnny could stare into Taylor's eyes carefully, he would find that there was no joy in the depths of Taylor's eyes from beginning to end.

When the mobile phone received the bank text message notification, Taylor took out a file bag directly from his arms, which contained the information of 10 criminals!

Most of them sell small pills.

These information are very detailed, even including their residential activity routes, activity addresses, and surrounding bodyguards, all of which have been clearly traced!

After reading the information, a look of joy appeared on Johnny's face, and he felt that the money was worth it!

Just such detailed information has already increased his odds by 20%.

"¨ˇ Not bad, I am very satisfied with the things, and I hope we will have a chance to trade next time."

After speaking, Johnny got up in a hurry and left the cafe directly. He couldn't wait to enjoy the cheers of the people, so he wanted to set off now.

And Taylor looked at the back of him leaving, the smile on his face slowly dissipated, replaced by a cold look!

All the intelligence information that Taylor gave him is naturally true, and these intelligences are all from Taylor's investigation of great value!

And the only thing he did was to hide the true identities of these people!

Because these people are all Jin Bing's subordinates, and they are also Jin Bing's subordinate forces!

The reason why he didn't tell Johnny was that he was afraid that Johnny would not dare to do anything after knowing the identities of these people, so he specifically concealed their identities.

And now that the first step of the plan has been successfully taken out, everything just needs to be implemented according to the plan, Jin Bing and the Fantastic Four will definitely stand on the opposite side!

Taylor smiled cruelly at this, and slowly got up and left the cafe.

And when the two left one after another, neither of them noticed that not far from them, Peter Parker in black was sitting here!

Since taking off the disguise of a superhero, Peter has completely let go of himself, playing games among the flowers every day, and living a happy life.

And all of this stems from the fact that Richard gave him ten million!

[This was written last night, I didn't say it last night, in fact, I asked for the seventh watch yesterday. Say what you say, this is the sixth update last night! Well, I made it up! thanks for your support! Today's update will only be more or less. Thank you for your support, and ask for an automatic subscription, especially the old buddies who are fattening, and automatically subscribe! Continue to ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, monthly tickets! ! ! I went to work! 】regulation.

Chapter 68: Agent Peter (Supplement 7 for subscription)

On, how to become a multi-millionaire with the fastest speed, A, let Richard give you 10 million, you are a multi-millionaire.

Richard never cared much about money. Anyway, it was Jin Bing who was responsible for giving money, not him.

What's more, just using 10 million changes to completely tie Spider-Man, it is a good deal no matter how you look at it!

The reason why Richard was able to let Dr. Octopus and Peter work for him is not only because of the various means he used, but also because of his wealth and billions of dollars!

Money is something that even superheroes cannot ignore. After all, superheroes also need to eat, drink, and pay for things.

Richard never puts a man's loyalty to the test, because that kind of thing never stands the test.

There is a saying that has always impressed Richard very deeply, that is, the so-called loyalty is only because the chips of betrayal are not enough.

So instead of putting hope on the so-called loyalty, Richard takes control of a person's desires by gradually mastering them!

What are the hobbies of Dr. Octopus, scientific research, research, and scientific research requires a variety of materials and instruments!

And all these things can be converted into one word, money!

Money may not solve 193% of the world's problems, but it can definitely solve 99%!

Since taking refuge in Richard, Dr. Octopus no longer needs to worry about scientific research funding. As long as there is a demand, someone will immediately make a call!

That's why Dr. Octopus obeys Richard!

As for Peter Parker, it's even simpler. What is the biggest dream of a poor person, of course, is to get rich overnight, and Richard gave Peter ten million in one breath, completely realizing his dream!

The reason why he gave so much in one go was not only because of the lack of shock, but also because of Peter's habit of spending money lavishly.

As the saying goes, from simple to extravagant is easy, and from extravagance to frugality is difficult. When Peter has completely developed the habit of spending extravagantly, do you think he will return to the past and struggle for three meals a day?

The answer speaks for itself!

Today Peter was supposed to be here waiting for a new date girl, but accidentally overheard Taylor's py deal with Johnny!

Although the transaction process between the two was very serious, Peter was keenly aware of a hint of conspiracy.

(cgdh) Perhaps, this is the sequelae left by being cheated by someone too much.

So just after Taylor left the cafe, Peter quickly got up and followed.

The reason why he kept up with Taylor was that there was one person he was very familiar with in the information that Taylor came up with. If he remembered correctly, that person should be Jin Bing's subordinate!

Don't forget that when Peter was a superhero before, he often dealt with the horses under Kim Bing.

So this should be a conspiracy against Jin and forces?

Peter wasn't so sure about this, so he followed up.

After all, as the father of his boss, Jin Bing is also his actual gold master. If he does nothing, he will feel a little sorry.

Of course, this is just an excuse on the surface, but in fact, the ten million that Richard gave him is almost exhausted.

If you want to continue asking for money, it is embarrassing to be empty-handed, and you have to take out something. This is Peter's last face.

With the super spider-sensing power, Peter's perception has been locked on Taylor's body. Although there is no Taylor's figure in front of his eyes, he has indeed been following Taylor closely!

Soon, after a while, Taylor got into a car, and the car drove towards Wall Street!

Wall Street is a famous financial avenue in New York City. There are too many rich people here, and it is also a place that cannot be reached by gold and power!

And the people under Jin Bing never come here on their own initiative.

This is a tacit understanding that belongs to Gold and the upper society of the Stars and Stripes Federation.

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