And Char was suddenly relieved, and now he was finally convinced that his life was saved.

In fact, Charle is extremely resistant to this 1.1-like experiment. After all, no one knows what will happen in the process of the experiment, and it is even very likely that he will die inexplicably.

But he knew that he didn't have much choice. Don't look at Richard's talkative appearance just now, but Char was sure that as long as he refused, the so-called sending him away was definitely not as simple as leaving the laboratory.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant he is in his heart, Char must stand on his head and prove his worth, so that he can survive.

As the two ended their conversation, the office suddenly fell into silence, and it wasn't until after a while that Bit came in and said, "Boss is all ready."

[The seventh update arrives. My evaluation votes are a bit small, I beg you guys to vote for some, thank you. ].

Chapter 86 Remember not to play dead (1 more for subscription)

"normal heartbeat"

"Normal blood pressure"

"Nerves do not respond abnormally"

"The booster injection was successful, and no adverse reactions have occurred for the time being."


More than a dozen scientific researchers were busy in front of a pile of instruments. From time to time, various professional terms popped up in their mouths, and Richard was at a loss.

But Richard didn't care either, he just looked at Char, who was in the experimental cabin, with his hands in his arms, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

The human body enhancer was originally developed by Norman Osborn, and it has created such a powerful villain as the Green Goblin. The effect can be described as extremely amazing.

However, due to the second personality after use, the human body enhancer has not been put into use.

After such a long period of improvement and research and development, Bit led his scientific research team, at the cost of reducing the success rate of the human body enhancer, and finally produced such a dangerous human body enhancer.

According to Bit, the current human body enhancer has a success rate of 4526% and a failure rate of 55%!

In other words, whether you can strengthen your success or not is to gamble on luck. If you win the gamble, everyone will be happy. If you lose the gamble, you will pay the price of your life!

In this regard, Richard naturally does not care, anyway, this thing will not be used on him.

As for others, since they want to gain great power, how can they not take risks, so whether they succeed or fail, Richard is very indifferent.

As time passed, Char's various physical data began to climb wildly. He was wearing only a pair of shorts in the experimental cabin, and his face gradually became hideous, and there was a faint roar coming out!

However, due to the isolation of the experimental cabin, it was not very real. It looked more like Charle performing a pantomime, but it was performing with life.

Twenty minutes passed silently, and the atmosphere in the laboratory became more and more quiet.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the frantically beating data on the instrument. They held their breath and clenched their fists involuntarily. It seemed that these researchers were more nervous than the experimenter, Char!

dong dong dong!

Suddenly, a strong heartbeat came from the experimental cabin. Char, who had a grim face before, gradually calmed down at this moment.

And his body shape has also undergone extremely strong changes. His body has distinct muscles, and he does not seem to have the exaggerated muscles of those fitness experts. However, compared to the muscles that grow from eating protein powder, every part of Char's body is different. An inch of muscle is stronger and more explosive than those fitness experts!

At the same time, a burst of cheers also came from the mouths of many researchers, "Success!"

"Great, finally succeeded!"

"Quick, record all the experimental data, don't let any data go!"

While everyone cheered, Bit beckoned everyone to record all the data.

A success doesn't mean anything, but it can provide them with data reference.

Richard looked at the excited people and didn't say anything to disturb them. This moment was their moment of glory, and Richard naturally wouldn't spoil the scenery at this moment.


With a light sound, the hatch of the experimental cabin was opened, and Char, who had been completely reborn, walked out of it step by step.

Feeling the powerful power surging in the body, Char's whole person feels extraordinarily wonderful!

During the experiment just now, he almost collapsed several times, and he did not know how to spin a few times on the edge of death, but fortunately, he finally survived and gained powerful strength.

Ignoring the surrounding researchers who wanted to check his body, Char's eyes quickly locked on Richard who was standing outside the crowd. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

When people have power and when they don't have power, they have completely two mentalities. This feeling is as if the poor are getting rich.

When you have money, you can buy and buy anything, and you can use money to solve everything!

Charle has such a mentality at the moment, he has already gained a strong power, why should he listen to Richard's words obediently!

Given that they were enemies an hour ago, it's no surprise that Charl has rebellion.

As for all this, Richard seemed undecided, he just put his hands on his chest and looked at him with a smile. At the same time, at the door of the laboratory, a short and fat figure walked in.

Step by step towards Richard, Char's mentality is constantly changing.

The surrounding researchers also clearly noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and they all dispersed, watching this scene quietly.

In front of Richard, Charles, with his height, looked down at Richard with a smile, and said with a smile: "I can become like this, I really want to thank you, in order to express my gratitude, I will send you a gift. Travel to death."

When the words fell, Charles no longer concealed it, his eyes were fierce, and he threw his fist at Richard's head!

The strong wind whistled, and there was a hint of excitement in Char's eyes. It turned out to be the feeling of dominating a person's life!

I thought silently in my heart that Char's fist was about to land on Richard's body, and Richard seemed to be frightened, still standing quietly without making any defensive gestures.

But just when Char's self-confidence is the most inflated, even the whole person is floating above the clouds!

The four mechanical tentacles, which came first in an instant, not only blocked Char's attack, but also overturned Char's whole body!

Boom 010!

With a loud roar, Char was stunned for a moment. He only felt an unparalleled force acting on his body instantly. The powerful force he was proud of, in this terrifying force. In the face of power, it completely lost its effectiveness.

In the end, his whole body smashed to the ground, and at the same time, four mechanical tentacles fixed his limbs, making him unable to move at all!

Shocked, puzzled, unbelievable, all kinds of emotions appeared on his face one by one, and at this time, accompanied by a crisp footstep, Richard's figure came into his sight.

Looking down at Char, who had been completely immobilized, Richard shook his head jokingly, "You are so disappointing to me that you want to do it so impatiently, I thought you could endure for a few more days."

Hearing these words, Char's heart suddenly burst, and the strong confidence that had just risen in his heart, with this change and Richard's words, was like being poured down by a basin of cold water and completely extinguished.

He opened his mouth, trying to justify himself, but unfortunately Richard turned around and walked outside without giving him a chance to speak.

But before leaving, Richard still gave an order to Dr. Octopus beside him.

"He's yours now, remember not to play dead, it's still useful for me to keep him."

[A little bit of a cold, a pain in the skull, a little late. Ask for automatic subscriptions, evaluation tickets and flowers. ].

Chapter 87 The position of the three mice (2 more for subscription)

Richard never thinks that he has a domineering spirit, and people can be convinced at first sight, bow down and bow down, and he will never be naive enough to think that if Char takes refuge in himself, he will really become a man. Wholehearted.

Therefore, Richard had expected Charles' backlash, so after he entered the experimental cabin, Richard ordered someone to call Dr. Octopus.

And things didn't turn out as Richard expected. After gaining a strong power, Charles directly attacked Richard, but he didn't expect that Richard was superior in chess, which eventually led to him being waited by for a long time. Dr. Octopus took it directly!

As for why he handed Char to Dr. Octopus, Richard also had his own considerations.

First, Dr. Octopus has been trying to improve the four mechanical tentacles and want to completely integrate it with the human body, but there is a lack of experimental subjects.

People with average physical fitness simply cannot afford such a transformation.

The same is true for people who have been injected with super serum, which is far from meeting the requirements of transformation.

But Char, who was injected with the human body enhancer, was different. Although the human body enhancer has been improved, the side effects of the second personality have been removed, and the danger has been greatly increased, but the power he can improve remains the same!

So Char's strength is comparable to that of the Green Goblin, far stronger than the person who was injected with the super serum.

Just enough to meet the experimental requirements of Dr. Octopus.

Second, if you want to tame someone like Char, you have to be patient, just like boiling an eagle.

Richard also intends to rely on him to break into the Hydra, so naturally he will not give up easily.

When I walked out of the laboratory building, it was already three o'clock in the morning. As an international metropolis, even at this time, New York City was still brightly lit.

Looking around and looking for the direction of home, Richard did not use any ability, just wandered in the direction of home like shopping.

In the last life, Richard's favorite thing was to walk on empty streets at night.

At that time, there was no hustle and bustle in the daytime, and there was no heavy traffic during the day, only openness and tranquility.

Such an environment made Richard extraordinarily relaxed.

Since he came to this world, he has not experienced that feeling for a long time, so now he has a chance, he naturally doesn't mind reliving his memories.

And just as Richard was walking home, on the other side, Bullseye had completely defeated the forces of Hell's Kitchen!

If you can still lose in this situation, then Bullseye can punish himself and apologize!

All the horses dispatched by Hell's Kitchen tonight were swept away by Bullseye's men. Even Taylor and Wilson were captured by Bullseye's men and brought to Bullseye.

On the street, there was a crowd of black people all around, Bullseye was in the center of the crowd, and in front of him, Taylor and Wilson knelt on their knees.

At this moment, the faces of the two were full of numbness, and their eyes seemed a little empty.

They came in a hurry, but they fell into the enemy's trap, not only the elite of their men were lost, but even they themselves fell into the hands of the enemy.

And most importantly, from today onwards, Hell's Kitchen is really gone!

Under such a heavy blow, the two did not commit suicide on the spot, and they were already greedy for life and fear of death, so numbness was the only emotion they could show now.

Looking at the appearance of the two, Bullseye sneered disdainfully, and didn't even bother to say a word to them. After all, Bullseye has never looked at them, and naturally there is no interest in humiliating them. .

At the moment, Bullseye waved his hand, then turned around and left. Before he could take a few steps, there was a gunshot behind him.

In this regard, Bullseye owes even the will to look back.

After leaving the street, Bullseye put away the expression on his face, and the whole person became calm again: "Are those three little mice staring at it?"? "

When the words fell, a strong man who had been following Bullseye immediately nodded, "Our people are already staring, they can't run away, don't worry, Mr. Lester."

Listening to the assurances made by his subordinates, Bullseye nodded with satisfaction, but said again: "You stay here, finish everything, and let them report the whereabouts of the three little mice directly to me. , I'm going to meet them in person!"

After finishing speaking, there was a flash of excitement in Bullseye's eyes, which was the desire to fight and the excitement of killing.

As for Bullseye's order, the strong man beside him naturally couldn't have any opinion. He nodded respectfully, answered yes, and then handed a headset to Bullseye.

Bullseye took it over and jumped directly into a muscle car. With the bang of the accelerator, a violent noise spread throughout the street, and the muscle car roared like a beast and rushed into the distance!

This time, in order to catch all the people in Hell's Kitchen, Bullseye has set up a net, this net is all over New York City, unless someone can leave New City overnight, it is impossible to escape the surveillance of this huge net!

Of course, only Jin Bing and Star Stripe Federation can use such a method, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. has no ability to set up such a net.

Because there are too many related aspects, although S.H.I.E.L.D. is powerful, it does not have such a deep relationship.

And Jin Bing is in control of the three religions and nine streams, and even the homeless on the street may be his eyeliner.

So this is why Jin and why he can control the entire underground world of New York City.

Of course, this method can only be used as an unconventional method. It can be used for a while but cannot be used for a lifetime. After all, no one can monitor the people around them at any time, unless they are training elite agents.

After escaping from Wall Street, Matthew, Vickers, and Frank (Lee's) did not dare to stop at all, and quickly evacuated to the sparsely populated place.

Matthew and Frank have been fighting against Jin Bing for a long time, and it is very clear that the more crowds, the more Jin Bing's eyeliner, so if you want to get rid of Jin Bing's subordinates, you must get rid of Jin Bing's eyeliner.

Otherwise, once Jin Bing's forces gather, no matter how strong they are, they can beat ten or a hundred, and it is impossible to beat a thousand or ten thousand, not to mention that these people still have guns.

As for Vickers, he naturally obeyed them both unconditionally.

Therefore, the escape route of the group of three people was quite smooth, and they tried to walk in alleys or remote areas along the way to reduce contact with the crowd.

As for the direction of their escape, it happened to be the direction of the Bronx District, because there were a lot of parks built here, which were extremely suitable for hiding.

[Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards, ask for praise! ].

Chapter 88 I'm a Soy Sauce (3 more for subscription)

Prospekt Avenue, an urban construction road in the Bronx District, bright street lamps illuminate the entire avenue, and both sides are largely empty.

It is far away from the commercial and residential areas and is one of the main roads leading to the Bronx.

At this time, in the wilderness on the left side of the avenue, the three of Vickers were moving fast along the Pross Avenue. The speed of the three of them was extremely fast, reaching the speed of a normal person sprinting.

This is nothing to Matthew and Frank, given their physical fitness, this speed is just right.

But there is still a fuel bottle like Vickers. He has already been out of breath when fleeing all the way. At this moment, the rapid breathing sound is like an old bellows, whirring!

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