So even if it is pretending, Richard has to pretend to be full of confidence.

After accepting Victor's thanks, Richard didn't delay, and directly rushed to Dr. Octopus who was standing by the side and instructed: "Inject him with a large dose of sedative."

After speaking, he said to Victor, "You go to sleep for a while, I want to find out the reason behind this incident."

As for Richard's words, the two naturally would not go against it. Although they were a little confused, they nodded at the same time.

The two of them left Richard's office together and headed for the laboratory downstairs.

And just after the two left, black shadows appeared in front of Richard instantly, and the giant shadow and the claw shadow instantly occupied the entire office.

Looking at them, Richard opened his mouth and instructed: "Block this floor. No one will come up without my order. If anyone dares to break in, kill them directly!"

Listening to Richard's order, the people of the Shadow Corps' eyes flickered, and they merged into the ground again.

And the shadows one after another filled the entire 22nd floor.

Richard's method is very simple, that is, to directly ask Victor's deity, Doctor Destruction, what happened, and then think about the solution.

And how to find Doctor Doom, Richard is also prepared.

One of the abilities of the sheep talisman he possesses is to enter a dream, which can invade the dreams of others.

And Victor and Doctor Doom are one body. Richard wants to try. Can Dr. Doom be found in Victor's dream?

If found, Victor will be saved, if not found, Victor will have to wait to die.

To enter other people's dreams, Richard's soul must leave the body. During this period of time, Richard's body was an empty shell, so Richard ordered people to block the 22nd floor.

As for why not let Doctor Octopus protect himself, to put it bluntly, Richard doesn't trust anyone!

If Richard hadn't mastered the mind and body of the Sombra Corps, Richard wouldn't even believe the Sombra Corps.

The only person in this world that he can trust is himself.

Without dawdling, just after the Black Shadow Corps blocked the 22nd floor, Richard's soul immediately left his body.

Glancing at the body leaning on the office chair, Richard's soul body turned around, and the ground he passed directly came to the twenty-first floor.

This is where Dr. Octopus' laboratory is located, so when Richard crossed the ground, he immediately saw Dr. Octopus and Victor below.

At this moment, Victor was lying in the nutrition cabin, and Dr. Octopus injected him with a lot of sedatives, so in a blink of an eye, Victor fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this scene, Richard's eyes flashed, and his body moved directly to Victor, and instantly got into Victor's mind!

It is estimated that few people know what a person's dream looks like, but now Richard can see it with his own eyes.

Victor's dream was pitch black, there was no light or even any direction.

It is as if nothing before the birth of the universe, empty.

But not long after Richard appeared here, the darkness of nothingness gradually began to change, scenes were formed naturally, and the dream world gradually gained light and characters.

But these people or things are very vague at this moment, and it is impossible to see the specific image at all.

Richard could only shake his head, there was nothing he could do about it, after all, this was Victor's dream, and God knew what would be in his mind when he fell asleep.

Resisting the disappointment in his heart, Richard quickly scanned the entire dream world, trying to find something different from it...

Not to mention, Richard soon noticed a place completely different from the entire dream world.

It was a door, a wooden door. Compared to the blur of the dream world, the door seemed very clear.

Looking at this door, Richard suddenly had a feeling that he should be able to find Doctor Doom through it.

With a trace of exploration, Richard's soul body quickly walked towards the wooden door. When he came to the door, Richard put his hand on the door handle, pulled it gently, and the wooden door opened in response.

The whole process turned out to be effortless.

And as the door opened, a fiery red world appeared in front of Richard's eyes.

This place is surrounded by magma and lava, full of destruction and despair. Here Richard feels a touch of truth, but there is a touch of falsehood in the truth.

After hesitating for a moment, Richard lifted his leg and stepped through the wooden door, entering this fiery red world.

And just when Richard broke in, in the very center of this fiery world, the figure suddenly opened his eyes.

In the next second, the figure instantly disappeared in place. At the same time, Richard, who had just crossed the wooden door, saw a phantom slowly emerging from the void, and finally condensed and formed.

Seeing that the condensed phantom was 80% similar to Victor, Richard's gaze couldn't help condensing, and he instantly understood that this phantom 4.2 was probably the Doctor Doom he was looking for!

And while Richard was watching Doctor Doom, Doctor Doom was also watching Richard in large numbers!

Feeling Richard's extremely powerful soul power, Doctor Doom's face suddenly became dignified, and a staff also appeared in his hand, the whole person looked at Richard with a hint of vigilance: " Which king's lord are you, I didn't expect to find this, it seems that I still underestimate you."

"But if you dare to break into my world, then you underestimate me too much!"

After that, Doctor Doom waved his staff, and the entire lava world instantly became shaken.

And Richard's mouth twitched after seeing this scene.

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Chapter 111 The Eye of Amonos (1 more for subscription)

Looking at Doctor Doom, he looked like he was going to fight at any time.

Helpless, Richard can only use the power of the dragon charm.

Suddenly, a powerful dragon's might and dragon's roar spread from Richard's body, and Richard's aura also changed. Although the appearance didn't seem to change, the majesty of the dragon on his body remained unchanged. , but made Doctor Doom stop for a moment.

There was a hint of hesitation on Doctor Doom's face, and his tone was uncertain: "Holy? Your Excellency?"

When the words fell, Richard nodded in response. Seeing this, Dr. Doom's face suddenly showed obvious joy.

At the same time, the whole person also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Although he has only met Richard once, because of the identity created by Richard, Doctor Doom is extremely impressed.

Therefore, after Richard showed his momentum, he recognized his identity for the first time.

After dissolving the tense atmosphere, Richard quickly brought the topic to the topic, and asked with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Where is this place? How did you become like this? You looked like you were hiding from someone just now?"

Richard looked at him suspiciously, while a wry smile appeared on Doctor Doom's face.

"It's a long story, it's the way it is."

After sorting out his thoughts, Doctor Doom told the whole thing, and Richard was shocked after hearing it.

For ordinary people, when they mention hell, they think more about the destination of Yin spirits, but in fact, this is not the case.

The **** in the Marvel world is more equivalent to the alien dimension, where all the demons live, there is no ghost, and there is no reincarnation.

And now the entire **** is ruled by seven demon monarchs, who are named after the seven original sins in the world, namely arrogance, jealousy, laziness, rage, greed, lust, and gluttony!

And just three years ago, a treasure was born in the depths of hell, called the Eye of Amonos. This treasure could actually make the devil reincarnate. When the news came out, the whole **** was completely boiling!

Although demons are powerful living beings, they are also dead when they die, and there is no such thing as reincarnation and resurrection.

Of course, it's not that **** doesn't have such means, but that such means are expensive and complicated, and are simply not available to ordinary demons.

Therefore, the appearance of the Eye of Amonos made all the demons in **** go crazy.

No one wants to master such a treasure, especially for the seven monarchs, if they have such a treasure, it is equivalent to owning a group of undead demons, which can greatly enhance their power. Maybe even take this opportunity to unify hell!

Suddenly, a disaster was triggered. The seven demon monarchs, all of whom wanted this treasure, did not give in to each other. In the end, in order to compete for the treasure, the seven demon monarchs fought even more!

In that battle, the **** broke apart, and the demons in **** shivered under the power of the seven kings.

However, the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. The Eye of Amonos did not fall into the hands of any monarch. Instead, it was completely shattered under their devastating power, and it was divided into two parts. Eight!

Seven of the fragments fell into the hands of seven demon kings, and the eighth fragment fell into the hands of Doctor Doom who was in hell!

For this matter, Doctor Doom did not participate from the beginning to the end, but the people who did the disaster at home came from the sky, and the next thing can be imagined.

For the Eye of Amonos, the seven kings could not give up, but they were afraid of each other's powerful strength, so the seven demon kings set their sights on the eighth fragment at the same time, wanting to get the eighth fragment first Say something else.

Suddenly, the disaster of Doctor Doom began!

As a talent who has been systematically rated as a two-star, Doctor Doom's strength is absolutely terrifying, but no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to compete with the demons in the whole hell!

And under the orders of the seven kings, the demons in the whole **** took action, and there were even a lot of demon lords!

The strength of these demons is no worse than that of Doctor Doom, and in the end, Doctor Doom could only flee in a hurry.

It's not that he didn't think about handing over the fragments. If he could, he would like to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible.

However, after the fragment fell into him, it merged into his soul. To take out the fragment, he had to break his soul first.

And this has completely become an irreconcilable contradiction between Doctor Doom and hell, or he dies, and then the devil takes out the fragments.

Or, he can only fight against the demons in **** and try to survive!

There is no doubt that Doctor Doom naturally chose the second path.

And as a result, Doctor Doom was caught up in a years-long escape.

In the end, not long ago, Doctor Doom, who had just gotten rid of the pursuers, had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and a crack suddenly opened in the sky of hell.

A big hand descended from the sky, with the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, Doctor Destruction was frightened to the core!

Because he recognized the identity of the raider through his breath, the seven monarchs of hell, the arrogant devil!

The power of this existence has far exceeded the cognition of Doctor Doom. Therefore, in these years of escape, Doctor Doom has fled to the edge of **** far away from the seven monarchs.

And he also used magic to cover up all his information and try to hide his traces, so he didn't inspire seven 670 monarchs to do it themselves.

But now, because it took too long to get rid of the chasing soldiers just now, the Arrogant Demon King locked his position and shot directly from the air!

For a time, Doctor Destruction was completely desperate, and the terrifying aura emanating from the giant palm that fell from the sky was so desperate that people couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance at all.

In the end, without any suspense, Doctor Doom's body was directly smashed to pieces on the spot, and his soul was severely injured, and he almost lost his soul on the spot!

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, the fragments of the Eye of Amonos that were integrated into his soul protected the origin of his soul and gave him a chance to breathe.

In the end, Doctor Doom seized this opportunity, used the power of forbidden magic, ripped apart the space, and came to the center of hell!

This is a Jedi, covered with lava and flames. Even the demons in **** cannot survive here for a long time. Instead, it has become the best refuge for Doctor Doom.

However, due to the heavy damage suffered before, although Doctor Doom escaped and ascended to heaven, his soul is also withering, and this is why Victor's soul began to weaken.

As the main body, when Doctor Doom dissipates, Victor's soul will naturally dissipate with it.

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Chapter 112 Fragments of the Devil's Reincarnation (2 more for subscription)

After listening to Doctor Doom's remarks, Richard also took a deep breath. At this moment, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded in Richard's mind.

"Ding, detected the reincarnation of the devil, the shard of the Eye of Amonos."

"Reminder, gather the Eyes of Ammonos, you can consume the number of lottery draws, and sign the master-servant contract!"

After speaking, the sound of the system quickly disappeared without a trace, but Richard's eyes instantly became bright, and the bright was a little scary!

To be reincarnated as a servant of the Eight Great Demons is a very tempting choice. Even if Richard's temperament is calm, his heartbeat will inevitably accelerate after hearing the news.

But this feeling only existed for a while, and Richard quickly restrained all thoughts.

This matter sounds tempting, but except for the fragments of Doctor Doom, the remaining 7 fragments are currently in the hands of the Seven Kings of Hell.

With Richard's current strength, he wanted to fight with them, and he was still short of fire, so Richard decisively pressed this idea into his heart for the time being.

He shook his head at the moment and said to Doctor Destruction: "You can't stay here any longer, leave **** with me, otherwise there will be only a dead end."

Hearing this, Doctor Doom nodded in agreement, but then he looked confused: "Right now, my soul source is declining, and I have no power to leave hell, and I need a fleshly body to nourish my soul, otherwise the source of my soul will remain forever. decline."

Hearing this, Richard suddenly fell into serious thinking, and soon an idea emerged in his mind.

"Isn't the shard of the Eye of Amonos integrated into your soul? You can try to integrate yourself into it. If it is feasible, I can leave here with the Eye of Amonos, and then you can too. left together."

Richard's words made Dr. Doom's eyes light up, and he nodded immediately, without speaking, and directly operated.

Soon, a dim light slowly radiated from the head of Doctor Destruction, and then the figure of Doctor Destruction was like a wisp of blue smoke, constantly blending into it.

In the blink of an eye, Doctor Doom disappeared, leaving only a piece like a meteorite, slowly floating in front of Richard.

Apparently this is the shard of the Eye of Amonos.

Seeing this scene, Richard was sure, raised his hand and grabbed the fragments in his hand.

The fragments are only the size of a fist, so it doesn't take much effort.

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