Items: none

Draw: once

Looking at the number of lottery draws on the panel, Richard's heart was filled with anticipation, and he said silently, "Start!"

After speaking, Richard's mood suddenly became tense. At this moment, time seemed to be very slow.

It wasn't until about a minute later that the system's icy electronic synthesis sounded in Richard's mind.

"Ding, congratulations, you got the sheep charm!"

As the system's voice fell, a warm and gentle force instantly merged into Richard's body.

Richard's whole body seemed to be enveloped by a heat current, exuding a warm aura all over his body.

Especially in terms of spirit, the tension and exhaustion caused by the experience in the campus have been swept away at this moment, and the whole person is like returning to the mother's womb, leisurely and comfortable!

It wasn't until a long time later that Richard's eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a strong surprise in his eyes!

At this moment, he could feel that he no longer had any restrictions on summoning the Shadow Corps!

[I opened the book last night, and now I have updated the eighth chapter. Don't be slow... To be honest, I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic. I don't have enough manuscripts to save... I wiped... I will try my best to save the manuscript tonight... I forgot, I owe six chapters to add more... ah ah Ah, ah, remember, I will make it up gradually on the basis of every 5th watch... Regarding some settings, um, don't go into it so carefully, there must be a reason for my arrangement. If it is really a big bug, we will definitely fix it! Continue to ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and rewards! ].

Chapter 9: The Mastermind of Hell's Kitchen (9 more for collection)

Sheep Charm, one of the sources of the Lord's power.

The abilities shown in the anime are going out of the body, possessing others, and dreaming!

In addition to the display of these three external abilities, the most important power of the sheep talisman is to enhance its own soul power!

Otherwise, the protagonists in the anime are all ordinary people. With their own soul power, there is no way to complete the out of body!

Therefore, he obtained the power of the sheep charm, and Richard's own soul power also increased greatly, and his spiritual power increased wildly!

If Richard's mental power was originally just a pond, now it has completely transformed into a sea of ​​Wang Yang!

Due to the limitation of mental power, Richard could only summon ten ninja soldiers, which is incomparable with the boundless shadow soldiers in the anime!

But now that he has obtained the power of the sheep talisman, Richard has completely made up for this shortcoming, and can finally convene the Shadow Corps at will!

Thinking of this, Richard's heart suddenly became eager to try.

At that moment, Richard sank his heart and calmed himself down, and then his mind moved, and suddenly one after another black shadows came out from all directions!

The ground, walls, ceilings, all shadowy places are now occupied by ninja corps!

Opening his eyes and looking at the ninja corps that had completely occupied the entire room, Richard's mouth couldn't help twitching upwards, and the joy in his heart was like a volcano, erupting wildly!

In a flash, three days passed by in the blink of an eye!

Due to the attack and killing incident, Richard temporarily stopped classes and stayed at home every day to get acquainted with this world!

Although this world is generally similar to the previous world, there are still many differences.

If nothing else, the timeline of this world is now in 2003!

Stark Industries is still in full swing, and Iron Man, who will be famous in the world in the future, is still the **** of the upper class in New York City!

The invincible giant Hulk still doesn't know where to squat to do research, and the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. is also not well-known at the moment!

On the contrary, the mutants have begun to gain fame. Although Richard did not find more information on the Internet, he caught some clues!

However, there is one person, who is now famous and prosperous!

That's the little spider in Niu City!

The little spider, who was born in May 2002, takes the fight against crime as his duty, greatly improves the public security environment in New York City, and is talked about by people!

Therefore, about his information, you can find most of it with a casual search on the Internet!

Richard paid special attention to this, because the spider is also one of Jin Bing's opponents!

As the underground emperor of Niu City, who controls 40% of the illegal transactions in the entire Stars and Stripes Federation, the little spider's crime-fighting is completely against the interests of Jin Bing.

And as the son of Jin Bing, Richard's identity is doomed to his natural hostility with Little Spider!

Richard was not at all afraid of this, but was a little excited!

However, for the time being, Richard has no plans to meet the little spider. Right now, what he is most concerned about is the person behind the scene that kills him!

Maybe this is just a game for Jin Bing, but for Richard it is his own revenge, so he naturally has to take it seriously!


An e-mail prompt sounded suddenly, Richard moved slightly, moved the mouse to open the e-mail, and the information in the e-mail was immediately displayed in front of Richard's eyes.

The email was sent by Kim, and three days were enough for Kim to investigate the ins and outs of the attack!

The attack was launched by a force called Hell's Kitchen!

This force was active in New York City in the 1980s, and before Kim's rise, he was a member of Hell's Kitchen!

On the road of rise, Jin Bing established his own business, not only swept all the underground forces in Niu City, but also destroyed his old club Hell's Kitchen in one fell swoop!

But Hell's Kitchen has a history of over a hundred years, and it can be said to be deeply ingrained.

Therefore, although Jin Bian destroyed most of the forces in Hell's Kitchen, some of them were still hidden and planned this attack!

According to the intelligence sent by Kim, at present, Hell's Kitchen is controlled by the four giants.

Vickers Kinfin, Wilson Martin, Daniel Taylor, David Thompson!

The demise of Hell's Kitchen was not only due to the factors of Jin Bing, but also due to the infighting of the four giants!

Therefore, although the four giants belong to the Hell's Kitchen, they each have a power!

And this time, it was David Thompson, one of the four giants, who launched the attack and killing!

However, although he knew who was behind the scenes, Hell's Kitchen had disappeared for a long time, and even Jin couldn't find their traces quickly!

Therefore, the information given in the email, except for some general information, does not have too specific information.

Suddenly Richard's brows furrowed, not knowing where to start.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, Richard raised his brows, skillfully moved the computer screen, and called out the monitor at the door!

I saw a strong man in a suit standing at the door in the picture. Richard knew him. This was the strong man in a suit by Jin Bing at the campus gate that day!

"Why is he here?"

With a murmur in his heart, Richard walked towards the door with his short short legs, opened the door with some effort, and looked up at the sturdy man in a suit.

And as the door opened, Daniel looked at the small figure in front of him, his face that had originally looked fierce, tried his best to squeeze a kind smile, and said in a gentle tone.

"Hello Richard, my name is Daniel Brown, Mr. Wilson asked me to come, he ordered, and I will be with you during this time."

Looking at Daniel, who looked kind and even with a hint of flattery, Richard nodded, "Come in."

His immature face was now full of maturity and stability that did not match his age, with a touch of the demeanor of a little adult, so that Daniel, who was already ready to coax the child, was slightly stunned. After he reacted, he quickly followed.

Looking at the layout of the living room with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, this is the first time Daniel has come here.

In the past, this was their forbidden place, and Jin never took them home, or even allowed them to approach!

So this time, I followed Richard's side before receiving the order, which gave him the opportunity to set foot on a forbidden place that he had never set foot on!

Although the living room is generally no different from the living room of ordinary people, Daniel, who is walking in it, still has a little bit of caution in his heart!

It was like walking in a scary place.

[Brothers, take it easy, now the evaluation ticket will be rewarded with flowers, which will add up to ten chapters... Come on, brothers, the keyboard will be handed over to you... Come on! ! ! I knelt down...].

Chapter 10 The main clue is in S.H.I.E.L.D. (10 more for collection)

[Many readers have said that the protagonist's name is a problem, so I will unify it later. All use Richard, and the front has also been changed. Well, just one chapter can make up more words...hahaha]

Looking at the cautious Daniel, Richard leaned back, adjusted to a comfortable sitting position, and said indifferently, "My father, why did you come here?"

At this moment, Richard showed a composure that was completely inconsistent with his age, but with his child's body, how strange it was!

After hearing this, Daniel wanted to grin, but looking at the serious look on Richard's face, he couldn't smile.

At the moment, I can only reply in a muffled voice: "Mr. Wilson asked me to obey your orders. Although I don't know why, I follow Mr. Wilson's will!"

Under Richard's deliberate guidance, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two is not like the conversation between adults and children at all, but more like the conversation between the superior and the inferior.

After listening to Daniel's words, Richard thought for a moment, and then said, "David Thompson, I want to know his whereabouts and all the information!"

There was no politeness, and Richard didn't need to be polite either. He simply and clearly stated what he wanted.

After listening to the instructions, Daniel frowned involuntarily, lowered his head and said, "We can't control the whereabouts of David Thompson. We can only confirm that he is indeed in New York City, but we don't know where he is!"

"Mr. Wilson has been looking for them over the years, but has found nothing."

Listening to this answer, Richard's expression did not change at all, and there was not even any fluctuation in his eyes, because this was the expected answer.

Since there is no whereabouts of David Thompson in the information Jinfa sent himself, it is naturally impossible for Daniel to know.

The reason why I have to ask again is just to confirm my conjecture.

If Jin didn't give it to himself on purpose and wanted to test himself, then he would fall into the pit, so Richard would naturally not be disappointed with Daniel's words.

"Then, I want to know the whole New York City, who is most likely to know the whereabouts of David Thompson!"

Richard asked again, and his tone involuntarily increased a little, which immediately made Daniel feel a burst of pressure!

Although it is ridiculous that he, as an adult, felt pressure on a child, Daniel really felt a heavy pressure in the air, and he had to deal with Richard's problem carefully!

And this is also one of Richard's little tricks. If you want others to not treat you as a child, then you must show something that convinces others!

Such as wealth, status, majesty, momentum!

Richard doesn't have anything else, but for such an ethereal thing, Richard who controls the ninja army has as many as you want!

The thoughts in his mind turned rapidly, and Daniel kept thinking about who in New York City was most likely to know the whereabouts of David Thompson!

Soon a light flashed across Daniel's mind, and Daniel's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly replied, "If anyone in New York City can know where David Thompson is, then only S.H.I.E.L.D."

Hearing this name, Richard's brows suddenly wrinkled slightly, as if he had encountered something embarrassing!

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s full name is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, which was called SHIELD in the last Marvel!

S.H.I.E.L.D. is nominally a subordinate agency of the United Nations. Its influence spreads all over the world. It has branches in various countries in the world, and it has hundreds of thousands of elite agents with great authority!

Indeed, if you want to find a person on Earth, just look for S.H.I.E.L.D. for sure!

Although in the era of superheroes, S.H.I.E.L.D. is more responsible for things like logistics, but in this era when superheroes have not yet fully opened, S.H.I.E.L.D. is definitely a behemoth!

Even Jin will not provoke it without authorization, not because he is afraid, but because there is no benefit, there is no need to get into such a big trouble as S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Similarly, Richard didn't want to face S.H.I.E.L.D. so soon, but only S.H.I.E.L.D. has the information he needs, so after thinking for a while, Richard couldn't help but mutter to himself, " Anyway, sooner or later there will be hostility, so why not use this to test your strength!"

Just when Richard made his decision, the system that had always been elusive again popped out of Richard's mind.

"Mission: Road to Vengeance"

"Phase 1: Obtaining Intelligence"

"Explanation: You decided to take revenge after being attacked, complete the transformation between prey and hunter, find him, and then kill him!"

"Attention: you may be attracting the attention of some behemoth, don't try to provoke it."

"Reward: Start the second stage mission."

Listening to the cold electronic synthesis sound in his mind, Richard rubbed his head with a headache.

Obviously, the system also thinks that it is not suitable to provoke S.H.I.E.L.D. now!

But if you can't find anyone, you will still complete the task of a fart.

He glanced at Daniel, who was standing respectfully at the side, and Richard calmly commanded: "I want a piece of information about S.H.I.E.L.D., the more detailed the better, and who might know about David Thompson? Whereabouts, I didn't expect to find nothing at the time!"


Responding respectfully, Daniel did not make any refutation to Richard's order, and executed Jin Bing's order perfectly, even if Richard asked him to investigate such a behemoth as S.H.I.E.L.D.!

And right after Daniel left, Richard was not idle, he began to plan an action plan and a plan for possible accidents!

Although most of them are on paper and not in practice, Richard believes that it is always good to do a little more preparation.

When Vanessa and Kim returned home, Richard's small desk was already full of drafts.

Jin Bian came in and took a look, smiled at Richard, patted his little head, turned and left Richard's room, without asking any questions about Richard's plan, and without speaking. Asking about it is like completely forgetting about it.

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