Several security members put away their firearms at the moment, one of them quickly called the police, while the others began to rescue the wounded.

With their actions, the originally messy scene gradually became orderly......

At the same time, William, who has fled the bank, is also facing a problem at the moment.

He can sneak into the ground by himself, but those money boxes cannot.

Therefore, he could only walk swaggeringly on the street in broad daylight. At the collarbone, directly around him, a sandstorm set off, causing the pedestrians on the road to scream in horror.

For a while, I don't know how many people called the police, almost blowing up the police station phone.

So just a few minutes later, the whistling alarm bells suddenly came from the streets in all directions, quickly approaching William's location.

And soon, William was blocked on an open road by the police officers of the police station.

Dozens of police officers directly blocked William's way forward. Although their eyes were filled with a trace of fear, they still held their guns firmly and blocked William's way.

"You're already surrounded, surrender immediately, or I'll count to three, if you don't surrender, we'll shoot!"

A police officer shouted loudly, and William's angry face appeared on the quicksand at this moment, "Get out of my way!"

With the sound of the voice, William tried to rush out of the siege of the police.

Looking at his actions, the police officer who just shouted was startled, and now the number of 123 was not counted, and he ordered 4.8 loudly: "Shoot!"

With an order, the gunshots were loud, and hundreds of bullets were poured towards William, but unfortunately it did not play any role.

On the contrary, their shooting completely angered William!

Immediately, an angry roar came from William's mouth. William, who was originally in the shape of quicksand, instantly turned into the form of a quicksand giant. While roaring, he raised his fist and punched many police officers.


Several police officers couldn't dodge and were smashed out, and William's fist also landed on the ground. Suddenly, the ground shattered instantly, and a huge pit emerged, and terrifying gravel splashed, as if killing people. Like a deadly hidden weapon, it instantly penetrated the bodies of some people, and the entire scene fell into chaos.

【Seeking automatic subscription】.

Chapter 126 Spider-Man's Reaction (1 more for subscription)

Journalists will always be the most well-informed people in the world. Wherever there is news, they will be there.

While William was still on the run, news of his bank robbery had spread throughout New York City at the speed of light.

Fury, who was looking for members of the extraordinary team, also noticed this news for the first time.

Looking at the picture on the TV screen, William confronted hundreds of police officers alone, Fury's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the same way, in addition to Fury, there is another person who is staring at the TV screen at this time, and he is Peter Parker!

Although William turned into quicksand, his facial features were still clearly visible, and looking at this face, Peter, who was originally calm, instantly fell into anger.

Murderous intent emerged crazily in him, and two terrifying murderous intents filled his eyes!

"It's you! Asshole!"

When he first acquired super powers, Peter went to the Black Boxing Stadium to make money by punching.

But because it solved the opponent too fast, the boxing ring owner refused to pay him a high bonus, so when the boxing ring owner was robbed, Peter 26 chose to stand by and watch.

The ignorant gangster walked past him, eventually leading to the accidental death of his uncle Ben Parker!

This incident is a pain in his heart and a scar that will never be healed. Although he later watched as one of the gangsters fell to his death, according to the police investigation report, it was not the gangster who shot and killed Ben Parker.

But the gangster who slipped away under his nose!

When he knew the news, it was already too late, the gangster had completely disappeared, and because of this, the grief that was hard to let go has completely turned into his inner demon!

And now the gangster has appeared again. Although his body has been deserted, Peter can recognize the outline of his facial features even if they have turned to ashes!

Violent emotions surged in his heart, and thoughts of murder flooded his mind. He, who had already embraced the darkness, had completely lost his original innocence and kindness.

Blood for blood, and a tooth for a tooth are his current rules of conduct.

Putting on the spider suit and looking at himself in the mirror, Peter stood there for a while, then jumped down from the window in an instant, and quickly rushed into the distance in the high-rise buildings!

At the same time, on a certain street, the entire street has been completely blocked, and a steady stream of police forces rushed to the scene to support, and William was completely trapped here!

At this time, the police station had used heavy firepower, and several rockets dragged their tail flames and bombarded William's body and exploded completely.

With the bursts of explosions, the fire engulfed his body, and the raging fire suddenly burned on his sandy body!

For a time, a strong pain flooded into William's mind, making him go crazy, and this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the money that William robbed is also completely destroyed by the raging flames at this moment. engulfed!

Seeing the flames burning on the money box, William's heart suffered a heavy blow.

Compared with physical pain, mental pain is more difficult to accept!

In William's eyes, the burning money box is burning her daughter's life!

Immediately, William was completely angry, and his anger rose in his heart. Looking at the police officers in all directions, William's body suddenly filled with a cold killing intent!

"Ah! You're all going to die!"

With a roar, William no longer showed mercy, and instantly set off a boundless sandstorm on the spot!

Before, he only wanted to escape from this place, so although the police station suffered a loss, it was not a big loss.

But now, with William's rage, murderous intentions arose, and many police officers at the scene immediately fell **** mildew.

The sandstorm was like a sharp knife at the moment, blowing across the surface of their bodies in an instant.

Those who are shrouded in sand and wind are like being tortured by thousands of knives, and every inch of flesh and blood on their bodies is slashed alive!


"My God! What is this!"

"Damn! Oh, no, don't!"


A wailing sounded in the wind and sand, and many police officers on the scene were all caught in the howls of ghosts and wolves.

But in just a few minutes, the sandstorm stopped, and the sound of gunfire at the scene also stopped.

Looking around, the whole scene has completely turned into a purgatory on earth. The bodies of countless police officers fell to the ground, and each body was **** and not human at all.

Not only that, all the police cars parked here are completely scrapped at this moment. The police cars are full of countless scratches that can be seen deep in the bone, and these are all left by that sandstorm!

This is true even for vehicles, not to mention the human body.

With the annihilation of all the police officers at the scene, the desertified William also regained his human form at this moment.

Without looking at the purgatory-like scene on earth, William stared blankly at the flames rising into the sky, looking at the money box that had been completely burnt to ashes, and his expression was extremely numb!

The money is gone, what about her daughter's illness?

Go ahead and rob a bank? With what happened today, the next thing he will face is the pursuit from the Stars and Stripes Federation. Even if he has super powers, can he fight against a country?

William never felt that way. Although he was just an ordinary person before, he had heard too many extraordinary people in news reports. 620

They rose like comets, became famous in the Star Stripe Federation, and fell like meteors, disappearing quickly.

Transcendents have appeared one after another, but the Stars and Stripes Federation has remained standing.

So the first robbery was the easiest time for him to get it, and it was also the best chance.

If you want to rob in the future, things will not be so easy.

Besides, his daughter is dying now, is there still time for him to rob him a second time? And who can guarantee that the money grabbed the second time will not be turned into fly ash like the first time!

Because of this, William was completely lost.

And just when he was confused, a figure was rippling rapidly between the tall buildings in the distance. As his figure passed by, the people of New York City suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, Spider-Man is here!"

"We are saved!"

"Spider-Man, kill that monster!"


The people shouted, as if they had returned to the era when Spider-Man protected the city.

As the saying goes, only after losing can they know how to cherish. Without the existence of Spider-Man, they realized what they lost.

It's a pity that the former Spider-Man will never come back. What appears now is just a revenge spider full of revenge flames! .

Chapter 127: Fury's Desire for William (2 more for subscription)


A gust of wind whistled from behind William.

There was a faint explosion in the air!

Peter, who rushed to the scene, immediately locked his eyes on the figure with his back turned to him.

Although he didn't see his face, his super spider senses allowed him to instantly judge that this person's identity was the one he was looking for!

Therefore, Peter didn't even say hello, and jumped down from the sky directly, stepping on William with one foot.

With the movement behind him, William, who was originally confused, reacted in an instant. The remaining burst of killing intent resurfaced. He suddenly turned around, his body quickly sanded, and he turned into a giant in the form of quicksand. back!


With one punch and one kick, they collided fiercely in mid-air. One of them was bent on revenge, and the other was bent on venting. Now that they collided, it was as if the thunder of the sky stirred the fire of the earth, and they were entangled in an instant!

William in the form of quicksand is not weak, but Peter's strength should not be underestimated. As the two continued to collide, there was a sudden loud noise in the air.

The whole battle scene looked very intense for a while!

At this moment, three hundred meters away from the two, a host and a cameraman were desperately broadcasting the battle live.

It can be seen that their expressions are very frightened, but they still stand firmly on the front line and broadcast the scene to the people of the entire New York City.

"Hello everyone, there was a robbery at a bank in our city this morning. The perpetrator was an extraordinary person with extraordinary abilities."

"This gangster is extremely vicious. Not only did he commit the crime of robbing a bank, but he also resisted arrest and assaulted the police. You can see the messy scene behind me and the corpses all over the floor!"

"All of this is the masterpiece of this monster. Just when we thought that evil was about to defeat justice, the former Spider-Man appeared and fought the monster 々'!"

"Spider-Man, come on, you must not let him go!"

The hostess spoke in a trembling tone, but her words were still clear, showing good professionalism.

The scene was broadcast to the New York City public.

For a time, many people sitting in front of the TV cheered for Spider-Man, completely forgetting what they did to Peter at the beginning.

Peter doesn't know anything about these, and even if he does, he won't take it to heart.

For Fury, who was watching TV, the scene of the battle between the two finally made the idea that had just sprouted in his heart completely firmed.

Pull William into his upcoming super team!

The existence of the Dark Alliance, for Fury, is already in the throat. If the Dark Alliance cannot be eradicated one day, he will not be able to rest in peace!

And if you want to eradicate the Dark Alliance, you must have absolutely powerful power, and it is far from enough to rely on Tony alone.

So in the face of William, the new superhuman, Fury was instantly tempted.

As for the crimes that William had committed before, as long as he can use it for himself, then he should not know it.

Such an idea is very cruel, but such an idea is also a reality. The proportion occupied by people will always be unequal. At least in Fury's view, hundreds of police officers are not equal to one William.

Having made a decision in his heart, Fury immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his subordinates.

"Have you read today's news? There was a bank robbery in New York City just now. I'll give you 20 minutes. I want to see all the information about the robber!"

"Remember, it's all!"

He ordered things in a cold tone, and without waiting for the person on the other end of the phone to answer, Fury hung up the phone directly.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes never left the TV screen, and he was watching the TV closely, Peter and William who were fighting on the screen.

As the battle went on, the battle scenes on TV became more and more intense, and the fighting methods of Peter and William were constantly escalating. At this moment, the two sides had expanded the battlefield to the entire street.

Of course, these are not the target points that Fury is concerned about. What Fury is concerned about is the strength displayed by William and Peter.

Needless to say, Peter, Fury has long known about him, and S.H.I.E.L.D. had tried to arrest him at the time. If Richard hadn’t stabbed him horizontally, maybe Peter would have been in S.H.I.E.L.D. now.

So Fury focused on William.

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