After arriving here, Richard's thoughts moved, and a claw shadow suddenly emerged from the ground.

Looking at him, Richard's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he directly opened the jar in his hand.

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Chapter 130: Join SHIELD (5 more for subscription)

Earlier, William was melted by Peter using running water and sank into the ground.

But just as Richard had expected, William, who sank into the ground, quickly reunited after overcoming the difficulties at the beginning.

William, who had recovered his human form, didn't bother to go to Peter anymore. After some venting, he was able to control his emotions, and now Kasha is still in the hospital waiting for him to rescue, he has no time to waste.

Therefore, after returning to his human form, he turned into quicksand again, walked through the ground, and quickly headed for the hospital.

Although he did not raise medical expenses this time, he already had new ideas at this moment.

Since you can't solve the medical expenses yourself, find a way to solve the hospital!

As a saying goes, if you can't solve the trouble, solve the troublemaker.

In less than half an hour, William's figure appeared in the alley next to the "Twenty Zero" hospital. After walking out of the alley, William walked quickly into the hospital.

When he came to the door of the ward, a smile quickly appeared on his face. In front of his daughter, as a father, he must not show any tired gestures, especially at this time.

So after sorting out his emotions, William pushed open the door of the ward.

But the next second, the scene in the ward instantly froze him.

The entire ward was cleaned up, and the daughter who was lying on the hospital bed disappeared.

Watching this scene, a bolt from the blue flashed in William's mind, and he was completely stunned in place.

After he reacted, William rushed to the doctor's office as if going crazy, shouting, "Where's my daughter! Where's my daughter!"

As the doors of a group of offices were kicked open by William, several doctors inside were instantly startled.

Before they could ask, William's growl rang in their ears.

"Where's my daughter!"

His voice was like thunder, and everyone was dizzy. Combined with the hideous look on his face, several doctors in the office were shocked.

Fortunately, a doctor responded in time at the critical moment and spoke quickly.

"Your daughter was picked up by a woman, they said it was your daughter's mother, and they said they were going to transfer her, just 20 minutes ago."

"By the way, she also left a phone number for you to call her when you come back."

As he spoke, the doctor handed over a note, and William grabbed it when he saw it, only to see a string of Arabic numerals on the note, and nothing else.

Without any hesitation, William turned around and left, left the hospital directly to a phone booth on the street, and dialed the number left on the note.

With a busy tone, the phone was quickly connected, and a man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello William Baker, you are three minutes later than I expected, but it doesn't matter. Prepare, my people will bring you to see your daughter."

Hearing this, William's vicious voice suddenly sounded, "Where is my daughter? What have you done to her? If she loses a cold hair, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

William's irritable tone sounded, and the man on the other end of the phone suddenly let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry, your daughter is fine now, at least it's better than following you. You'll know when you arrive."

After speaking, the phone was hung up from the other end, and William put the phone back to its original position with a gloomy expression.

A minute later, a black car stopped beside him.

Seeing this, William didn't hesitate, just sat on it.

The driver was an expressionless black man, and William looked at him with naked murderous intent in his eyes.

But considering Kai'Sa, he could only forcibly suppress this killing intent.

As someone who lives on the dark side of the world, William never minds speculating about others with the most malicious gestures.

I don’t even believe that there are really good people in the world who don’t want anything.

Therefore, without seeing Kai'Sa for such a moment, the killing intent in William's heart would not subside for a moment.

The car drove slowly on the street, and soon after passing through the bustling and lively city, it came to a quiet city.

The traffic here is sparse and the environment is quiet, which is a rare scene in New York City.

And as the car continued to shuttle in this urban area, soon, the black car stopped in front of a hospital.

This hospital is far more upscale than the hospital where William stayed before. If nothing else, the buildings outside are several levels higher.

Seeing this scene, William, who had been worried all the time, suddenly felt a little relieved in his heart, and realized something in his heart. He followed the black driver into the hospital without saying a word...

William didn't care too much about the luxury of this hospital. At this moment, he just wanted to see his daughter as soon as possible.

Soon, after the two entered the hospital building, William finally met Kaisha at the door of a ward.

Looking at Kai'Sa lying on the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully, William's heart completely fell back to his stomach at this moment.

At the same time, until this moment, William had no time to look at the environment in the ward.

It was clean and bright. This was the first impression that the entire ward gave William. Not only that, but there was only one bed in this ward, and there was also a small living room, giving it a very upscale feeling.

From this, it can be seen that this hospital is not simple.

And just as William was looking at the ward environment, Fury also walked in from outside the ward at this time, looked at William's back and said, "Hello, we talked on the phone before."

As Fury spoke, William turned his head to look at Fury for the first time, and also heard that Fury was the person who had spoken to him before.

"Tell me what you want me to do for you."

Simply and directly cutting into the subject, William looked at Fury with a serious look.

William has never read any books, but he understands a truth. There is no hatred for no reason in the world, and there is no love for no reason. What you get must be paid.

Listening to his words, Fury suddenly laughed 3.2, it seemed that things went better than he thought, and since that was the case, he didn't need to be polite.

"I want you to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and do things for me. In return, I will invite the best doctor to treat your daughter's illness."

"Even if it is possible, I will cure her completely, and you, just follow my orders, is there a problem?"

William shook his head and took a deep look at Fury, "As long as you don't mind my past, I'm willing to be at your command."

Hearing this, Fury slowly stretched out his hand. William saw this and stretched out his hand. The two of them held their hands tightly together, and the deal was concluded!

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Chapter 113: The Birth of a New Venom (1 more for subscription)

Just when Fury persuaded William to join S.H.I.E.L.D., Richard's experiment in the Dark Alliance on the other side also began.

The venom that escaped the predicament landed directly on Claw Shadow, and the two were almost effortlessly merged together.

Black and black are constantly intertwined, and the venom multiply rapidly, gradually covering the entire claw shadow, and the shape of the claw shadow begins to gradually change.

Richard watched this scene silently, a glimmer of anticipation flashing in his eyes.

With the passage of time, after a few minutes, the appearance of the claw shadow has been completely changed.

At this moment, his stature has reached a height of three meters, and his scarlet eyes have become slender and long. His originally slender figure has now become extraordinarily strong, and the pair of sharp claws on his hands seem to be plated with A layer of black paint, completely turned black.

Just after all these changes were completed, a crack suddenly appeared on Claw Shadow's face, and the crack spread to both cheeks, and finally turned into a **** mouth full of fangs!

The tongue like a snake letter descended from the corner of the mouth, making a hissing sound.

Seeing this change, a strange color flashed in Richard's eyes, and his mind moved, trying to control the changed claw shadow.


But the claw shadow, who has always been obedient, suddenly showed a hint of resistance at this moment, and a strong roar suddenly came out of his mouth, instantly making people feel goosebumps all over.

Although Richard was not affected in any way, the brows on his face were still slightly wrinkled.

He wants to strengthen the Sombra Corps, but he doesn't want to strengthen a Sombra Corps that is out of control. If it can't be used by himself, then there is no need for such a Sombra Corps to exist.

Thinking silently in his heart, Richard suddenly shouted, "Go back!"

After the words fell, the claw shadow that was possessed by the venom instantly trembled violently, and at the same time, the figure began to merge into the ground little by little.

But compared to the nature of the past, this time it was extremely difficult, as if facing some obstacles.

When this scene fell in Richard's eyes, Richard couldn't help shaking his head. What he was most worried about still happened. The claw shadow possessed by venom was no longer recognized by the shadow army, and even returned to the shadow. The kingdom can't do it.

At this moment, a hoarse, gloomy, evil-filled words suddenly came out of Claw Shadow's mouth.

"what did you do to me?"

"Why do I feel like I'm being assimilated?"

"What kind of creature is this, ah!"

Claw Shadow asked one after another, but Richard's eyes lit up instantly, because these words were not said by Claw Shadow, but by Venom!

Richard keenly captured the key words in Venom's words, assimilation!

Suddenly, Richard, who had planned to give up, rekindled hope in his heart.

He didn't speak anymore, and silently watched the scene in front of him.

As time passed, Venom became more and more painful, and the terrifying roar filled the entire training room. Right now, he seemed to suffer unbearable pain!

Ten minutes later, Richard, who was waiting quietly, instantly burst into two bright lights, and a smile full of joy suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw the various changes on the claw shadow in front of me, and with the passage of time, it changed back to the original again.

The venom was completely integrated into Claw Shadow's body, as if it had never existed.

And Richard's control of the claw shadow in front of him has returned to his previous state of arm command.

When its form completely changed into its original form, Richard suddenly laughed, and the laughter was full of fun.

Black Shadow Corps, as a product born from darkness, their strength may not be the strongest, but their dark will is definitely the strongest.

And the fusion of venom and claw shadow, to put it bluntly, is the confrontation of the two people's consciousness, whoever can gain the upper hand, whoever can control a body!

But now, Venom has obviously failed, not only his own will has been assimilated, but even his body has been completely absorbed by the Shadow Corps!

This also means that Richard's experiment was successful, and the symbiote's plan to strengthen the Shadow Corps is indeed feasible!

Thinking of this, Richard's thoughts moved, and ten claw shadows appeared next to him again, and then the next second, ten claw shadows simultaneously launched an attack on the strengthened claw shadows.

As the so-called actual combat is the best test field, I am very curious about how strong the venom has improved the strength of the claw shadow.


As an attacking warrior, the strength of the claw shadow should not be underestimated, especially after the ten claw shadows cooperated, its combat power increased exponentially!

But at the moment when they launched the attack, the strengthened claw shadow suddenly moved!

His speed was obviously twice as fast as the ordinary blink of an eye. The moment he launched the attack, the naked eye of ordinary people couldn't catch it at all, and even Richard could barely keep up.

Under Richard's gaze, the ten ordinary claw shadows didn't have time to launch any attacks, and the strengthened claw shadows directly pierced the heads of ten of them with the force of their claws!

During the whole process, the ten ordinary claw shadows had no resistance at all. This was no longer a battle, but a one-sided slaughter!

As the ten claw shadows dissipated into the air, the strengthened claw shadows suddenly stood silently in place.

Seeing this, Richard nodded in satisfaction.

It didn't cost him so much to capture the venom, the symbiote's ability did not disappoint him.

603 Although the battle just lasted only a moment, the process and results of the battle have already explained the problem.

In terms of individual strength, the strength of the claw shadow in front of him is not weaker than Peter's, and his attack power is even stronger than Peter's!

Such strength is naturally nothing to Richard, but this is just a claw shadow.

If all the soldiers of the Sombra Corps are strengthened by the symbiote, what else in this world can stop them?

Thinking of this, Richard's mood was a little more cheerful.

Looking at the claw shadow standing quietly in front of him, he was silent for a while, and then he gave him a name and said, "From today, you are the new venom!"

Richard said to himself, Venom did not express any opinion on this, his existence is to serve Richard, let alone name, even let him commit suicide now.

After leaving a memorial to his masterpiece, Richard ordered Venom to return to the Kingdom of Shadows.

This time, Venom was no longer rejected by the Shadow Kingdom, and smoothly integrated into the ground.

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