With a response, Jarvis quickly connected Fury's phone, and Fury's voice instantly rang inside the steel suit.

"How's the battle on your side?"

Hearing this, Tony, who had just stabilized his emotions, was instantly angry and cursed, "Didn't you say there is a way to deal with that monster? Where is your way?"

"That monster almost knocked me out with one punch just now. If you don't think of anything else, I'll quit!"

Tony, who was out of control, complained frantically, while Fury, who was on the other end of the phone, said calmly after listening: "Hold on, my solution will come soon!"

"Contain him for the time being, don't fight him head-on, that's all, I still have something to do, I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, Fury simply hung up the phone neatly, which again attracted Tony to scolded for a while: "Fake!"

On the other side, in the Dark Alliance, after blowing Tony with a punch, Hulk went straight downstairs without being idle.

Similarly, Doctor Destruction and Doctor Octopus quickly followed.

As for the scientific researchers of the Dark Alliance, they belong to non-combat units. In the face of this situation, they only need to protect themselves, so they did not mix this matter.


When the three of Doctor Doom came to the lobby on the first floor, the battle in the lobby had completely entered the white-hot stage.

The individual strength of the Sombra Corps is far less than that of Mephisto and others, but with the cooperation between the three Corps, the speed of the ghosts, and the almost limitless number, the Sombra Corps completely makes Mephisto Tuo and others were caught in the quagmire of war, unable to move.

Each of them has to face attacks from all directions every second. The giant shadow acts as a meat shield, standing at the front, bearing all their damage!

The claw shadows are assassins, constantly wandering around them. Whenever they are not paying attention, they will suddenly launch a surprise attack, making everyone angry.


The most leisurely and comfortable ones are the Sombra Ninjas. As the only ones who can use long-range means among the three major corps, they are completely surrounded by the outermost of the battle group. Stowe and others!

Although the attack power of the cross is slightly insufficient, the harassment ability is definitely first-class. Therefore, with the cooperation of these three major corps, Mephisto and others are completely trapped in the hall on the first floor, unable to rush into the upper floor at all!

For a time, everyone was angry and anxious, especially William, whose situation was the most embarrassing right now.

He is immune to all physical attacks, and can break through the blockade of the Black Shadow Corps with the ability of sandification, but his strength alone is not enough to deal with the three Doctors of Destruction, so he can be said to be walking or not. , can only accompany everyone to dry in situ.

However, this situation was completely changed with the arrival of the three Doctors of Destruction.

At the moment when the three of Doctor Doom appeared, Mephisto and others noticed the arrival of the three for the first time, mainly because Hulk's figure was too conspicuous, making it difficult for people to not pay attention.

Immediately, the expressions of Mephisto and others changed one after another, and their expressions instantly became solemn.

Before the Shadow Corps held them back, but the lack of attack power could not help them, but with the addition of Doctor Doom, the lack of attack power was instantly made up, and this meant that Mephisto, etc. The good days of man are over!

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Chapter 16 The Hulk disappeared (4 more for subscription)

Sure enough, just as Mephisto and the others thought, when the three of Doctor Doom came to the lobby on the first floor and saw them surrounded by the Shadow Corps, they would naturally not miss such an opportunity to get down.

In an instant, the four mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Octopus seemed to come alive, shuttled through the crowd of the Shadow Corps, and nailed Steven.

Originally, Steven had just blocked Claw Shadow's attack with his shield, and before he could catch his breath, he heard a whistling sound from behind him. The hairs all over his body stood up suddenly.

Dangerous warning signs flooded his mind instantly, causing his expression to change suddenly.

At the moment, Steven said nothing, raised the shield in his hand, and turned around quickly. The next second, a mechanical tentacle slammed heavily on the "053" shield.


A burst of sound waves instantly returned to the battlefield, and Steven's hands became trembling at this moment, and this was just the beginning, don't forget that Doctor Octopus has four mechanical tentacles.

As the first mechanical tentacle launched an attack, the other three mechanical tentacles also launched attacks from three other directions in an instant.

Ordinary people would not be able to react to such an attack at all, but with his superb fighting skills, Steven used the shield in his hand to block waves of attacks continuously.

However, when Steven concentrated on facing the attack of Doctor Octopus, he didn't realize that a black shadow appeared under his feet!

The next second, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly appeared under Steven's feet, and a pair of sharp claws also launched an attack at this moment.

This scene came very suddenly, completely caught Steven by surprise, and concentrated on responding to the attack of Dr. Octopus. Before he could even react, Claw Shadow's sharp claws had penetrated his legs!

A tear-like pain rushed into his mind, even though Steven's will has always been firm, at this moment, because of the sudden pain, he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

At the moment when he was injured, Dr. Octopus keenly grasped the fighter plane, and the two mechanical tentacles directly lifted the shield in Steven's hand, and the remaining two slammed into Steven's hand. On Wen's chest!

Immediately, Steven's figure flew out and smashed directly into the wall behind him, and was finally covered under the ruins as the wall collapsed!

Before that, when Doctor Octopus and Steven were fighting, Doctor Doom and Hulk were not idle either!

Doctor Doom confronted Mephisto again, and the two fought magic against magic, and the various attacks were dazzling!

Hulk is one to two, and single-handedly takes on William and Johnny!

With the unparalleled defense and huge strength, William and Johnny joined forces, not only could not gain the upper hand in the battle, but were completely suppressed by the Hulk!

William's body was constantly shattered by the Hulk, and the whole person was completely maintained in a state of balance between being broken and reborn.

Not to mention Johnny. Although Hellfire is powerful, it cannot break through Hulk's defense, and his stunt Soul Eye, because it has never been able to approach Hulk, can't play a role at all, so the whole person Completely in a state of being hanged by Hulk.

If it weren't for his extremely strong body in the form of an evil spirit, I'm afraid the bones on his body would have been dismantled many times by the Hulk.

In general, the operation of the extraordinary team this time almost completely ended in failure, in which Hulk solved the three people of the extraordinary team by himself, and finally the situation completely collapsed.

For the situation on the battlefield, Doctor Doom and Mephisto naturally saw it in their eyes. Mephisto looked anxious, but couldn't help at all.

Doctor Doom, on the other hand, had a smile on his face, a look of victory on his face.

Just when he thought the battle would end in victory for the Dark Alliance.

A woman, under the **** of Natasha and Hawkeye, stepped into the headquarters of the Dark Alliance and appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

Betty looked at the chaotic battlefield, and her eyes were full of shock. As an ordinary person, it was the first time she had come into contact with the battlefield between superhumans at such a close distance, so the shock it brought to her could be imagined.

However, there was not much time for her to be shocked at the moment. Natasha, who was standing beside her, looked at the situation on the field and urged her: "Ms. Betty, don't forget the purpose of your trip, act quickly. !"

As soon as these words came out, Betty woke up, and Betty nodded in a panic, her eyes quickly swept across the battlefield, and soon fell on Hulk......

The next call came from Betty's mouth, "Bruce!"

Betty's voice seemed a little inaudible on the chaotic battlefield, but Hulk, who was in a fighting state, suddenly stopped what he was doing at the moment Betty's voice sounded, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

Suddenly Betty's figure jumped directly into his eyes!

Hulk was stunned for a moment, looking at Betty standing on the periphery of the battlefield, his eyes were full of surprise and panic.

The interweaving of the two emotions made Hulk's eyes extremely complicated, and William and Johnny, who were originally overwhelmed, also took this opportunity to gain a certain respite.

Looking at the Hulk with his back to them, fear flashed in their eyes at the same time, but they did not launch a surprise attack at this moment.

It's not that they don't want to attack, but Hulk's unparalleled defense makes them unable to attack at all, and it may even make Hulk turn his attention to them again, so the two naturally won't act stupidly. .

Instead, he took this opportunity to quickly rush to other battlefields to help.

Without the Hulk's restraint, Johnny came to Mephisto's side, while Sandman went to deal with Doctor Octopus.

Such a scene suddenly made Doctor Doom a little furious. 3.2 said: "Bruce, what are you doing!"

Doctor Doom called out loudly, but at the moment Hulk only had Betty in his eyes, completely shielding his other senses from the outside world, so he didn't respond.

At this moment, Betty also said gently to Hulk: "Bruce, can you go home with me, I'll go and beg my father, he will definitely find a way to help you!"

While speaking, Betty approached Hulk a little bit. Although she tried her best to be very calm, judging from her slightly trembling body, it was obvious that she was still a little scared of Hulk!

But all of this is not a problem in Hulk's eyes. Instead, when Betty said the sentence to take him home, it instantly hit the softest part of Hulk's heart. Suddenly, Hulk disappeared and Bruce reappeared. in front of everyone.

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Chapter 161 The reversal of the situation (1 more for subscription)

Chapter 161 Reversed Situation

Bruce slowly approached Betty with a touch of excitement and surprise, and Betty greeted him with a smile, everything looked beautiful.

Seeing this, Natasha also had a smile on her face and turned to look at the battlefield.

In the battlefield, Doctor Doom looked at Bruce who had changed back to his original state, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

During this time, he has been teaching Bruce, so Bruce's betrayal at this moment is also the one who hurts the most.

As for Doctor Octopus, his gaze towards Bruce has become extremely cold at this moment. He hates betrayers, especially at this critical moment!

Without the Hulk's restraint, the 26 extraordinary team instantly liberated two powerful fighting forces!

Mephisto and Johnny joined forces, and Doctor Doom suddenly began to retreat!

Even with the help of the Shadow Corps, Doctor Doom is unable to stop Mephisto and Johnny at this moment. One of them is the demon lord of hell, and the other is a fusion of the evil spirit Zatanos. Doctor Doom is worth two, but now he can't!

On the other hand, the situation of Dr. Octopus is not much better. The Sandman is completely immune to physical attacks. Although Dr. Octopus' attacks blasted big holes in him, he recovered in a blink of an eye, and he did not suffer any damage at all!

Moreover, Steven, who was hit hard before, also crawled out of the ruins at this moment. His super physical fitness has recovered most of the injuries he suffered before, and the impact on the combat power is negligible.

Picking up his shield and looking at Dr. Octopus who was entangled with the Sandman, Steven took the opportunity and threw the shield in his hand instantly!


A sonic boom suddenly sounded, and Dr. Octopus, who was entangled with the sand man, instantly felt a strong wind coming straight to the back of his head!

In an instant, Dr. Octopus was startled, and quickly recalled the mechanical tentacles to protect himself, and the next second, a loud bang exploded!

The vibrating gold shield slammed into Dr. Octopus's mechanical tentacles at high speed, and Dr. Octopus immediately flew upside down. It can be seen how powerful the shield is!

And at the moment when Dr. Octopus was hit and flew, William keenly grasped the fighter plane. Almost at the moment when Dr. Octopus flew upside down, William quickly launched an attack!

A gust of sand rolled up in an instant, and the gravel hummed in the air. At this moment, William's whole person completely turned into a small sandstorm, full of terrifying destructive power!

The surrounding shadow corps couldn't dodge in time, and they were instantly involved in the sandstorm and were torn to pieces on the spot, and the four mechanical tentacles that Dr. Octopus had always been proud of had completely lost their defensive effect in the face of the sandstorm.

The gravel directly broke through the defense of the mechanical tentacles, and instantly cut on the body of Doctor Octopus.

Dr. Octopus, who was wrapped in the center by the mechanical tentacles, quickly showed dense bloodstains at 530 speed, and the whole person looked extremely miserable.


With a loud bang, Doctor Octopus instantly smashed into the ground, and his figure was covered under the ground.

William also recovered his true body at this moment, and his face was faintly pale. It was obvious that he had spent a lot of time in maintaining such a violent attack just now.

At this moment, Steven came to William's side, looked at Dr. Octopus buried in the ruins, and couldn't help but whispered, "Is he dead?"

Hearing this, William shook his head, his face still solemn, "It's not that easy."

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Chapter 162 Richard Arrives (1 more for subscription)

At this moment, outside the Dark Alliance, Tony's figure quickly fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground, making a huge movement, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present!

And Tony was also looking around the audience at this moment, the mask on his face fell off instantly, and a whistle was blowing in his mouth.

"Hey! It looks like I'm late? Where's the big idiot? Did you guys solve it?"

As he spoke, Tony showed a curious look on his face, and after listening to the audience, everyone's eyes instantly focused on Bruce.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Tony's eyes also fell on Bruce, looking at Bruce with a nerdy temperament, Tony couldn't help but stay for a while.

"Don't tell me, this is the monster just now, it's too strange."

Tony said in a playful tone, but his eyes were full of icy light.

He didn't forget the scene where he was blown away by a punch just now!

Looking at Tony's expression, Natasha's expression suddenly changed slightly, and she was quickly separated between Tony and Bruce. Although she didn't say a word, her actions showed her attitude.

Upon seeing this, Tony's brows furrowed together, obviously dissatisfied with Natasha's apparent behavior of covering up Bruce.

However, Tony didn't suffer from this. Although he was arrogant, he was not a fool. It was a good thing to have one less powerful opponent now, so he didn't keep an eye on it.

Instead, he turned his attention to Doctor Doom who was struggling to support, and Doctor Octopus who was struggling to get up from the ruins and said: "The destruction of the Dark Alliance is a foregone conclusion, you two might as well abandon the darkness and join my extraordinary team, why bother Continue to persevere."

Tony opened his mouth to persuade him to surrender, his tone full of victorious gestures.

For Doctor Octopus and Doctor Destruction, to be honest, Tony is very moved. After all, no one does not like talents.

Including everyone from S.H.I.E.L.D., if Tony can persuade Doctor Doom and Doctor Octopus to surrender, they are absolutely happy to see it happen.

Therefore, for Tony's words, the SHIELD people did not open their mouths to stop them.

Hearing this, Doctor Doom in the battle didn't even look at Tony, and ignored him directly. As for Doctor Octopus, he just climbed out of the ruins. Although he was in a mess, his arrogant aura was still there. filled his mind.

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