This is Richard's first visit to S.H.I.E.L.D., but the Shadow Corps had invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. long ago.

It was also from that time that S.H.I.E.L.D. stepped up its defenses, but all their defenses were useless against Richard.

Because this time, Richard intends to enter it openly.

Therefore, after stepping into the elevator, Richard directly withdrew his hidden figure and stood generously in front of the camera in the elevator.

And just as Richard appeared, an alarm sounded from within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Attention to all staff, target No. 1 appears in S.H.I.E.L.D., repeat, target No. 1 appears in S.H.I.E.L.D., please prepare for battle!"

It is the semi-intelligent computer inside S.H.I.E.L.D. that is not easily turned on on weekdays, but will be activated once it is in combat readiness.

As for the No. 1 target in its mouth, it naturally refers to Richard.

In this operation, Richard is the main target of S.H.I.E.L.D. In comparison, Jin Bingdu can only rank second!

Listening to the icy electronic voice, the expressions of all the personnel inside SHIELD changed one after another, and Fury, who was hiding in the deepest part of SHIELD, also changed his face at this moment!

"Damn, why is he here? What about the people from the extraordinary team?"

"Give me the person to contact the extraordinary team!"

Fury gave an order quickly, and the technician beside him acted immediately, and Fury's eyes were fixed on the monitoring screen, Richard's figure, his face was gloomy and terrible.

Richard's presence here gave him a bad association, especially at this critical moment!

Now that the two sides are in a state of battle, Richard appears in the S.H.I.E.L.D. openly. Does he not care about the reaction of the Stars and Stripes Federation at all?


In any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to the official department, and you can fight it secretly, but once you force it on the surface, it is almost the same as betraying the Starstripe Federation?

Thinking of this, Fury didn't dare to think about it anymore, just stared at Richard's actions in the picture.

At this moment, in the picture, Richard looked up at the monitor with a smile on his face, and the next second his mouth wriggled as if he was saying something.

Seeing this scene, Fury's heart tensed, and he quickly said: "Let's put his words out, I want to know what he said!"


The technician replied, his hands quickly flew on the keyboard, and soon Richard's voice came out of the computer.


"Fury, I know you're here, give you three minutes for the real body to come out to see me, or I'll bloodbath the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

Richard's tone seemed very calm, not like a threat, but more like telling a fact.

After listening to it, Fury's face suddenly became extremely ugly. As for Richard's intelligence, Fury did not investigate much, but there was one thing that Fury knew very well, and Richard did what he said.

He is definitely not a soft-hearted person, and he also has that ability.

At the moment, Fury could only say in a deep voice, "Open the elevator and bring him in!"

Hearing this, the technician's face changed, and he was about to say something, but the next second, Fury had already slammed, "Do as I say!"

When the words fell, the technician was shocked, and immediately started to control the elevator down.

In the elevator, feeling the elevator that started to run, Richard's mouth suddenly evoked a smile.

It didn't take long for the elevator to descend, and it soon came to the deepest part of S.H.I.E.L.D. With a ding dong, the elevator door slowly opened. Richard looked around and saw Fury standing at the door.

And just when Richard looked at Fury, Fury's eyes also fell on Richard.

Neither of the two spoke, and a depressing atmosphere slowly filled the air.

Although the two collided more than once before, it was the first time they met.

[Don't be angry, why don't I sing a song for you? It's been a long time since I sang...] Shi.

Chapter 170 What is despair (3 more for subscription)

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Fury took the initiative and said, "What are you doing here?"

This is his biggest concern right now.

But listening to this, Richard did not answer, but walked behind Fury on his own.

Richard has been curious about the legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally doesn't mind visiting.

Looking at Richard's demeanor, although Fury's face was still not good-looking, he didn't say much, but just followed Richard quietly.

The members of S.H.I.E.L.D. not far away saw this scene, and their eyes were protruding.

They are just ordinary members of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the past, the targets they contacted, whether it was a warlord or a terrorist leader, as long as they entered S.H.I.E.L.D., they were not afraid.

Right now, Richard, the No. 1 target of S.H.I.E.L.D., is now wandering around the S.H.I.E.L.D. "997" Bureau like a garden, visiting around, and their director is still behind him.

Therefore, it caused a great impact to the members of SHIELD who did not know the inside story!

Although everyone was very puzzled by this scene, there was no such idiot who jumped out and said anything.

Maybe their strength is not strong, but they are all elites among ordinary people, otherwise they would not be able to enter SHIELD, and naturally know when to speak and when not to speak.

Immediately, with the arrival of Richard, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. completely quieted down. Wherever Richard passed, members of S.H.I.E.L.D. gave way one after another, as if a leader inspected.

Finally, after turning the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. over and over, Richard shook his head in disappointment, and then turned to look at Fury behind him.

At this moment, Fury's mood has completely stabilized. Seeing Richard turn around, Fury's eyes suddenly froze and waited silently.

Seeing his appearance, Richard smiled, and then said, "Don't be so nervous, I'm not a man-eating tiger."

Hearing this, Fury's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but complain: "I want to face tigers more than face you."

Thinking silently in my heart, Fury's mood gradually relaxed.

He could see that Richard really didn't have much hostility, otherwise he would have done it long ago.

At the moment, Fury's heart moved and he asked, "What about my extraordinary team?"

Hearing this, Richard pretended to be thinking, and then smiled casually: "The guy with a shield seems to be killed by me, and the guy whose body turns into sand was burned to death by me."

"As for the rest, they all joined my Dark Alliance."

Richard said in a relaxed tone, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, and when Fury listened to Richard's words, he couldn't help but mention it when he was just relaxed.

After Richard finished speaking, Fury was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, and his face instantly turned red!

God knows how much effort he has spent to form an extraordinary team, and now the first battle after its establishment is completely ruined!

At this point, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Fury's mouth!

At the moment, Fury's footsteps could not help but become a little swaying, and there were faint signs of instability.

Richard looked at this scene, a look of innocence flashed on his face, and he took a step back, spreading his hands to show that he did nothing.

The surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. members originally saw that Fury vomited blood and just planned to rush up, but Fury raised his hand and directly stopped everyone's movements.

With a slow sigh of turbidity in his mouth, Fury looked at Richard and said hoarsely: "Then what are you going to do when you come to SHIELD, do you plan to include even our SHIELD together?"

Hearing this, a bright smile appeared on Richard's face, and he asked, "Why not?"

As soon as these words came out, Fury was speechless in an instant. He was just an angry remark, but who knew that Richard would not play cards according to the routine.

At the moment, Fury's face couldn't help showing a sneer.

"Just you? S.H.I.E.L.D. is an official department, do you think the people above will sit by and watch you do something to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"I admit that you are indeed strong, and with the power of the Dark Alliance and your father, even my S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot match you."

"But if you think that you can match a country like this, then you underestimate the Federation of Stars and Stripes."

As Fury spoke, he stared closely at Richard to observe his reaction.

Don't look at the grandeur he said at the moment, but in fact it was nothing but Fury's helpless move.

The extraordinary team was destroyed. He lost a trump card in his hand. Without the power of the extraordinary team, it was only by how S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped Richard.

Although he still has a last resort, he can't quench his thirst from afar, so moving the background is his last resort......

And listening to Fury's threat, Richard's face suddenly filled with a strange color, and he couldn't help but say: "Although you have been acting quite rubbish, but I think the intelligence of SHIELD should do a good job. ."

"But now I suddenly feel that you are really worthless!"

Hearing this, a bad premonition instantly rose in Fury's heart, and Fury's face suddenly changed.

"What do you mean by that?"

As he spoke, Fury clenched his fists and stared at Richard.

And Richard didn't give a shit, and continued with a smile: "My forces are not only the Dark Alliance, but also the God of Life!"

Richard said word by word, his voice was not loud, but when it fell in Fury's ears, it exploded like a bomb!

The four characters of the God of Life kept echoing in Fury's mind, and Fury's face instantly became ugly to the extreme!

The Religion of Life, a new sect that rose from the upper classes of the Stars and Stripes Federation.

For such a sect, Fury, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was naturally concerned, and even dispatched special personnel to investigate the religion of life, but the results of the investigation ultimately yielded nothing.

Because the people who join the Life God Religion are very strict, they won't reveal the slightest information at all.

Fury wanted to let people enter the Religion of Life, but found that the standards for recruiting teachers in the Religion of Life were far beyond his imagination.

One of the most basic points is that the value of a businessman is more than 490 million. Those who are engaged in politics are either members of the big family, or they must reach the level of the governor, otherwise they cannot join it at all, not to mention, to join the religion of life, you also need life Personnel within the religion as a guarantee.

Such harsh conditions, strict standards, and ordinary means of detecting intelligence are useless at all, and even if an identity is forged, it cannot withstand detection at all.

After all, people who can reach a certain height are famous in both business and politics.

There is no way to pretend like this.

Later, Fury even wanted to use coercive means to investigate the Religion of Life in an official capacity, but before they could do it, they received a warning from the upper level, so the investigation of the Religion of Life could only be stopped.

And now, the Religion of Life is actually Richard's power!

Thinking of this, Fury couldn't help but despair!

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Chapter 171 The Pentagon Meeting (1 more for subscription)

Let him do all kinds of calculations, but in the face of Richard's absolute power, everything has fallen into ruins and is vulnerable.

Originally, Fury still had confidence in the top management of the Starstriped Federation, but the appearance of the Religion of Life completely shook his confidence, because according to his investigation, at least half of the top officials of the Federation had joined the Religion of Life.

In this way, Richard's desire to conquer S.H.I.E.L.D. is no longer a joke, but a real possibility.

For a time, Fury had no choice but to look at Richard with an ugly face.

Richard looked at him with the same smile on his face, and continued to speak calmly: "If you can call up the surveillance video of the Pentagon now, maybe you can watch a good show."

Richard's words made Fury's heart skip a beat, and Fury immediately turned his attention to the technicians beside him.

Looking at Fury's eyes, the technician reacted instantly, and his hands quickly tapped on the keyboard.

The Pentagon, as the highest authority in the Stars and Stripes Federation except for the White Palace, it is simply a dream for ordinary departments to obtain the monitoring of the Pentagon.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. is different. S.H.I.E.L.D. is the only department in the entire Star Jump Federation that is qualified to directly mobilize the monitoring of the Pentagon.

However, it is generally necessary to obtain the approval of the high-level before this operation can be carried out, but now Fury can no longer care about so much, and soon, the monitoring of the Pentagon will be enlarged on the screen by the technicians!

Inside the Pentagon, there is a certain venue. At this moment, it can be described as a gathering of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and many military generals are present.

Everyone sat quietly in the venue and waited quietly. After everyone was seated, on the high platform, the Minister of Defense, Rex Thad slowly stepped onto the high platform!

As Minister of Defense, Rex is definitely one of the most powerful people in the Stars and Stripes Federation.

With his appearance, the originally noisy venue suddenly quieted down. Everyone, whether they wanted to or not, turned their eyes to the high platform at this moment and made a gesture of listening carefully.

Vision hallucinations over the entire venue, and had a panoramic view of the more than 200 people present, Rex slowly opened his mouth and said.

"I'm calling you here today because there is a major event related to the national destiny of the Star Stripe Federation that requires your full help!"

"In recent years, extraordinary people have frequently made troubles, which has seriously threatened the safety of our people. As the Minister of Defense, I am ashamed of the people."

"In order to completely solve this matter, I decided to issue the superhuman decree. Superhumans in the Star Jump Federation must be supervised. Similarly, in order to wake up supernormal people, we also need to use thunderbolt for supernormal people who have devastated New York City during this period of time. Strike!"

"Next, I announce the target that needs to be hit this time!"

"The Dark Alliance, the superhuman organization in New York City, has also caused the turmoil in New York City in recent years, so the Dark Alliance must be eliminated!"

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