Chapter 199 No Banner, Only Banker (2 more for subscription)

"Okay, I see, I'll be there in a while."

Richard hung up the phone and jumped off the ledge.

In the last battle with S.H.I.E.L.D., Banner defected because of the appearance of Betty, and almost fought against the Dark Alliance.

This is a guy who gets carried away by love.

Afterwards, although Richard did not take Banner's life, he also handed Banner to Doctor Doom and others for research, and his crime was almost pronounced.

Doctor Doom, Tony and Doctor Octopus are all top scientists in the world.

There is a saying that scientists are lunatics.

A mutant who can move mountains and seas just by anger is in front of them, and the three lunatics are naturally overjoyed.

In the previous words, because Banner is also a member of the Dark Alliance, Doctor Doom's main research direction is to help Banner master the power of the Hulk Hao Ke.

And now, thanks to Banner's betrayal, there's nothing left of their camaraderie.

Especially Tony, he and Banner were hostile camps at the beginning, and now that Banner has become his research object, there will be no mercy.

The three lunatics started crazy research on the explosive power contained in Banner's body.

Since Tony said that there has been very good progress, it must be a breakthrough discovery in Banner's research.

Is it possible to replicate the power of the green fat?

At the beginning, Richard had the idea of ​​​​replicating the power of the green fat, but Doctor Doom denied it at the beginning.

It would be fun if it could be replicated.

After all, Lu Fatty had played against Thanos. Although he lost in the end, it also gave Thanos a taste of being beaten in the face.

Just think about it, a legion composed entirely of green fats, with millions of green fats rushing to kill the enemy, is enough to let him run wild in the universe.

Unfortunately, when Richard proposed this idea, it was rejected by Doctor Doom.

Probably there is only one green fat in the world, even if it is copied, it is flawed. The replica only has some of the power of the green fat, not all the power.

For Banner's strength, Richard is more fancy. If he can really control the green fat in his hands, the green fat will undoubtedly become his strongest thug. After all, the Mephisto at the beginning only faced the green fat. The part of fleeing.

Even Richard's gravitational force was forcibly broken free by Green Fatty.

It was now ten thirty in the evening. In order to avoid disturbing Jin Bing and Vanessa, Richard jumped out of the window, and his body turned into afterimages, wandering among the high-rise buildings.

A few minutes later, Richard appeared in the Carlo Building, and the figure appeared in the laboratory of Doctor Doom.

"Mr Richard!"

When Richard appeared, Doctor Doom was the first to find out, but Tony, who had just joined the Dark Alliance, was not surprised by Richard's elusiveness.

Richard nodded to the three of them and said, "Tell me, what's going on with Banner."

With that said, Richard looked at Banner lying on the experimental bench. No, it should be Green Fat at this time, because Banner is now in a state of transformation, but he closed his eyes and snored intermittently, as if he was asleep.

Doctor Doom was about to speak, but Tony was the first to say, "Mr. Richard, I am very sorry to tell you that there is no such person as Banner in the world."

Hearing this, Richard looked at the green fat again, obviously the vitality was extremely strong, and he didn't die.

Doctor Doom didn't care about Tony's words, and seeing Richard's puzzled expression, he explained: "Since we brought Banner back, he has been disheartened, as if he doesn't care about everything. , no matter what we asked him to do, he agreed unconditionally, and during the entire experimental research process, Banner did not have any resistance and was very cooperative."

At this time, Dr. Octopus said in a complicated tone: "Maybe he is ashamed of his previous betrayal."

Doctor Doom also sighed and continued: "Through Banner's various actions, we can feel that although Banner is still alive, his heart is dead, and he even asked me to kill him. In the end...I complied with his request, and in Banner's sleep, I wiped his soul with my own hands..."

"Since you have killed Banner, what is this?" Richard asked, pointing to the green fat on the experimental bench.

It stands to reason that Doctor Doom can't kill Banner. After all, Hulk doesn't want to die, but if Banner is bent on dying, it's another matter.

Dr. Doom walked to the experimental bench, but his eyes suddenly lit up, and said excitedly: "Just after erasing Banner's soul, we want to conduct an autopsy on his corpse. According to Tony's idea, we are going to give his body. Add artificial intelligence to try to control this body. But when I was about to dissect, I had a surprising discovery that a soul was born in Banner's body, and the power of this soul was very powerful, far stronger than Banner's The soul is more than ten thousand times stronger!"

When Richard heard the words, he immediately carefully captured Lu Fatty's soul power, and found that Lu Fatty's soul power was indeed very powerful, almost half of his own soul power.

"This is not Hulk's soul power!" Richard said suddenly.

Doctor Doom nodded and said: "Yes, I thought it was the soul behind the power hidden in Banner's body at first, but this power is very pure and has almost no impurities. As I said just now, this is a A new soul, a new soul."

"Then what about Hulk's soul, as you all know, Hulk and Banner are obviously two souls." Richard asked.

Doctor Doom thought for a while and said, "I guess that although Banner and Hulk have different consciousnesses, their souls should be one. The demise of Banner's soul also disappears Hulk's consciousness."

After hearing this, Richard re-examined and checked the body of the green fat, and indeed did not find another consciousness.

Richard approached the test bench, reached out and wiped the fat green's forehead, and the fat green suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Fatty Lu sat up from the test bench, his huge physical strength almost overturned the entire test bench.

After Lu Fatty sat up, he didn't have the slightest trace of his transformation. Instead, he raised his hands a little cutely, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and looked at the four people present curiously.

Suddenly, Fatty Lu jumped off the experimental bench and rushed towards Tony happily. Suddenly, the entire laboratory shivered under the heavy footsteps.

"No! No! No! Don't come here, hey guys, stop him!"

Tony watched the green fat hill-like figure pressing over, his whole face changed, hid behind Doctor Doom in a hurry, and pulled Doctor Octopus in front of him with the other hand.

It's a pity that Tony, who has no steel armor, can't escape the green and fat Wuxingshan-like hands, and he was caught in the blink of an eye.


Richard frowned, thinking it was the green fat who went wild.

But just when Richard was about to ban the green fat, a scene that stunned him appeared.

"Mommy mommy…"

The green fat grabbed Tony and brought it to his face, his rough green cheeks rubbed against Tony hard, making Tony's face contorted.

The green fat actually called Tony's mother!

Rao is Richard's heart is very strong, and seeing such a funny scene, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Come down, come down, put me down, hurry up, baby, baby, baby, right, right, that's it, put me down... oops, take it easy!"

Under Tony's ramble, Fatty Green finally put Tony on the ground. Even though Fatty Green put it lightly, it still caused Tony to throw a dog on the ground and eat shit.

"Cough, what does this mean?" Richard pointed to Tony and Green Fat, and asked Dr. Super Destruction.

Doctor Doom smiled and explained: "After this new soul appeared, we didn't move Banner's body. During this period, I also asked Mephisto for some **** fruit to strengthen this new soul. Soul. At the same time, I keep adding subconscious memories to this soul, especially your memory of Mr. Richard. The growth rate of this soul is amazing, and it took shape in less than a week. When he woke up for the first time When he opened his eyes, Tony happened to be by his side, and he took Tony as his mother."


Just after Doctor Doom finished speaking, the green disk noticed Richard on the edge of the crumbling experimental table.

Immediately, Fatty Green ran towards Richard. This scene shocked Richard, and he was about to retreat in a hurry. He didn't want to end up with Tony.

But before Richard moved, the green fat stopped and knelt down in front of him.

"Master, you are finally here, Bank misses you so much!"

Even if the green fat is half-kneeling, he is still much taller than Richard. He is so cute when he talks, but fortunately he didn't spit, otherwise Richard would have to wash his hair.

Doctor Doom said at this time: "His name was taken by me, Banner and Hulk each took a sound, which is a commemoration of Banner. In the growth of Bank's soul, there is your brand Mr. Richard, so he You will always be your most loyal servant. Moreover, according to the data we have obtained, Banker has completely inherited the power of Hulk's fury, but it is a pity that Banker can only maintain this size, and can no longer return to the size of ordinary people."

Bank bowed his head, without showing any disrespect to Richard, and slowly put his head on Richard's knee.

Richard reached out and patted Bank's head, and then said to Doctor Doom and the others: "It's not doing well, Doctor Doom, you have a heart."

Being able to leave Richard's image in the newborn soul, rather than his own brand, is enough to show that Doctor Doom is indeed doing things for him and has no other thoughts.

"It is my honor to serve Mr. Richard." Doctor Doom said with a smile.

Tony was depressed by the side, and became Bank's mother for no reason, but he didn't get the slightest benefit.

In general, Banker still listens to Tony's words, but whenever there is a topic about Richard, Banke immediately turns his face and refuses to recognize his mother.

Tony has done experiments a few times before, and secretly scolded Richard a few times, and he was beaten to the point of being called Mama Bank.

[The number of words in writing is too high, so I simply wrote this chapter to three thousand words. Da Zhang Ha! 】Of.

Chapter 200 The masked man who won 99 games in a row (1 more for subscription)

Richard was in a good mood after leaving the Carroll Building.

The appearance of Bank undoubtedly added another candidate to hell.

And Bank is just like a child now, plus he only listens to Richard's orders, his explosive power is sure to give **** a big gift.

At this point, the candidates to enter **** have basically been determined.

Peter the Spider, Tony the Iron Man, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Doom, Malphist and Johnny, and Bank.

Forget about Hawkeye and Natasha, their going to **** is not very useful.

As for Fury's S.H.I.E.L.D., Richard even looked down on it.

Although Fury has surrendered to the Dark Alliance, he has always been outsiders, and Richard has no idea of ​​treating them as his own forces.

The Stars and Stripes Federation is the Stars and Stripes Federation, even if Richard has controlled the trend of the Stars and Stripes Federation through New York City, "Nine Zero Zero", but he Richard will always be him Richard, and everything he does is for himself , will not be the Federation of Stars and Stripes.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a national agency of the Stars and Stripes Federation. It can stabilize the internal stability of the Stars and Stripes Federation, even if it is a big help for Richard.

When he left the Carlo Building, Richard told Dr. Doom and the others that they were going to go to a place to perform a mission in the near future. Naturally, everyone would not have any opinions, saying that they would be on call.

So the only person left to inform is Peter.

Peter hasn't appeared in the Dark Alliance for a long time. The last time Richard saw Peter was when the Sandman appeared.

Under the night, Richard's figure appeared ghostly on the roof of a building, and in the next instant, Richard's figure fell on the road downstairs.

The building in front of him was closed, but Richard knew that this was the busiest time for the building.

For nothing else, here is Jin Bing's force, a very famous black boxing arena in New York City.

The arena is full of bloody, dark, and noisy roars. Anyone who comes here will probably have a surge of adrenaline and hormones.

Black Fist is enough to rank in the top three in the gold-absorbing industry of the underground forces.

Don't look at the chaos of the arena, in fact, the security system in this place is the world's top, and it was the security system that Jin Bing bought from the military.

In addition, Jin Bing's most capable subordinate, Bullseye, usually sits in the arena if he has no task at hand.

However, these security systems were nothing in Richard's eyes. Bullseye only discovered his existence 18 minutes after he appeared in the VIP auditorium of the arena.

"Maiga, why did he come here?"

Bullseye looked at the surveillance video with a hesitant expression, as if he was not sure whether to see his own prince.

Bullseye doesn't know much about his own prince, but he only knows that the prince seems to be very powerful. When his boss Jin mentions his son, most of the time he shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

In the past, Jin basically didn't mention Richard. It was a protection for Richard. Under the protection of Jin Bing, Richard just ran rampant.

But now it's the other way around, Kim didn't even know how to tell anyone about Richard. Could it be that he was no one in New York City to provoke him because his son was covering him?

Therefore, among the forces under Jin Bing, there may be many people who know that Richard is Jin Bing's son, but basically no one knows that Richard's true identity and energy have already surpassed Jin Bing, reaching the unimaginable level. high.

Even though Daniel had been following Richard for several years, he didn't know much about Richard.

"Clear the F area, don't let anyone near the F6 seat."

In the end, Bullseye did not dare to disturb Richard, and ordered the area where Richard was to be blocked, thinking that the prince might be bored and looking for excitement.

He used to have a good relationship with Daniel. Daniel didn't have much else, he just said that Richard likes to be quiet, no matter what he does, he doesn't like being disturbed by others.

Richard's position was an empty VIP seat, and the scene on the stage could be clearly seen from top to bottom.

At this moment, a game is about to be held on the field.

The host platform slowly rose, and the sloppy host with a golden beard jumped into the blood-stained arena.

There was blood everywhere on the ground and fence, some black and dry, and some that had just been stained. The pungent smell of blood permeated every inch of the air.

"Gentlemen, ladies and guys, it's time for the blood to spray, cheers!"

After the sloppy host finished speaking, he raised his hands and swayed in the air, which immediately excited the entire arena, and countless whistles and howls came from the crowd.

Those who can come to this place are all middle- and upper-class people in New York City...

They are bright and beautiful in the sun, but in this arena, the dark side of their ugly humanity is infinitely magnified.

Bloodthirsty, madness is the state they are in now.

After the warm-up, the sloppy host pointed to the channel on the left, and said passionately: "We have our challenger, Slovkoj from Siberia. He lived in cold Siberia for three years, and the food is The Siberian wolf, his daily activity is to hunt down the Siberian wolf pack. During the three years he lived in Siberia, the entire Siberian wolf pack was reduced by half, and all were eaten up by Slovkoge. He is called the wolf pack. Destroyer!"

Following the host's introduction, a tall man wrapped in a wolf's skin walked towards the arena with heavy steps.

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