The meaning in Gu Yi’s words was already obvious, as long as Rogue did not make a move that endangered the fundamentals of this world, it was just a battle between countries, and their Karma Taj mage line would not interfere at all.

After all, this is a progress of civilization itself

What’s more, the Hundred Yue Kingdom has ruled the country and city where they are located in the ancient one, and according to the rules, this group of mysterious mages of them can also be regarded as the subjects of Rogue, the king of the Baiyue Kingdom, and should support Rogue.


At the same time, the outside world.

With the ancient Mongolian kingdom announcing its surrender and admitting defeat to the world, all countries in the world, as well as the major power organizations in the secret, as well as intelligence agencies, and the news media are talking endlessly.

For example, the Hydra high-level within S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Mandarin Organization of the Dragon Country, used ultra-high-tech to hide in Wakanda, a large forest in Africa….

Today, the eyes of the world are focused on the Asian continent.

The name of Baiyue Country can be regarded as completely entering the world stage today, and with its strong military strength, it has occupied a place on the world stage, so that countries dare not underestimate it.

At the same time, countless intelligence agencies in the world began to operate wildly, collecting all the information about the Baiyue Kingdom from the outside world.

And a large number of agents, as well as secret service personnel, are infiltrating the Baiyue Country from all over the world to spy on more intelligence.

At the same time, Rogue, who was high in the sky near the border of the Baiyue Kingdom, also learned the news of the surrender and surrender of the ancient Mongolian Kingdom from the mouth of Angel Yan, who was always monitoring the Internet, and immediately stopped the release of the solar wind.

Rogue glanced down at the grassland below, scorched black and full of fine cracks.

“Wang, the solar storm you created will continue to push all the way, and it will quickly dissipate in the process, and it is expected to disappear completely after crossing the entire border of Gumeng Kingdom for 2,368 kilometers.”

Angel Yan said.

“Will it make any difference?”

Rogue asked.

At this time, Rogue, along with the surrender of Gumengguo and the admission of defeat, the anger in his heart was also eliminated by half, the body wearing the destroyer armor no longer shone, and his eyes returned to normal black.

“In the next 48 hours, the average temperature of the entire ancient Mongolian country will reach 52 degrees, more than 65% of the originally fertile grassland will disappear, and animals such as cattle, horses, sheep and humans, as well as humans, will die 40% of the total number.”

Angel Yan replied quickly.

For Gumengguo, a landlocked country with a population of less than 10 million, losses of this level, coupled with the demise of the army, are almost the same as the death of the country.

When Rogue heard these digital messages, he did not show any emotional fluctuations.

After all, he is now a king, not a Holy Father and Our Lady, so he will not sympathize with those innocent people.

He and Hiko then returned to the small makeshift town behind the mountain range where the Red Ribbon Legion was located.

The Red Ribbon Legion, through the technological means they possessed, also watched Rogue burn down a large area of the vast grassland in a short period of time, leaving no piece of armor for the enemy army.

When they saw Rogue descend on the town, the more than 100,000 soldiers of the army knelt respectfully again.

“Congratulations to His Majesty the King for taking the territory of the ancient Mongolian Kingdom.”

In front of Rogue, General Niga, Dr. Gro and several other legion leaders congratulated in unison.

Rogue revealed his true face in his helmet, his face calm, without the slightest joy.

Because, although the ancient Mongolian country surrendered, this time it was against the army on its side, as well as the country of the United States, the country of the big bear, and the country of the dragon.

He has now put the name of Baiyue Country on the world stage, and next, the whole world will definitely inquire about the news of Baiyue Country, and it is even estimated that some young people will secretly make moves.

After all, with the rise of a country, these are inevitable experiences.

So next, Rogue is going to prepare for a big show that shocks the crowd!

And the only country that can play this role of deterring the crowd and killing chickens and monkeys is the United States, which is recognized as the world’s number one power.

As for the Dragon Country and the Great Bear Country, Rogue has other plans.

“Get up.”

Rogue said lightly, causing Gero, Niga, and countless soldiers around him to get up.

Immediately afterwards, Rogue said to Dr. Gro

“Remember the instructions I gave you earlier?”

“Remember, you asked me to set up a secret base under the grassland to experiment with the artificial human plan.” Dr. Groh said.

“That’s right, I will let Niga stay and assist you, and the remaining more than 100,000 Red Ribbon Legion soldiers, as well as PX0, you will go to garrison the current territories, restore social order and local production, recruit citizens to become warriors, rest and recuperate for a while, and suspend the annexation of surrounding countries.”

Rogue commanded.

For Dr. Gro’s artificial human plan, Rogue still attaches great importance to it, and there are many strong people in the Marvel world, if Dr. Gro can make a [Marvel version of Sharu] that gathers the cells of all Marvel’s strong people, then it will not blow up the sky?!

“Yes, please rest assured that His Majesty the King will complete your explanation.”

Dr. Gro and Nega both nodded respectfully.

After a few brief explanations, Rogue and Angel Yan, with an army of more than 100,000 red ribbons, and pacifists left the place and returned to the city of the king of Baiyue.


As night fell, the world’s high-level officials and secret agencies were busy at this moment.

On the contrary, it is the Baiyue Country side, which is particularly relaxed.

In the room, Rogue was lying on the bed, and the system light curtain interface appeared in front of him:

“National Prestige +0.7”

“National Prestige +0.3”

“National Prestige +2.1”

“National Prestige +3.1”

“National Prestige +1.6”

“The national prestige level has been raised to level 3, and a personal special lottery has been opened.”

“Current number of citizens: 5,663,123”

“Current land area: 1.5 million square kilometers.”

“Current national strength: 400/500.”


Looking at the rolling national reputation value little by little, Rogue finally heard the system’s tone before falling asleep.

“This wave of personal exclusive lottery, I don’t know what good things can be drawn.”

Rogue on the bed rubbed his hands secretly.

Immediately, he summoned a familiar lottery disc to the system.


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