Although Clark can use the energy of the Infinity Stones as a power source, it seems a bit uneconomical for Clark to waste the energy of the Infinity Stones for a toy.

The left and right are nothing more than a toy.

Whether you want to make it or not depends on your mood when the time comes.

Anyway, it is enough to get a few small mechas for now.

Look at those people who eagerly want to get technical information on mecha design. Let alone small mechas, they can't even build micro mechas!

Even S.H.I.E.L.D.......

Secretly, Nick Fury was also instructing the researchers to try to overcome the difficulties of manufacturing mechas.

But if this kind of technical difficulty was so easy to overcome, Tony Stark wouldn't be called a man cursed by knowledge by Thanos...........

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Clark was playing games with Jessica in the villa. Wanda and the others had gone to school, so they were not at home. The remaining two of them did not need to go to the company, and Clark's Kent Pictures recently entered the game industry..

No, a game created by Clark and fully produced by Skynet was launched two days ago.

As soon as it was launched, 30 million copies were sold on the same day!

You know, although the price of this game is not very expensive, it is only $23.

But if it were 30 million copies, it would be a full 6 to 7 billion US dollars.

Plan away almost no finished product.

Coupled with the U.S. tax-free policy for Kent Films, it can be said that Clark easily earned six to seven billion.

In the past two days, Clark would play his own game when he had nothing to do.

Don't say......

It is indeed an idea provided by him!

The playability of this game is really high, and the exquisite graphics are definitely the best on the market.

For a game like this, $23 is a steal.

If it weren't for the impossibility of a temporary price increase, Clark would have wanted to raise the price again.

How can I say that $60 is not too much to buy? really......

Still so kind!

Didn't learn the essence of being a capitalist. otherwise.......


Clark thinks this is possible.

When the time comes, the DLC will be sold for $15. If the response is good, more DLC can be sold in the future. You would be a fool not to make money!

"Ouch~! I die again!"

In the game screen, the character controlled by Jessica is already lying on the ground, motionless.

"It's okay, I'll take revenge on you."

Clark controlled his game character and launched a combo of moves directly at the monster in front of him. He was not hurt at all, but a series of damage appeared on the top of the monster opposite. After a while, the monster roared directly Falling to the ground with a sound


Clark put down the game controller, smiled and rubbed Jessica's head.

"How about it? Are you still playing?"

"No more playing. Jessica shook her head,"I have an appointment with Abigail to go shopping later. Do you want to go together?""

"Shopping.......Clark thought for a while, shook his head and said,"Forget it, you two go shopping, I'll play for a while longer"

"That works."

Jessica didn't force Clark to go shopping with them.

Anyway, she usually went out with Abigail, and Clark rarely went together.

Clark was worried about the safety of the two of them.

Not that Jessica Her abilities were enough to protect herself and Abigail.

Instead, Clark sent a team of symbiotes to protect them, and with Skynet's surveillance, if there was any danger that the symbiote warriors could not handle, Clark would also Rush over as soon as possible.

With Clark's current strength, unless he is an enemy at the level of the five gods in the universe, even if Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet comes, he will just give away his head.

This is not because the infinite stones are not good, but The Thanos of this universe simply cannot unleash the true power of the Infinity Stones.

Did you know that Thanos was almost crippled with a snap of his fingers?

And erasing half of all life in the universe is by no means the maximum power of the Infinity Stones. It is just It can be said to be a very common application.

After all, it is a multiverse-level treasure. Not to mention erasing half of the life in the universe, even erasing the existence of dozens or hundreds of universes is very easy.

Afternoon, Jay Sika went shopping with Abigail.

Clark played games in the villa for a while and then received a message from Skynet.

"Master, there is new movement in the door you placed in the secret room."

When Clark received the news, he immediately paused the game and directly used teleportation to appear in the secret room on the ground floor of Zeus Base.

As soon as he arrived, he heard a knock on the other side of the door.

"What happened to the mutant world again? Clark thought to himself, while reaching out to open the door.

On the other side of the door, Katie raised her hand to knock on the door. Seeing Clark open the door, she looked curiously towards the door and found that it was just an empty room. The empty room made me lose interest.

"What happened?"

Clark walked to the mutant world on the other side of the door, closed the door into the system space, and then asked Katie in front of him. This was the first time Katie saw Clark closing the door, and she couldn't help being surprised. Blinking.

After hearing Clark's question, she quickly came back to her senses and said:

"That's it. Just a few hours ago, our people detected a huge energy reaction in outer space close to the earth. Didn't you, leader, say before that if any huge energy appeared in the universe, you would be notified immediately? What?"

"Well, Katie, you did a great job!"

Clark rubbed Katie's head appreciatively, causing Katie to blush and lower her head in embarrassment.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Clark said, walking in front.

Katie saw it and quickly followed.......

In the space inspection room.

As soon as Clark arrived, he saw a picture on one of the screens.

The picture is a real-time picture in space outside the earth at this time. In the dark universe, a ball of fiery red energy is slowly moving like a nebula.


When Clark saw this picture, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Just as he guessed, the huge energy reaction observed in the space detection room was indeed the Phoenix Force he had been waiting for!

But he didn't expect that it had passed. It took several years for this thing to reach the earth.

It was quite slow!

"Clark, the energy contained in this thing is so terrifying. If it gets close to the earth, the whole world will be over!"

Magneto came over at this time, with a very solemn expression on his face.

Clark reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it"

"Then be careful, I think it is not simple!"

Magneto said

"Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't understand and are unsure about. Clark said with a smile, and after telling them to stay here, he disappeared into the observation room......

In space, in this void 600,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Clark's figure suddenly appeared here.

As soon as he appeared, the Phoenix Force a few kilometers ahead seemed to be attracted by something and quickly gathered towards him!

"Sure enough, the Phoenix Force has a certain attraction to each other."

Clark thought.

He had no intention of dodge.

He allowed the huge Phoenix Force, which was as big as a satellite, to continue to gather towards him.

And on the earth, those who observed this scene through satellites also came one after another. Opening his eyes wide, he stared at the figure in the picture.

At this time, Clark seemed to have transformed into a high-quality black hole. The Phoenix Power was like a star passing near the black hole. Energy is constantly being pulled and swallowed by black holes.....

A ray of light, one end connected to Clark, the other connected to the Phoenix Force.

As the Phoenix Power continues to shrink, Clark can clearly feel that the Phoenix Power in his body is increasing rapidly......

The entire process is completed in just a few minutes!

The entire Phoenix power, which was as big as a satellite, was absorbed by Clark.

The terrifying energy contained inside this small body is simply unimaginable!

At this time, Clark also felt a swelling sensation in his body.

If he hadn't been powerful enough and was considered a relatively powerful member of the single universe class, it would have been really unbearable for him to withstand such a huge Phoenix power suddenly entering his body.

After a while.......

Clark felt the swelling gradually disappear.

At this time, he also called up his character panel to check the status of the Phoenix Power.

【Phoenix Force Lv7 (active) (one-tenth)]

The seventh level was reached by Clark using his destruction points in the past two years.

Without a big consumer of points like Template, Clark instead invested these points in other abilities, such as the Phoenix Power, super star energy, and energy absorption. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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