α universe.

A certain sea area.

Just when Situ Feng met the guardian of time.

Volcanic eruptions on the coast eject countless lavas.

The gods of the Celestial God Group are about to begin.

Cersey, Tina and the others are trying to block it.

Ikares was passively beaten, and he seemed to be kicked around by countless golden rays of light.

Narrator: I'm Marika and I'm the fastest guy in the world!


Although the clay man still had three points of anger, Ikaris was angry, his palm was like a gust of wind, fast as lightning, and directly pinched Marika's neck.

Speed Breakers really can't be too wavey, just like our Barry Allen, every season there are people who are faster and better than him.

Ikares directly took a heat ray and dried up Marika.

"Fastos, I need your help, I have to approach the god Tiamu, I want to use my energy to affect the structure of the embryo, this is the last resort..." Fastos

gave her a good look.

So, Cersei began to run towards the volcano.

Fastos' hands sank down, and the armed armor was directly dressed.


Tina, the goddess of war, also transformed her shield and directly blocked the heat rays of Ikaris!

Marika took the opportunity to go up with two big pockets, hitting Ikares with weak legs and lying on the ground.

Tina took the opportunity to kick and prepare to use the winning lightsaber to end the battle.

Unexpectedly, Ikaris threw her out with a backhand.

As it turned out, Ikares hit 3 is more than enough.

"Third Movement: Representational Exhibition!"

As Altair's voice fell, all four people on the battlefield were bound by energy chains.

"Who are you?"

The only sober black ghost scientist Fastos looked at Altair in front of him, and the whole person was stunned.


However, what responded to him was ten thousand arrows piercing his heart!

Fastos, who once knelt and wept, pawn.

Tina conjured up an energy dagger, but things were quite face-shattering, and her face was even more ugly when she was originally pale.

"What the hell is this?"

Altair's golden chain is not an ordinary energy chain, if you have to say it, it is equivalent to the materialization of the rule, you can refer to the golden shining heavenly lock.


Ikares seems to only have a few lines, and there are so many tricks, and he directly starts the heat ray attack.

Speaking of which, there are many references to the setting of Dachao, Sentinel, Sword Fighting, and Icaris.

But all of them are painted tigers are not anti-dogs, and the dishes are compared.

As soon as Altair's violin concerto is played, Tina, the goddess of war, becomes a scapegoat.

Ikares burst out with the combat power of his whole body, suddenly broke free, and rushed in front of Altair at a rapid speed.


Ikaris's fist was blocked by the flying saber!

"Let you see the power of my all-encompassing power, if it can be deeply rooted in you, I am deeply honored

..." "Ah..."

Ikaris's originally indestructible body, as if it had lost its energy, was torn apart by the saber.

Ikaris's originally not very handsome face also became old, his blonde hair quickly turned pale, and his smooth and delicate skin became rough and shriveled.

"What the hell have you done..."

Ikares obviously didn't know why this was happening to himself as an Eternal.

The Eternals are ancient life forms created by the Celestial God Group, they not only have cosmic energy, but also can control every molecule of the body, immortality, and resurrection from the dead is their specialty.

However, today it overturned.

Ikares, died.

The moment Altair put away his saber, the mutant Kro appeared from the bottom of the sea.

It turned out that he absorbed Gilja Gamesh of Konishihachi in front, and took the opportunity to sneak up on the druids and them in the back, and then hid at the bottom of the sea, preparing to hunt cicadas with praying mantises and yellow finches behind.

"Thank you for killing them, now I am the strongest..." The

mutant Kro absorbed the power of Ikaris and others, and the original irregular gene sequence began to reorganize, and the cells all over the body were rapidly updating and iterating.

Of course, no matter how the appearance changes, it will still look like the original monster.


flying saber did not tear its skin, but only stirred countless sparks.

The mutant Kro did not lie, it absorbed the power of many Eternals, and the combat power at this time was already extraordinary.

It stretched out countless tentacles, ready to absorb Altair.

A moving melody sounded, and the figure of the mutant Kro began to become distorted, and the power that was originally absorbed began to collapse.

"How is it possible..."

He looked at his body in horror, and before he could react, his eyes were unloaded one by one.

Not far away.

Cersei's energy alone does not affect the divine appearance of the god Tiamu.

Tiamu embryos are already taking shape, and the newborn's head is gradually rising above sea level.

Huge fingers are also gradually taking shape, which is much larger than a gushing volcano.

"What to do, is there nothing to do?"

Cersei knelt on the ground, looking at everything in front of her, shedding tears of indisputability.

"Thirteenth Movement: The Origin of the Summary!"

Suddenly, a concerto for violin sounded, and Tiamu's divine process began to retrace, as if a video tape was played backwards, returning to its original state.

"Are you..." Before

Cersei could finish her sentence, the dark clouds in the sky began to be dense, as if there was a thunderous roar, resulting in a heavenly change.

A super large strange head appears, which is not a head to be exact, because he does not have five facial features in the general sense, and some are only 6 holes.

That's right, that's exactly the judge: Alitham!

"I declare judgment in the name of the god Arisham: Blue Starmen, extermination!"



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