Wonder Woman quickly reacted that the pose was a bit indecent.

She jumped and hurried over to Teminas.

"Thank you, it's dangerous here, get out of here!"

To be honest, Wonder Woman was born with a mixed-race prosperous beauty, although her figure is tall after all, but it is very in line with the aesthetics of the East.

The sculptural three-dimensional facial features are so beautiful that they are breathtaking, and wearing Amazon's battle suit belongs to the sexy and domineering kind.

"O poor ants! Surrender, Teminas will be your master! Surrender or die!

Teminas was a little impatient from tanks and guns, and he opened his mouth to give an ultimatum.

"I won't make you satisfied!"

Bang bang -

it turned out to be Clark Joseph Kent, the superman who had just been smashed off, and he flew back.

However, the fight between the two sides was actually comparable, and it was impossible to distinguish the winner and the loser for the time being.

Teminas' whole body is made of extremely tough organometals, which can easily withstand the extreme temperature and pressure from interstellar space to the planetary core, and carry the steel body of Superman.

And this guy can also repair and regenerate missing or injured body parts, including limbs, as well as his brain tissue.

After all, it is the ultimate weapon to take revenge on the Tenjin Group, and there are still 2 brushes.

Situ Feng felt that in this universe, he could not use infinite power and devouring power, but the cosmic energy seemed to be still available.

Moreover, his pupil technique and the body of the demon have no effect.

While Teminas was fighting with the heroes, Situ Feng directly snatched Teminas' weapon with a [Heavenly Hand Force].

Having lost his weapon, the release and output of energy was greatly affected.

With a snap of his fingers, Situ Feng teleported him to his Dark God Realm and killed him in minutes.

"What the hell is going on here. ŏ_ŏ)? "

Superman is confused, and the heroes are also the second monk scratching their heads.

Buzz -

Suddenly, a portal opened in mid-air, and a familiar figure appeared.

This is Hal Jordan!

They were once heroes, companions, friends, and now he is the host of the ghosts of the DC Universe!

As the supreme being of the DC universe, he is the wrath of God and the spirit of vengeance, able to judge all evil people on behalf of the Supreme God.

Marvel's big event is to swallow uncle sacrifice to the sky!

DC's big event is the ghost appearing!

ghost Hal Jordan spoke: "This creature is a foreign object that has invaded this universe, it does not belong here..."

Green Lantern Kyle Renner floated in mid-air, looking at the ghost, but still couldn't help but complain: "Guys, I still can't accept this a little." We used to drink coffee and play games together, but now... What is it, did this guy jump to God's side and become an assistantヽ(o゚∀゚o)ノ?

The Martian Manhunter also chimed in: "Hey, brother! Trust me, you're definitely not the only one who has a sense of discord. We can understand your feelings, well, really..."

The Flash ignored everyone: "There are still many wounded people over there in the gravel, I'll deal with them first ( ◔ ◔ )!"

Ghost Hal Jordan looked at Situ Feng in the distance and said coldly: "You don't belong here either!" The

people of the Justice League were also staring at Situ Feng.

Batman gave a look.

Wonder Woman directly used the mantra lasso to trap Situ Feng.

Batman spoke, "Now you can say your purpose!"

Situ Feng scratched his head, and then said, "That's true, but I'm different from those saboteurs, I'm a pacifist." Well, I am the spider god and came here to find my lost believers... Of course, these are not the most important things, the important thing is you, Diana, let's pat..." The

scene fell into a silence.

Aquaman said, "Bah! Scumbag! Do you say that to every girl (→_←)?

Situ Feng shook his head: "I dare to assure your God that Diana is the first!" "

There's nothing wrong with that, most of him is hand-to-hand, huh, or taking advantage of people's danger?

However, this remark aroused everyone's interest, after all, even the true god could not resist the ability of the truth lasso, and he swore to God, this is really a warrior who loves to charge!

"Okay, let's not discuss this boring thing, what the hell is going on now? Will there still be such an intruder?

Diana changed the subject directly.

Ghost Hal Jordan was silent for a moment, and then said: "I'm not very clear for the time being, wait for my notice!"

As soon as the words fell, he disappeared without a trace.

Situ Feng looked at Diana and smiled: "Why, is there anything else you want to ask?"

I know everything, I say everything..." Batman had the idea of giving it a try, but asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

Situ Feng recalled for a moment and said slowly: "If I'm not mistaken, there should be more invaders, this is a crisis that has swept through 2 universes!"

Diana asked, "How did this cause this?" How to avoid it?

Situ Feng said helplessly: "I don't know this, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, take one step at a time." I'll be on your side, Diana..."


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